What is the relationship between the "four major functions" and the "five centers"? Accurately grasp these two key elements | functions | relationships

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:26 AM

This fundamentally clarifies the relationship between the "four major functions" and the "five centers", which has important guiding significance. Only by grasping the two key words of "quality orientation" and "integration effect" can we continuously strengthen the "four major functions", find the main direction for deepening the construction of the "five centers", and drive the "five centers" to achieve quality improvement.

The global resource allocation function is fundamental to quality orientation

The core of the global resource allocation function lies in having control and influence over global strategic resources, industries, and channels, comprehensively enhancing the level of Shanghai International Economic Center, expanding and strengthening the capital factor market, efficiently allocating key resources such as talent, technology, and data, and thus demonstrating the strategic position of high-quality development. In this sense, the global resource allocation function is fundamental to quality orientation.

On the one hand, the core nodes of the global urban system must have a modern industrial system, which is the foundation of Shanghai's global resource allocation function. The modern industrial system in Shanghai not only needs to achieve coordinated development of the real economy, technological innovation, modern finance, and human resources, but also requires structural optimization, with modern service industry as the main body, strategic emerging industries as the guide, and advanced manufacturing industry as the support. On the other hand, absorbing high-end talents, capital, information, technology and other strategic resources from around the world will accelerate the aggregation, promote strategic resource trading and exchange, enhance the control and value-added ability of resource element flow, and promote Shanghai to occupy more high-end links in the global industrial chain, value chain, innovation chain, talent chain, and service chain, becoming an important hub for the flow of global capital, information, talent, technology and other elements.

Strengthening the global resource allocation capability not only requires Shanghai to significantly enhance the level of the Shanghai International Financial Center, promote the construction of international financial asset trading platforms, and build a more internationally competitive financial market system, financial institution system, and business innovation system, but also requires Shanghai to promote a comprehensive leap in the hub level of the International Trade Center, actively and better coordinate high-quality "imports" and high-level "going out", better coordinate "in China and for the world", and better coordinate onshore and offshore. The upgrading of the international trade center cannot be achieved without the support of a globally leading international shipping center, improving the functions of port and shipping services, promoting the integrated development of the entire industry chain, increasing the proportion of multimodal transportation services, promoting the improvement of quality and efficiency in the shipping service industry, and optimizing the innovative and entrepreneurial environment of ports and shipping with international competitiveness. The Science and Technology Innovation Center is the core platform for Shanghai to attract and allocate global high-end resources. Shanghai should pay more attention to the intensive use of scientific and technological innovation resources, the concentration of scientific and technological innovation activities, the gathering of scientific and technological innovation talents, and the functional construction of the emergence of new technologies worldwide.

The function of technological innovation policy source is a guarantee of quality orientation

An innovative economy is a distinctive feature and significant advantage of Shanghai, serving as a central node in the domestic circulation and a strategic link between domestic and international circulation. It is also an important focus for better representing the country in international competition and cooperation. The function of technological innovation as a source of policy is a guarantee of quality orientation. Only by strengthening the function of technological innovation as a source of policy can we stimulate the surging momentum of high-quality development.

The primary task for Shanghai to build a socialist modern international metropolis with global influence is to create a city of innovation. We must closely monitor cutting-edge technologies in the world, highlight the demand orientation of major national strategic tasks, strengthen the research and development of key core technologies and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and build an open innovation system with global competitiveness. Relying on the principle of "one center, three batches", we will make great efforts to enhance our original innovation capabilities, form a batch of major original achievements in basic research, prospective research, and applied basic research, implement the "unveiling and commanding" system for scientific and technological breakthroughs, and win the battle for key core technologies. We need to target major cutting-edge technologies in the world, achieve technological leadership, solve bottleneck technical problems, and build a group of nationally leading and internationally competitive major technological infrastructure. It should be pointed out that Shanghai's strengthening of its scientific and technological innovation policy source function is not only to achieve its own development, but more importantly, to represent the country in international competition and cooperation.

The leading function of high-end industries is the soul of quality orientation

From the perspective of enhancing the core competitiveness of cities, strengthening the leading role of high-end industries is the fundamental support for achieving high-quality development and the soul of quality orientation. Without the guidance of high-end industries, the construction of the "Five Centers" will lose its reliance and sustainable development capabilities. Specifically, progress can be made from the following aspects:

One is to accelerate the integration and development of advanced manufacturing and modern service industries, strengthen the industrial development strategy of "high-end, digital, integrated, cluster, and brand", accelerate the forging of strengths and weaknesses in the industrial chain and supply chain, strive to grasp the core links of the industrial chain, and occupy a high-end position in the value chain.

The second is to vigorously develop knowledge intensive service industries, accelerate the strengthening of advantageous service industries such as professional services, information services, technology services, cultural and creative services, cultivate emerging service industries such as digital content and online services, promote the extension of productive service industries to specialization and high-end value chains, and promote the upgrading of lifestyle service industries to high quality and diversification.

Thirdly, we will promote the doubling of the scale of the three leading industries of integrated circuits, biopharmaceuticals, and artificial intelligence, create world-class industrial clusters, accelerate the development of six key industries: electronic information, automobiles, high-end equipment, advanced materials, life and health, and fashion consumer goods, promote intelligent, green, and integrated development, leverage the empowering role of productive service industries in industrial upgrading, and cultivate world-class enterprises with benchmark and demonstrative significance.

The fourth is to carry out precise investment promotion, targeted investment promotion, overseas investment promotion, and global investment promotion around supplementing, expanding, and strengthening the chain. Only by introducing a group of industries with advanced technology and broad prospects throughout the entire chain can we cultivate competitive industrial clusters, improve market share and discourse power. The entire industry chain is not only an asset chain, but also an operational collaborative chain, relying on a first-class business environment supported by marketization, internationalization, and rule of law.

Open hub portal function is a quality oriented condition

The key to building a new open economy system is high-level institutional openness, especially in areas such as trade, investment, finance, and innovation. Shanghai has entered a new stage of institutional opening up, which is a distinctive feature of the new era of reform and opening up. It requires deepening institutional opening up in terms of rules, regulations, management, standards, etc., deepening trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and enhancing the competitiveness of "going global" development. Strengthening the function of open hub portals is a quality oriented condition. The transition from commodity and factor flow oriented openness to institutional openness such as rules and standards not only means deeper, more comprehensive, and more systematic openness, but also is an inevitable choice for building a new high-level open economic system. It is also an important measure to actively participate in the reform of the international economic governance system.

The growth structure dominated by the service industry relies on high-level institutional openness. The added value of the tertiary industry in Shanghai accounts for over 70% of GDP. Promoting institutional openness in rules, regulations, standards, and management is an inherent demand for forming a new pattern of high-level opening with a focus on the service economy. We need to open up to the highest international standards, fully implement the pre admission national treatment plus negative list management system, expand foreign investment market access in a wider range of fields, comprehensively create a market-oriented, rule of law, and internationalized first-class business environment, and attract global resource elements through the domestic circulation. To grasp the characteristics and development trends of international rules, promote greater openness and integration of rules, regulations, management, standards, and other fields with international standards, reasonably reduce the negative list of foreign investment access, and orderly promote the internationalization of the RMB. We need to build a new system of an open economy with a higher level, achieve a transformation from factor driven to innovation driven, attract and gather global innovative factors, form a global network of trade, investment and financing, production, services, and innovation, and actively participate in the construction of international rules in key areas such as the digital economy.

The "integration effect" is mainly reflected in the reform of system integration

The integration effect of the "four major functions" on the construction of the "five centers" is mainly reflected in the integration of the reform system. We need to focus on deep-seated institutional and institutional obstacles, launch a series of major reforms, clarify many bottlenecks and difficulties, achieve historic changes, systematic reshaping, and overall reconstruction, explore comprehensive reform pilot projects, and strengthen the full linkage and interconnection of major institutional innovations.

Function is a characteristic that goes beyond quantity and scale, and even surpasses quality and efficiency. The main direction of the construction of the "Five Centers" is to enhance energy levels, and the manifestation of energy levels is functionality. Only by strengthening the "four major functions" can Shanghai's "five centers" build a strategic high ground for development, achieve "being imitated and never surpassed", and become the pioneers of high-level reform and opening up. "Quality orientation" and "integration effect", directing the "four major functions" towards the strategic position, surging momentum, demonstration effect, and radiation ability of high-quality development, help to achieve comprehensive upgrading of the "five centers".

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