The hottest job posting ratio is 44:1! Do college students like to intern in party and government agencies? Position | Internship | College Student

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:45 PM

Special Forces tourism check-in

Citywalk, graduate studies

This summer, the students who walked out of the school gate

There are various ways to open holidays

For college students

These two months are exactly the time to play the internship "dungeon"

A Good Time to Brush Workplace "Experience Points"

Where to intern?

The party and government organs are becoming

A preferred option for college students

On social media platforms

Many college students share their internship experiences

Recently, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province has launched a batch of internship positions for college students, with some popular positions having a recruitment ratio of up to 44:1. The 2023 summer internship activity for college students in government agencies and institutions, jointly organized by the Talent Office of the Ningbo Municipal Party Committee, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and other units, has opened 1222 internship positions. Within a week of starting registration, more than 6000 resumes were received.

Poster for the 2023 Summer Internship Activity for College Students in Government Institutions. Provided by Ningbo Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

Not only Ningbo, but also Hangzhou's "Returning Home", Wenzhou's "Family Swallows Returning Home and Wisdom Gathering Wenzhou", Taizhou's "Thousand People and Thousand Positions" and other summer internship activities all have party and government internship positions, and online and offline registrations are very popular.

The Gate of Zhejiang Party and Government Organs

The hottest job posting ratio is 44:1! Do college students like to intern in party and government agencies? Position | Internship | College Student

Why are they all opening up to college students?

What did the young people who walked into the courtyard gain?

Someone has submitted over 60 resumes at once

Internship in government agencies is a bit hot

On July 26th, it was the 10th day for Yu Mengru, a sophomore student in the Department of Public Administration at Ningbo University, to start working. Sitting in the office of the Professional and Technical Personnel Management Office of the Ningbo Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, dressed in a "college style" outfit, she was easily recognized by a group of "white shirts". From organizing tables, printing materials, to compiling reports, this workplace novice has completed it fairly cleanly and efficiently.

"I cherish this internship very much," Yu Mengru said, and the opportunity did not come easily. On July 14th, upon seeing the news of the start of the internship activity registration, Yu Mengru submitted over 60 copies in one go. As long as her major matched the needs of the employer, almost none of them were missed. In the end, she was selected by the Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security.

According to statistics from the Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, a total of 384 household employers have launched 1222 internship positions, of which about 70% are internship positions in party and government agencies. The total number of job information inquiries on the registration platform exceeds 40000, and more than 6000 resumes have been received. The competition for certain positions is quite fierce. Among the party and government internship positions at the city level, the Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism requires 3 people for the internship position, but 132 people have applied, with a registration ratio of 44:1.

In some other cities, this "internship fever" even appeared before the summer vacation. In mid to late June this year, Hangzhou launched the summer "Return to Hometown" social practice activity. According to statistics from the Hangzhou Youth League Municipal Committee, there were 2067 party and government internship positions, with an actual number of applicants of 3256. In the "Thousand Talents and Thousand Positions" summer social practice activity for college students in Taizhou, 504 party and government internship positions were held, with 2677 applicants.

In the past, college students usually waited until their third and fourth years before interning, but now many talents sign up for internships in their first year.

Dai Luhan, a freshman majoring in Chinese International Education at Jinan University, has signed up to work as a red lecturer at the Party and Mass Service Center in Xianyan Street, Ouhai District, Wenzhou. She told the Chao News reporter that most of the students in the class have plans for summer internships.

College students are starting internships earlier and participating in internships more frequently, which is gradually becoming a trend. Last year, a well-known recruitment agency released a survey report on college student internships, which showed that over 70% of students have had internship experience, 47.4% of students have already had internship experience in their freshman and sophomore years, and 7.9% of college students have had 3 to 4 internship experiences.

Many experts analyze that this phenomenon is mainly due to employment considerations. Recently, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security introduced at a press conference that in the first half of the year, 6.78 million new urban jobs were created, and the employment situation remained generally stable. However, some college students still worry about the uncertain future. They hope to increase their internship experience as soon as possible, adding points for future employment.

Office Open Internship Post

Why is it favored

There are actually many options for summer internships in enterprises, financial institutions, research institutes, and social organizations. Generally, internship opportunities in party and government agencies are more rare and competitive compared to others.

Why are these types of internship positions particularly popular? After interviewing more than ten college students, they roughly considered the following aspects:

The hottest job posting ratio is 44:1! Do college students like to intern in party and government agencies? Position | Internship | College Student

Some are preparing for the civil service exam.

There is a set of data - in 2023, the number of people who passed the national entrance examination reached nearly 2.6 million, nearly doubling in five years. The number of applicants for the provincial examination has increased from 2.46 million in 2019 to 5.2 million in 2023, more than doubling.

Preparing for the civil service exam is indeed the internship goal of many college students. Bao Wenyang, who is interning at a municipal government agency in Ningbo, is a second year graduate student majoring in French at Hunan Xiangtan University. She has a very clear career plan and will take the national examination after completing her graduate studies, aiming to become a diplomatic translator. The reason why she interned at the office during the busy preparation period is that she believed she could familiarize herself with the environment in advance, understand the work status, and at the same time, seek advice from senior colleagues who have already "landed" at any time, accumulating experience in written exams and interviews.

The second type is to focus on the broad coverage of the work of party and government organs, which can exercise comprehensive abilities.

As a "science and engineering male", Zhang Fanghe, a junior student majoring in Electrical Engineering and Automation at Zhejiang Ocean University, completed his internship at the Party Building Office of Yaoxi Street, Longwan District, Wenzhou City, ensuring a smooth transition between humanities and sciences. For over a month, he truly felt the complexity of grassroots work in towns and streets, from organizing data, creating tables, conducting research in rural areas, to participating in writing materials. Zhang Fanghe believes that he is increasingly possessing the potential to become a "slash youth".

At present, the "slash youth" who hold multiple positions is becoming a "trendy" label. Qu Yue, Director of the Labor and Employment Research Office at the Institute of Population and Labor Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, stated that the new generation of young people grow up in a period of stable and rapid socio-economic development, with a comfortable growth environment and opportunities to cultivate multiple interests and hobbies. They are more inclined to pursue diverse lifestyles that conform to their own personalities and are more willing to experience multiple professions. And summer internships can give them an early taste.

The third type is aimed at providing internship support and avoiding pitfalls and pitfalls.

College students who have just walked out of the school gate and have not been beaten by society are prone to pitfalls, but they can rest assured to take up their positions in government internships with official endorsements.

The reporter noticed that in order to protect the rights and interests of college students, party and government agencies in various regions have poured out "real gold and silver" to release policy dividends.

According to the document issued by Ningbo City, employers are required to provide interns with a certain amount of internship living allowance as appropriate. In addition to providing free lunch, it is recommended to provide subsidies of 1000 yuan, 1200 yuan, and 1500 yuan per month for undergraduate, master's, and doctoral students respectively. In addition to subsidies, cities such as Hangzhou and Ningbo also purchase personal accident insurance for college students participating in the summer vacation. In order to facilitate college students in matching internship positions, Wenzhou has developed the "Student Cloud" application on the "Zheli Office", which allows for easy online registration.

Gui Yan or Yin Feng

What is the underlying meaning behind it

During the interview, the reporter found that party and government agencies in many parts of Zhejiang province have taken the lead in opening internship positions, providing a platform for college students to improve their employability and understand the workplace. In addition, there are more profound considerations.

Family swallows returning home, students returning home, and returning home... These warm and nostalgic words are frequently "named" in the brand promotion of summer internship activities in various regions.

"We want more local talents to return to their hometowns for employment and entrepreneurship," said Li Chongwen, the Minister of the Organization Department of the Wenzhou Youth League Committee, bluntly and representatively.

The development of any place or city requires the injection of fresh blood, while some places face the test of youth loss.

The hottest job posting ratio is 44:1! Do college students like to intern in party and government agencies? Position | Internship | College Student

A recent survey conducted by the research group of Wenzhou Business School showed that the number of students and graduates in Wenzhou universities ranks among the top in the province, but the situation of graduates staying in Wenzhou is not satisfactory. According to the statistical data released by the Zhejiang Provincial Employment Guidance Center on December 30, 2022, the retention rate of graduates from Wenzhou universities is 40.93%.

This research report from Wenzhou points out that this is mainly related to the unreasonable setting of majors in universities, the relatively low income level of graduates studying in Wenzhou, the lack of entrepreneurship and innovation platform environment, the failure of talent attraction and retention policies, and the urgent need to improve the urban environment.

The internship activity launched in Wenzhou this time is named "Home Swallows Returning to their Nest and Wisdom Gathering in Wenzhou", which is self-evident.

Compared to Wenzhou, as a small mountainous county, Xianju has a more significant loss of local talents. In the past, the local government exported over 2800 college students annually, and less than 21% of fresh graduates returned home.

In 2016, Xianju County began to launch the "Immortal Swallows Returning Home" program, which was a special study by the county party secretary and participated in the entire deployment. Taking advantage of the opportunity for Xianju college students to return home during winter and summer vacations, they were assigned to more than 100 units such as townships, government agencies, and key platforms for 1-2 months of internship training.

The effectiveness of the plan's implementation has also been demonstrated. In 2019, more than 200 people returned to their hometowns to start their own businesses, more than 300 people were admitted to grassroots public welfare positions in Xianju County, and more than 1600 people achieved employment within the county.

"Chen Yixi, a girl born in the 1990s, is one of them. After graduating from university, she returned to her hometown and became a well-known" farmer maker "in the local area. She has now established two enterprises, engaged in agricultural production and e-commerce live streaming." My internship experience in the party and government organs touched me a lot. Our hometown needs us for development, and we are optimistic about the future of our hometown. "

Zhang Xin, Deputy Secretary of the Xianjutuan County Committee, told reporters that even during the epidemic, the "Xianyan Homecoming" plan has not been interrupted. In July of this year, the "Xianyan Homecoming" plan was launched again.

On the evening of July 19th, the 2023 Summer Social Practice Activity for College Students in Xianju County, titled "Return of Immortal Swallows and Build Dreams in Xianju", was launched. Provided by Xianjutuan County Committee

There are "swallows returning home" and "building nests to attract phoenixes".

The summer internship activities for college students in government agencies and state-owned enterprises in Ningbo are aimed at college students from major universities across the country. The local internship conditions also put forward certain requirements for the specialty. Those who are engaged in digital economy, advanced manufacturing, industrial Internet, producer services and other related fields are preferred to be employed. These fields are the industries that Ningbo focuses on cultivating.

It can be seen that by attracting college students from all over the country to come to Ningbo for internships, as well as considering expanding the reserve of intelligent and innovative talents, we hope to promote high-quality employment through high-quality talent introduction, thereby promoting high-quality development.

Whether focusing on the present or the future, the two-way rush of Zhejiang party and government agencies and college students in the summer is definitely a win-win move.

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