【 Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footsteps of General Secretary 】 Putuo, Zhejiang: "Harmony and Beauty on the Island" Harvests a Stable and Happy Spirit | Island | Putuo, Zhejiang

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:55 PM

Special topic on "Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footprints of General Secretary"

The nation must be revitalized, and the countryside must be revitalized.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "the most arduous and arduous task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country still lies in rural areas. We will prioritize the development of agriculture and rural areas, adhere to the integration of urban and rural development, and facilitate the flow of urban and rural factors. We will accelerate the construction of an agricultural strong country and solidly promote the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations." The People's Forum website has launched a series of reports on "New Villages in a Great Country: Following the Footprints of General Secretary", telling the story of the revitalization of the vast rural areas of China. Today, let's walk into Putuo District, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province and experience the new countryside here.

Putuo District, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, is located in the southeast of the Zhoushan Archipelago. It is named after the Buddhist holy land of Putuo Mountain, and the scenery in the area is pleasant and beautiful. The green mountains drip green, and the green water leans against them; The village road is clean and tidy, and the houses are dignified. Walking in the rural areas of Putuo Island today is like wandering in poetic and picturesque scenery.

Ant Island Village: Defending the Prison, Struggling Hard, and Happy "Red"

In the 1950s, facing the situation of poverty and poverty, the people of Ant Island, under the leadership of the Party, relied on themselves and worked hard to start their own businesses. They took the lead in achieving cooperative fishery production in fishing areas across the country, causing significant changes in Ant Island's production and life. In the great practice of socialist construction, they formed the Ant Island spirit of "hard work, daring to gnaw on bones, and striving for excellence".

Ant Island aerial photo provided by the Organization Department of Putuo District Committee

In Ant Island, red represents the tradition and spirit of red, as well as the resources and economy of red. "We all like red, not only nostalgic for the fiery years of the past, but also cherishing the prosperous days of the present." On Ant Avenue, facing the "38 Seawall", there is a restaurant called "Ant Stall". This is the most popular small restaurant on the island, simple and tidy, with 69 year old Zou Jiye as the owner. From night food stalls, fishermen's inns, to "Island Red" restaurants, Zou Jiye's entrepreneurial journey has never stopped. "Both of us, who stir fry, are 69 years old, but we don't feel tired even after cooking around ten dishes a day."

Nowadays, the Ant Island Spiritual Red Education Base, composed of the "38 Seawall" and the former site of the People's Commune, has become a new engine for the development of the island and has given the old Ant Island people new responsibilities and achievements.

Provided by the Organization Department of the Putuo District Committee in Sanba Haitang

In recent years, Putuo District has been adhering to and promoting the spirit of Ant Island, strengthening party building guidance based on the characteristics of each island in the jurisdiction, and striving to build a modern new Putuo.

Relying on the Ant Island Red Education Base and the East Pole Red Education and Training Base, Putuo District focuses on making good use of red resources, inheriting red genes, and creating a "General Secretary Zhoushan Footprint" traceability learning and education belt, forming a "General Secretary Zhoushan Footprint" learning and education red matrix. Through rich carriers such as "three meetings and one lesson" and themed party day activities, it inspires grassroots party organizations in Putuo District to "dare to gnaw on hard bones". At the same time, we will coordinate 23 red education sites with Putuo characteristics, such as the Maoyang Conference Memorial Hall, the Zhanmao Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Monument, and the Zhanmao Revolutionary Historical Sites Exhibition Hall, to create 7 red research and learning routes, including the "Passing on the Fire Belt" and the "Heart Belt for the Beginning of the People". We will focus on upgrading and creating 9 themed Party Day activity points with Putuo characteristics.

In addition, Putuo District adheres to the principle of "secretaries grasping and grasping secretaries", promotes key grassroots party building projects led by township party committee secretaries, and focuses on key tasks such as national strategy, marine economy, island prosperity, rural revitalization, and people's well-being. Through "secretarial grasping" and "project-based" work, it ensures that "one township, one brand" creates unique, effective, and visible grassroots party building "golden cards". With the spirit of "hard work, daring to gnaw on bones, and striving for excellence", it inspires grassroots party organizations to work hard to solve the difficulties, pain points, and problems in grassroots work.

It is under the guidance and encouragement of the spirit of Ant Island that major projects such as the second phase of the Liuheng Highway Bridge, the second phase of the Liuheng Power Plant, and the Jinbo Yu Lingang Industrial Park in the jurisdiction of Putuo will start construction smoothly in 2022. 16 new national high-tech enterprises, 2 provincial-level enterprise research and development centers, 48 provincial-level technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, and 2 "Made in Zhejiang" brand enterprises have been added in the entire region.

Dongji Village: "Ark of Common Prosperity" Embarking on the Road of Island Livelihood and Happiness

20 years ago, the East Pole was still a "floating island" with basic self-sufficiency in water and electricity. Each island only had one simple transportation dock, and only one passenger ship traveled back and forth every 1-2 days. A single voyage took 3 hours, and various basic conditions were weak. The development of the East Pole Island was once in a bottleneck period.

Aerial photo of Dongji Island provided by the Organization Department of Putuo District Committee

Twenty years later, a caring ship that neither caught fish nor carried passengers sailed towards the East Pole Island.

In 2022, the Putuo "Ark of Common Prosperity", pioneered in domestic island areas, tightly connects Zhoushan Island with remote small islands. With a medical examination vehicle and professional medical team, through two monthly island tours, it provides free medical examinations and free consultations for more than 100 elderly people on the island, allowing every fishing village resident to enjoy medical services at their doorstep. It is worth looking forward to, leveraging digital reform, the 2.0 version of the "Maritime Medical Ship" tailored by Putuo District is about to set sail, which will further serve fishermen and international crew in the Zhoushan waters.

Provided by the Organization Department of the Putuo District Committee of the Gongfu Ark

The "88 Strategy" points out that Zhejiang should further leverage its advantages in coordinated urban-rural development, coordinate urban-rural economic and social development, and accelerate the integration of urban and rural areas. This theory provides good practical guidance for the development of Putuo.

Putuo has a total of 455 islands of various sizes, of which 32 are inhabited. Ship transportation is the only way for many islands to communicate with each other. The inconvenience of transportation is not only a hindrance to economic development, but also a major hidden danger to the health of islanders.

Concentrate and build an ark, cross mountains and seas to achieve mutual prosperity. The operation of the "Ark for Common Prosperity" announced the end of the medical dilemma of Xuanshui Island, so that the achievements of Chinese path to modernization can benefit every corner of Putuo.

Since the launch of the "Ark of Common Prosperity · Health Protection" campaign in Putuo District in July 2022, a total of 16 islands have been covered, providing health examinations for 2701 people, conducting 5283 free consultations, and providing door-to-door services for 95 people. The health examination rate of elderly residents on the island has increased to over 90%, achieving "no one falls on an island, no one is missed" on the road to common prosperity. In 2023, on the basis of deepening and consolidating the phased achievements of the "Ark of Common Prosperity · Health Protection" action, Putuo District will further expand its service coverage, optimize its value, and enhance its awareness, iteratively upgrading the "Ark of Common Prosperity · Health Protection" action.

In addition, the Ark Plan has inspired volunteers from various industries, and the "Hello Island, I'm here to report" and the "Island Party Member Assistance Strong Foundation and Common Prosperity Action" have been further deepened. A series of convenient services, such as haircut services, home appliance repairs, and opera performances, have been provided for the elderly living on the island, further ensuring their mental health. The once cold island now appears vibrant.

Putuo District adheres to the principle of prioritizing people's livelihoods and promoting inclusive sharing, and the happiness index continues to rise. From the "Three Revolutions" to the comprehensive renovation of villages and rural areas, and then to the improvement of the living environment in fishing and rural areas, we continuously improve the construction of public facilities such as public greening, road hardening, street lighting, pole line sequencing, and flower sea and colorful forests. We continue to create an upgraded version of beautiful countryside and clean villages. Putuo takes the initiative to lead the "Ten Million Project" and, through twenty years of unremitting efforts, makes the appearance of fishing and rural areas change day by day, making them more livable, tourism friendly, and business friendly.

Under the "Magic Hand" of reshaping the external and internal aspects of the "Ten Million Project", the island countryside has been redefined. Refusing homogeneity, making a thousand villages have a thousand faces, only then can the countryside be more attractive. Putuo adheres to the principle of one island, one product, one village, one scenery, and implements the "Five Beauties Joint Creation" of beautiful towns, beautiful islands, beautiful scenic belts, beautiful villages, and beautiful courtyards. As of now, a total of 4 beautiful rural scenic spots have been built, with 35 provincial-level characteristic boutique villages. Huangyangjian Village and Dongji Village have been selected as excellent future villages in the province, achieving full coverage of provincial-level new era beautiful rural demonstration towns and beautiful rural scenic spots, creating a new and beautiful picture of the entire region.

Due to geographical factors, the development of inter island transportation in Putuo has always constrained the development of various remote islands. In recent years, Putuo District has focused on implementing transportation improvement projects. In 2022, the appearance of four docks in Dongji, Baisha, and Zhangzhou has been improved, and 33 new urban roads have been renovated. The Putuo Bay underwater tunnel has been completed and opened to traffic, and the route from Bansheng Cave to Putuo Mountain has officially resumed. Seven passenger ships have been updated and renovated, and the integration rate of urban and rural public transportation has reached 90%. It has become the only pilot area selected for the construction of a strong transportation country in Zhejiang Province, further improving the travel of island residents and forming a high-quality inter island transportation artery.

Innovating the mechanism of party building and joint construction to play the song of common prosperity and happiness

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward that "Chinese path to modernization is the modernization of common prosperity for all people. Common prosperity is the essential requirement of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and it is also a long-term historical process." At present, there are still a series of problems in the integrated development of urban and rural islands, such as weak industrial foundation, lagging planning and layout, difficulty in coordinating public resources, weak ability to gather elements, and imbalance in inter island internal development. Putuo District deeply grasps the regular requirements of common prosperity for the construction of the organizational system, takes the "Red Move Blue Bay, and the United States Island" joint party building mechanism as a breakthrough, links 7 villages on Ant Island, Taohua Island, and Dengbu Island together to carry out pilot practice, and through a strict organizational system to "fix the chain", Combine the strength of the team to "strengthen the chain", enable industrial projects to "prosper the chain", improve the operation mechanism to "stabilize the chain", lead villages to unite, island and island to prosper together, and urban and rural to get rich together, and create a mechanism path that conforms to the characteristics of the island.

Photo provided by the Organization Department of the Putuo District Committee of the Ant Island "Gongfu Workshop"

Based on the resource advantages of Ant Island's red education, shrimp skin characteristic industry, and traditional fishermen's culture, we will organically combine the construction of "co prosperity workshops" with the inheritance and promotion of Ant Island's spirit and the inheritance of fishing and animal husbandry culture. We will work together to create the first agricultural tourism integrated co prosperity workshop complex in the province to be built in pairs with provincial state-owned enterprises and key private enterprises, integrating co prosperity workshop models, sightseeing, leisure, tourism, research, and parent-child experiences. We will promote the integrated development of "Ant Island spirit, village environment, and industrial economy", and explore the construction of a new model for island co prosperity carriers.

The Ant Island "Gongfu Workshop" complex is located at an important on-site teaching point in the Ant Island red education experience line - Sanba Seawall. It has been renovated from three warehouses, and Warehouse 1 is positioned as a commercial area. Within the commercial area, there are prefabricated vegetable and shrimp cake processing workshops, small shops, and dine in points, as well as Ant Island specialty product sales windows to meet the needs of tourists. The second warehouse is positioned as a salon area and activity experience venue, and a "Hello Island" co prosperity workshop display area is set up in the outdoor area. The third warehouse is positioned as a shrimp production and sales area, mainly equipped with a shrimp production and sales experience area and a live streaming function area.

Since 2022, the Ant Island Management Committee has focused on the pain points of positioning the attributes of shrimp seasoning. Under the guidance of Putuo District, relying on the party building joint mechanism of the entire industry chain of the island, it has organized the establishment of a shrimp research and development mutual aid group, and collaborated with local food processing enterprises to carry out the research and development of shrimp leisure ready to eat food and shrimp cake pre made dishes, creating a regional brand of "small island wine and vegetables", and striving to improve the added value of shrimp products through deep processing.

With the joint construction of party building as the link, we have reached multiple collaborations with provincial key enterprises, including party building pairing, industrial co construction, and workshop joint operation. Shrimp skin products have entered the characteristic agricultural sales system of 26 counties in mountainous areas throughout the province, improving product recognition and brand reputation, and further establishing the public brand of "liquor and vegetables under the small island".

Next, Putuo District will focus on connecting with provincial state-owned enterprises, amplify existing brand effects, fully utilize market resources in the district, and connect with relevant departments and units at the district level. Through departmental referrals, self referrals, and door-to-door visits, Ant Island fried shrimp skin and prefabricated shrimp cakes will be included in the special menu of night food stalls. At the same time, we will introduce a professional team to provide training and guidance, establish a network live streaming sales team, leverage the new trend of live streaming sales on online platforms, and continuously expand product sales channels.

Keep going and never stop, the future is promising. In the future, Putuo District will continue to deepen the party building joint construction mechanism of "Hongdong Blue Bay · Hemei Island", inherit and carry forward the "Ant Island Spirit" and "Miaozihu Spirit", maintain the "red root", and further enhance the happiness and sense of gain of the masses.

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