But at the beginning of the cultural relic "Guijia Road", the ending of "Escape from the British Museum"

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 14:30 PM

"Family, I've been wandering outside for a long time and I got lost." The short drama "Escape from the British Museum" has become a hot topic on the internet, and for a while, topics related to cultural relics protection and recovery have become a hot topic. The last episode of the short drama was released on the 5th, and "The next stop is on Guijia Road." once again drew tears from netizens.

"National Treasure Escape" or "National Treasure Returns Home"?

The short film uses personification to tell the story of a thin jade teapot with a Chinese entangled branch pattern that escapes from the British Museum. It meets a Chinese media worker working overseas and then embarks on a journey back home together. This short drama, which lasts less than 20 minutes in total, is full of the creator's intentions, and many details have been carefully scrutinized and savored by netizens.

When they first met, Little Jade Pot's cheeks were dirty, and he sighed at how the male protagonist and roommate could live in such a large "cabinet". Some netizens shared photos of themselves during their visit to the British Museum, showing the Chinese tangled branch patterned thin body jade teapot placed together with other artworks, without any name introduction, using only a number 3 instead. "It's a cup, it's a thin jade teapot with Chinese tangled branches!" In the drama, the little jade teapot can finally correct its name.

Screenshot of the short film "Escape from the British Museum".

Some people question why the protagonist of a short film calling for the British Museum to return cultural relics is not a cultural relic? The Chinese entangled branch patterned thin tire jade teapot, also known as the jade thin tire teapot, was made by the jade carving master Yu Ting in 2011 and entered the British Museum in 2017. The Chinese entangled branch patterned thin jade teapot is not a cultural relic, but a modern art piece.

But at the beginning of the cultural relic "Guijia Road", the ending of "Escape from the British Museum"

Some people speculate that this is because Xiaoyuhu is the youngest and most likely to be found home. Other cultural relics are from the era of war and were taken away by looters in burlap bags, and they cannot remember their way back. In the latest episode, Xiaoyuhu revealed her mission, which is to bring letters from "brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, grandparents" back to China to search for relatives and convey the longing and call of "loved ones".

"Qin Master Terracotta Warriors Uncle and Flute Master Terracotta Warriors Auntie asked me to tell you that we can play the unfinished song 'Long Song' another day together."

"Tang Dama, I am Tang Xiaoma. In the blink of an eye, we haven't seen each other for 163 years. Every day after the foreigners leave, I will run around this cage for a few laps, and as I run, I will remember the oath we made a few hundred years ago to run all over the beautiful country together..."

"Grandpa Dragon Ear and Tiger Foot, Uncle Chaoguan Ear Furnace, wants to say to you, 'A great man is born between heaven and earth, and should strive for self-improvement. As a patriotic person, he is not afraid of the abyss of the nine layers. Senior, there is no need to worry. Although I am living thousands of miles, I still do not fall, my patriotic heart.'"

Screenshot of the short film "Escape from the British Museum".

"My fellow countrymen, my younger brother was abducted by foreigners in the war. Our brothers were originally a pair. If he goes home first, he must tell me!"

But at the beginning of the cultural relic "Guijia Road", the ending of "Escape from the British Museum"

"Come, recite a poem to your teapot father, cup by cup, reminiscing about your hometown, whispering to each other and sharing your heartfelt feelings."

"Now the heart of Bai Shou Township is exhausted, and the journey back thousands of miles is in my dream."

Dialogue on cultural relics spanning thousands of years, shaking the hearts of every audience member.

Screenshot of the short film "Escape from the British Museum".

The three colored Arhat of the Liao Dynasty in the British Museum said: "The reunion is all between a leaf of bodhi." The woodcarving Guanyin said: "I have forgotten about the return for a long time. It's just that this wooden body can bear the apologies of the thieves, but it can't carry the eyes of the old people." Finally, a group of cultural relics said: "May the mountains and rivers be safe, and the family and country be safe forever." It just echoed the name of the hero, Zhang Yong'an.

After completing the task, Xiaoyuhu decided not to stay any longer because "Chinese people don't do that kind of sneaking around. One day, they will come home with a bright and dignified appearance."

But at the beginning of the cultural relic "Guijia Road", the ending of "Escape from the British Museum"

"Let one soul awaken another soul"

The popularity of "Escape from the British Museum" is not surprising. It is a work that combines creativity and depth, containing a strong sense of patriotism. Short dramas also have a big perspective, and in the new era, self media people are young and sincere, with ideals and willingness to work. They chose the same path as Zhang Yong'an in the drama, "Don't you think it's cool to raise the pen, face the worldly beacon fire, and speak for vulnerable groups?"

"Escape from the British Museum" was co created by two post-90s self media figures, "Pancake Fruit Boy" and "Summer Sister Oh". In the early stages of the short film's release, it coincided with the British Museum being requested by multiple countries to return its own cultural relics, which struck the heart of every Chinese person who strongly hopes to return overseas cultural relics as soon as possible.

On August 16th local time, news of the theft of collections from the British Museum came, and the related artifacts can be traced back to the 15th century BC. Less than 10 days later, Fisher, the director of the British Museum, resigned. On the day after Fisher announced his resignation, the trailer for "Escape from the British Museum" was officially released.

Screenshots of short video comments.

This seemingly coincidental existence actually hides a hidden line of cultural relay. In early 2023, a netizen created a short video and proposed the creative idea of "Escape from the British Museum": "Let the cultural relics that have been stranded in a foreign land return home, showcasing our profound traditional culture from their perspective." The pancake fruit child who watched the video left two words "Wait for me" in the comment section.

But at the beginning of the cultural relic "Guijia Road", the ending of "Escape from the British Museum"

Now, we know that behind these two words is a group of young people who have been preparing for half a year, researching materials, adapting scripts, stopping for three months in the era of "traffic is king", and abandoning business cooperation, going to the UK to shoot at their own expense. All their efforts are condensed into three episodes of the story.

After the trailer was released, the up host "Summer Sister Oh" couldn't conceal her excitement. She vividly remembers that when she walked into the China Pavilion of the British Museum, her heart really trembled. "They also feel a lot of pain with each crack, right? What kind of mood would they feel when they see their loved ones in a foreign land?" At the same time, she is also proud to have truly become a warm media person.

Screenshot of "Summer Sister Oh" on the Weibo account of the up host.

"It is a promise, it is also the enthusiasm of self media people, it is the instant agreement of young people, it is the sincere heart at no cost, and it is also the struggle for breath in the bones of the Chinese people." Their creations have made silent cultural relics resonate with history, awakening the collective memory engraved in the hearts of the Chinese people.

Perhaps this is the meaning of creation, to awaken one soul from another. In the era of free creation, self media individuals should shoulder the responsibility of spreading cultural values and positive social energy. The long-standing traditional Chinese culture is an inexhaustible treasure trove of inspiration for creators. The story of the Little Jade Pot has come to an end, and we look forward to more works carrying the genes of Chinese culture and patriotism in the future. We also look forward to more Chinese cultural relics lost overseas and finding our own way back home.

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