Optimizing the institutional environment for high-quality development of private economy

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 14:19 PM

Continuously promoting high-quality development of the private economy is inseparable from a good institutional environment. On the one hand, the current slowdown in global economic growth, restructuring of industrial chains, and macroeconomic policy adjustments in major economies have brought about uncertainties. It is necessary to improve the stability, continuity, and predictability of the system, stabilize the expectations of private enterprises, and enhance the confidence of entrepreneurs. On the other hand, as China's economy shifts towards a stage of high-quality development, the improvement of the development environment and conditions brought about by institutional innovation can become the driving force for sustained economic growth. Scientific and reasonable institutional design can greatly unleash and stimulate the vitality and potential of the private economy.

Deepen the reform of streamlining administration, delegating powers, and improving services, and focus on improving the market environment. To promote the high-quality development of the private economy, it is necessary to accelerate the construction of a high-level socialist market economy system and handle the relationship between the government and the market well. The government should do something and not do something, neither intervening excessively nor letting it go. We need to deepen the reform of streamlining administration, delegating powers, and improving services, protect the legitimate rights and interests of business entities, and maintain fair market competition. On the one hand, further promote streamlining administration and delegating power, and clean up various types of "rolling shutter doors," "glass doors," and "revolving doors" that hinder fair market competition and enterprise efficiency improvement. We need to strengthen top-level design and focus on the systematic nature of reform. Governments at all levels and relevant functional departments should establish good communication and coordination mechanisms, promote the optimization of government services, and improve the process of handling affairs. We need to improve the linkage mechanism and enhance the coordination of reforms. Relevant functional departments should conduct research and argumentation, fully attach importance to and collect relevant suggestions put forward by private enterprises. At the same time, we need to promote "Internet plus government services", increase the construction and application of online approval platforms, achieve full coverage of all kinds of approval processing platforms, and improve service levels and capabilities in an all-round way. On the other hand, building a fair market access system and further eliminating barriers for private enterprises to enter key industries and fields.

Expand financing channels and continuously improve the financing environment. Currently, some private enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, are facing financing difficulties and should prioritize solving their financing difficulties or even inability to obtain funding, while gradually reducing financing costs. From the perspective of financial institutions, a multi-level, wide coverage, and differentiated banking system should be established to develop small and medium-sized private banks, meet the personalized financing needs of the private economy, increase assistance to private enterprises that have been severely affected by the epidemic but have development prospects and innovative vitality, and reasonably reduce the loan interest rates of private enterprises. Support eligible private enterprises to go public for financing and refinancing, and increase support for private enterprise bond financing. Innovate the financing and credit enhancement mechanism for private enterprises, and support bond financing for private enterprises that are currently facing difficulties but have market prospects, technology, and competitiveness. From the perspective of financial regulation, relevant regulatory indicators and assessment requirements should also be adjusted in a timely manner to dispel the worries of financial institutions. From the perspective of financial regulation, due to the characteristics of total quantity, indirectness, and time delay of traditional monetary policy tools, it is necessary to continuously innovate monetary policy tools that directly reach the real economy, expand the scope of structural tools, optimize liquidity structure, unblock the transmission mechanism of monetary policy, and promote the key flow of funds into small and micro enterprises and private enterprises. Tools such as targeted reserve requirement reduction and interest rate reduction can be comprehensively utilized to convert indirect transmission into direct transmission, achieving precise drip irrigation.

Build a new type of pro Qing political business relationship and continuously optimize the business environment. The more complex and severe the situation the economy is facing, the greater the downward pressure on the economy, and the more necessary it is to build a new type of pro Qing political business relationship, continuously optimize the business environment, and further stimulate the development vitality of the private economy. All relevant departments and local party and government officials at all levels should adopt various methods to regularly listen to the opinions and demands of private enterprises, especially when they encounter difficulties and problems, they should actively take action. Establish a sound communication and feedback mechanism between private enterprises and the government, improve complaint handling mechanisms, and enhance transparency in the operation of administrative power. On the basis of establishing a business environment evaluation system, accelerate the improvement of the indicator system and evaluation mechanism, and continue to carry out pilot work on business environment evaluation. At the same time, it is necessary to improve the legal and regulatory system for equal protection of property rights, and implement equal protection in various aspects such as legislation, law enforcement, judiciary, and compliance. Equal protection of various types of property rights such as property rights, creditor's rights, equity, and intellectual property rights of private enterprises in accordance with the law, and improvement of the legal environment to ensure fair competition. Effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of private enterprises, protect the personal and property safety of enterprise families, create a fair, transparent, and predictable legal environment, and effectively promote the high-quality development of the private economy.

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