The "tiger" engaged in image engineering and political achievement engineering has been sentenced to life! Central Commission for Discipline Inspection official report: This is a serious form of corrupt behavior!

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 12:40 PM

According to CCTV News, today, the Intermediate People's Court of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province publicly announced the verdict of Chen Jiadong, former director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Xiamen City, Fujian Province, in the case of bribery, corruption, and abuse of power. Chen Jiadong, who illegally received 94.15 million yuan in property and caused losses of 190 million yuan in state-owned property, was sentenced to life imprisonment in the first instance.

The court found that from 2000 to 2022, Chen Jiadong, taking advantage of his position as Deputy Secretary of Linzhi Prefecture Committee of the Xizang Autonomous Region, Executive Deputy Commissioner of the Regional Administrative Office, Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Ningde Municipal Party Committee of Fujian Province, Secretary and Director of the Party Leadership Group of the Forestry Department of Fujian Province, Secretary and Director of the Party Leadership Group of Zhangzhou Municipal Party Committee of Fujian Province, and Secretary and Director of the Standing Committee of Xiamen Municipal People's Congress, provided assistance to relevant units and individuals in forest land approval, project contracting and other matters, and illegally received property amounting to more than 94.15 million yuan; From 2015 to 2017, Chen Jiadong took advantage of his position as the Secretary of the Zhangzhou Municipal Party Committee and colluded with others to embezzle more than 3.41 million yuan of state-owned property; From 2013 to 2014, during his tenure as the Secretary of the Zhangzhou Municipal Party Committee, Chen Jiadong engaged in personal gain, abuse of power, and illegally overpaid the developer for the project, resulting in a loss of over 190 million yuan in state-owned property.

The Intermediate People's Court of Nanchang City believes that Chen Jiadong's behavior constitutes the crime of bribery, corruption, and abuse of power. The amount of bribery and corruption is particularly huge, and the circumstances of abuse of power are particularly serious. Considering that some of Chen Jiadong's bribery was attempted, while corruption was self surrender. After being brought to justice, he voluntarily confessed most of the bribery facts that the supervisory authorities had not yet mastered, apologized and actively returned the stolen goods. He may be given lighter punishment for his bribery and abuse of power crimes, and his corruption crimes may be mitigated. The court then made the above judgment.

According to the open resume, Chen Jiadong, male, Han nationality, born in Changle, Fujian Province in August 1959, who was fired on February 25 last year, joined the CPC in April 1986 and started work in September 1981. On August 30th last year, Chen Jiadong was "double opened". Chen Jiadong was accused of losing his ideals and beliefs, abandoning the principle of putting the people first, seeking personal promotion, using public power to serve interest groups, failing to conscientiously fulfill the responsibilities of "leading the party" in governing the party, seriously polluting the political ecology, resisting organizational censorship, and engaging in superstitious activities; Violating the spirit of the central eight point regulations, engaging in "image engineering" and "political achievement engineering" that harm the people and their finances, accepting banquets that may affect the fair execution of official duties, and illegally accepting gifts and cash; In the selection and appointment of cadres, favoritism is paramount, and issues are not truthfully explained during organizational inquiries. Personal matters are not reported in accordance with regulations; Using power to seek benefits for family members in business activities and engaging in power and sex transactions; Intervention and intervention in construction projects; Bold and reckless, without any disciplinary or legal bottom line, taking advantage of their position to seek benefits for others in enterprise operations, engineering contracting, etc., illegally accepting huge amounts of property, embezzling state-owned assets, engaging in favoritism, cheating, and abusing power, resulting in significant losses to national interests. Chen Jiadong is the first "tiger" to be reported for using public power to serve interest groups.

Shangguanhui has noticed that recently, the China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Daily has published several articles focusing on the issue of "deviation in political performance views" and publicly named Chen Jiadong.

On June 30th, the day after Chen Jiadong was put on trial. The China Journal of Discipline Inspection and Supervision published an article titled "Accurate Governance of Formalism and Bureaucracy by Discipline Inspection and Supervision Organs: A Performance View of Correcting Deviation", which mentioned that Chen Jiadong designed and constructed an opera house project in pursuit of achieving "political achievements" in a short period of time. However, due to the large investment scale and impracticality, it ultimately became a "half hearted project".

On August 16th, the China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Daily published a commentary titled "Doing" Image Engineering "Will End in Self Destruction", stating that Chen Jiadong blindly decided to build six new post stations, most of which gradually became abandoned after completion; The design and construction of the opera house project, due to its large investment scale and impractical nature, ultimately became a "half hearted project". The case shows that those who engage in "image engineering" have destroyed their own image, and those who engage in "political performance engineering" have not achieved the so-called "political achievements", and can only exit in disappointment.

Regarding the harm caused by the deviation of the view on political performance, the China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Daily also published a commentary titled "Focusing on the Distortion of the View on Political Performance, Resolutely Preventing Formalism and Bureaucracy" on June 29th, pointing out that during the case review and investigation, it was found that the problems of political performance engineering and image engineering caused by the incorrect view on political performance wasted high financial funds, occupied a lot of energy of cadres, and hindered development opportunities. Essentially, it is a serious form of corrupt behavior, causing harm to a region or unit no less than personal corruption problems.

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