What are the tricks of "Love Experience Hall"?, Merchants | Maids | Experience Hall Providing Clear Pricing for Chat and Play Services

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 13:26 PM

Immersive experience, priced at 300 yuan per hour, accompanied by watching movies, eating snacks, chatting, killing scripts, and not bothering if you don't understand the rules... Recently, on some content and service platforms, there have been many businesses promoting themselves under the names of "board game teaching assistants" and "love experiences", claiming to provide services such as chatting, playing games, and experiencing love. They have also displayed a large number of sexy beauty pictures on the details page, many of which are dressed as maids.

A recent investigation by a reporter from the Legal Daily found that such businesses usually place their contact information in promotional brochures or provide customers with social media accounts from other platforms during private message inquiries, so that customers can "learn about specific services". The service prices range from one to two hundred yuan to one or two thousand yuan per hour. In addition to chatting and playing games, some of the service contents involve gray areas, including the participation of minors.

The interviewed experts suggest being vigilant about possible pornographic violations in such services, such as the existence of pornographic services or criminal liability. At the same time, it is urgent to rectify this chaos, relevant departments should strengthen supervision, platforms need to improve their review level, establish and form a credit punishment mechanism, and work together to purify the cyberspace.

Clear pricing allows for physical contact

The reporter searched on multiple platforms and found that many businesses, such as "Love Experience Hall," "First Love Teaching Assistant," and "Red Beauty Personal Teaching Assistant," claim to provide services such as "Board Game Teaching Assistant," "New Experience," and "Accompanying Play.". Some businesses directly display a large number of sexy beauty pictures, which are quite revealing in their clothing and tempting in their actions; Some merchants package specific service project introductions and photos of service providers in a cloud storage system, and then share the mini program code of the cloud storage file with customers, which can only be viewed after scanning.

How to provide specific services? Some merchants cover up, while others clearly indicate prices.

When the reporter had an online conversation with a business that operates "board game teaching assistants," the other party introduced that they provide "hazy touch service" and "ultimate touch service", which can allow customers to "explore to their heart's content.". After repeated questioning by the reporter, the other party was informed in detail that "hazy" refers to physical contact with the salesperson through clothing, while "extreme" refers to direct physical contact.

In a "Love Experience Hall" located in Wuhan, Hubei Province, the reporter noticed that the "Maid Cinema" service it provides is priced at 399 yuan per session, and customers can have physical contact with the "Maid" staff.

Even "Love Experience Centers" classify "maids" into different levels, with different levels of "maids" and services corresponding to varying prices. For beginner maids ranging from 100 to 400 yuan, they can accompany and play games, and are allowed to hold hands, hug, or hug their waist; 400 to 600 yuan is for intermediate maids, who can perform kissing, caressing, etc; 700 to 800 yuan is a senior maid, who can deeply embrace, kiss, feed, etc. The merchant stated that pornography, gambling, and drugs are strictly prohibited in the store.

The reporter recently contacted a "Love Experience Hall" under the pretext of applying for a job as a "maid". The shop owner explained that the job responsibilities include: putting on makeup every day at work, changing into the uniform provided by the store as a maid, and standing at the store door to welcome customers. "Can we accept physical contact behaviors such as kissing, hugging, and caressing? Our store provides accompanying services when going out, and we are only responsible for handing over customers to you. We are not responsible for specific matters after going out," the store owner said.

Wu Xin from Nanjing, Jiangsu almost became a "maid" after the college entrance examination. She originally wanted to find a part-time job to earn some pocket money, but found out that a shop called "Maid Teaching Assistant" on an online platform was recruiting part-time jobs for a long time, so she went for an interview. "The interviewer directly told me that the hourly labor fee is 350 yuan, and there will be varying degrees of physical contact. Customers cannot be refused, and if they can accept it, they will come to work. There are many people like you in the store," Wu Xin recalled, scared and ran away quickly.

Cao Yu, who works in Beijing, once worked as a maid in such shops. She told reporters that "maids" are divided into different levels, and the higher the level, the higher the salary. "Although it was not allowed for customers to have physical contact with the staff in the store at that time, everyone understood in their hearts."

The reporter searched for keywords such as "maid" and "maid shop" on a certain content platform, and the search results showed a large number of traffic diversion texts and check-in and store exploration videos. Flip through the shared content of the top 50 users under the keyword "Maid Shop", with a focus on sharing daily and recruitment information within the "Maid Shop". Additionally, 18 users shared selfies and selfies of women dressed in sexy and cute clothing, often focusing on their legs, breasts, buttocks, and other body parts.

Belonging to illegal behavior of paid accompanying

How to define this behavior of "maid" playing with?

Jiang Baoliang, the director of Shandong Deheng Law Firm, said that the behavior of exchanging rewards for "emotional" and "entertainment" through "chatting", "accompanying" and "accompanying" is a typical "paid accompanying". For paid accompanying behaviors, the Regulations on the Management of Entertainment Places stipulate that entertainment venues and their employees shall not provide or engage in profit-making accompanying behaviors, and shall not provide conditions for personnel entering entertainment venues to carry out the aforementioned behaviors. If there is a violation, the public security department shall confiscate the illegal gains and illegal property, and order the suspension of business for rectification for 3 to 6 months; If the circumstances are serious, the entertainment business license shall be revoked, and the directly responsible supervisor and other directly responsible personnel shall be fined.

Dong Yuanyuan, Senior Partner of Beijing Tianchi Juntai Law Firm and Executive Director of Beijing Cultural and Entertainment Law Research Association, analyzed that the law clearly prohibits providing or engaging in profit-making companionship behavior. The so-called love experience services that involve physical contact have exceeded the scope of playing a "sideline ball" and belong to "paid companionship" behavior. In addition, she proposed to be vigilant against possible prostitution and solicitation in such services. According to the provisions of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law, those who engage in prostitution or soliciting, accommodating, or introducing others for prostitution will be subject to administrative penalties such as detention and fines; According to the Criminal Law, depending on the circumstances, it may constitute the crime of organizing prostitution, as well as the crimes of luring, sheltering, and introducing prostitution, and will be subject to criminal penalties such as imprisonment, detention, or control.

"For paid accompanying behaviors that do not involve prostitution or other pornographic services, the punishment targets are limited to entertainment venues and directly responsible persons. The accompanying and accompanying parties are still mainly criticized and educated. Although the merchants emphasize the absence of pornographic illegal services in their propaganda, it is not ruled out that some merchants use so-called love services and paid accompanying as bait to provide prostitution services, or knowingly provide prostitution venues or intermediary introductions for practitioners to provide prostitution services." Jiang Baoliang said that if the above situation exists, the person in charge of the merchant and other relevant personnel may constitute the crime of organizing prostitution, assisting in organizing prostitution, or luring, sheltering, or introducing prostitution, and will be held criminally responsible in accordance with the law.

Regarding the issue of sexy attire for "maids", Jiang Baoliang said that businesses have the right to decide on the attire of their staff. For example, some restaurant staff feature ancient and anime clothing. However, if the staff dress to the extent that they intentionally expose sensitive parts of their bodies, they can be punished according to the Public Security Administration Punishment Law.

Be wary of minors being involved

The protection of minors has always been a focus of social concern. When the reporter asked, "Can you go and experience it if you're under 18?", three businesses said, "It's okay.". According to Cao Yu, some merchants, knowing that the other party is a minor, still accept them as "maids" working in the store.

"The Law on the Protection of Minors stipulates that sexual assault and harassment against minors are prohibited, and coercion, inducement, and instigation of minors to engage in illegal and criminal activities are prohibited." Dong Yuanyuan said that if a merchant lures or instigates minors to accept the pornographic services they provide, it is considered illegal behavior.

"The Law on the Protection of Minors also stipulates that operators of commercial singing and dancing entertainment places, bars, Internet service business places and other places that are not suitable for minors' activities shall not allow minors to enter. Operators shall set up signs prohibiting and restricting minors' entry in prominent places; if it is difficult to identify whether minors are minors, they shall be required to show their identity documents." Dong Yuanyuan mentioned that these stores are places that are not suitable for minors' activities, and the law clearly stipulates that minors are not allowed to enter. It is illegal for store operators to allow minors to enter the same way.

Jiang Baoliang said that the "Regulations on the Management of Entertainment Places" stipulate that song and dance entertainment places cannot accept minors. The Regulations on the Administration of Internet Access Service Business Places stipulates that the business units of Internet access service business places shall not accept minors to enter the business places. Providing paid companionship in entertainment venues is a violation of regulations, and providing related services to minors is even more prohibited by relevant regulations.

"The issue of protecting minors not only requires attention to the provision of services to minors, but also to the organization of services provided by minors." Jiang Baoliang said that organizing paid companionship for adults in entertainment venues is only an administrative illegal act, and the perpetrators of organizing paid companionship for minors in entertainment venues may violate criminal law and constitute the crime of organizing minors to engage in activities that violate public security management.

Strengthen supervision and severely punish illegal activities

How should we regulate and rectify such phenomena?

The reporter contacted some relevant platforms regarding this, and their staff stated that there are two ways for the platform to verify the qualifications of merchants: machine and manual. Merchants need to provide their ID card, formal business license, etc., and sign a compliant operation agreement with the platform when going online.

"However, there is currently a lack of clear standards on how materials uploaded by merchants can be considered 'borderline' or 'pornographic', and the platform is also 'crossing the river by feeling the stones'," said the platform staff.

Several interviewed experts pointed out that for such violations of laws and regulations, as well as social order and good customs, the rule of law and moral governance need to work together. Regulatory authorities should adhere to strict law enforcement and accountability for violations, increase the cost of illegal activities for businesses, and further enhance the guiding role of values to establish a good social atmosphere.

In Jiang Baoliang's view, online platforms should not only be regulated, but also bear more responsibility for assisting regulation. This can be referred to the "Red Flag Principle" and "Safe Harbor Principle" of online infringement. The platform should bear the responsibility of not approving propaganda that clearly violates laws and regulations, as well as promptly removing and cleaning up publicly disclosed illegal products or merchants.

Dong Yuanyuan suggested that the platform should strengthen the review and management of merchant entry. Even if the information provided by merchants when applying for entry does not contain pornographic content, which leads to successful platform review, the platform should still screen and promptly shut down merchants providing pornographic services in subsequent management. In addition to using keyword triggers and other technical means, the platform can also establish dedicated teams to search for and process relevant stores by browsing store details, user reviews, and other methods during management and filtering.

"Regulatory authorities should also strengthen the supervision and supervision of platforms, issue relevant guidance documents or industry norms, and adopt methods such as interviews and penalties in accordance with laws and regulations to urge platforms to strengthen the review and management of merchants." Dong Yuanyuan said.

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