Using heart and effort to solve the urgent and difficult problems of the masses (Jintai Vision · Focus on Formalism ③), reducing burden | problems | difficulties

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 15:14 PM

In recent years, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has combined solving prominent problems of formalism with reducing burdens at the grassroots level, as an important part of the Party's work style construction, and has coordinated and promoted it as a whole. For five consecutive years, it has specifically deployed and promoted the rectification of formalism and bureaucracy to reduce burdens at the grassroots level.

However, the problem of formalism is stubborn and repetitive, with some old problems not yet eradicated and some new variants breeding again. Especially in terms of serving the people, there are still some areas where there are still problems such as passive coping and shifting blame. This fully indicates that the rectification of formalism and bureaucracy still needs to be persistent and continuously deepened.

Not only should we make it easy to enter and have a good face, but we also need to enable the masses to accomplish things

"First, go to the street social security office, then to the government center, then to the county social security bureau, and then run back to the street... In order to refund social security fees, I have traveled back and forth more than 10 times, but the problem has not been solved." Not long ago, Zhang Jian, a resident of a certain city in Shaanxi, encountered a troublesome situation. After retiring at the end of 2021, he wanted to apply for a social security refund, so he submitted a refund application and required materials to his street. Several departments have been arguing back and forth for a long time, and the application has not been approved.

"This is mainly because there is a discrepancy between the billing of your social security business system and the actual payment in your account. We will follow the workflow and return the application materials to the street for processing." The staff of the county social security bureau showed a sincere attitude and friendly tone.

After hearing this, Zhang Jian couldn't help but feel angry and said, "My materials are all prepared according to the requirements. If the data is not correct, just let me know. But after the county social security bureau returned the application materials to the street, the materials were stuck on the street and the data was not changed. I went to the street to ask about the situation, and the street said that there was a problem with the social security system. Please be patient. Why is it so difficult for the people to do something?"

"Difficulty in entering, unattractive face, and difficult task" used to be a true portrayal of the difficulty in handling affairs for the masses. In order to solve this "pain point" and "difficulty", various regions and departments have continued to deepen the reform of streamlining administration and delegating power, and carried out special actions to concentrate on rectifying formalism and bureaucracy. The prominent problems of the "three difficulties" have gradually been alleviated, and the sense of gain and satisfaction of the masses has greatly increased. However, in some places, the door is easy to enter and the face looks good, but some things are still difficult to handle.

Mr. Li recently complained to the citizen service hotline about noise pollution around the community in a certain area of Henan, and soon received a follow-up call from the staff. "The staff spoke politely and politely, explained for a long time, and finally stated that the problem could not be solved at the moment." Mr. Li said, and the staff asked him to give a "very satisfied" evaluation of the service. "If the problem has not been solved, how can it be" very satisfied "? I gave a" dissatisfied "evaluation at that time."

Unexpectedly, in the following days, this staff member called three more times to ask Mr. Li to modify his evaluation. "The staff not only failed to solve the problem, but also repeatedly demanded praise, which is really annoying," Mr. Li said.

In order to provide a bottom line solution to the problem, some places have creatively set up "impossible" windows, focusing on solving "difficult and miscellaneous problems", and have received many positive reviews. However, it should also be noted that the reason for setting up a "unable to accomplish" window reflects that there are indeed situations where ordinary windows are still "difficult" and "unable to accomplish".

A staff member at the "Can't Do It" window said that in their place, the "Can't Do It" window does not have a fixed service item, and in most cases, it still provides business consulting services. "What other windows can't do here is mostly still not possible. We can only tell the people who handle the matter where to go and how to do it."

"The 'cannot do things' window is not a universal key, but a special case of urgent and special matters." Zheng Jiangang, a reader from Ningbo, Zhejiang, said that through the' cannot do things' window, we not only need to solve the urgent and difficult problems of the masses, but also pay attention to summarizing and analyzing the reasons, establishing sound systems, and improving efficiency and effectiveness. "We cannot let the 'cannot do things' window become an ordinary consultation window, or even become a decoration, nor can we let the masses squeeze into the' cannot do things' window to do things."

There are still areas where we cannot grasp the needs of the masses and make decisions with a pat on the head. Although we have a good service attitude, the experience of the masses is still not good. According to a grassroots cadre, the local government has merged marriage registration and household registration transfer services, remade application forms, and required all service windows to be merged for processing. The problem is that nowadays, young people getting married is not like before, and the vast majority of marriage registration services do not necessarily require household registration transfer. As a result, the staff had to introduce the household registration transfer service to the people who came to handle marriage registration, guiding them on how to fill out the application form. This not only wasted time but also reduced work efficiency, which made the people very dissatisfied.

To reduce the heavy burden of evaluation for the grassroots

In the view of Sang Xuecheng, the director of the Jiangsu Party Building Theory and Practice Innovation Research Institute, the reasons for the formation of bureaucracy are multifaceted. There are subjective factors such as unstable ideological guidance leading to faith shaking, loose work style leading to detachment from the masses, weak ability foundation leading to skill panic, as well as objective factors such as inadequate assessment and evaluation, punishment and accountability mechanisms.

"Once the view of political achievements is distorted, cadres' work is not to satisfy the masses, but to attract the attention of the leaders." Chen Zhihua, Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Deputy Director of the Supervision Commission in Shangli County, Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province, said that under the guidance of the erroneous view of political achievements, some party members and cadres are keen on putting on airs and making superficial remarks. "It may seem like there is a lot of noise, but in fact, there are not many dry or genuine products."

A grassroots cadre left a message on the leadership message board of People's Daily that since the beginning of this year, a certain city has formulated a special action plan to implement the deployment of the provincial party committee, which includes more than 70 pages of evaluation rules. "Every month, in order to cope with the heavy evaluation tasks, the grassroots need to prepare a large number of forms, ledgers, materials, reports, etc. They have invested a lot of manpower and material resources in researching evaluation rules. The time and energy that should have been devoted to development have been spent on dealing with the heavy evaluation tasks," said the grassroots cadre.

In the interview, some grassroots cadres also reported that sometimes it is not only difficult for the masses to handle affairs, but also for grassroots government units to handle affairs. "The superiors only assign work tasks to the subordinates, do not provide clear work ideas, and are only satisfied with assigning everything that needs to be assigned and everything that needs to be assigned. It is called 'responsibility sinking', but they act as' hands off shopkeepers' themselves. As for what to do and how to do it, it is the responsibility of the subordinates."

Using heart and effort to solve the urgent and difficult problems of the masses (Jintai Vision · Focus on Formalism ③), reducing burden | problems | difficulties

Recently, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission publicly reported 10 typical problems of formalism and bureaucracy that have increased the burden on grassroots levels. According to the announcement, in June 2022, in order to accelerate the use of electronic medical insurance vouchers, the Medical Insurance Bureau of Pinghu City, Zhejiang Province required the average settlement rate of medical insurance electronic vouchers in medical institutions within its jurisdiction to reach 40% in September. For medical institutions that did not meet the requirements, the allocation of medical insurance funds for the current month and the signing of designated service agreements for the next year were temporarily suspended. In the work, specific guidance and supervision were not provided to grassroots medical institutions based on actual conditions, resulting in various grassroots medical institutions increasing the average settlement rate of electronic vouchers through false increase in outpatient departments and false brushing of orders. In the end, the relevant responsible persons were dealt with by the organization.

"The original intention of conducting inspections and evaluations was to supervise and improve the efficiency of doing practical things for the people, but in some places, inspections and evaluations are not only diverse and cross cutting, but also focus on formality and neglect effectiveness." Liu Yinghua, director of the Party Conduct and Political Conduct Supervision Office of the Jilin Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, said that in some places, in order to check whether government service work benefits the people, various indicators are quantified and made into tables. The problem is that the table design is complex, there are many filling items, and even many professional terms. "Inspectors find it difficult to effectively communicate with the people in charge of affairs by holding the table, and can only judge through checking the ledger, looking at pictures, and other methods. This easily makes some cadres focus on 'creating ledger'."

Grassroots cadres should not only have strong political skills but also possess strong abilities in implementing superior instructions and promoting various work. "When working for the people, individual staff members are not unwilling or impatient, but rather unwilling or unable to do it. Soft methods are not effective, and hard methods are not dare to be used." Huang Wanxi, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Shangli County Administrative Approval Bureau, said that if grassroots staff lack practical experience and work experience, serving the people will be affected. If we continue to engage in formalism and bureaucracy, the common people will be even less willing to accept it.

Reduce the burden on grassroots level and further stimulate the responsibility of party members and cadres

Not long ago, during an interview at the Jilin City Government Service Hall, the reporter saw that although there were many people coming to handle affairs and consult, everyone was quietly waiting for the call, and the scene was orderly.

"It used to be different. With a large number of people coming to handle affairs, the queue could all line up on the street," said He Fei, deputy director of the Jilin Municipal Government Service Center, with a smile. In recent years, the functions of government service centers have become more and more diverse. Although it has made it convenient for the public to handle affairs, sometimes it has also caused problems such as excessive foot traffic and long waiting times in popular windows such as medical insurance and social security.

"The grassroots cannot handle medical insurance business before, and the people have to come to the city to handle it. In order to facilitate the people's work, we have delegated the acceptance authority for high-frequency government services such as medical insurance and social security. By dispatching specific business personnel to the city hall and extending the business processing system, high-frequency government services are synchronized to the city and district government service centers, achieving 'local handling'." He Fei said.

Strengthening the work style of grassroots cadres who have direct contact with the masses is one of the important means to oppose formalism and bureaucracy. Since the beginning of this year, Xihu District of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province has launched a special action to rectify the work style of stock chiefs, targeting eight types of stubborn work style problems, including unwillingness to do things, greed for comfort, low standards, shifting blame and buck, arbitrary use of power, laziness and procrastination, false impatience, and foresight.

"We went to the front lines such as the comprehensive certification window, the household registration business window, and the self-service certification area to listen to opinions and inquire about progress on site. At the same time, we carried out regular inspections and secret investigations of various departments and units, and identified problems one by one, urging strict and practical rectification. According to Yuan Bing, the director of the Party Conduct and Political Conduct Supervision Office of the Xihu District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, as of the end of June, more than 2000 problems had been identified and more than 22 problems with the work style of the department head had been investigated and dealt with. Six people were given disciplinary and administrative sanctions, and 23 people were organized to handle them. 225 urgent and difficult problems for the masses and enterprises were solved.".

Breaking down data barriers between different departments and addressing the needs of the masses by allowing more data to run and less people to run errands is also one of the efforts made by various regions. The construction of a comprehensive information command center in Tianqu New Area, Dezhou, Shandong Province, will achieve interconnection and interoperability with the province's integrated big data platform. "62 key safety production supervision enterprises and more than 1000 'nine small places' within the street area have all been included in the database. Inspection reports and safety supervision situations will be regularly uploaded to the information command center, and information sharing will be achieved with higher-level departments." Zhang Bo, Deputy Director of the Office of the Party Working Committee Management Committee of Tianqu New Area in Dezhou, said that so far, the information command center has achieved centralized collection and processing of more than 90 types of information from 6 departments, forming a work pattern of one-time filling and multi department sharing. This not only reduces the pressure of grassroots cadres to submit materials, but also eliminates the need for the public to repeatedly provide various materials, making it much more convenient.

"The mechanisms of supervision, inspection, assessment and evaluation should enhance their scientificity, pertinence, and practicality, striving to reduce the burden on grassroots levels, in order to further stimulate the responsibility of party members and cadres to uphold practical work and overcome difficulties, and form a good atmosphere of entrepreneurship, innovation, and courage to make progress." said Li Bo, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Jiguanshan Township, Shangli County.

Sang Xuecheng suggested that in order to rectify formalism and bureaucracy, targeted treatment must be adhered to, and efforts should be made from the source of the "lesion". Persistently strengthening theoretical armament, improving party spirit cultivation, strengthening purpose awareness, purifying political ecology, and improving long-term mechanisms, continuously compressing the living space of formalism and bureaucracy, with the perseverance of always on the road, constantly correcting the "four winds" and improving work style, striving to continuously achieve new results in work style construction in the process of starting well and ending well, and achieving good results.


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