The second largest city in the UK went bankrupt and woke up from sleep

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 13:35 PM

I think many people in the world may not have expected that when they wake up, Birmingham, the second largest city in the UK, will actually go bankrupt.


The first answer is a lack of money.

The second answer is still a lack of money.

The third answer is extreme lack of money.

The head of the Birmingham Parliament stated that this is a "perfect storm" due to a lack of money, a significant increase in social welfare spending, a significant reduction in corporate tax revenue, and currently rampant inflation.

The government is at a loss, and the landlord's family has no surplus food left!

Let's just go bankrupt.

I didn't expect the British to have such divine manipulation, did they!?

Who is the last straw that overwhelms the camel?

You may not believe it, according to the Birmingham Parliament, the culprit is equal pay for equal work between men and women.

In 2012, the UK Supreme Court ruled that Birmingham discriminated against female employees in terms of salary and must provide compensation.

But according to data from the Birmingham Parliament, the Birmingham government has paid £ 1.1 billion in claims over the past 10 years, but claims expenses are still growing at a rate of £ 5 million to £ 14 million per year.

The house leaks, but it rains continuously at night, and the ship breaks and encounters headwinds. Previously, the Birmingham Parliament also revealed that the government's procurement of Oracle's IT management system was originally expected to cost £ 19 million, but after three years of delay, the cost may reach £ 100 million.

The specific data may be controversial, but one thing is clear: in Birmingham, there are more and more places to spend money, fewer and fewer channels to receive it, inflation is intensifying, and the government is dumbfounded. As a result, Birmingham went bankrupt.

According to the "114 clause notice" of the Birmingham Parliament, Birmingham will reduce all expenses except for basic services in exchange for assistance from the UK central government in the coming period.

The second largest city in the UK went bankrupt and woke up from sleep

Will the British government save it?

British Prime Minister Sunak's attitude is very clear: no help!

His statement is: the responsibility of the central government is not to rescue local municipal committees with poor financial management.

Did you dig your own pit or did you find a way to fill it yourself.

Moreover, for the UK central government, there is already enough trouble. Apart from a symbolic allocation of funds, it is impossible to truly rescue someone, and even a rescue cannot be saved. Birmingham is not the first city in the UK to go bankrupt. In recent years, the parliaments of Northampton, Clowden, and Surrock have all declared bankruptcy and issued similar measures.

The central government is in dire straits, which is to save?

Who is at fault that the second largest city in the UK went bankrupt?

The Labour Party accuses the Conservative Party of poor management and extravagance; The Conservative Party accuses the Labour Party of shirking responsibility and exacerbating difficulties. Anyway, it's all your fault.

But it shouldn't be China's fault, right?

Finally, what do you think?

It's still a matter of three shades.

Firstly, when you come out to mess around, you always have to pay it back.

It should be noted that as the second largest city in the UK, Birmingham is renowned worldwide, and the headquarters of Land Rover, Rolls Royce, and Jaguar are also located in this city.

Originally a shining gem of Britain, it turned out to be a black hole in the country.

But over the past decade, various forms of management have been poor, spending has been excessive, spending has been meager, and in the end, everything has gone wrong.

Bankruptcy is bound to have a serious impact on Birmingham's reputation, and the decrease in public services will inevitably lead to a decline in quality of life. How many businesses dare to come to Birmingham?

The second largest city in the UK went bankrupt and woke up from sleep

Secondly, the common people are always the most unlucky.

There's no way, politicians have salaries, and their salaries are not low. The unlucky ones can only be the lower class common people.

Insufficient tax revenue, save to make up for it. That means that in order to fill the financial loophole, Birmingham can only tighten its belts and will inevitably focus on livelihood projects.

Unfortunate, including female workers who claim equal pay for equal work.

So, for the government's "deceptive bankruptcy", the head of GMB, the largest union in Birmingham, criticized the government for "shamefully admitting failure".

In his words, "They are not only responsible for the crisis that has discriminated against their own residents for many years, but they no longer believe they have the ability to solve this problem. For decades, the City Hall has been stealing the wages of low paying female workers, causing a huge problem of equal pay for equal work, putting Birmingham on the brink of extinction. Today, thousands of municipal employees are concerned about their job prospects and the basic services they provide to Birmingham citizens."

Thirdly, a storm may be approaching.

After all, Birmingham is not Northampton or Thurlock, but the second largest city in the UK after London, and such cities can all go bankrupt.

Perhaps a storm is approaching. You see, there will definitely be more and more bankrupt British cities in the future. It is said that 10% of British cities meet the relevant conditions.

Britain, it's better to care more about your own problems.

Personal opinion does not represent any organization

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