Learning Times: The country has set up a large "bureau"

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 13:27 PM

A national department setting up an internal institution has attracted such great attention and response, which has not been seen in many years. On September 4th, the news of the establishment of the Private Economy Development Bureau by the National Development and Reform Commission immediately became a hot topic on the internet. After watching various discussions for most of the night, I feel that whether it is fully affirmed, not taken lightly, or even ridiculed, all contain deep emotions and expectations.

The reason for such attention and response, such deep emotions and expectations, is really because this "situation" is too big.

The greatness of the bureau lies first and foremost in its establishment within the National Development and Reform Commission. As a constituent department of the State Council, but compared to other economic departments of the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission has more policy, macro, and comprehensive characteristics, especially its authority. Its important function is to implement the guidelines, policies, and decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee on development and reform work. More than a month ago, the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy" were released. Subsequently, the National Development and Reform Commission, either alone or in conjunction with other departments, launched a series of supporting measures. The establishment of a specialized agency this time is undoubtedly a more effective measure to implement. Setting up the Development Bureau of the Private Economy in the National Development and Reform Commission, which serves as a macroeconomic regulation and comprehensive economic department, clearly enables better coordination, comprehensive policy implementation, and promotion of development, thereby creating a better environment and providing stronger support for the development of the private economy.

The greatness of the bureau lies in the approval of its institutional units. The approval agency is the Office of the Central Organization Commission, abbreviated as the Central Organization Office. This unit, which is usually not well known to society, actually undertakes important functions, responsible for national administrative management system and institutional reform, as well as institutional staffing. It has eight major responsibilities, but in simple understanding, it is responsible for managing institutions and staffing. Institutional staffing is an important and valuable resource for our party's governance, as well as a scarce and critical resource. In the current context, the establishment of a bureau in the National Development and Reform Commission demonstrates the necessity and urgency of its establishment.

The magnitude of the situation also lies in its functional responsibilities. The relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission made it very clear at the press conference about the functions and responsibilities of the Private Economy Development Bureau. For example, analyzing and judging the development status of the private economy, organizing the formulation of policies and measures to promote development, establishing a normalized communication mechanism, solving problems in development, and so on. What I am particularly concerned about is this sentence: to promote the better implementation and effectiveness of the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on the private economy. That's right, the major decisions and deployments made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council to promote the development of the private economy have already been introduced, and the key is to implement them effectively. Whether it can achieve better and faster results is an important benchmark for testing the work of the private economic development bureau.

The magnitude of the situation lies in the fact that the objects it guarantees cannot be ignored by anyone at all. The well-known "56789" tells us that the great contribution of private economy, its high proportion, its strong innovation ability, its priority in solving employment problems, and the number of enterprises make us closely link it with promoting high-quality development, promoting Chinese path to modernization and even the construction of a powerful country, and national rejuvenation.

I set up a big game in exchange for a bigger one. This "situation" is a delightful situation where private enterprises are competing to emerge and develop, and their vitality is bursting. This is a highly anticipated new situation, and it is also a new situation that we are fully confident in achieving.

In order to make this "situation" more solid, stable, and long-term, four "beams" are needed to support it.

One of the "Liang" is the policy. The policy of promoting the development of the private economy has been consistent, especially in recent years when a systematic policy system has been formed. The establishment of the Private Economy Development Bureau is conducive to policy coordination in relevant fields and is more conducive to the implementation and implementation of various policies.

The second aspect of Liang is the system. The institutional environment is one of the important factors affecting the development of private economy. As an important connotation of China's socialist basic economic system, "two unwavering" is the fundamental guarantee for the development of private economy. However, institutional obstacles still exist in specific links and practical levels, and there is still significant room for improvement in many aspects. I believe this is also one of the key tasks of the Private Economy Development Bureau.

The third aspect of Liang is the rule of law. The guarantee of the rule of law is the fundamental guarantee for the development of the private economy. On the one hand, private enterprises are required to abide by the law and become law-abiding corporate citizens no matter what they do or how big they grow; On the other hand, we must resolutely protect the legitimate rights and interests of private enterprises and entrepreneurs, and resolutely crack down on various illegal activities that infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of private enterprises.

The fourth aspect of Liang is theory. Only with theoretical clarity can one be politically firm. The wavering understanding of the private economy and the fluctuation of public opinion reflect that there are still many things that need to be clarified in theory. Among the four beams, this beam is the least sturdy and requires reinforcement the most.

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