What should cadres at all levels read from it?, This "troublesome matter" of Shanghai citizens has solved the problems of department | grassroots cadres | Shanghai

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:39 PM

The suggestions put forward by two street social workers have promoted joint research and rectification by multiple departments at the city and district levels, ultimately leading to the implementation of the policy of no deposit for hospitalization of low-income earners, solving the public's worries. This case that happened in Shanghai and around us is worthy of praise and deep reflection.

Careful staff members expressed their opinions through citizens, noticed the inconvenience of obtaining certificates for low-income earners, and made suggestions. After understanding the situation, relevant departments held multiple special meetings to discuss improvement measures and break down barriers in data integration. In just over a month, a new policy was introduced. This is a typical case of soliciting suggestions from the people, and it is also a vivid portrayal of government departments listening to the voices of the people with sincerity and wisdom, and gathering public opinion.

In recent years, Shanghai has continuously improved its level of soliciting people's suggestions, created a good atmosphere for everyone to participate in governance in an orderly manner, and fully played the role of soliciting people's suggestions in the governance of mega cities. The landscape improvement of Suzhou River Bridge, the "one-stop" handling of medical assistance and major illness insurance, and the return of over 4000 offline payment points for water, electricity, and coal... More and more "golden ideas" have been implemented as "golden fruits" that warm people's hearts and protect their interests, bringing tangible improvements to the people's cities.

As suggested by the staff of the solicitation office, the "real problems" discovered by grassroots cadres provide a unique perspective for improving government work. Encouraging people's suggestions, opening up channels for expressing people's demands, and directly promoting government work. At the same time, departments and cadres at all levels should also recognize that in order to advance many tasks, in addition to conveying public sentiment, they should also be good at actively switching perspectives and discovering problems.

Only when you cover your eyes and walk along the tactile paving can you feel the inconvenience of traveling for the visually impaired; As a citizen, going to the window to handle affairs is the only way to discover the bottlenecks in the process... To handle practical affairs for the people, we cannot focus on the facts and need to constantly draw inferences. In the process of promoting the policy of "exemption from application and immediate enjoyment" for low-income individuals, relevant departments have keenly realized that the "troubles" encountered by a certain group of people in a certain scenario may also be universal, and ultimately launched an electronic certificate issuance and data sharing service for 7 proof materials for disadvantaged groups, making "doing one thing well" ultimately become "solving one type of thing".

To truly solve the problems discovered by the masses and turn good suggestions from grassroots into tangible new changes in a better life, it is necessary for departments at all levels to work together to tackle them. The implementation of the policy of providing assistance to low-income earners this time requires the collaboration of the Municipal Government Office, the Municipal Petition Office, the Municipal Collection Office, the Municipal Health Commission, the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, Xuhui District, and the Municipal Big Data Center. Many of the problems that still plague the people today may not be simple problems that can be easily coordinated and solved by a single unit. The more multiple forces are involved, the more it is necessary for relevant responsible parties to dare to take action, confront challenges, and fight side by side, putting the interests of the people first. This is precisely the requirement of the current thematic education for the vast number of party members and cadres.

Listening to public opinion, gathering people's wisdom, and ultimately consolidating people's hearts with practical results. To carry out thematic education, it is necessary to highlight the word "practical", so as to proactively face problems, identify difficulties, bottlenecks, and bottlenecks, and effectively promote the resolution of "real problems" from the grassroots level. This is the vivid embodiment of the word "practical". The implementation and effectiveness of a people's suggestion is not only a vivid case study, but also a profound reminder and education. A problem has been successfully solved, but there are still more issues that should not be ignored: why do there still exist various "bottlenecks" in a work that has been progressing for many years? Why has the "bottleneck" always existed, but it has not been discovered or even solved, ultimately becoming a pain point for the masses? Why are problems discovered by grassroots cadres often more directly targeted at the pain points of the masses? These are all worth our careful consideration and contemplation.

The implementation of theme education provides an opportunity for government departments to identify and improve. Only when more and more problems are actively addressed, will the difficulties that require public feedback correspondingly decrease. With the continuous deepening of theme education, we look forward to seeing more good cases and models like the "enjoy without application" policy launched this time, and more importantly, we look forward to more problems being "solved without hesitation".

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