The reason for EMO is... a lack of vitamin D in the body?!

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 13:28 PM

Do you often feel EMO? Recently, the reporter noticed that many netizens have found that the reason for their EMO is actually related to a lack of vitamin D in the body. Director Lu Lijuan of the Pain Department at Nanjing Gulou Hospital pointed out that the lack of vitamin D can indeed lead to various sub-health conditions, but it is not recommended to blindly supplement just because of a bad mood.

Unexpectedly, there is a lack of vitamin D, and many netizens have found the reason for EMO

Ms. Yao, a netizen, posted that she has been prone to EMO and sensitivity since a long time ago, and even if things go smoothly, she may suddenly feel low. Sleep for 9 hours a day and the quality of sleep is not bad, but the next day you still feel uncomfortable and drowsy, especially on cloudy and rainy days. Ms. Yao has also tried the combination of coffee and exercise, but she feels that it can only alleviate symptoms, occasionally accompanied by lower back pain and soreness. "After posting on Xiaohongshu, Xiaohongshu's' expert consultation 'suggested that I check for vitamin D. I went straight to the hospital for testing, but surprisingly, I really lacked vitamin D."

Netizen "Xiaoju" wrote that she started to feel anxious because of a cold that didn't recover for a long time. Later on, she immediately became crying every day, "going crazy", and couldn't stay alone in the room, otherwise she would feel chest tightness, shortness of breath, and palpitations, thinking she had anxiety disorder. "Occasionally encountering a deficiency in vitamin D can also lead to fatigue and EMO, so I went for a check-up. As expected, I was lacking too much." The check-up report released by "Xiaoju" showed that her vitamin D test value was only 16.47ng/mL. There is a clear quantitative standard for whether vitamin D is lacking. The normal value of vitamin D should be greater than 30ng/mL, 20-30ng/mL is insufficient vitamin D, while below 20ng/mL, attention should be paid as it is already in a state of vitamin D deficiency. This also means that the vitamin D value of "Little Orange" is only half of the normal value. After three months of supplementation, "Xiaoju" updated its post again. This time, she said she has returned to her original mood. "Every day, she is full of energy, cooking, exercising, shopping, chatting with friends, and going out to sunbathe for a while. Her mood is super good."

"In clinical practice, we often encounter patients who feel uncomfortable all over and cannot detect the disease, but the results show a lack of vitamin D." Lu Lijuan, chief physician of the Pain Department at Nanjing Gulou Hospital, explained in an interview with reporters that a lack of vitamin D can indeed lead to various sub health conditions. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin mainly formed by ultraviolet radiation on cholesterol in subcutaneous tissue. It has the function of regulating calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the body, promoting calcium absorption and utilization, and forming healthy bones and teeth. It is generally recognized that vitamin D deficiency can lead to osteoporosis in the elderly, which is actually closely related to chronic pain and other basic conditions. Scientific research has confirmed that vitamin D deficiency exists in a considerable part of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, anxiety, depression, cancer and other diseases.

Increase outdoor activities and supplement vitamin D by starting from sunbathing

Why is a good body lacking? Director Lu Lijuan pointed out that vitamin D deficiency is not only related to specific populations such as pregnant women, the elderly, children, and obesity, but also to some of our unhealthy lifestyles. Nowadays, a considerable number of people pursue "whitening", covering themselves tightly and unwilling to bask in the sun. They engage in less outdoor activities and lack sufficient sunlight exposure, which is precisely the most important factor for calcium absorption, leading to insufficient intake of vitamin D.

"In this season, between 11am and 3pm, just expose your face and upper limbs to sun for 15-30 minutes, twice a week." Director Lu Lijuan suggests that if you lack vitamin D, in addition to changing your lifestyle and increasing outdoor exercise, eating more deep-sea fish oil, egg yolks, animal organs, soy products, etc. in your daily diet is a supplement to vitamin D. You can also supplement it by taking oral vitamin D or active vitamin D.

It is worth mentioning that although experts have confirmed that EMO is indeed related to vitamin D deficiency, the idea of blindly consuming vitamin D to supplement oneself when feeling down is absolutely unacceptable. "All types of vitamins cannot be supplemented casually, and should be supplemented in a targeted manner after examination in a regular medical institution. The dosage and course of supplementation should also follow the doctor's advice based on the examination results." Director Lu Lijuan pointed out that excessive supplementation of vitamin D may also cause adverse reactions such as hypercalcemia, which is not worth the loss. Generally, a follow-up examination is required after three months of treatment to adjust the treatment plan based on the results.

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