Loyalty to the people and loyalty to the people, fighting against floods by officers and soldiers | reinforcement | floods

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 15:14 PM

On August 5th, officers and soldiers of a certain brigade of the 78th Group Army reinforced the embankment in the Nianzishan area of Qiqihar City. Taken by Tieyan Male

Recently, heavy rainfall has occurred in many areas of Heilongjiang and Jilin, causing frequent flooding and causing critical situations.

Disaster is a command. The Party Committee of the Army of the Northern Theater Command immediately dispatched a command group for flood control and disaster relief, organizing the 78th Army Group to quickly carry out flood control and disaster relief in multiple areas. As of August 7th, more than 3400 officers and soldiers from 5 units have been dispatched, with 421 vehicles and equipment of various types. More than 3600 people have been searched and rescued, 35 kilometers of roads have been cleared, 5.3 kilometers of embankments have been reinforced, and 34 pipes have been blocked.

In this life and property defense battle against time and the demon, the vast army of the Northern Theater Command gave the best answer with the most beautiful "retrograde": wherever there is danger, there are soldiers charging forward; Wherever there is a need, there are soldiers fighting.

Officers and soldiers are transferring stranded elderly people to a nursing home in Shahezi Town, Wuchang City, Heilongjiang Province. Photo by Wang Qisong

They are called upon as "light cavalry"

Shangzhi City in Heilongjiang Province experienced heavy rainfall, with the highest amount since 1957. On August 3rd, the Ant River in the city surged, exceeding the warning water level by more than 2 meters, and some sections of the river were at risk of flooding.

Loyalty to the people and loyalty to the people, fighting against floods by officers and soldiers | reinforcement | floods

Upon receiving a request for assistance, a certain composite brigade dispatched more than 200 officers and soldiers to the banks of the Ant River. The officers and soldiers waded waist deep into the water to search and rescue the trapped masses. Among the crowd, the second level sergeant Yuan Peng, who repeatedly traveled back and forth to the deep water area, was particularly eye-catching. Yuan Pengzhen, who suffered from explosive deafness, originally planned to take a leave of absence to the hospital on August 4th. When he learned that he was going to fight the flood, he tore up the leave request and asked the company commander to participate in the mission. On this day, with good water quality, he traveled back and forth to the deep water area 12 times, and worked together with his comrades to search and rescue more than 50 trapped people.

There are a hundred reasons to retreat, but none of them are worth the one that makes him move forward.

Faced with the danger, Zhang Hang, the commander of the 7th Company of a certain composite brigade, made the same choice. He, who was on wedding leave, learned that the platoon was going to fight floods and rescue, so he returned to the platoon without saying a word. L ü Yu, the commander of the Eighth Company, who is separated by a wall, came to see off a group of brides for the collective wedding in the afternoon, and then led the team on a military expedition in the evening.

The story of Li Guangxin, a captain and staff officer of a certain special operations brigade, in fighting against floods is even more touching. On August 4th, Li Guangxin received a phone call from his parents, learning that his hometown, Ning'an City, Heilongjiang Province, had been severely affected by the disaster. His house had been washed away by floods, and his parents and family moved overnight to a three story small building waiting for rescue. At noon that day, Li Guangxin lost contact with his parents. A day later, when he learned that the troops were going to reinforce the embankment by the Mudanjiang River, Li Guangxin, who was anxious in his heart, resolutely set out for the expedition. He and more than 800 comrades patrolled the embankment to eliminate risks and evacuate the masses, and it was not until August 6th that he made contact with his parents.

If there is war, the call will come. Faced with raging floods, every story of "packing your backpack and setting off" is full of patriotism and passionate dedication.

On the evening of August 4th, the water level of Yalu River in Qiqihar City surged, with multiple pipes and landslides occurring. More than 200 officers and soldiers from a certain composite brigade set out late at night and arrived at 3am the next day. Upon arrival, they quickly launched and carried out emergency operations; Due to the flood discharge from the upstream reservoir, the Lalin River in Shuangcheng District, Harbin City is facing a super large flood peak. At 4am on August 7th, 450 officers and soldiers from a certain composite brigade rushed to the riverbank overnight to reinforce the embankment with the earlier arriving officers and soldiers.

First time! First speed! From Shangzhi to Hulan, from Lalin River to Mudanjiang River, military vehicles ran from darkness to dawn, and groups of officers and men ran from barracks to flood. They rushed into the deep water danger area to search and rescue the masses at the first time, and reinforced the dam against the torrent of rainstorm at the first time... They built a great wall of steel to resist the flood.

Loyalty to the people and loyalty to the people, fighting against floods by officers and soldiers | reinforcement | floods

Officials and soldiers have built sub embankments on the Duokoudian section of the Lalin River in Wanlong Township, Shuangcheng District, Harbin City. Photo by Ning Chunrui

They are special forces soldiers who come here to fight

On the morning of August 5th, a special operations brigade dispatched more than 800 officers and soldiers to reinforce embankments in the urban area of Mudanjiang, welcoming the unprecedented flood peak in Mudanjiang in 20 years. The officers and soldiers fought for 17 hours, filled over 100000 sandbags, and reinforced the dam for over 2500 meters. Their faces were covered in sweat and mud, and their hands and shoulders were carried and they worked hard, moving all the people present. Someone shouted, "The People's Liberation Army is not only building sandbags, but also the Great Wall of Steel." The crowd applauded warmly.

What everyone doesn't know is that these young officers and soldiers have just completed high-intensity parachute jumps and returned to the camp, and many are still in a state of extreme fatigue. But in the face of danger, none of them complained of hardship or exhaustion.

Danger and hardship are like a mirror, which best reflects a person's character and the style of a military unit.

In a certain composite brigade, watching the water level rise higher and higher, the water flow become faster and faster, and the collapse become bigger and bigger, from the brigade commander to the private soldiers, the officers and soldiers braved the rain and shouted the slogan "The embankment is with people", constantly shoveling sand, filling sandbags, and building sand walls. Private Zhong Xiwen suffers from varicocele, which causes swelling and pain due to prolonged immersion in water, causing him to sweat profusely. He felt pain all over his body, but his hands were still working. He waded in the deepest water, carried the heaviest sandbag, and time and time again, carrying the sandbag, he ran towards the riverbank. It is precisely with this extraordinary perseverance and fighting spirit that the officers and soldiers of the brigade fought continuously for 15 hours, sealing 30 pipes, disposing of 4 landslides, and filling more than 15000 bags of sand.

At 5:00 am on August 4th, three pipes appeared near the Shangzhi Bridge in Shangzhi City, with the largest one measuring 17 meters in diameter. Backflow of floodwater approached residential areas. At the critical moment, more than 70 officers and soldiers of a certain composite brigade jumped into waist deep water and forcibly built a 120 meter long and 1.2 meter high flood discharge dam in the turbulent river water.

Loyalty to the people and loyalty to the people, fighting against floods by officers and soldiers | reinforcement | floods

On the night of August 6th, the Lalin River in Shuangcheng District, Harbin City was brightly lit all night. In order to resist the upcoming flood peak and protect thousands of acres of fertile land, the officers and soldiers of a certain composite brigade who reinforced the dam here worked hard all night.

There are too many stories here about not being afraid of hardship and fatigue, daring to fight and charge, many of which make people's noses ache. But the protagonists of the story don't think so. Sergeant Li Hui from a special operations brigade said, "As long as we can defeat the demon and protect the people, no matter how hard or tiring it is, it's worth it."

The officers and soldiers reinforced the banks in the Nianzishan area of Qiqihar City. Taken by Tieyan Male

They are the "children's soldiers" who will win in battle

The skyrocketing water level of the Mopanshan Reservoir in Wuchang City caused the embankment to overflow, and floods swept through the downstream town of Shahezi. The access roads to the town were severely damaged, and more than 3000 villagers were trapped. On the early morning of August 4th, more than 400 officers and soldiers of the People's Hero Shen Liangliang's unit and a certain industrial and chemical brigade, carrying equipment such as submachine boats and steamboats, rushed to provide assistance at full speed under the stars.

On the way to Shahezi Town, a section of several meters long roadbed was washed away by floods and the progress was blocked.

Nothing can stop the footsteps of the brave. On the one hand, the brigade arranges for officers and soldiers to carry out day and night repairs, and on the other hand, 23 officers and soldiers are arranged to form an assault squad and climb the mountain on foot to advance into Shahezi Town.

Loyalty to the people and loyalty to the people, fighting against floods by officers and soldiers | reinforcement | floods

The mountain road is rugged and steep, with steep slopes and slippery roads. The officers and soldiers struggled for 5 kilometers and finally reached the town that was most severely affected by the disaster.

"Look, the People's Liberation Army is here, we're saved!" In a building, more than 10 villagers trapped in the flood are eagerly awaiting rescue. Someone burst into tears on the spot when they saw the rescue officers and soldiers coming. Upon learning that the villagers had not eaten for two days, the officers and soldiers immediately distributed the self heating food they carried to everyone.

In the nursing home of the town, 47 elderly people with limited mobility are sighing and gazing at the water upstairs. When they saw the officers and soldiers coming, everyone gave thumbs up one after another. The officers and soldiers carried the elderly on their backs, carefully wading knee deep water step by step out of the town and towards a safe area. An old man excitedly said, "The People's Liberation Army is great. If you don't come, we really don't know what to do."

On this day, the officers and soldiers fought tirelessly for 20 hours, going door-to-door to search and rescue 151 trapped people and transferring more than 3100 people. They carried the weak elderly on their shoulders, held the frightened children in their arms, and transported the affected people to a safe place. At the same time, Sergeant Shu Zhenjin, a second level sergeant in the road company of the brigade, worked overtime for three days while driving a loader, successfully completing the road repair work and opening up a "life channel" for subsequent rescue, known as the "Iron Man" by the officers and soldiers.

That night, the officers and soldiers of a certain composite brigade who were fighting floods and rescuing in the Nianzishan section of the Yaru River also encountered a "heart wrenching moment". The water level of the Yaru River has skyrocketed, flood control dams have formed pipes, and the river water is gurgling out, putting the nearby industrial park in jeopardy. The officers and soldiers braved heavy rain and filled soil and sandbags on the spot. Yang Song, the deputy squad leader of the Fourth Infantry Company of the brigade, was the first to jump into the river and seal the pipes. He soaked in the water for more than 5 hours before successfully sealing the pipes, turning the industrial park from danger to safety.

Rescuing the masses and risking oneself; Seal the collapse and use the body as a pile. The rolling river bears witness: these are a group of officers and soldiers who are not afraid of hardships and can fight and win. The continuous black soil testifies that this is a military force that can go through fire and water for the people.

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