Leading the way with a heavy load | More vitality in opening up to the outside world, stronger momentum in science and technology innovation - Strong development momentum in the ancient capital of Xi'an Automotive | New energy | Opening up to the outside world

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:28 PM

In the first quarter, the regional GDP of Xi'an was 283.411 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.6%.

Behind digital growth lies a series of practical measures put into practice. Since the beginning of this year, Xi'an has made every effort to expand high-level opening up to the outside world, strive to achieve technological self-reliance and self-improvement, and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system. In promoting high-quality economic development, Xi'an has become more confident and energetic, demonstrating its mission of striving to catch up and daring to surpass in its agile pace.

New Highland: Solid Steps of Inland Reform and Opening up

From May 18th to 19th, the China Asia Summit was held in Xi'an, and the world once again focused its camera on this millennium old capital. From Zhang Qian's "hollowing out the Western Regions" in the Han Dynasty to the GDP leading the northwest to break through the trillion yuan mark, Chang'an in ancient times and Xi'an today have always adhered to the urban atmosphere of openness, inclusiveness, and mutual benefit.

The opportunities and dividends brought by opening up to the outside world have been deeply felt by a group of enterprises. On May 23, the the fourth day day after the conclusion of the China Central Asia Summit, Chelizi, weighing two tons, was transported from Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, to Xi'an by Boeing B757-200. Upon arrival, upon inspection, upon inspection, upon release, this batch of goods was delivered in just one hour.

"The overall efficiency is very high, ensuring the quality of the fruit. In the near future, we will also gradually import a batch of durians, coconuts, and other products from Southeast Asian countries," said Ruan Ji, the person in charge of Shaanxi Dinghong International Trade Co., Ltd.

The cherries from Central Asian countries have arrived in Xi'an.

Moving step by step, the sound of a whistle. On May 30th, 50 standard containers carrying various goods sailed from Xi'an to Tashkent at the China Europe freight train assembly center in Xi'an International Port Area. The total value of these goods exceeded 100 million yuan.

Leading the way with a heavy load | More vitality in opening up to the outside world, stronger momentum in science and technology innovation - Strong development momentum in the ancient capital of Xi'an Automotive | New energy | Opening up to the outside world

In the first quarter of this year, the China Europe freight train Chang'an operated 1103 trains, an increase of 39.6% compared to the same period last year, and its core indicators remained among the top in the country. The person in charge of Xi'an International Port Station, Bai Kuanfeng, said that the train has opened 17 overseas routes, achieving full coverage of the main source of goods in the Eurasian region.

Convenient exchanges cannot be separated from multi-dimensional international trade channels. In recent years, Xi'an, located in the western inland region, has continuously built a trade corridor composed of aviation and railways, which is popular due to its high efficiency, low cost, and excellent service.

Ambassadors look at each other on the road, and business travels endlessly along the way. Meng Ling, Deputy General Manager of Aiju Grain and Oil Group, who has been traveling between Xi'an and Astana for a long time, said, "In the past, we needed to first arrive in Beijing from Xi'an, then take a plane to Almaty, and then travel to Astana. Now, Xi'an has opened direct flights to the five Central Asian countries, which will help us further develop related trade."

Xi'an has achieved full coverage of passenger routes to the five Central Asian countries. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Shao Rui

The advantage of openness is accelerating its transformation into a development advantage. In the first quarter of this year, the import and export volume of general trade in Xi'an was 31.983 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.1%, accounting for 34.3% of the total import and export value, a year-on-year increase of 7.1%.

We will deepen the implementation of the Xi'an Port Capacity Expansion and Optimization Action, accelerate the construction of Xi'an International Aviation Hub and National Airline Economic Demonstration Zone, actively cultivate new foreign trade models and formats such as bonded maintenance and offshore trade, and increase the incubation and cultivation of foreign trade entities... Xi'an is continuously building and improving its open service capabilities.

New momentum: Innovation driven, effective and promising

In the Chuangzhi Cloud Valley of Fengdong New City in Xi'an Xixian New Area, a batch of precision components are undergoing deep processing at Shaanxi Jinxin Tian Titanium Materials Technology Co., Ltd. This company mainly engages in ultra precision machining and polishing processes, which is one of the "bottleneck" technologies that urgently need to be broken through in China.

Leading the way with a heavy load | More vitality in opening up to the outside world, stronger momentum in science and technology innovation - Strong development momentum in the ancient capital of Xi'an Automotive | New energy | Opening up to the outside world

Enterprise leader Mi Tianjian is a young scholar at Xi'an University of Technology who has been engaged in related research for many years. "We have been planning to further transform innovative achievements into productivity," said Mi Tianjian, and Qin Chuangyuan accelerated this transformation process.

Qin Chuangyuan is an innovation driven platform established in Shaanxi Province in 2021, committed to activating rich scientific and educational resources, and breaking the bottleneck of the transformation between the technology chain and the industrial chain. As the first national level new area in China with the theme of innovative urban development, Xi'an Xixian New Area has been established as the main window of Qinchuangyuan.

Mi Tianjian said that after settling in Qinchuangyuan, they successively received start-up funds, enjoyed a three-year rent reduction for factory buildings, and provided thoughtful services from technology brokers from the "technical end" to the "market end". At present, the company has built more than ten production lines, with a turnover of 45 million yuan last year and an expected total output value of 500 million yuan within three years.

Qinchuangyuan Jinwan Science and Technology Innovation Zone in Xixian New Area. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Xiao

To find a good way out for good technology, Qin Chuangyuan's attraction continues to be released. A group of technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, including Xi'an Lixin Huigan Technology Co., Ltd. and Shaanxi Ditaike New Materials Co., Ltd., are growing rapidly in Qinchuangyuan.

Not only that, a group of industry leaders such as Longji Green Energy, Western Superconducting, Sany Heavy Industry, and Shangtang Technology have also laid out their positions here, driving the accelerated integration of the industrial chain and innovation chain.

Longji Green Energy is a leading global photovoltaic enterprise. At the beginning of this year, this company made another additional investment in Xixian New Area to build the world's largest and highest capacity photovoltaic cell production base.

Yang Renhua, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xixian New Area, said that with the help of the Qin Chuangyuan platform and advantages, from January to April this year, the new area signed 80 settlement projects, with a total investment of over 100 billion yuan. In the first quarter, the new district added 129 technology achievement transformation enterprises and completed technology contract transactions worth 4.5186 billion yuan. "The efficient integration of various elements such as science and technology innovation enterprises, talents, and funds is constantly forming an open and innovative ecosystem."

Leading the way with a heavy load | More vitality in opening up to the outside world, stronger momentum in science and technology innovation - Strong development momentum in the ancient capital of Xi'an Automotive | New energy | Opening up to the outside world

Continuously deepening the construction of Qin Chuangyuan and significantly enhancing its ability to drive innovation. As of now, Xi'an has surpassed 12000 technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, and 10000 high-tech enterprises. The transaction volume of technology contracts ranks first among sub provincial cities.

New advantage: The backbone of modern industrial system is rising

The BYD new energy vehicle production base located in Xi'an can produce a complete vehicle in just one minute on average. Correspondingly, in the first quarter of this year, Xi'an's new energy vehicles continued to lead the growth with a year-on-year growth rate of 62.8%, accounting for 13.8% of the national production. This means that approximately one out of every seven new energy vehicles produced in the country comes from Xi'an.

Production continues to rise, and research and development continues to deepen. Wang Zhao, General Manager of Dechuang Future Automotive Technology Co., Ltd., said that after the company settled in Xi'an, relying on the extensive resources of the New Energy Intelligent Commercial Vehicle Innovation Center, the company independently developed 60 new energy products last year and completed the landing of 23 key technologies such as autonomous driving and fuel cells.

The staff is assembling new energy vehicles at the car assembly plant of Xi'an BYD Caotang Industrial Park. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Xiao

New energy vehicles are just one aspect of Xi'an's efforts to build a modern industrial system. In recent years, Xi'an has accelerated the upgrading and transformation of traditional industries towards high-end, intelligent, and green development, and continuously cultivated and strengthened strategic emerging industries. The six pillar industries, including electronic information, automobiles, new materials and energy, high-end equipment, aerospace, food, and biomedicine, are constantly transforming, upgrading, and growing.

On May 24th, the first fully automatic hydrogen fuel cell production line in Shaanxi started construction in Xi'an, and it is expected to produce 2000 sets of hydrogen fuel cell stacks annually after being put into operation. In addition, the hydrogen fuel cell R&D innovation center and hydrogen energy testing center are also under construction.

According to data from the Xi'an Municipal Bureau of Statistics, the total output value of high-tech manufacturing in Xi'an increased by 9.6% year-on-year in the first quarter; The total output value of strategic emerging industries increased by 14.8% year-on-year; The production of integrated circuit wafers and solar cells increased by 51.6% and 48.8% year-on-year, respectively.

Leading the way with a heavy load | More vitality in opening up to the outside world, stronger momentum in science and technology innovation - Strong development momentum in the ancient capital of Xi'an Automotive | New energy | Opening up to the outside world

Entering the Xijing Science and Technology Innovation Park in Yanta District, Xi'an, nearly 600 enterprises and more than 20000 employees gather here, with keywords such as intelligent manufacturing and technological iteration being felt everywhere. At Xi'an Chuangyan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., a ceramic chip mounted on a sensor has a thickness of only 1.5 millimeters. After a few seconds, this product was completed on the production line.

At the beginning of this year, the electrical connector industry cluster in Yanta District entered the national team of characteristic industries, and the Xijing Science and Technology Innovation Park is the main carrier of this industry cluster. At present, the park's industries involve various fields such as electronic components, aerospace, semiconductor integrated circuits, etc., with an average output value of nearly 40 million yuan per mu.

Wang Zheng, Secretary of the Yanta District Committee, said that the jurisdiction is accelerating the construction of key projects such as the Xijing Science and Technology Innovation Park and the Future Artificial Intelligence Computing Center Phase II, continuously seizing new tracks and winning new fields, and helping emerging industries expand production and increase efficiency.

Accelerate the agglomeration and development of emerging industries such as big data and artificial intelligence, encourage and support the layout and application of new formats and models, and proactively lay out a number of future industries such as life and health, hydrogen energy, and energy storage. Xi'an is constantly taking new steps in building a modern industrial system.

The ancient capital of Xi'an is full of vitality and strong momentum!

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Guiding the right direction for promoting the development of the international human rights cause -- President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter to the high-end forum on global human rights governance triggered a warm response to the high-end forum on global human rights governance

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