Indian media: India wants to change its country name?

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 13:29 PM

According to reports from several Indian media outlets, including India Today and the Economic Times, cited by Global Times on September 5th, the Modi government may propose a resolution to change the name of India to "Bharat" at a special parliamentary meeting scheduled for September 18-22.

Indian media claims that the government or proposes

Resolution to rename the country's name

Indian media "India Today" has stated that there is a growing call to rename India as "Bharat" by amending the constitution. Sources have suggested that the central government may propose a resolution to rename India.

Modi Information Map Xinhua News Agency

India Today stated that Indian Prime Minister Modi has also expressed similar views. On August 15, 2022, he called on the country to rid itself of all traces of slavery in his speech. "It is worth noting that the special plane used to transport the President, Vice President, and Prime Minister is also engraved with the name 'Barat'."

At the same time, the Economic Times added that Congress Party leader Jairam Ramesh confirmed on social media that the invitation letter for the September 9th dinner sent by the Indian Presidential Office to representatives of the upcoming G20 summit stated "President Bharat" instead of the usual "President of India".

The term "Bharat" has a long history in India

According to the Indian website "TimesNowNews", according to public information, "Bharat" is a Sanskrit word that literally means "carrying/carrying", but actually means "someone seeking light/knowledge". India has been known as "Bharat" in history, which means "seeking light/knowledge". According to the Indian Express, the roots of the words "Bharat", "Bharata", or "Bharatvarsha" can be traced back to ancient Indian literature and the epic Mahabharata, which describes "Bharata" as land between the "southern ocean and the northern snowy region.". There is also a saying that during the Aryan period in ancient India, there was a wise monarch named "Bharat"; The term India was not established until the British colonial period, and its history is relatively short.

Indian media: India wants to change its country name?

According to reports from Indian media, some have previously applied to the Supreme Court of India to change the name of India from "India" to "Bharat" or "Hindustan", citing that the word "India" originates from a foreign language, while "Bharat" or "Hindustan" reflects more of India's historical traditions. According to a report by the Indian Economic Times on June 4, 2020, the Supreme Court of India rejected the application to change the name of India. A judge of the Supreme Court of India believed that the Indian Constitution explicitly states that "India" means "Bharat", and it was unclear why the applicant had to change the country's name.

India changes "King's Road" to "Responsibility Road"

Promoted the process of removing colonial imprints

According to the website of the Hindustan Times cited by Overseas Network, on the evening of September 8, 2022, the Indian government held a renaming ceremony for King's Avenue in front of the India Gate in New Delhi, changing it to Responsibility Avenue and promoting the process of removing colonial imprints.

The Indian government stated that King's Road represents the power of the colonial king and is a symbol of people's enslavement and oppression. It has now been renamed Responsibility Road, reminding passing members of parliament and government officials to be loyal to their country and people.

The Avenue of Responsibility extends from the Indian Parliament building to the well-known landmark Gate of India. In 1911, when British India moved its capital from Kolkata to New Delhi, this avenue was built and named King's Avenue. Eliminating colonial thinking is one of the five commitments made by the Indian government on this year's Indian Independence Day. In addition, on September 2, 2022, at the commissioning ceremony of India's first domestically produced aircraft carrier, India released a new naval flag that removed the colonial mark "Saint George's Cross".

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