Continuously composing a new chapter in the sinicization and modernization of Marxism. Development | Era | Marxism

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:51 PM

Great ideas have a powerful power to lead human progress. The birth of Marxism is like a magnificent sunrise, illuminating the path for humanity to explore historical laws and seek its own liberation. The CPC insists on taking Marxism as the fundamental guiding ideology for building the party and the country, and perseveres in promoting the modernization of Marxism in China, providing the correct ideological guidance for China's revolution, construction and reform.We must follow the trend of history, grasp the initiative of history, bravely shoulder historical responsibilities, continuously deepen our understanding of the regularity of the Party's theoretical innovation, continuously compose new chapters of Marxism's sinicization and modernization, create new versions of scientific socialism, and constantly endow Marxism with new vitality and vigor.

Ultimately, it is a Marxist practice, a Marxist practice with Chinese characteristics and modernization

Only political parties with scientific theories possess the power of truth; The career guided by scientific theory has a bright future. For more than 100 years, the CPC has been able to unite and lead the Chinese people to open up a great road, create a great cause, and achieve great achievements. One of the fundamental reasons is that our party has always taken Marxism as a guideline for thought and action, and has constantly promoted the modernization of Marxism in China and used it to guide practice. Our experience has taught us that, at the fundamental level, we owe the success of the Communist Party of China and socialism with Chinese characteristics to the fact that Marxism works, particularly when it is adapted to the Chinese context and the needs of our times

Firmly believing and grasping the fundamental essence of historical initiative.At the beginning of the 20th century, the Chinese revolution was surging and more than 300 political parties and groups were established, but the vast majority were short-lived. Why can the CPC always maintain its vitality, continue to develop and grow, unite and lead the Chinese people on the right path to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation? One fundamental reason is that our party adheres to Marxism as the guide, possesses a scientific worldview and methodology, and possesses a powerful ideological weapon to understand the world, grasp laws, pursue truth, and transform the world.

During the period of the new democratic revolution, the CPC, with Comrade Mao Zedong as the main representative, combined the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality, created Mao Zedong Thought, and opened up the correct revolutionary road for the countryside to encircle the cities and seize power with arms. Under the guidance of Mao Zedong Thought, our party led the people to achieve national independence and liberation, ushering in a new era of Chinese historical development. During the period of socialist revolution and construction, our party enriched and developed Mao Zedong Thought based on new realities, put forward a series of important ideas on socialist construction, and guided socialist construction to achieve great achievements.

In the new era of reform, opening up, and socialist modernization construction, our Party leads the people to liberate their minds, seek truth from facts, and continuously promote the sinicization and modernization of Marxism from new practices and characteristics of the times. We have established Deng Xiaoping Theory, formed the important thought of the "Three Represents" and the Scientific Outlook on Development, guided the deepening of reform, opening up, and socialist modernization construction, and China has made great strides to catch up with the times.

Guide us to grasp the laws and trends of historical development, and always grasp the historical initiative of the development of the Party and the country.

Looking back at the magnificent historical journey of our party's determination to promote national rejuvenation, when will we adhere to Marxism with Chinese characteristics and modernization as guidance, and when will the cause of the party and the people be able to forge ahead. It is under the scientific guidance of Marxism and its achievements of sinicization and modernization that the CPC has united and led the Chinese people to create unprecedented miracles in the history of mankind in the ancient oriental country.

The fundamental essence of the great changes in the new era over the past decade. In the past decade of the new era, our Party has led the people of all ethnic groups in the country to unite and struggle, achieving great changes with milestone significance in the history of the Party, the history of New China, the history of reform and opening up, the history of socialist development, and the history of the development of the Chinese nation. Ten years of ups and downs, ten years of perseverance and progress. We have won the largest poverty alleviation battle in human history and historically solved the problem of absolute poverty; China's position as the world's second largest economy, the largest manufacturing country, the largest trading country in goods, and the largest foreign exchange reserve country has been further consolidated and improved. The total economic output has reached a new level, and the per capita gross domestic product is close to the threshold of high-income countries; We withstood the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, efficiently coordinated the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development, and the economic growth rate was higher than the world average, maintaining a leading position among major economies in the world; We have established and adhered to the fundamental system of Marxism's guiding position in the ideological field, the innovative theory of the Party in the new era has deeply rooted in people's hearts, the socialist core values have been widely spread, the excellent traditional Chinese culture has been creatively transformed and innovatively developed, the cultural cause is becoming increasingly prosperous, and the cultural confidence of the entire Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country is significantly enhanced, and their spiritual outlook is becoming more vigorous and uplifting; We have launched a battle to defend the blue sky, clear water, and pure land, and the land of China has unfolded a beautiful picture of "a thousand autumn paintings without ink on the green mountains, and a thousand ancient qin strings on the green water"; We have welcomed friends from all over the world, such as APEC Beijing Conference, G20 Hangzhou Summit, high-level dialogue between the CPC and the world political parties and other major diplomatic events at home to show China's style... Socialism with Chinese characteristics is thriving and developing vigorously in the new era.

The essence of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization.The history of our party uniting and leading the people in pursuing national rejuvenation is also a history of constantly exploring the path of modernization.Chinese path to modernization is the crystallization of our party's ideology and theory, which profoundly summarizes the historical experience of modernization construction in China and other countries in the world, and constantly explores how China, a big oriental country, can accelerate modernization. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) summarized the Chinese characteristics, essential requirements and major principles of Chinese path to modernization, initially constructed the theoretical system of Chinese path to modernization, and made Chinese path to modernization clearer, more scientific, more sensible and feasible.At the same time, we should also recognize that promoting Chinese path to modernization is a long-term task, and there are still many unknown areas to explore.

Always maintain the vigorous vitality and vigor of Marxism

The road problem is the most fundamental issue, and theoretical innovation also needs to take the right path.We must firmly believe in our beliefs, grasp the initiative of history, and continuously promote the "two combinations". We must use Marxism to observe, grasp, and lead the times, and continue to develop contemporary Chinese Marxism and 21st century Marxism.

Persist in combining the basic principles of Marxism with the specific realities of China. Marxism profoundly reveals the universal laws of nature, human society, and the development of human thinking. The so-called law is a scientific abstraction that must be applied to concrete reality in order to be effective.

Today, we have completed the historical task of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. At the same time, the people's yearning for a better life is even stronger, and the problem of unbalanced and insufficient development still exists; The rapid development of technology has not completely changed the situation where key areas are subject to human control. It is necessary to accelerate the realization of self-reliance and self-improvement, and solve the bottleneck problem; Our party is becoming stronger and more powerful in revolutionary forging, while facing the "four major tests" and "four dangers" that will persist for a long time. In China, an oriental country with a civilization history of more than 5000 years, a developing country with a population of more than 1.4 billion, and a socialist China with imbalanced development and unlimited potential, to achieve the goal of building a strong socialist modernization country in all respects and comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization, we must adhere to the combination of Marxism with China's national conditions, progress with the development of the times, and share a common destiny with the people, so that this scientific theory can continue to radiate strong vitality, creativity, and charisma, and guide the cause of the Party and the people to move forward in the right direction.

Persist in combining the basic principles of Marxism with the excellent traditional Chinese culture. The scientific theories that can guide a nation to stay at the forefront of the times are inevitably deeply integrated with the history, culture, and values of that nation. After the introduction of Marxism to China, the proposition of scientific socialism was warmly welcomed by the Chinese people and ultimately rooted in the land of China, blossoming and bearing fruit. It was not by chance, but rather integrated with the excellent historical and cultural heritage that has been passed down for thousands of years and the values that the vast majority of the people use unconsciously.People of the CPC are firm believers and practitioners of Marxism, as well as faithful inheritors and promoters of China's excellent traditional culture.The second combination is another ideological liberation, allowing us to fully utilize the precious resources of excellent traditional Chinese culture in a broader cultural space, and explore future oriented theoretical and institutional innovations.

On the new journey, we must strengthen our historical confidence and cultural confidence, adhere to the principle of making the past serve the present and bring forth the new, link the essence of Marxism with the essence of China's excellent traditional culture, and integrate with the common values that the people use everyday without being aware of, constantly endow scientific theories with distinctive Chinese characteristics, and constantly consolidate the historical and mass basis for the sinicization and modernization of Marxism, so that Marxism can firmly take root in China.

Adhere to the application of dialectical materialism and historical materialism. Dialectical materialism and historical materialism are the fundamental worldview and methodology of Marxism, and the cornerstone of all Marxist theories. Promoting the sinicization and modernization of Marxism is an inherent requirement of China's revolution, construction, and reform, as well as the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is also an inherent requirement of the dialectical materialism and historical materialism worldview and methodology. The "two combinations" fully reflect the CPC's high degree of self-consciousness and confidence in scientifically grasping the historical laws and the trend of the times in the new era, and deeply reflect the persistence and application of Marxist dialectical materialism and historical materialism. For more than 100 years, the people of the CPC have applied the principles of dialectical materialism and historical materialism to China's reality, and have continuously endowed dialectical materialism and historical materialism with the great wisdom of the Chinese nation and the theoretical creation of the CPC people, making them have distinctive Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, and Chinese style, and become a powerful ideological weapon to guide the CPC people to move forward.This important ideology upholds the principle of putting the people first, showcasing historical consciousness, adhering to seeking truth from facts, highlighting problem orientation, strengthening strategic thinking, and carrying forward the spirit of struggle. It provides scientific guidance for promoting the development of the Party and the state, and provides fundamental guidance for using dialectical materialism and historical materialism to promote theoretical and practical innovation.

To forge ahead on a new journey, we must adhere to the application of dialectical materialism and historical materialism to observe the world, lead the times, and guide practice. We must coordinate the overall situation in the combination of domestic and international factors, summarize laws in the combination of history and reality, take the initiative in the combination of top-level design and mass innovation, and develop contemporary Chinese Marxism and 21st century Marxism in the unity and interaction of theoretical innovation and practical innovation.

Continuing to promote theoretical innovation based on practice

Practice has no end, and theoretical innovation has no end. We are in a world with unprecedented changes in the world, times, and history. We are shouldering the mission of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization. We must shoulder the solemn historical responsibility of constantly writing a new chapter in the modernization of Marxism in China, and constantly promote the process of pursuing truth, revealing truth, and practicing truth.

Adhere to the principle of putting the people first. All theories that are detached from the people are pale and powerless, and all theories that do not benefit the people have no vitality.Currently, the vivid practice in China is proposing a large number of theoretical and practical topics that have not been proposed or explored by predecessors. The vast masses of people who are engaged in socialist modernization construction are creating new things and providing new experiences every day. We must stand firm in the people's position, grasp their wishes, respect their creativity, concentrate their wisdom, and regard their creative practice as an inexhaustible source of theoretical innovation. Let theory come from the people, serve the people, and benefit the people.

Persist in self-confidence and self-reliance. China's issues must start from its basic national conditions and be answered by the Chinese themselves. A series of major theoretical and practical achievements, such as the socialist market economy, the overall layout of the "Five in One" and the strategic layout of the "Four Comprehensives", the whole process of people's democracy, and the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, are all independently explored and developed by the Party under the leadership of the people. Continuing to promote theoretical innovation on the basis of practice, we must neither seek opportunities or become closed and rigid, nor blindly copy or assimilate. Instead, we must always adhere to a firm belief in Marxism and socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen our confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture, and make new contributions to the development of Marxism with a more positive historical responsibility and creative spirit.

Adhere to integrity and innovation. Being upright is the key to avoiding losing direction and making disruptive mistakes, while innovation is the key to grasping and leading the times.On the new journey, we must always adhere to the basic principles of Marxism without wavering, adhere to the comprehensive leadership of the Party without wavering, adhere to socialism with Chinese characteristics without wavering, keep up with the pace of the times, follow the development of practice, treat all new things with enthusiasm, constantly expand the breadth and depth of understanding, dare to say new things that have not been said by predecessors, dare to do things that have not been done by predecessors, and guide new practice with new theories.

Adhere to a problem oriented approach. Theoretical innovation can only start from problems. In a sense, the process of theoretical innovation is the process of discovering, screening, researching, and solving problems.We need to enhance our awareness of problems, focus on the new problems encountered in practice, the deep-seated problems of reform, development and stability, the urgent and difficult problems that the people are looking forward to, major problems in the international situation, and prominent problems faced by the Party's construction, and continuously propose new concepts, new ideas, and new methods to truly solve problems.

Adhere to a systematic concept. System concept is a fundamental idea and working method. China is a developing country still in the primary stage of socialism and is undergoing extensive and profound social changes. Promoting reform and development, and adjusting interests often have a ripple effect.We should be good at seeing reality through history, seeing essence through phenomena, grasping the relationship between the overall and local, current and long-term, macro and micro, main and secondary contradictions, and special and general, continuously improving our strategic thinking, historical thinking, dialectical thinking, systematic thinking, innovative thinking, rule of law thinking, and bottom line thinking abilities, and providing scientific thinking methods for forward-looking thinking, global planning, and overall promotion of various undertakings of the Party and the country.

Persist in having a broad mind for the world. The CPC is a party that seeks happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. It is also a party that seeks progress for mankind and common ground for the world.China's development cannot do without the world, and world development also requires China. We need to broaden our global perspective, deeply understand the trend of human development and progress, actively respond to the common concerns of people from all countries, and contribute to solving the common problems faced by humanity. With a broad mind that embraces all rivers and oceans, we should learn from and absorb all the excellent achievements of human civilization, and promote the construction of a more beautiful world.

Scientific thought and theory can only be transformed into a powerful material force for understanding and transforming the world if they are mastered by the people.Reflected in promoting high-quality development, based on the new stage of development, fully, accurately, and comprehensively implementing the new development concept, accelerating the construction of a new development pattern, firmly grasping the solution to unbalanced and insufficient development problems, and focusing on making up for shortcomings, strengthening weak areas, strengthening the foundation, and leveraging advantages; Reflected in enhancing people's livelihood and well-being, we must earnestly practice the development concept of putting the people at the center, regard improving the lives of the people as the fundamental value orientation, and make the achievements of modernization construction more and more equitable to benefit all the people; Reflected in enhancing the ability to struggle, actively identifying and adapting to changes, actively preventing and resolving risks, and making every effort to overcome various difficulties and challenges on the way forward; Reflected in promoting a clean and upright atmosphere, with a strict tone of integrity and discipline, constantly changing one's style and creating a new atmosphere. We must consciously use the innovative theory of the Party in the new era to observe new situations, study new situations, and solve new problems, correctly answer major questions raised by the times and practice, and continuously write a new chapter in the sinicization and modernization of Marxism.

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On the evening of June 1st, the US Senate passed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, and the flame of the US debt bomb was temporarily extinguished at the last moment. The two parties in the United States have staged an extreme tug of war over the US debt bomb. Some experts believe that the US debt crisis is the result of the reckless politics promoted by the US dollar hegemony, and the underlying cause of this crisis is the highly polarized political system of the US. Since the end of World War II, the US Congress has adjusted the debt ceiling more than a hundred times. The recurring debt crisis will not only have a catastrophic impact on the US economy and people's livelihoods, but also continuously erode the value of US dollar assets such as government credit and US bonds, bringing significant and far-reaching impacts to the global economic landscape. 【