How to detect fly infestation and ant decay in hidden corners? Disclosure on the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 07:50 AM

Punish "fly greed" without any mercy.

Recently, relevant departments of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission announced that in the first half of the year, a total of 36000 cases of misconduct and corruption in the field of people's livelihoods were investigated and dealt with nationwide, and more than 52000 people were criticized, educated, helped, and dealt with.

According to the deployment of the Second Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels should start from solving the most concerned, direct, and practical interests of the people, continuously strengthen supervision and inspection of the implementation of policies that benefit and enrich the people, and resolutely investigate and punish acts of corruption, embezzlement, interception, misappropriation, false reporting and claiming, and taking bribes.

1、 What typical cases have been investigated and dealt with in various regions?

——Why are 84 deceased villagers still receiving pensions?

This year, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Dao County, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province investigated and dealt with a case of collusion and corruption: four village officials in Dongfang Village embezzled 250000 yuan of pension funds by using false pension insurance passbooks. Four people have been expelled from the party and suspected of committing crimes have been transferred to the procuratorial organs for legal review and prosecution.

——Will not participating in compulsory labor result in the deduction of the subsistence allowance?

In Xieba Village, Shuanghuai Town, Hechuan District, Chongqing, the low insurance premiums were distributed to low-income households, but a portion of them were collected by the village. After investigation, the village branch secretary Wu came up with the idea of encouraging low-income households to participate in voluntary labor in order to complete the task of improving the living environment. But due to some low-income households not having the ability to work, Wu used the method of collecting environmental governance funds, and they paid for the unified governance of the village. From 2016 to 2020, Xieba Village collected a total of 41760 yuan in environmental governance funds from 77 low-income households. In July 2023, the town disciplinary commission filed a case for investigation of Wu's suspected disciplinary violations, and the Xieba Village Committee refunded all the funds collected by him.

——What tricks are behind the disappearing teaching aids?

The remaining gift money was not used to purchase teaching materials, but was deposited into the bank account of the wife of the head of the school's general affairs department. Lin, former director of the General Affairs Department of Baoshui Experimental School in Chongren County, Jiangxi Province, illegally returned teaching aids that should be distributed to teachers to offset student teaching aids expenses, and kept over 140000 yuan of "gift money" outside the account; Misappropriation of over 9.22 million Yuan Dynasty fees for profit-making activities and lending to others, suspected of embezzlement of public funds

Throughout the country, the cases investigated involve various aspects of people's livelihoods, and the practice of swatting flies and eliminating ants never stops.

2、 How are flies, ants, and decay often found hiding in hidden corners? What are the means of disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies?

Patrol is a powerful tool for discovering problems.

For example, the clue to the problem of "disappearing teaching aids" in Chongren, Jiangxi that we mentioned earlier was discovered by inspection.

The staff of the inspection team found that from the autumn semester of 2018 to the spring semester of 2022, the school purchased a large amount of student teaching aids from Chongren Xinhua Bookstore Company. According to the agreement, Chongren Xinhua Bookstore Company needs to give teaching aids to teachers at a ratio of 50:1. But according to the staff of the inspection team, the teachers of the school have all stated that they have not received any teaching aids as gifts, and their daily classes are based on borrowing textbooks from students or previous teachers. So where are the gifted teaching aids going?

By following the clues, I discovered the "secret" of Lin, the director of the General Affairs Department.

Petitions and reports are the "smooth sailing ears" for us to discover clues to problems.

"Wu Moufu, the former village branch secretary of Dongfang Village in Dao County, and other village officials were arrogant and arbitrary in the village, not even letting go of the deceased villagers' pension..."

In July 2022, the sixth inspection team of the Yongzhou Municipal Party Committee in Hunan Province received a report letter during an inspection of Dao County, reporting that the former village cadres of Dongfang Village in Shangguan Street were colluding for corruption. The report letter was detailed and the inspection team immediately transferred the problem clues to the Dao County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. The case of four village officials in Dongfang Village colluding for corruption has surfaced.

Going to the front line for research and visits can also reveal many clues from the daily conversations of the masses.

In Heyuan Village, Heyuan Township, Lichuan County, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, several villagers' words caught the attention of the township discipline inspection committee cadres: "Our village Luo Yongfu is afforestation on more than 20 acres of barren mountains, and the village only gave him a partial cash subsidy. The remaining subsidy will be sent to him after a period of time, but he has not received it yet. For this matter, he has become irritable and recently told us that he is planning to petition the province and city..."

The cadres of the township discipline inspection commission vaguely felt something suspicious. How can the government discover the gold when the subsidy is issued through the one-time payment of the Huinong One Card to the card? And it's still split into two shipments? With doubts in mind, the township discipline inspection commission discovered the issue of village director Gong illegally withholding subsidies for afforestation in barren mountains from the masses.

Not only do we need to swat the flies, but we also need to plug the leaks. The corruption of grassroots party members and cadres is related to a lack of ideals and beliefs, and a lack of awareness of discipline and law. Warning education for grassroots party members and cadres is currently being carried out in various regions.

3、 Using cases to promote reform, plugging loopholes in the system, and leaving no holes for "flies" and "ants" to exploit.

Rao Long, former deputy director of the Finance Office in Songshi Town, Zixi County, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, was known as the "Finance Director who made the" One Card "for farmers impossible.". His case is a typical "ant moving style" corruption that spans 7 years. From 2014 to 2021, he instructed several credit hotel owners to provide multiple account information, taking advantage of their positions, to inflate the number of personnel and distribution, and accumulated more than 250000 yuan in agricultural funds, all of which were used for their personal expenses and squandered in table games. In January 2023, Rao Long was dismissed from public office and transferred to the judicial authorities.

"Looking back at the entire process of Rao Long's crime, although his methods were not very clever, he repeatedly succeeded. On the surface, it was he who took advantage of his position to do it by chance, but in reality, there was a lack of supervision over the distribution of funds for benefiting farmers at the grassroots level, which led to a series of failures." When the investigators were checking and talking with colleagues around Rao Long and the leaders of Songshi Town, they repeatedly mentioned that "Rao Long looks very honest and has rich financial experience," and they easily believed that he had rules in his work and neglected to manage him in his daily life, resulting in Rao Long's corruption "green light all the way". ".

In response to this, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Zixi County have deepened the use of cases to promote reform, comprehensively investigated and cleared 22.971 million yuan of agricultural funds in the entire county, and issued supervision recommendations to five departments including the county and Songshi Town governments. A total of 9 regulatory loopholes have been identified, and more than 10 mechanisms for managing agricultural funds have been improved. Deepen the application of big data supervision technology, intelligently supervise and assist the flow of funds for grassroots farmers, promote inspections to enter villages and households, guard the "one card" for farmers, and block the path of "greedy ants" moving.

In some cases investigated and dealt with in certain places, corruption in key positions of welfare institutions and micro corruption in intercepting relief funds are prone to occur frequently.

For example, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Zaoyang City, Hubei Province, received an anonymous report that the Juwan Town Central Welfare Institute was withholding food expenses, and the elderly only saw meat and fish once every ten and a half days.

Scraping oil on the chicken feet and not letting go of the elderly's food expenses? After investigation, the issues raised by the director of the welfare home, Fan, and the accountant, Li, have surfaced. Since 2019, Fan and Li have falsely listed expenses and embezzled over 260000 yuan in special funds by issuing false invoices and withholding pocket money for elderly care. Among them, 200000 yuan was used for reception, procurement and other matters that cannot be reimbursed by the welfare institution, and more than 60000 yuan was used for personal consumption by two people.

In response to the problems exposed in the case, Xiangyang City has launched a special campaign to rectify corruption in welfare institutions throughout the city. As of now, the city has investigated and dealt with 26 cases of welfare institutions encroaching on the interests of disadvantaged groups, violating discipline and laws. 22 people have been given disciplinary and administrative sanctions, 5 people have been transferred to judicial organs, and economic losses of more than 1.5 million yuan have been recovered.

Compared to the big "tiger", the public has a more genuine feeling of the buzzing and flying "fly greed" in front of them. Micro corruption can also become a major threat.

The disciplinary inspection and supervision organs will continue to make efforts to thoroughly rectify the unhealthy practices and corruption issues around the people, so that the people can feel that disciplinary inspection and supervision are right beside them, and fairness and justice are right beside them!

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