Teenage Star Chasing Chaos: High school students spend tens of thousands of yuan on idol charting and star chasing behavior. Feng Yuan | Idol

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:42 AM

"Why do you have to give the idol a list?"

"he needs me to protect him! the list is very important to idols. if the ranking is high, there will be more business orders and his career development will be better. I am a die-hard fan, and I will never be a" white whoring '."

This is a recent conversation in the surgical clinic of a hospital in Heilongjiang Province. One side is Wei Ting, a 16-year-old girl who is in Senior high school, and the other is her father. Prior to this, Wei Ting secretly took thousands of yuan from her family to make a list for her idol. She quarreled and pushed with her father, causing both of them to be injured to varying degrees.

The reporter's investigation found that it is not uncommon for minors like Wei Ting to chase stars irrationally. Whether online or offline, or inside or outside the campus, they do not like to learn to chase stars, spend tens of thousands of yuan on ranking and voting, and even fight with fans of other stars in order to maintain their idol image, reporting, tearing each other, human flesh, cyber violence and other behaviors occur frequently. It is worth noting that this kind of minors also show the characteristics of weak awareness of rules and higher acceptance of bad habits in their daily study and life.

In the view of industry insiders, star chasing is a cultural and entertainment demand that minors are difficult to give up. In the era of mobile Internet, the form of star chasing is bound to be constantly innovated. In this regard, blocking is not as good as sparing. Under the guidance of correct values, it can help young people realize that they should learn to distinguish the words and deeds of idols, and that star chasing behavior should not cross the border.

High school students become the "main force" of the war of abuse"

Often shouted "go to support"

In daily life, chasing stars accounts for more than 50% of the time, and I am also watching idol-related information during class;

Hipping classes to attend an idol's book signing;

The results dropped sharply due to star chasing, dropping from the middle level to the back 20% of the class in one semester;

More than half of the living expenses are spent on chasing stars. When the money is not enough, he once lied to his mother to ask for money on the grounds of paying for books;

Because of chasing stars and classmates, netizens quarrel;

The communication with his family is decreasing day by day, and the relationship with his family is gradually deteriorating due to irrational star chasing.

This is the "change" of Wei Ting chasing stars in the past 5 years ".

After her mother found out, she was forbidden to continue chasing stars. However, my mother's discipline did not work, and her star-chasing behavior turned underground.

"I told my father about the child's pursuit of stars. He didn't care at first. It wasn't until I told him some cases of teenagers chasing stars and rewarding anchors that caused the family savings to be spent. After checking the child's social account bill, I found that she not only spent all her pocket money, but also secretly used our mobile phone to transfer thousands of yuan to her." Wei Ting's mother recalled.

At the beginning of this summer vacation, father and daughter had a fierce quarrel and both were injured. Wei Ting's mood was out of control. Falling the cup caused his father to be smashed out of a cut. The father was in a hurry, causing his daughter's hand to be bruised.

Feng Yuan, a 17-year-old Beijing girl, is also a minor who is addicted to chasing stars.

In 2016, Feng Yuan began to chase stars under the influence of her neighbors, and gradually indulged in star chasing behaviors such as buying star peripheral products, brushing data for idols, attending idols' concerts, and repeatedly buying multiple music albums.

Feng Yuan also broke out many "wars" with her parents, and her father tore up her favorite star posters and peripheral products in a fit of anger.

In school, because others are not allowed to slander idols, she often quarrels with her classmates and fights with others on social platforms. As a high school student, Feng Yuan not only lingers on various social platforms after school to pay attention to the idol's every move, but also secretly uses his mobile phone to make lists, brush data and brush praise for idol stars during class.

Feng Yuan's mother told her that she was also worried that if she did not make the list for her idol, the idol would soon be squeezed out of the list by others, thus losing the favor of investors.

In the interview, Feng Yuan was very willing to "Amway" her favorite star to the reporter, hoping that more people would like her as much. Therefore, the reporter joined many fans through Feng Yuan's invitation and followed each other on some social platforms with Feng Yuan.

The reporter noticed that in Feng Yuan's previous comments and retweets, she could often be seen violently scolding fans of other stars and ordinary netizens in order to maintain her idol image, and even cursed, verbally abused and personally attacked each other. Feng Yuan is also the "main player" in the fan base, and netizens often call her "go and support".

"No money is not to love him"

"Krypton Gold" Rush Bang Hao Throws Tons of Thousands

As for the cost of chasing stars, Feng Yuan's adjective is "huge", because "if you don't spend money on idols, you don't love him".

"The cost of buying star albums alone has reached 60 thousands or 70 thousands yuan." In Feng Yuan's mother's opinion, this expense made her feel "unbearable". After all, the family's annual income is only about 150000 yuan.

So, how do underage fans spend their money?

In the era of big data, whether stars are red enough has quantifiable indicators. Hit the list, is currently a popular way of solidarity with idols. "Big Powder" releases tasks and "Student Powder" performs tasks, which is the basic routine of operation. "Most of the time, it is 'big fan' who explains what qualities an idol has and why it is worth being loved. However, most of the minor fans, due to their limited ability, can only echo and support their views and obey their commands." Entertainment industry practitioners Ye Shu told reporters.

"Your brother deserves better." "Be sure to keep his ranking and chase after him closely." "Do you have the heart to be ridiculed if you move your fingers"... For "big fans", such mobilization strategies are commonplace.

Yu Yin, a senior fan who has participated in several mainland star support meetings, told the reporter of Rule of Law Daily that the routine of "big fans" can be summarized as "speech skills" mobilization and lottery, plus the promise of "giving priority to activities. "'Student fan' is basically a tool person in the support club, and 'big fan' refers to where to fight. Minors are easy to get emotional, and they are in the period of self-touching, and with the exaggeration of the atmosphere, they will be trapped unconsciously".

According to Zhou Zhe, a Guangdong high school student who has many years of star chasing experience, "where there is a list, there are fans who play and vote". The "achievements" of making lists and voting, raising funds and buying endorsement products are often regarded as the threshold for entering the fan base. If you want to join the support club, you need to invest more.

In order to make the idol have a good ranking on various lists, Lin Li, a 15-year-old Beijing girl, spends half an hour to an hour every day to complete tasks such as signing in and voting. For many years, she has already known all the operations by heart, and the action of hitting the list and voting has almost become a conditioned reflex.

In the meal circle, the "results" of the ranking and voting are linked to the "rewards and punishments" levels within the fan community. Although many platforms have set up reminders, there is no actual mechanism to restrict minors from playing and voting.

According to Zhou Zhe, in order to stimulate album sales, entertainment companies usually set up some different promotion plans during the album pre-sale period, such as setting up a platform special code, "special code can be understood as a specialgift, that is, a special gift".

In Zhou Zhe's view, the seller usually adds a random card to the original album configuration, and the price of the album rises accordingly. "It can be said that the most valuable thing in the special configuration is the small card".

Zhou Zhe's friend, Wang He, a 17-year-old Guangdong girl, had to borrow money to eat in order to support his idol's debut album. It turns out that due to the large number of cooperation platforms of the company to which her idol belongs, and the different special cards launched by different platforms, Wang He "spent all the lucky money of several thousand yuan" in order to collect all the special cards ". After buying the album, Wang He could only borrow money from friends around him for dinner and promised to repay it next month.

The reporter entered a second-hand small card trading group through Zhou Zhe's introduction and found that the small card trading amount in the group is usually more than 1,000 yuan, but most of the group members are "student fans".

Flow first, wrong direction

Influencing Youth Values

During the interview, Feng Yuan's mother told reporters that she was very confused at the time. Apart from New Year's money and pocket money, what income could Feng Yuan have to maintain such a "crazy" star chase?

The answer made her collapse.

In order to "earn money", Feng Yuan not only earned her classmates' pocket money by "doing homework" at school, but even sold her personal belongings under the introduction of some netizens. "I found that I could sell my personal clothes on the Internet".

In this regard, Chen Jing, a psychological counselor who does psychological counseling for Feng Yuan, told reporters that under the influence of the bad concept of chasing stars, Feng Yuan's view of the problem of chasing stars is somewhat extreme. He projects himself onto the idol and excessively beautifies the idol. To break the idol is to break her belief. Her idol can only be protected by her, so anyone who abuses her idol will have to defend and fight back.

But the result of this is very serious. In school, Feng Yuan often quarreled with her classmates because of the pursuit of stars. No classmate was willing to be friends with her. The teacher had talked to Feng Yuan alone many times, but the effect was not obvious. He classified it as a "problem girl", and some teachers even called it a "time bomb in the class". In such an environment, Feng Yuan has a weariness of learning and often falsely claims that he is not comfortable and does not want to go to school.

"They came into contact with the rice circle in adolescence when their values have not yet been fully formed. They can obtain the sense of gain and satisfaction that are missing in life in this special community through star chasing behavior, so they are more addicted to the happiness that star chasing brings to themselves. Then they have irrational cognition and evaluation of star chasing. The more they lose in reality, the more they have to be compensated from star chasing, but due to their lack of self-control, put star chasing in the first place, did not correctly grasp the scale of time and money squandering, and eventually fell into the vicious circle of star chasing." Chen Jing said.

At the same time, according to the communication with Feng Yuan's parents, Chen Jing found that due to the long-term bad star-chasing behavior and the wrong way of communication with his parents, Feng Yuan's adolescent rebellion played an extreme role in star-chasing. The parents' accusation could not play a role in exhorting, but added fuel to the fire, leading to the intensification of Feng Yuan's irrational star-chasing behavior.

"Feng Yuan felt that the whole family did not support and understand her, only in the fan base can be comforted and relaxed." Chen Jing said that the network environment is complex, and minors are more likely to be affected, lose the ability to distinguish right from wrong, and may choose to believe rumors and act irrationally. Fans are also mixed up with good and evil people. Those who are willing to make profits from fans' mentality. In order to be accepted in the meal circle, minors may actively or forcibly choose to obey the rules of the meal circle.

In this regard, some people in the industry suggest that we must constantly improve the rules of network information dissemination and interaction, and the relevant departments should focus on star brokerage companies. illegal acts of brokerage companies and fan groups that endanger the network and social public safety and impact mainstream values should be dealt with in a timely manner in accordance with the law.

Zheng Ning, director of the Law Department of the School of Cultural Industry Management of Communication University of China, believes that the inevitability and rationality of the existence of the rice circle cannot be completely denied. On the one hand, the rice circle meets the social needs, respect needs and self-realization needs of fans, and finds an outlet for fans' emotions; on the other hand, by joining a specific rice circle and participating in the shaping of idols, some fans can form identity.

"But in recent years, under the coercion of the interests of some capital and platforms, and under the misdirection of the supremacy of traffic, the culture of the rice circle has shown a tendency to be deformed, constantly challenging the bottom line of law and morality. Some fans blindly pursue traffic, and even engage in data fraud, which destroys the normal order of industry competition, seriously affects the ecological construction of the entertainment industry, and also has a negative impact on the values of young people." Zheng Ning said.

"Quantitative change determines qualitative change, fans can like stars, but there must be limits and bottom lines. We should carry out targeted publicity and education, educate and guide fans, especially underage fans, to establish the correct 'three outlooks' and cultivate a sense of social responsibility and mission. The pursuit of stars cannot be blind, and those scientists and heroic martyrs who have made outstanding contributions to society are the real stars." In Zheng Ning's view, from the perspective of social psychology, the fan culture in the mobile Internet era is accompanied by the psychological needs of the disintegration of traditional family structure, the alienation of interpersonal relationships, and the desire to accompany in the "group loneliness" of the Internet. It is a common challenge to the current Internet governance, cultural governance and even social governance. We must constantly study new problems and new trends, In-depth study of contemporary youth, we can find the best answer.


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