12 people from Pudong! Do you have your teacher?, Announcement of the list of Shanghai's top grade teachers in 2023

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:36 PM

On the occasion of the 39th Teacher's Day, the Shanghai Municipal Government announced the list of 120 top rated teachers in Shanghai for 2023.

This selection is a new round of evaluation in Shanghai, following the selection of special grade teachers in 2020. The selection is issued by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security and the Shanghai Education Commission to recognize teachers who have made special contributions to primary and secondary education and teaching, and to stimulate the enthusiasm of teachers in teaching and educating. The selection is based on the recommended list from each district, and through the interview and defense evaluation organized by the Municipal Evaluation Office, the evaluation team will comprehensively evaluate the application materials, listen to statements, and ask interview questions to select the recommended candidates for special level teachers, which will be publicly announced.

Where are the 12 newly appointed special grade teachers in Pudong?

Do you have your teacher?

Shi Jionghua

Secretary and Principal of the Party Branch of Shanghai Beicai Middle School

12 people from Pudong! Do you have your teacher?, Announcement of the list of Shanghai's top grade teachers in 2023

Senior Teacher

Shi Jionghua takes teaching and educating as his own responsibility, is strict with himself, sets an example by example, and strives to be a selfless and courageous pioneer of the times. In my 22 year teaching career, I have adhered to the "Three Truths" music education concept and constructed a music culture transmission model supported by "school classroom, social classroom, and online classroom". He respects the individual development of students, emphasizes communication and dialogue with their hearts, and conveys the charm of music education with genuine emotions, cultivating a group of students with music hobbies and talents. He is determined to make progress and has published teaching monographs such as "Music Learning Practice - Based on California Music Education Insights: Exploration of Middle School Music Lifestyle Teaching Practice" and "High School Music Teaching Design - Thinking Practice Based on Student Learning". He has led multiple research projects at the city and district levels and guided 10 young teachers inside and outside the school and district to achieve excellent results.

He has won honorary titles such as Outstanding Communist Party Member of Pudong New Area Social Development Bureau, exemplary individual of Pudong New Area Education and Scientific Research, Young Star Teacher of Pudong New Area, and Commando of New Long March in Pudong New Area.

Liu Li

English teacher at Yangjing Middle School in Shanghai

Senior Teacher

12 people from Pudong! Do you have your teacher?, Announcement of the list of Shanghai's top grade teachers in 2023

Since stepping onto the three foot podium, Liu Li has been steadfastly teaching for 24 years, serving as a senior high school teacher for 14 years and a class teacher for 15 years. Her class has won honors such as Shanghai Advanced Collective and Shanghai Golden Love Advanced Collective.

As the host of the English subject workshop in Pudong New Area, the leader of the subject in Pudong New Area, and a member of the subject center group, she upholds the concept that the English subject has instrumental and humanistic characteristics, forming a teaching style of "language and thinking coexist, emotion and reason blend", and playing a radiating and leading role, committed to growing together with regional teachers. She organized her group members to complete three district level projects and one city level key project within eight years. She went to the mountains to give lectures for English teachers in Yunnan. Rich achievements in educational research, with multiple educational and teaching papers published, including 2 papers published in national Chinese core journals. Hosted and participated in 7 national, municipal, and district level projects, and won the first prize of the National Teaching Achievement Award, the municipal key project, and the third prize of the Pudong New Area Teaching and Research Achievement Award.

Tang Chunmei

Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch of Fushan Zhengda Foreign Language Primary School in Pudong New Area

Discipline leader in Pudong New Area

Tang Chunmei has been deeply involved in the front line of aesthetic education for 24 years, loving this "beautiful job", constantly improving her character, cultivating academic abilities, and enhancing her practical abilities in education and teaching. In terms of education and teaching, actively participate in the recording of aerial classroom video courses, and have participated in the research and production of the Ministry of Education's "National Training Plan" remote training project multiple times. Has won awards such as National Excellent Teaching Observation Course, First Prize in Shanghai Primary and Secondary School Youth Teacher Teaching Evaluation, and Second Prize in Shanghai Expandable Course Evaluation.

12 people from Pudong! Do you have your teacher?, Announcement of the list of Shanghai's top grade teachers in 2023

She persistently explored and practiced in the hot land of aesthetic education, presided over four topics, and more than ten teaching papers were awarded and published. Among them, the article "Inheritance and Development - Some Thoughts on the Implementation of Children's Modern Paper Cuttings School based Teaching Materials" won the first prize in the art paper competition of the Ministry of Education, and published the monograph "Dialogue with Masters · Walking with Classics".

She always regards "beautifying childlike innocence and brightening the future" as her educational pursuit, innovating the educational practice of "learning through classics, promoting creativity through techniques, creating beauty, and nourishing the heart through beauty", focusing on improving students' core artistic literacy. As a leader in regional disciplines, explore the teacher professional training model of "individual customization and collaborative development". Has won honors such as the Pudong New Area Gardener Award, the Top 10 Outstanding Youth in the Pudong New Area Education System, the Outstanding Communist Party Member in the Pudong New Area Education System, and the Women's Model in the Pudong New Area Education System.

Du Chuanyan

Secretary and Principal of the Party Branch of Pusan Road Primary School in Pudong New Area

Senior Teacher

Du Chuanyan has a firm political stance, a solid work style, and upholds the educational philosophy of "for the lifelong happiness of every child". She focuses on the fundamental task of cultivating virtue and talent, standing on the spiritual high ground of "cultivating great virtue, nurturing adults, and achieving great beauty". She aims to better highlight the essential strength of the subject in moral education, form a pleasant new form of education, and is committed to building the school into a life community that allows teachers and students to experience emotional pleasure and rational satisfaction. Hosted over 20 key projects at the city and district levels, and won multiple awards for municipal scientific research achievements. Published monographs such as "Training of Class Teachers with Three Standards in the New Era" and edited "Teaching Improvement Empowered by Information Technology".

12 people from Pudong! Do you have your teacher?, Announcement of the list of Shanghai's top grade teachers in 2023

She has won the "Five Leading" Communist Party Member, Shanghai Gardener Award, and Shanghai Moral Education Star in Shanghai.

Li Jie

Teacher of Nanmen Kindergarten in Pudong New Area

Senior Teacher

Li Jie has been deeply involved in the front line of preschool education for 26 years, dedicated and selfless. In terms of education and teaching, she adheres to the spirit of "learning from children", practices the educational philosophy of "daily life is a curriculum", advocates "doing nothing", and nourishes children's souls through living together and equal dialogue. She adheres to the principle of "daring to explore professionally" and innovates the practice of independent games and picture book education in kindergartens based on the "children's perspective"; She insists on taking responsibility bravely and shares the wisdom and happiness of education with her teachers. Serving as a part-time teaching and research officer in Pudong New Area, undertaking the district's discipline workshop project, and teaching rural schools. Published monographs such as "Pomegranate Blossoms Slowly Red", "Non action: Exploration of Autonomous Games in Kindergartens", and co authored "Teacher Growth Based on Children's Research".

She has won honors such as the "Most Beautiful Preschool Teacher in the New Era" in China, the "Four Haves" Good Teacher in Shanghai, the Advanced Propaganda Model of "Being a Teacher for Learning" in Shanghai, and the Shanghai Gardener Award.

12 people from Pudong! Do you have your teacher?, Announcement of the list of Shanghai's top grade teachers in 2023

Li Yanrong

Vice Principal of Yangjing Middle School in Shanghai

Senior Teacher

Li Yanrong is loyal to the education cause of the Communist Party of China and has excellent professional ethics and style. She has served as a mentor for the "Double Name Project" scientific research base in Shanghai, a discipline leader in Pudong New Area, a reserve of leading talents, and a host for educational research workshops. She has won honors such as the Shanghai Gardener Award, Pudong New Area Gardener Award, and the Top Ten Outstanding Youth in the Social Affairs System of Pudong New Area. Her department has also been awarded the "March 8th" Red Flag Collective in Shanghai and the "Women's Civilization Post" in Shanghai.

She is committed to the research of regional education comprehensive reform and school practice, adhering to the core idea of improving educational governance capacity, actively practicing multi-party collaborative governance, and forming a series of research results. She has led and completed more than 40 projects and topics, published 3 monographs, and published more than 70 high-level papers. The research results have won the first and second prizes for teaching achievements in Shanghai multiple times, the first and second prizes for excellent educational research achievements in Shanghai, and the third prize from the Ministry of Education. The results have been widely spread and contribute to the improvement of school governance capabilities and the innovative development of students.

Wu Yingfang

12 people from Pudong! Do you have your teacher?, Announcement of the list of Shanghai's top grade teachers in 2023

Chinese language teacher at Yangjing Middle School in Shanghai

Senior Teacher

Wu Yingfang carries the original intention of "cultivating virtue and talent" in education, loves her job and is dedicated to her work, and deeply cultivates the front line of education. As a model, cultivating morality and educating people in subtle and silent places has formed a teaching characteristic of "practicality, liveliness, and guidance". As a discipline leader in Pudong New Area and a student of the "Double Name Project" of the third and fourth phases of the Shanghai General Education System, she is committed to improving the level of educational research and promoting high-quality development of education. Her excellent lesson examples have been selected as "Excellent Basic Education Courses" by the Ministry of Education, and the cases have won honors such as excellent homework in primary and secondary schools in Shanghai and the second prize in high school Chinese language subject selection for test papers. She actively played a radiating and leading role, offering 13 offline and online special lectures within the scope of teachers, subject teams, and national scientific research achievement promotion projects in the entire region. Her teaching and research group has been awarded as an excellent teaching and research group in Pudong New Area multiple times. She actively undertakes the recording of online teaching video courses in primary and secondary schools in Shanghai, providing high-quality educational guidance services.

She has won honors such as the "Golden Love" Teacher Award in Shanghai and the Pudong New Area Gardener Award.

Shen Dongmei

Teaching and research officer of Shanghai Pudong Education Development Research Institute

12 people from Pudong! Do you have your teacher?, Announcement of the list of Shanghai's top grade teachers in 2023

Senior Teacher

Shen Dongmei takes teachers as the foundation, implements curriculum based serialization research and training activities, and forms a teaching and research style that is rooted in the classroom and diverse interaction, helping grassroots teachers to develop professionally. She is dedicated to building a teacher team and has hosted 6 sessions of the district's renowned teacher base and 1 session of the district's subject workshop, leading the growth of the district's high school English teacher team. As a member of the Shanghai High School English Center Group, she actively participates in curriculum reform and deeply cultivates subject education and teaching. She has authored and co authored a series of monographs, including "Research on High School English Curriculum and Teaching" and "Research on High School English Writing Teaching Practice"; Participated in the writing of a teacher's book for High School English and served as the editor in chief of the volume. As a member of the Shanghai "Air Classroom" center group, she has guided 31 teachers both inside and outside the district for three consecutive years to record 149 class hours of online teaching video lessons, and served as a teaching teacher to assist in digital transformation.

She has won honors such as National Famous Teacher for Foreign Languages in Primary and Secondary Schools, Shanghai March 8th Red Flag Bearer, Shanghai Gardener Award, and Shanghai Youth Post Expert.

Zhang Yan

Physics teacher at Chuansha Middle School in Shanghai

Senior Teacher

12 people from Pudong! Do you have your teacher?, Announcement of the list of Shanghai's top grade teachers in 2023

Zhang Yanjian stands at the forefront of teaching, forming a talent cultivation perspective and unique teaching style from the perspective of core competencies. She has participated in national teaching seminars and competitions four times and has won honors such as first prize in the National Teaching Grand Prix, Shanghai Gardener Award, and Young Star Teacher in Pudong New Area.

She has a solid theoretical foundation and professional knowledge in education, is familiar with the laws and characteristics of student physical and mental development, as well as the development trend of curriculum, textbook, and teaching method reform. She took on the task of teaching seminars in the teaching and research activities organized by the Curriculum and Textbook Research Institute of the Basic Education Curriculum and Textbook Development Center of the Ministry of Education. And recorded the aerial classroom multiple times, guiding the recording of "famous teachers face-to-face" in junior high school. She has led district level research projects, participated in multiple municipal level research projects, and published multiple educational and teaching papers in various publications at the national, municipal, and district levels. The research results have won the first prize of municipal teaching achievements and the second prize of district education research achievements in two sessions. As the Director of the Physics Professional Committee of the Pudong New Area Education Association and the leader of the new area's disciplines, she has developed and implemented the "14th Five Year Plan" teacher training courses in the area, established the Chuanzhong Education Group Physics Discipline Workshop, and played an active role in regional education reform.

Lu Yi

Secretary of the Party Branch and Principal of Donglei Kindergarten in Pudong New Area

Discipline leader in Pudong New Area

After 23 years of deep cultivation on the front line of education, Lu Yi has always depicted the growth dreams of young children with a sincere heart, striving to create a warm and companionship relationship between teachers and children. She gradually formed and practiced her own educational philosophy through exploration and practice: "Respect unique experiences, nurture mental freedom", and co authored "Teacher Growth Based on Children's Research". She focused on cultivating literacy and explored a new activity model between independent reading and collective reading with her peers - the Children's Reading Sharing Conference, and published a co authored book titled "Children's Reading Sharing Conference: From Independent Reading to Deep Discussion.". In the process of implementing educational concepts and synchronously implementing STEM localization practices, she explored implementation strategies such as "focusing on real problems, integrating multiple resources, building activity frameworks, and strengthening the integration of knowledge and action" based on the perspective of children. She published her personal monograph "Small Science World - Practical Research on the Integration of STEM Education and Picture Books".

12 people from Pudong! Do you have your teacher?, Announcement of the list of Shanghai's top grade teachers in 2023

She has won the National "Most Beautiful Preschool Teacher of the New Era", Shanghai Gardener Award, and Shanghai "Four Haves" Good Teacher Nomination Award.

Chen Qin

Art teacher at Fushan Foreign Language Primary School in Pudong New Area

Senior Teacher

For 33 years, Chen Qin has adhered to the front line of education, with the original intention of "cultivating beauty and pursuing beauty", constantly expanding the scope of art education, guiding all students to feel the beauty of objective laws, humanistic care, creation and invention, and the beauty of exploring truth contained in it. Through art learning, he improves students' comprehensive abilities and cultivates innovative spirit.

As a discipline leader, she actively promotes curriculum construction, constructs diversified and integrated art courses, and gradually improves the education model of "basic knowledge and skills of art, aesthetic experience of art, and special expertise in art". The key development of the "Fun Printmaking" expansion course has become a school art characteristic course, forming a volume of "Printmaking Classroom - Primary School Art Printmaking Expansion Teaching Reference". Among them, "Appreciation and Creation of Woodcut Printmaking" has been included in the "13th Five Year Plan" teacher training course in Pudong New Area, and the school's art expansion course has been rated as an "excellent course" in Pudong New Area.

12 people from Pudong! Do you have your teacher?, Announcement of the list of Shanghai's top grade teachers in 2023

She has won honorary titles such as Pudong New Area Gardener Award, Pudong New Area 2021 Outstanding Contribution Award, Shen Roujian Art Fund Award, and Pudong New Area exemplary individual in Art Education.

Lou Huaying

Secretary of the Party Branch and Principal of Zhuyuan Primary School in Pudong New Area

Shanghai Municipal Principal and Senior Teacher

With 35 years of education and teaching experience and 24 years of career as a principal, Lou Huaying devoted herself wholeheartedly to education, always adhering to the guidance of party building, proposing and practicing the "double excellence" concept of "excellent party building and excellent school running, and excellent party building". She always adhered to the educational belief of "actively striving for excellence", and wrote the wonderful story of "a good principal achieves a good school" with firm rationality and tender and delicate management wisdom. Being an educator with ideas, guidance, and wisdom is her unremitting pursuit. Published works such as "Cross disciplinary Learning - A New Direction for School Curriculum Reform", and the research results won the first and second prizes for basic education teaching achievements in Shanghai.

She has won honors such as the Shanghai May Day Labor Medal, Shanghai Gardener Award, Shanghai Science and Education System March 8th Red Flag Bearer, Shanghai New Long March Assault Bearer, and Shanghai "Four Haves" Good Teacher Nomination.

12 people from Pudong! Do you have your teacher?, Announcement of the list of Shanghai's top grade teachers in 2023

Text: Fu Jia

*Reprinted from official WeChat account released by Pudong

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