Focusing on high-quality development | From the perspective of the Smart Expo, Chongqing's construction of a new digital economy highland

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 12:37 PM

On September 4th, 2023, the China International Intelligent Industry Expo opened in Chongqing. Photo by Geng Junyu from Xinhua News Agency

Chongqing, September 5th (Xinhua) - An intelligent connected new energy vehicle, connected to information technologies such as artificial intelligence and cloud computing at one end and the manufacturing industry chain upstream and downstream at the other, is gradually evolving into a new type of intelligent terminal that deeply integrates digital technology and the real economy.

On September 4th, 2023, the China International Intelligent Industry Expo opened in Chongqing, focusing on the annual themes of "Intelligent Connected New Energy Vehicles" and Digital China. Through exhibitions, discussions, competitions, and other forms, it presented a panoramic view of the innovative achievements of the intelligent industry represented by intelligent connected new energy vehicles and the forefront of digital economy development. It attracted over 500 key enterprises to participate with the latest products, and a batch of new products, technologies, applications, models, and formats were showcased.

Entering the central hall of the Smart Expo, Chongqing made intelligent connected new energy vehicles attract many visitors to stop and experience. In front of the upstream and downstream exhibition booths of the power battery, intelligent cockpit, automotive chips and other industrial chains in the surrounding area, professional visitors and exhibitors also exchange and interact frequently.

On the outdoor venue near the exhibition hall, intelligent connected vehicles from different brands both domestically and internationally showcase their unique skills. In further urban areas, an autonomous driving challenge is taking place on the magical urban roads.

As an important advanced manufacturing center in the country, Chongqing is taking intelligent connected new energy vehicles as the starting point to accelerate the construction of a new highland for the development of the digital economy, a new highland for innovation in digital science and technology, a new highland for digital scene application, a new highland for digital ecology, and a new highland for open cooperation in the digital economy, striving to create a "golden business card" for digital Chongqing.

"Chongqing will strive to achieve a production and sales volume of over 1.5 million intelligent connected new energy vehicles by 2025, accounting for more than 10% of the national total. The total output value of the automotive industry will exceed 500 billion yuan. By 2027, the total output value of the automotive industry will exceed one trillion yuan, and a world-class intelligent connected new energy vehicle industry cluster will be built." said Luo Li, Deputy Director of the Economic Information Commission of Chongqing.

The car mounted XR intelligent cockpit showcased at the 2023 China International Intelligent Industry Expo. Photo by Geng Junyu from Xinhua News Agency

Focusing on high-quality development | From the perspective of the Smart Expo, Chongqing's construction of a new digital economy highland

Intelligent Industry Innovation Hotpot

At the centralized signing event for major investment projects held on the opening day of the Smart Expo, 84 major projects were signed and landed in Chongqing. "About one-third of them are related to the field of intelligent connected new energy vehicles," said Yang Zixuan, Deputy Director of Chongqing Investment Promotion Bureau. This means that more and more intelligent industry enterprises are optimistic about Chongqing.

In recent years, Chongqing has collaborated to promote digital industrialization and industrial digitization, using them as a breakthrough point to accelerate the transformation of old and new driving forces. While emerging industries have emerged, a number of traditional fields have also shown new vitality.

Zhaomu Mountain Area is the core area for the development of digital economy in Liangjiang New Area, where more than 5000 enterprises and more than 80000 talents gather. Industrial Internet, industrial software, automotive software, new platform software, digital content production and other industries form a chain of clusters.

"As of now, the Liangjiang New Area has gathered nearly 10000 active market entities in the digital economy, and the scale of the software and information service industry has exceeded 100 billion yuan." Li Jie, a member of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Management Committee of the Liangjiang New Area, said that in addition, a total of 22 intelligent factories and 107 digital workshops have been built, and "lighthouse factories" have been built by companies such as Sailis Automobile and Changan Automobile.

The construction of digital Chongqing is still advancing at an accelerated pace. According to statistics, from January to July this year, Chongqing's digital economy infrastructure projects completed a cumulative investment of 5.09 billion yuan, with an investment progress of 90.9%.

Entering the digital workshop of Chongqing Qingshan Industrial Co., Ltd. located in the Bishan High tech Industrial Development Zone, which covers an area of over 4000 square meters, the assembly production line is operating at full capacity under the automatic operation of industrial robots, and new energy transmissions are orderly "walking" off the production line.

In recent years, as an industrial hub, Chongqing has continued to promote the intelligent transformation of traditional industries, vigorously implemented digital transformation actions in the manufacturing industry, and focused on the integration of new generation information technology and manufacturing, with intelligent manufacturing as the main direction, shaping a new business card of "digital manufacturing and smart industry" in Chongqing.

Focusing on high-quality development | From the perspective of the Smart Expo, Chongqing's construction of a new digital economy highland

According to statistics, Chongqing has implemented a total of 6080 intelligent transformation projects, established 144 intelligent factories, and 958 digital workshops. The contribution rate of large-scale enterprises implementing intelligent transformation to the growth of industrial output value exceeds 70%.

High end dialogue segment at the 2023 China International Intelligent Industry Expo. Photo by Geng Junyu from Xinhua News Agency

Digital Economy Cooperation Highland

"The Smart Expo has promoted close cooperation between Chongqing and Singapore," said Chen Jiehao, Senior Minister of State for Development and Communications and Information of Singapore. Singapore is promoting close integration with Chongqing's rapidly developing technological ecosystem in the field of information and communication technology.

At this year's Smart City Expo, more than ten companies from Singapore's smart cities, logistics and other fields participated. At the 2023 China Singapore International Digital Cooperation Forum, China Singapore enterprises also signed 15 cooperation memorandums to further promote cooperation between the two sides in the field of digital economy.

In recent years, the booming digital economy has become a key area of international cooperation. Chongqing, located at the junction of the "the Belt and Road" and the Yangtze River Economic Belt, is accelerating the construction of an inland open highland, and is also sending an important signal to the world to participate in international cooperation in the digital economy.

At this year's Smart Expo, countries such as Austria, Uruguay, and Israel organized their own companies to participate in exhibitions in the form of national pavilions. The Israel Pavilion showcases advanced intelligent driving assistance systems, artificial intelligence voice, innovative motion control technology, machine vision depth camera sensing chip technology, and 3D printing technology; The Korean Pavilion brings an introduction to the current development status of hydrogen powered vehicles, electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, autonomous driving, as well as the promotion of representative enterprises in fields such as big data, smart cities, and artificial intelligence.

At the same time, high-level executives from multinational corporations such as Microsoft and IBM will also participate in high-end dialogue sessions to jointly build a new ecosystem of intelligent networking around the AI big model, exploring the commercial application and industrial development of AI big models in the field of intelligent networking.

Focusing on high-quality development | From the perspective of the Smart Expo, Chongqing's construction of a new digital economy highland

As one of the sub forums of the 2023 Smart Expo, the 2023 China Latin American and Caribbean Countries Digital Technology Cooperation Forum was held in Chongqing on September 4 and released the "China Latin American and Caribbean Countries Digital Technology Cooperation Forum Chongqing Initiative".

"We strive to build the overall framework of digital Chongqing, actively explore new paths for the digital transformation of megacities; focus on fostering and strengthening the digital economy, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system; focus on building digital infrastructure, and strive to consolidate the hardware support for digital development; focus on optimizing the digital ecology, and continue to create a good atmosphere for digital development." The relevant person in charge of the Chongqing Municipal Government expressed the hope that, together with international partners, we can follow the trend of digital technology development, deepen practical cooperation in the fields of intelligent connected new energy vehicles, industrial Internet, 5G communications, digital trade, cross-border e-commerce, and continue to expand new space for the development of the digital economy, and share opportunities for the development of the digital economy.

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