【 Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footsteps of General Secretary 】 Fujian Jiangle: Chasing Dreams and Green Mountains, Transforming "Vision" into "Reality" Changkou Village | Rural | Fujian

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:45 PM

Special topic on "Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footprints of General Secretary"

The nation must be revitalized, and the countryside must be revitalized.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "the most arduous and arduous task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country still lies in rural areas. We will prioritize the development of agriculture and rural areas, adhere to the integration of urban and rural development, and facilitate the flow of urban and rural factors. We will accelerate the construction of an agricultural strong country and solidly promote the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations." The People's Forum website has launched a series of reports on "New Villages in a Great Country: Following the Footprints of General Secretary", telling the story of the revitalization of the vast rural areas of China. Today, the research group of the People's Forum takes you into Jiangle County, Sanming City, Fujian Province, to experience the rural revitalization road of this city of Lingshan and Xiushui, which has turned the "blueprint" into "reality" and turned the "vision" into "reality".

Jinxi is the vein, with peaks arranged on the screen.

The music of July is moving everywhere: Longqi Mountain is lush and verdant, and Jinxi River is clear and clear. At the Yang Shi Memorial Hall, the pioneer of Fujian studies, bathed in the light of the thoughts of our ancestors; In the renowned Yuhua Cave, a continuous stream of tourists from all directions search for the ancient relics and enjoy the thrill of exploring the unique and dazzling caves; At the water sports base by the Jinxi River, athletes from all over the world bravely compete in the mountains and rivers, experiencing the beauty of fish flying on the shallow bottom

Provided by the Organization Department of the Jiangle County Committee in Changkou Village, Changshang Lake Scenic Area, Jiangle County

For more than 20 years, the children of Jiangle have kept in mind the earnest instructions, worked hard, and continuously enriched and developed the theoretical connotation of "Two Mountains". With "green waters and green mountains", they have revitalized "golden mountains and silver mountains", transforming "beautiful visions" into "happy reality", and a "green, rich, and beautiful" Jiangle is coming step by step.

Painting Beautiful Green Waters and Mountains with Thick Plant Background Colors

The green mountains are vast, and the clear water is leisurely.

In Changkou Village, Gaotang Town, Jiangle County, a stone tablet engraved with "Green mountains and green water are priceless treasures" stands at the entrance of the village, witnessing the "green miracle" here in the fleeting years.

More than 20 years ago, Changkou was still a typical "three no villages". "There is no cement road, no new house, and no street lamp that can light up in the village," recalled Zhang Linshun, a propaganda member of the Gaotang Town Party Committee and former secretary of the Changkou Village Party Branch. The per capita annual income is less than 2000 yuan, and the village collective annual income is less than 30000 yuan.

Standing at the entrance of the old village, gazing at the mountains and waters across the river, he earnestly reminded, "Green mountains and clear waters are priceless treasures. In mountainous areas, we should paint good landscape paintings and do a good job in landscape painting.".

Yin Yin's words are a thousand words. Afterwards, the villagers summarized the instructions into 72 words, engraved them on stone tablets, and erected them in front of the village headquarters as a practical guide for the entire village.

Comparison of New and Old Village Rules and Regulations in Changkou Village Provided by the Organization Department of Jiangle County Committee

In the project introduction, Changkou Village strictly controls the entry point, leverages the advantages of mountain and water fields, introduces ecological agriculture, develops ecological drift, and promotes industrial transformation and upgrading. In terms of mechanism, utilizing forest resources and listed forestry companies to carry out cooperative afforestation projects, nearly 200 villagers in the village are now employed in enterprises at their doorstep, accounting for 80% of the main labor force in the village.

At the same time, we took the lead in implementing natural gas retrofitting and sewage pipeline installation, carrying out village facade renovation, constructing outdoor swimming pools in rural areas, and introducing spring water from the back mountains into the village, forming a garden style village with gardens, water in the gardens, and flowers in the water, completely changing the appearance of the "three no villages" in Changkou.

At present, the spiritual concept of loving mountains and water, and protecting mountains and water, has become a prevailing trend in the whole village.

"Over the years, protecting the green mountains and waters around us has become a conscious action of every ordinary person. The environment in the village is getting better and everyone is getting richer." Villager Qiu Caili built a tea challenge experience hall in his own house, attracting many tourists to come and check in.

The appearance of the village has changed, and the quality of life of the villagers has improved... The "three nots" village of the past has undergone great changes, and has been transformed into a new world!

On May 18, 2021, at the opening ceremony of the Sanming Forestry Carbon Ticket, Changkou Village received a forestry carbon ticket with the number "000000 1", which was also the first forestry carbon ticket in the country and successfully circulated, making "selling money through air" a reality.

The air is packed, bulging up one's waist. In 2022, the collective income of Changkou Village reached 1.85 million yuan, and the per capita annual net income of villagers increased from less than 2000 yuan in the early days to 30000 yuan today.

The green transformation of Changkou Village is a vivid portrayal of the people's love for mountains and water, and the continuous achievements in promoting ecological environment protection.

Overlooking view of Jinxi in Jiangle County Organization Department of Jiangle County Committee

"Green mountains and clear waters are priceless treasures." It is precisely with this philosophy that Fujian Jiangle has embarked on a grand road of transforming "priceless treasures" into "real gold and silver" and transforming "green mountains and clear waters" into "gold and silver". Jiangle County has promoted rural green development through ecological revitalization, and has successively won honors such as the National "Two Mountains" Practice Innovation Base, the Provincial Rural "Toilet Revolution" Model County, and the Top Ten Counties in the Provincial Rural Revitalization Heat Index "Sense of Gain". In 2020, the experience of creating "Green Waters and Green Mountains" and winning "Gold and Silver Mountains" was commended by the State Council. In 2022, the National Rural Construction Work Conference set up an on-site inspection point in Jiangle County... The sense of gain and happiness of the people continues to increase.

Consolidate the "fortress" and pave the way for rural revitalization

Time flies, never forget your original intention.

Jiangle is one of the former counties in the Central Soviet Area, which was a strategic location connecting the Central Soviet Area and the Fujian Zhejiang Jiangxi Soviet Area. It has abundant red tourism resources. As the birthplace and practice site of the "Two Mountains" theory, Changkou Village is fully committed to building the "Two Mountains School" red research project, using the model of "red party building+education research" to deeply explore local red tourism resources and red party building culture. At the same time, we cooperate with villagers to operate diversified tourism products such as Fulu Village Banquet, ecological agriculture, and characteristic homestays, and share the achievements of tourism development with villagers.

In 2017, Jiangle County established the first joint village party committee in the county - Changkou Joint Village Party Committee. It played a demonstrative and leading role of the Changkou Village Party Branch, and through the joint innovation of strong and weak villages, the management of mountains, rivers, forests and fields, the integration of industrial projects, and the sharing of ecological welfare, it concentrated the revitalization of land, funds, and other resources in each village. The "company+cooperative+village party branch+farmers" approach was adopted to achieve the goal of having industries and distinctive industries in each village. By 2022, it led six joint villages to achieve an average income of 650000 yuan.

Strong villages drive weak villages, like "big hands pulling small hands". In recent years, Jiangle County has broken the inertia of "focusing on villages" and explored the establishment of a number of regional party building complexes according to local conditions, promoting the transformation of grassroots party organizations from "decentralized operation" to "integrated progress", and achieving rural development and continuous revitalization.

"We focus on the development of industries and grassroots governance, strengthen the integration of party organizations such as villages, communities, new organizations, and government institutions, and promote regional integration through party building alliances." Chen Yushan, member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangle County Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, introduced.

At present, a total of 29 regional party building complexes have been built in the county, covering 148 village, community, government, enterprise, and public institution party organizations, forming a new pattern of rural revitalization with point to area, connected in a single area, and overall improvement.

Entering Wan'an Village in Wan'an Town, one can only see standardized and modern facilities arranged neatly in greenhouses, where vegetables, fruits and vegetables flourish and grow. Here, the planting process of vegetable seedlings, cultivation, hanging seedlings, plastic film, and leaf cutting is like an industrial production line, with a full range of "standard" and "technological" standards.

"This is the Green Fengbao Supply Base project we introduced last year." Huang Xiaojun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Wan'an Town, pointed to the modern agricultural industrial park in front of us and said that the town adopts a strong and weak, big and small approach. Through the "one park four linkage" work method of organizational linkage, industrial linkage, enterprise land linkage, and talent linkage, it effectively solves problems such as non aggregation of park clusters, non coexistence of industries, and non sharing of resources.

With the park as the "camp" and the branch built in the industrial park, under the guidance of the Party branch of the Wan'an Town Industrial Alliance, leading enterprises such as Wen's, Lvjing Nong, Lvfeng, and Jinshuo have gathered in the town, forming a distinctive industrial pattern of "one duck, one tree, one vegetable, and one rice". This not only enhances the attractiveness and radiation ability of the town, but also brings together nearly a thousand people from neighboring towns and villages for entrepreneurship and employment, writing a vivid footnote for industrial development and rural revitalization.

Panoramic view of the Modern Agricultural Industrial Park in Wan'an Town, Jiangle County Provided by the Organization Department of the Jiangle County Committee

"In the past, I had to take care of my family and couldn't go out to work, so I had nothing to do and no income. Now, with the arrival of new industries, I can find employment at my doorstep and my family life has greatly improved." Huang Shumei, who worked at Lvfeng in November last year, hopes that the company can develop better and better.

"Working here, receiving monthly salary and being close to home makes taking care of family very convenient." Zhang Qiuying, a villager from Wan'an Town, is very satisfied with her current life.

A healthy body, a stable income, and a happy family are the biggest aspirations of everyone in the village. The continuous growth of rural characteristic agriculture has fulfilled the "happy dreams" of many people in Wan'an.

Relying on modern poultry industry, vegetable planting industry, flower and seedling industry, and rice production and processing, in 2022, the village level collective economy in Wan'an Village has its own operating income of 340000 yuan, and the per capita net income of farmers is 31000 yuan.

A single branch blooming alone is not spring, a hundred flowers blooming together fills the garden with spring. At present, the average self owned operating income of village collective economy in Jiangle County has reached 609000 yuan. Villages with collective income below 100000 yuan have been completely eliminated, and villages with collective income above 500000 yuan have exceeded 20.7%.

Gathering Strength to Livelihood and Opening the Door to People's Happiness

The green water is full of ripples, and the green mountains are full of beauty.

Upon arriving at Jiaohu Village in Nankou Town, the birthplace of Yang Shi, the founder of Fujian studies and the authentic founder of the Cheng family, a beautiful and peaceful rural landscape stands out: the wide and flat village roads, the refreshing and clean village, and the harmonious and comfortable living environment, all of which are particularly moving amidst the shining mountains and rivers.

"Compared to the past, the changes here have been too significant," sighed Yang Bingwang, a villager over 70 years old. "Previously, production waste was piled up haphazardly on the roads, and household waste was disposed of haphazardly. Now the appearance of the village has significantly changed, and the whole village is like a garden."

"In recent years, based on the three major resource advantages of Jiaohu Lake, namely" red, green, and Confucian ", we have revitalized the old houses, rivers, fruit forests, and other elements in the village, reasonably planned the rural spatial pattern and industrial structure, and worked hard to create a comprehensive health research and education complex with" Jiaohu Lake characteristics, fruity tea flavor, mountain and water views, and integration and sharing "." Xie Linsheng, Secretary of the Jiaohu Village Party Branch, said.

Provided by the Organization Department of the Jiangle County Committee of the Tianlai Jiaohu International Research and Learning Base in Jiangle County

On the one hand, Jiaohu Lake integrates support funds for reservoir resettlement, beautiful rural areas, agriculture, and other areas to carry out targeted improvements in sewage treatment, bank slope improvement, and replanting of greenery, creating unique "micro nodes" point by point.

On the other hand, Jiaohu Village has made good use of the beauty of water and explored the benefits of water. It has built the Tianlai Jiaohu International Research and Learning Base, and created a rural tourism project that integrates science and red culture education, leisure picking and fishing, outdoor sports, and more. It receives more than 70000 tourists annually.

Trees should protect Leshan and Leshui, and the earth's veins will always be beautiful and rich in gold and silver. Relying on the "green mountains and clear waters", Jiaohu Lake, a beautiful village, has been awarded titles such as "National 3A Scenic Area", "National Forest Village", and "Provincial Family Culture and Family Education Demonstration Base".

"Rural construction needs to take a path that is in line with the actual situation in rural areas." Xiao Yanhong, Deputy Director of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Jiangle County, admitted that in accelerating rural revitalization and ecological civilization construction, Jiangle adheres to the principle of "planning before construction", adheres to the concept of "original ecology, low cost, and distinctive", actively explores the Jiangle model of rural revitalization, and walks the path of rural revitalization with Jiangle characteristics well.

Provided by the Organization Department of the Jiangle County Committee of the Liangshan School in Jiangle County

At the same time, we will focus on the key areas of rural construction, deepen the treatment of rural sewage and garbage, continuously improve the quality of rural living, and continuously improve rural infrastructure. We will encourage all villages in the county to upgrade to version 2.0 of "demolishing the old, expanding the new, and beautifying the countryside", and to align with version 3.0 of "dressing up and looking beautiful".

——Due to the implementation of village policies to improve the living environment, nearly 200 million yuan has been invested in the renovation of 76 key villages, covering nearly 85% of the rural population in the county. An investment of 140 million yuan was made to implement centralized treatment of rural sewage, with a rural sewage treatment rate exceeding 90%.

——Solidly carry out garbage classification, and the rural garbage treatment rate reaches 100%. Continuously promoting the "toilet revolution" in rural areas, the popularization rate of harmless sanitary toilets has reached 99.98%.

——Deepen the system of river and lake chiefs, and take the lead in achieving zero sand mining sites and zero discharge of aquaculture wastewater in Sanming City.

——Deeply implement the forest tenure system and take the lead in exploring the implementation of key ecological location forest resource protection PPP projects in the province. Deeply promote the ecological protection and restoration of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, and grasslands, and enter the first level of provincial evaluation for three consecutive years.

——To promote the improvement and upgrading of grassroots medical services, we have taken the lead in exploring the construction of a close medical community in the province. We have invested approximately 80 million yuan in the renovation and expansion of 7 outpatient comprehensive buildings in grassroots health centers, 8 staff turnover rooms in health centers, and 62 village health centers. We have also improved the medical equipment and information technology level of grassroots medical institutions.

——The "Happy Growth Project" for rural students was innovatively implemented. In 2007, the "Improvement Project for Food and Accommodation of Rural Primary and Secondary School Boarding Students" was first implemented in the province. In 2012, it was upgraded to the "Happy Growth Project" for rural students. Over the years, more than 40 million yuan was invested to improve facilities and equipment such as school buildings and canteens, providing warm places for students to live comfortably and study happily.

——Open up the last mile of convenient services, standardize the construction of township convenient service centers and village agency points, launch the construction project of social governance comprehensive service centers in 2022, and create a comprehensive service platform that integrates rural revitalization comprehensive convenient service platforms.

Exciting "butterfly changes" have shown us buildings, new villages, and smiling faces... In the process of promoting rural revitalization, Jiangle County adheres to planning guidance, village specific policies, and joint construction and sharing, creating six different styles of rural construction models, represented by Changkou Village, such as "ecological protection". It has successfully explored the path to achieving beautiful rural construction, and the people's sense of happiness and satisfaction continues to rise.

"We will always keep in mind our instructions, take ecological civilization as the foundation, adhere to the principles of party and government leadership, mass participation, and social participation, gradually and persistently contribute, and strive to write a new chapter in rural revitalization," said Chen Xi, Secretary of the Jiangle County Party Committee.

Keep going and never stop, the future is promising. At present, Fujian Jiangle is welcoming her beautiful mountains and rivers with a brand new face and high fighting spirit!

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