Xinhua Finance | The trend of "stable opening and high growth" in cultural and tourism consumption is expected to continue despite the "end" of summer and the "tourism fever"

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 14:42 PM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 6th - The scorching summer is gradually fading away, and the heat is cooling off. When visiting popular scenic spots such as Beijing and Hefei, the reporter found that China's tourism consumption market has not "cooled down" due to the end of summer.

Industry insiders point out that China's tourism market is expected to maintain a stable and high growth trend this year. The development of new tourism formats such as "lying flat tours" and "group tours" is accelerating, and tourism consumption is showing diversified and personalized characteristics.

Cultural and tourism consumption continues to be hot

According to data from consumer platforms, on August 10th, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued a notice on resuming travel agencies to operate outbound group tourism business for Chinese citizens to relevant countries and regions, resulting in a significant increase in search volume for outbound tourism products. According to data from Tuniu Tourism Network, as of 13:00 on August 10th, the search volume for outbound tourism products on the platform has increased significantly compared to the same period the previous day.

"At present, the average appointment date for visas to some popular European destinations has been arranged after October." The person in charge of Tuniu Tourism Network said that after the summer, with the easing of issues such as overseas destination resource supply, route capacity, and visa efficiency, it is expected that the potential of the outbound tourism market will be further stimulated.

The picture shows the tourist service center in the Pamir Tourist Area of Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County, Xinjiang, where performers from the cultural troupe dance to welcome tourists

In terms of the domestic tourism market, reporters found during on-site visits to several popular scenic spots in Beijing and Hefei that most scenic spots are still at peak passenger flow, with many people crowded inside. Four Seasons Minfu, Quanjude, Huishang Hometown, Tongqing Building and other landmark characteristic restaurants, from opening to closing, have a constant stream of customers inside, creating a scene of fireworks rising. At 2 pm, the Four Seasons Minfu Wangjing Nanhu Dongyuan store still requires seating for dining. "We often have a full day flow of customers, so busy that we can't even drink a sip of water," said the person in charge of the Four Seasons Minfu Wangjing Nanhu Dongyuan store.

Ms. Wang, a consumer, told reporters that she is already preparing for her trip on November 11th. "During the summer vacation, a few of our families' teamed up 'and took their children to Inner Mongolia to have a great time. We plan to go out in a group again on' Eleven '."

Xinhua Finance | The trend of "stable opening and high growth" in cultural and tourism consumption is expected to continue despite the "end" of summer and the "tourism fever"

"Since July, the demand for mass travel has accelerated, and summer tourism has continued its popularity in the first half of the year." Zheng Xin, the head of the tourism industry, said that during this year's National Day holiday, mass travel will still be mainly domestic, and overall tourism consumption will show diversified and personalized characteristics.

"After the summer heat in August, domestic tourism will usher in a new wave of travel peaks during the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day." The person in charge of Tuniu Tourism Network said that it is expected that tourism consumption will continue to maintain a stable and positive recovery trend in the second half of the year.

"Lying flat tour" is popular, and new tourism formats are accelerating development

Since the beginning of this year, new tourism formats such as "lying flat tours", "group tours", and Citywalk have accelerated their development.

Compared to "special forces style tourism," more and more consumers are inclined to "lie flat tours" in resort hotels. According to data from Meituan, the weekly or monthly booking of homestay orders has increased by over 200% year-on-year since July 1st. The demand for weekly and monthly rental of homestays, which focus on deep experience, is booming.

The managers of hotels and homestays in Beijing, Hefei, Hangzhou and other places told reporters that this summer's high temperatures have significantly prolonged the indoor stay of guests, and "lying flat tours" have replaced "special forces tourism" as the mainstream gameplay for young people.

The picture shows tourists relaxing and playing at the "Stone Courtyard" homestay in Huangping Village, Jiaoyuan Town, Xuan'en County, Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hubei Province. Xinhua Shefa

"Many guests book homestays to experience the slow life in the countryside. They sleep until they wake up naturally during the day and then take a walk by the lake in the cooler evening." The person in charge of Suzhou's Yi homestay said that in order to further enhance the consumer experience, the homestay has added private swimming pools, home cinemas, game consoles, karaoke and other facilities, and will organize guests to participate in activities such as Yangmei tie dyeing and courtyard barbecue.

Xinhua Finance | The trend of "stable opening and high growth" in cultural and tourism consumption is expected to continue despite the "end" of summer and the "tourism fever"

The bathing center has also become the dark horse of summer tourism consumption this year. Many consumers choose to soak in the bathhouse and experience a one-stop dining, drinking, entertainment, and bathing experience, such as soaking in soup, taking a walk in the cinema, doing hair and nail art, and drifting and surfing. According to Meituan data, since July 1st, the online consumption scale of bathing centers has increased by 150% compared to 2019, with nearly 70% of consumers aged 20 to 35. "The bathing center can eat, take a bath, and even have a cinema. My friends and I spent four days in Shenyang and visited the bathing center twice," said Ms. Liu, a consumer.

"This summer, 'lying flat tours' are very popular, mainly due to lower cost investment and the shift in public perception of the meaning of travel. People are more willing to find the most comfortable travel state through relaxed and comfortable ways, in order to gain more emotional value." Zheng Xin said that whether it is' deep tours',' lying flat tours', or 'special forces style tourism', they can to some extent drive the further recovery of the tourism industry and release the long accumulated tourism consumption potential.

In addition, affordable and high-quality "group tours" products are also highly favored. On the Meituan platform, the 88 yuan Beijing Badaling Great Wall 1-day group tour is selling well. "Since June this year, the search volume for 'one-day tour' group products on the platform has increased by more than 140% year-on-year, with consumers under the age of 35 accounting for a high proportion of 67.1%. The destination group products are of good quality and affordable, with controllable travel rhythms, which can meet the needs of consumers to explore new gameplay and free experiences." The person in charge of Meituan said.

"This summer, nighttime tourism has strongly recovered, and new tourism formats such as' nighttime tourism ',' lying flat tourism ', and' immersive tourism 'have developed rapidly, with many niche cities being favored." Wu Liyun, Associate Professor of the Chinese Culture and Tourism Industry Research Institute at Beijing Second Foreign Languages University, said that it is expected that tourism consumption will peak again during the' National Day 'holiday, and the tourism market is expected to maintain a trend of' stable opening and high growth '.

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