From a victim to a perpetrator, typing and chatting can earn you a high salary? Young people who have encountered telecommunications fraud | jobs | high salaries

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 05:06 AM

Nowadays, many young people are familiar with the internet, which is a major advantage for them when looking for jobs. A company located in a high-end office building in the city center, with an office job mainly focused on online chatting and making phone calls, is also quite attractive to many young people, but easy money can lead to problems. The job advertisement claims to be extravagant and seemingly easy, but in reality, it may be a trap that leads people on a path of no return, deceiving them without discussion. If one steps in, they will be used as a knife.

In 2019, Wang Yang, a young man from Guangzhou who had just graduated a few years ago, wanted to change his job. Proficient in computers and familiar with the internet, he wants to find a job in an office.

Defendant Wang Yang: I just went online to look for job postings. A company was located in Tianhe District, the city center, and I felt it was quite reliable at the time. Then I submitted a resume and went for an interview.

From a victim to a perpetrator, typing and chatting can earn you a high salary? Young people who have encountered telecommunications fraud | jobs | high salaries

Although this company may seem high-end, its requirements are not high. The most important thing is that it understands computers and can chat.

At the end of April 2019, Wang Yang successfully joined Guangzhou Huitai Company. The company encourages the introduction of family and friends, and Wang Yang introduced his brother Wang Min to the company, for which he also received a bonus of 2000 yuan.

After joining, the company instructed Wang Yang and others to first learn about stocks.

From a victim to a perpetrator, typing and chatting can earn you a high salary? Young people who have encountered telecommunications fraud | jobs | high salaries

So, the Wang Yang brothers started working in this company.

At this time, Ms. Li, who lives in Beijing, lost money in stock trading after retirement. By chance, she came into contact with a WeChat group of so-called professional stock traders.

In this group, Ms. Li met a teacher named Han Ze. She usually shares stock market news in the group and even has live classes in the evening.

From a victim to a perpetrator, typing and chatting can earn you a high salary? Young people who have encountered telecommunications fraud | jobs | high salaries

It seems that this teacher named Han Ze is quite knowledgeable about stocks. Ms. Li is half believing and half skeptical, both wanting to make money with her and worrying about scams. However, the comments from other group members gradually gave her a little more trust in this person named Han Ze.

During this period, the work of Wang Yang and Wang Min at this company in Guangzhou has become increasingly smooth. The company sent them five or six mobile phones each, and their job was to send messages in various WeChat groups with different identities.

Defendant Wang Yang: The teacher's account is a WeChat account for the main lecturer, there is also an assistant account, just a photo avatar of a beautiful woman, and there is also a business account, which is the Water Army account. These are just three accounts.

From a victim to a perpetrator, typing and chatting can earn you a high salary? Young people who have encountered telecommunications fraud | jobs | high salaries

Both Wang Yang and Wang Min have an account with the same name, which is Han Ze.

Defendant Wang Yang: Han Ze's account was created as an expert in the field of stocks, a relatively powerful figure.

Although I am completely clueless about stocks, playing the role of Han Ze, a stock expert, is effortless, and there are also tricks behind it.

From a victim to a perpetrator, typing and chatting can earn you a high salary? Young people who have encountered telecommunications fraud | jobs | high salaries

Defendant Wang Min: For example, if a customer sends a question about how to analyze this stock, we will copy the customer's words and send them to a dedicated group, which is another team. Someone will reply, and we will use the account Han Ze to reply to them.

In the first month, the two received a salary of 6000 yuan each.

Playing non-existent roles, sending messages and receiving wages that could only be earned through hard work outside, the two brothers also began to mutter in their hearts.

From a victim to a perpetrator, typing and chatting can earn you a high salary? Young people who have encountered telecommunications fraud | jobs | high salaries

Defendant Wang Yang: I feel that there are many things that the company does not tell us, and there is this question. I also proposed to withdraw in the middle, but at that time the company did not pay us wages, and we worked for so long. We worked overtime until 11 or 12 o'clock every day, and I felt a bit unwilling, so I continued to complete it.

Although there were doubts, they insisted on getting their salary and continued to work hard. In addition to Han Ze, the Wang Yang brothers also have several other WeChat accounts.

Defendant Wang Yang: Our business account will highlight the name of Teacher Han Ze in the group, praise him, and give some compliments. It's just around the corner to make money with Teacher Han Ze.

From a victim to a perpetrator, typing and chatting can earn you a high salary? Young people who have encountered telecommunications fraud | jobs | high salaries

While using these business accounts to compliment teachers, they also put in a lot of effort to create different roles for these business accounts.

Defendant Wang Yang: WeChat names like Shuijun, we have people from various industries, such as logistics, catering, office workers, white-collar workers, and so on. Some investors may be interested when they see it, and they will add you to chat.

There are many such avatars in the WeChat group where Ms. Li is located. She also carefully selected a few group members to add friends and exchange stock trading experience.

From a victim to a perpetrator, typing and chatting can earn you a high salary? Young people who have encountered telecommunications fraud | jobs | high salaries

Victim Ms. Li: A Kangzhong Logistics representative was added to the communication group. As soon as I saw him, he was pretty good. As a logistics professional, he should have some intelligence, so I talked to him.

One day in June, Ms. Li heard Han Ze mention a profitable project during a live broadcast, their company's digital currency "Mythical Coin".

At this moment, Ms. Li is being trapped in the stock market. She is very eager to make money and turn around, but her rationality has kept her skeptical attitude. She sent a message to her previously familiar group members.

From a victim to a perpetrator, typing and chatting can earn you a high salary? Young people who have encountered telecommunications fraud | jobs | high salaries

Victim Ms. Li: Did I say you bought "mythological coins"? He said he bought it. Is it safe to buy "mythological coins"? He said stocks didn't make much money, but "Mythical Coin" is not bad. I made money, which is very safe. I also feel very grateful to him, as he spoke his heart to me.

The Wang Yang brothers noticed the promotion of "Mythical Coin", which further confirmed that the company was engaged in fraud.

However, due to leaving early without any salary, they worked for another month, each receiving a salary of 6000 yuan, and still sending messages every day to gain the trust of potential customers.

From a victim to a perpetrator, typing and chatting can earn you a high salary? Young people who have encountered telecommunications fraud | jobs | high salaries

Feng Ming, Deputy Captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Xichong County Public Security Bureau in Sichuan Province: He has realized that there is a problem with this, but why did he still pursue the path of crime in the future? He believes more that I did not directly participate in the fraud, and another is that I only posted some false information, pretending to be a navy and hyping up.

Yang Hongqing, member of the Trial Committee and Chief Justice of the Criminal Trial Division of the People's Court of Xichong County, Sichuan Province: Knocking the keyboard yields high returns. Driven by high profits, they still have a mentality of luck and are still engaged in fraudulent activities within criminal groups.

On Ms. Li's side, the replies from logistics industry group friends touched her heart.

From a victim to a perpetrator, typing and chatting can earn you a high salary? Young people who have encountered telecommunications fraud | jobs | high salaries

Victim Ms. Li: I don't believe this virtual thing. I think it's unreliable. After communicating with him, I realized that it's not virtual, it's real.

Under his influence, Ms. Li decided to invest in "Mythical Coin". The next day, on July 8th, she followed the step-by-step instructions of the company's account opening specialist and remitted 200000 RMB to the other party's private account.

Afterwards, for three consecutive days, Ms. Li remitted over 200000 yuan every day until she and her husband's savings were completely emptied, totaling 880000 yuan.

From a victim to a perpetrator, typing and chatting can earn you a high salary? Young people who have encountered telecommunications fraud | jobs | high salaries

Ms. Li had hoped for a significant increase in prices in six months, but to her surprise, it was only the next day, July 12th, that Ms. Li, who was listening to Han Ze's live broadcast, heard such news.

Ms. Li, the victim, said, "It's summer vacation and I want to take my child abroad to play. I also want to relax and unwind. Don't worry, I may have had less contact with you when I go out to play." As soon as I heard these words, I immediately realized that it was bad.

Ms. Li immediately contacted Han Ze, but to her surprise, Han Ze blocked Ms. Li and removed her from the group chat.

From a victim to a perpetrator, typing and chatting can earn you a high salary? Young people who have encountered telecommunications fraud | jobs | high salaries

I wanted to ask Mr. Lei about the logistics industry again, but there was no further news. At this moment, Ms. Li finally confirmed that she had been deceived and immediately reported to the police.

It was precisely at this time that the crackdown on telecommunications network fraud by relevant departments became increasingly strict, and the fraud gang that felt the news hastily moved abroad, causing the Wang Yang brothers to resign.

After obtaining sufficient evidence, the police carried out an arrest, and Wang Min and Wang Yang were also arrested at their residence. The entire case involved more than 500 victims of fraud, with a fraud amount exceeding 140 million yuan.

From a victim to a perpetrator, typing and chatting can earn you a high salary? Young people who have encountered telecommunications fraud | jobs | high salaries

Most of the 590 defendants involved in the case are young people. They participated for various reasons, holding a lucky mentality and believing that they would not take too much responsibility.

Liu Jianqing, a professor of criminal psychology at China University of Political Science and Law: These inexperienced young people are mainly driven by personal desires and pursue high income in a short period of time. This makes them irrational when making many decisions, but rather influenced by emotional and self fantasizing goals. They are actually being exploited by larger criminal leaders, organizers of carefully planned telecommunications fraud.

In recent years, in order to strictly punish telecommunications and network fraud crimes in accordance with the law, better safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people and social harmony and stability, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Public Security have successively issued opinions and other documents on the application of law in handling criminal cases such as telecommunications and network fraud.

From a victim to a perpetrator, typing and chatting can earn you a high salary? Young people who have encountered telecommunications fraud | jobs | high salaries

It stipulates that if several people jointly commit telecommunication network fraud, the suspect and the defendant shall be responsible for all fraud acts committed by the fraud group during their participation.

In this case, of the 590 defendants, 582 constituted fraud and 8 constituted aiding in information network criminal activities.

Among them, 12 people were sentenced to imprisonment for more than 10 years, 229 people were sentenced to imprisonment for 5 to 10 years, 328 people were sentenced to imprisonment for 3 to 5 years, and all defendants were fined a certain amount.

From a victim to a perpetrator, typing and chatting can earn you a high salary? Young people who have encountered telecommunications fraud | jobs | high salaries

Wang Yang and Wang Min were both sentenced to 4 years and 4 months in prison, and were fined 20000 yuan and 80000 yuan respectively.

Liu Jianqing, a professor of criminal psychology at China University of Political Science and Law: These fraudsters believe that such fraudulent activities are carried out by many people and they are not even core members of the fraud gang. Just using one's fingers and sending messages can create an illusion that one does not need to bear significant responsibility in this fraudulent activity, which is precisely the role played by the psychology of responsibility diffusion. In fact, each of them is an important part of telecommunications fraud activities and must bear corresponding criminal responsibilities.

In recent years, in many telecommunications fraud cases, young people are often targeted by fraud groups due to their familiarity with the internet and computer usage. These young people may seem to be just doing some typing and chatting work, but they have become an indispensable part of the entire fraud chain and embarked on the path of crime.

From a victim to a perpetrator, typing and chatting can earn you a high salary? Young people who have encountered telecommunications fraud | jobs | high salaries

Liu Jianqing, a professor of criminal psychology at China University of Political Science and Law: As young people, once they embark on the path of crime, the cost is enormous, even unbearable. Therefore, when doing anything, there must be a moral bottom line and a legal bottom line. While meeting personal needs, one should not harm the interests of others or society.

First being deceived, then deceiving others, first being the victim, and then becoming the perpetrator. In the end, he both harmed others and himself was imprisoned. The fraud case we saw today occurred in China, and there are still many false recruitment information from overseas, claiming high salaries, low thresholds, and flexible working hours. In fact, it is also using people to engage in telecommunications network fraud. Observing laws and regulations is the basic bottom line of being a good person. Don't be tempted by quick money and embark on the path of crime, regret it later. At the same time, it is necessary to remain vigilant during the job search process, enhance legal awareness and prevention awareness. Once you find yourself involved in illegal and criminal activities, you should immediately stop at the cliff and report the case in a timely manner. Do not take chances and deceive yourself.

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