US special prosecutor proposes to start trial of Biden's son this month

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 17:25 PM

On the 6th, David Weiss, the special prosecutor of the US Department of Justice, submitted court documents proposing that the trial of Hunter, the second son of Democratic President Joseph Biden, be held no later than the 29th of this month.

The original plea agreement between Wes and Hunter failed to take effect, and the prosecution and defense continued to argue. According to media analysis, Hunter's trial in court may affect next year's presidential election.

Agreement disputes

On the 6th, Wes submitted a progress report to Judge Marielen Norreka of the Delaware Federal District Court, stating that the government intends to seek a grand jury to bring criminal charges against Hunter before the 29th of this month.

During his tenure as former Republican President Donald Trump, Wes served as the federal prosecutor for Delaware. He began investigating Hunter's financial behavior in 2019 and was promoted to special prosecutor on August 11 this year, gaining more power over the Hunter case he led.

The plea agreement reached between Wes and Hunter was not approved by Judge Norreka on July 26th. Both parties thereafter have their own opinions on the validity of the plea agreement. The plea agreement covers two federal misdemeanor charges against Hunter for failing to pay income taxes in 2017 and 2018, as well as a federal felony charge against Hunter for concealing drug abuse and purchasing a gun in 2018.

According to the agreement, Hunter pleaded guilty to two minor tax offenses and had already paid the taxes and fines. Weiss's sentencing recommendation was a maximum of two years of probation. As for the serious crime of illegal gun possession, both parties have reached a pre-trial transfer agreement applicable to non violent perpetrators of drug addiction, with Hunter agreeing to quit alcohol, stop drug abuse, and other conditions, in exchange for Wes agreeing to suspend criminal prosecution of Hunter and clearing his personal records of illegal gun possession.

If the plea agreement is approved by the court, it will likely mean that Hunter will not need to go to jail or face a court trial. However, Judge Norreka, appointed by Trump, has raised multiple questions about the plea agreement, particularly pointing out that the defense intends to use the plea agreement to exonerate Hunter from all possible criminal cases in the future. But on July 26th, Wes stated that he is still investigating Hunter's financial behavior and does not rule out further criminal charges against him.

Norreka subsequently requested that both parties provide a consensus on the plea agreement. The defense has always insisted that the prosecution's plea agreement goes against it, and the agreement remains valid. The prosecution denies any "backlash", stating that the agreement has "collapsed" and that the "pre-trial transfer agreement" has never been effective due to improper procedures and lack of formal signature endorsement.

According to Wes's request to Norreka on August 15th, the charges related to Hunter's misdemeanor of tax evasion have been withdrawn. Wes confirmed on the 6th that he will sue Hunter for illegal gun possession. According to Agence France Presse, this federal felony can be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison.

Two party criticism

Hunter's defense lawyer Abe Lowell reiterated on the 6th that the pre-trial transfer agreement is still valid, and therefore Hunter is "exempt from any additional charges.". We look forward to a fair resolution to this five-year investigation... based on evidence and law, rather than external political pressure, and will do our best to represent Hunter in achieving this.

Biden and Trump are running for president annually. Reuters and Agence France Presse reported that next year, while Biden is busy campaigning, Hunter may have to appear in court for trial, casting a shadow over Biden's re-election campaign. Regarding Weiss's statement on the 6th, the White House Office of Legal Counsel requested the Associated Press to directly inquire with Hunter's private lawyer. The White House has previously made it clear that Biden will not use his privileges to pardon Hunter.

Trump himself is also embroiled in criminal charges, alleging that behind the case is a political opponent's intention to intervene in next year's presidential election.

When news of a plea bargain between Hunter and Wes came out in June this year, Republicans fiercely criticized the agreement for intentionally favoring Hunter as a "gimmick" and "symbolic punishment," highlighting the "corruption" and "double standards" of the US judicial system.

According to the Associated Press, Republicans who control the House of Representatives are beginning an impeachment investigation into Biden, citing his involvement in Hunter's overseas business dealings during his tenure as Vice President. However, conclusive evidence has not yet been found to support the allegations.

Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy recently said, "If you look at all the information we have so far, you will have to conduct an impeachment investigation, which is a natural step."

The Associated Press also pointed out that the Hunter illegal gun case may trigger a legal battle. In August, a federal appeals court in Louisiana, USA, cited a case from the Supreme Court in 2022 to overturn the ban on drug users not being allowed to hold guns.

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