Japan puts more effort into dealing with China

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 13:35 PM

On the basis of a special fund subsidy of 80 billion yen, the Japanese government announced an additional allocation, in order to "respond to China".

According to Global Times, on September 5th, the Kishida government finalized an additional allocation of 20.7 billion yen at a cabinet meeting to respond to China's announced import control measures for aquatic products after the launch of nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida pointed out on social media X on the same day that the cumulative response funding after the sea discharge has reached 100.7 billion yen.

Kishida also introduced five key points of the so-called "support policy" - increasing domestic consumption, responding to negative rumors both domestically and internationally, changing export targets, strengthening Japan's domestic aquatic product processing system, and providing prompt and thoughtful compensation.

Previously, the Japanese side had announced the allocation of a special fund worth 80 billion yen to subsidize the fishing industry in the Fukushima region, which has been damaged by sea discharge. In this regard, a spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Japan has stated that this is clearly an attempt to settle the issue of "sealing fees", and it also indicates that there are real and significant problems with the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea.

The Governor of Chang'an Street noticed that although the Japanese government forcefully pushed for the discharge of pollutants into the sea, causing heavy damage to the country's fishing industry, Japan has repeatedly pointed its finger at China, not only stating that China's control measures have "no scientific basis" and demanding that China withdraw them, but also filing a complaint with the World Trade Organization.

In response to the Japanese government's launch of nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea on August 24th, the General Administration of Customs of China announced on the same day that it will completely suspend the import of aquatic products originating from Japan.

According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan, Japan's exports of aquatic products to China last year amounted to 87.1 billion yen, ranking first among exporting countries and regions.

Regarding the Chinese decision mentioned above, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida claimed on the same day that "negotiations have been made to the Chinese side through diplomatic channels, demanding immediate revocation."

Japanese Foreign Minister Lin Fangzheng expressed "extreme regret", stating that "this measure, which is not based on scientific evidence, cannot be accepted at all and has been requested to be immediately cancelled.".

Subsequently, Japan began to assert its intention to appeal to the WTO regarding China's relevant measures.

On August 29th, Japan's Minister of Economic Security, Takashi Hayao, announced that if diplomatic channels do not work, "we should consider taking measures against China's import controls," including appealing to the WTO.

On the same day, when asked whether to consider appealing China's measures to the WTO, Lin Fangzheng claimed that Japan had raised questions about China's import controls in the WTO and "will continue to take necessary measures within the WTO framework.".

Not only that, the Japanese side also rallied allies to support it.

US Ambassador to Japan Emmanuel recently visited Fukushima to taste seafood, stating that Japan's sea discharge plan is scientifically rigorous and the decision-making process is open and transparent.

Emmanuel also pointed out that China's opposition to sea discharge is due to "political considerations". He also stated that "if Japan decides to take this action, the United States will support it," regarding the possibility of Japan filing a complaint against China's import control measures with the WTO

On September 4th, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that it had submitted a written document to the WTO, stating that the import control measures announced by China after Japan initiated the "treatment of water" discharge into the sea were "completely unacceptable".

While filing a complaint to the WTO, Japan also hopes to engage in consultations with China. On the 4th, the Japanese side revealed that they have requested China to initiate consultations based on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), an economic cooperation framework that China has also joined.

The Governor of Chang'an Street has noticed that the Chinese side has repeatedly made a solemn response to the Japanese government's repeated efforts to distort black and white and make mistakes.

On August 24th, Chinese Ambassador to Japan Wu Jianghao lodged a solemn protest with Japanese Deputy Foreign Minister Masaki Okano regarding Japan's initiation of the discharge of contaminated water from Fukushima nuclear power into the sea.

Wu Jianghao stated that Japan's discharge into the sea has aroused strong concerns among Chinese consumers about food safety. The Chinese government has always adhered to the principle of putting the people first and must resolutely respond to their concerns, safeguarding the marine environment, food safety, and public health.

Wu Jianghao pointed out that it is natural and completely necessary for the Chinese government to announce a comprehensive suspension of imports of aquatic products originating from Japan. The responsibility for causing this situation lies entirely with the Japanese side, and they should reflect on themselves.

Regarding Japan's repeated accusations that China's regulatory measures lack scientific basis and that China is the only country that opposes Japan's sea discharge, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin emphasized on September 1 that "Japan should not cry out for justice in the face of the victims, but reflect on itself as the perpetrators.".

In fact, no matter how the Japanese government "throws the blame", the culprits behind the damage to Japan's fishing industry are clear to Japanese fishing industry practitioners.

According to CCTV News, over a hundred Japanese people, including fishermen from Fukushima and surrounding areas, plan to collectively file a lawsuit with the court on September 8th, requesting a ruling to stop the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

The plaintiff stated in the statement that the Japanese government had previously stated that it would seek the consent of its own fishermen before making a decision to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea. However, the former reneged on the promise and "ignored strong opposition from Fukushima and the National Fisheries Organization of Japan, and implemented the wrong policy.".

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