What breakthroughs have been made? What are the gaps? CCTV Comprehensively Interprets and Disassembles Huawei's New Mobile Phone

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 14:32 PM

Recently, Huawei's new phone Mate60 Pro, which has not yet been released for sale, has attracted much attention. Although Huawei did not discuss the technical parameters of the phone in many aspects, according to the actual calculations of many digital enthusiasts, its internet speed has reached the 5G standard. Many professionals have discovered through dismantling the new mobile phone that it is equipped with the new Kirin 9000s chip, which also brings infinite imagination space to people.

Does the release of Huawei Mate60 Pro mean that the bottleneck issue of Huawei chips has been overcome? In the future, how can we better grasp the initiative of independent innovation?

"Amazing" "Unexpectedly"

Foreign professionals evaluate it this way after dismantling it

In recent days, many professionals have dismantled Huawei's new phones, observing, analyzing, and producing various dismantling reports. Not only domestic dismantling, but also some professional institutions abroad are dismantling. On the 4th, TechInsights, a globally renowned semiconductor industry observer, publicly released their dismantling report on Huawei's latest flagship phone, Mate60 Pro.

The report shows that Huawei Mate60 Pro is equipped with a new Kirin 9000s chip and uses advanced 7nm technology. This represents a milestone in China's design and manufacturing since TechInsights recorded it.

The Vice Chairman of TechInsights used words such as "amazing" and "unexpected" when evaluating Huawei Mate60 Pro, saying, "This is indeed a stunning quality level that we did not expect, and it is definitely world-class. This means that China has very strong capabilities and is still developing technology."

Huawei Kirin 9000s chip

What breakthroughs have been made? What are the gaps? CCTV Comprehensively Interprets and Disassembles Huawei's New Mobile Phone

"There is still a gap of 3 to 5 years from advanced technology"

The Vice Chairman of TechInsights analyzed that Huawei Mate60 Pro is equipped with a very advanced chip. Although it is not the most advanced, it is within the range of 2-2.5 nodes from the most advanced technology.

Regarding this, Professor Lv Tingjie from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications and Executive Vice Chairman of the China Society of Information Economics explained that the 2-2.5 node means we still have 3-5 years to go before advanced 5G chips. However, 3-5 years is judged by Western countries based on their speed of technological progress, while China can often achieve surpassing at the speed of China.

Lv Tingjie stated that the progress from 0 to 1 has been completed this time, solving the problem of advanced 5G chips in 5G smartphones. However, it must be acknowledged that there is still a significant gap from the most advanced technology. "For example, the upcoming iPhone 15 series already uses 4-nanometer chips, and now the Huawei Kirin 9000s chip should reach or be close to 7-nanometer technology. From 7-nanometer to 5-nanometer and then to 4-nanometer, it is not a linear time problem, and the complexity will continue to increase, requiring a long and difficult research and development process."

Huawei chip bottleneck issue

Has a breakthrough been achieved?

Does the release of the Mate60 series mean that the bottleneck issue of Huawei chips has been overcome?

Lv Tingjie believes that based on the dismantling of Huawei's new phones by various domestic and foreign institutions, its Kirin 9000s chip, including more than 10000 other components, has basically achieved localization. If all of them are truly localized, it means that we have broken through the bottleneck problem in the field of 5G smartphones, but there is still a certain gap from advanced manufacturing processes.

What breakthroughs have been made? What are the gaps? CCTV Comprehensively Interprets and Disassembles Huawei's New Mobile Phone

Lv Tingjie: There are many links in advanced process chips that need to solve problems such as lamination and lithography machines. If these issues are resolved this time, it indicates that we have made progress. More importantly, Huawei has made significant progress in process control, particularly in advanced manufacturing processes. Because the yield of advanced process chips directly determines their commercial value, otherwise the cost is too high and no one can afford it.

Behind Huawei's New Phone

It is a technological challenge under multiple rounds of US sanctions

Recently, Huawei's new generation flagship phone Mate60 Pro has received much attention, which is also related to Huawei's continuous breakthroughs in localization after being suppressed by the United States.

From May 2019 to September 2020, the US government imposed multiple rounds of sanctions on Huawei, resulting in the complete discontinuation of Huawei's 5G mobile phone chips. Afterwards, Huawei's mobile phone sales significantly decreased. Over the past year, the restrictions imposed by the United States on China in the semiconductor industry have also continued to escalate.

Recently, after concluding his visit to China, the US Secretary of Commerce stated that he would continue to sell chips to China, but to prevent the flow of the most advanced US chips into China.

L ü Tingjie stated that the United States does not prohibit the supply of 5G chips to China, but only prohibits the supply to China. Many other domestic mobile phone manufacturers use Qualcomm chips from the United States. What the United States wants to ban is the provision of high-end high-performance chips to China, mainly referring to the upcoming outbreak of high-end chips used in the field of artificial intelligence. So the United States needs to block China's high-end chip imports in the field of artificial intelligence and chip supply to some key enterprises, such as Huawei, which has full industry ecological capabilities, strong research and development capabilities, and also has control over communication terminals.

Lv Tingjie stated that Huawei is a comprehensive provider of communication network equipment, which has integrated multiple technologies for a long time. Now, in order to improve the customer experience, the new phone has added satellite call function, which is a very significant progress.

What breakthroughs have been made? What are the gaps? CCTV Comprehensively Interprets and Disassembles Huawei's New Mobile Phone

"Huawei is currently connected to Tiantong-1, a high orbit digital broadcasting and communication satellite launched in 2016. It is 36000 kilometers away from Earth, and three such satellites can cover the entire Earth." Lu Tingjie said that Musk's star chain is more than 1000 kilometers away from the ground, and the star chain also requires a ground receiving device, which is more expensive. Therefore, Huawei's new mobile phones must have significant breakthroughs in antenna technology and energy consumption technology in order to provide satellite communication function on the phone.

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