At the age of 46, he fell from grace and became the deputy mayor of Ningxia, the provincial capital city, at the age of 40

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:46 PM

Han Jianglong, male, born in January 1976, started working in September 1997 and joined the CPC in August 2002. Formerly served as the Deputy Director of the Suifenhe Municipal Committee Office in Heilongjiang Province; Assistant Director of the Investment Promotion Office of Mudanjiang City; Deputy Director of the Mudanjiang Municipal Party Committee Office and Deputy Commander in Chief of the Construction of Jingpo Tourism Town; Researcher of Heilongjiang Provincial Government Office; Deputy Secretary General of the Yinchuan Municipal Committee of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and Director of the Policy Research Office of the Municipal Committee; Secretary and Director of the Party Group of the Development and Reform Commission of Yinchuan City; Vice Mayor of Yinchuan Municipal People's Government, Secretary and Director of the Party Group of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission; Member of the Party Group and Deputy Mayor of the People's Government of Yinchuan City; Member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Department of Civil Affairs of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

In March 2022, Han Jianglong was subjected to disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law. In November 2022, Han Jianglong was expelled from the Party and public office, and his suspected criminal issues were transferred to the procuratorial organs for legal review and prosecution. In December 2022, Han Jianglong was sentenced to 12 years and 6 months in prison and fined RMB 2.2 million for the crime of bribery.

Han Jianglong was born into an ordinary family in Bayan County, Heilongjiang Province. After working, he actively pursued his career and, under organizational training, gradually rose from being a government secretary in Suifenhe Town, Suifenhe City, Heilongjiang Province to a leadership position. At the age of 40, he was promoted to the position of Deputy Mayor of Yinchuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. Han Jianglong was supposed to repay the organization's training and cherish job opportunities during his golden period of work and entrepreneurship. However, he lost his ideals and beliefs, misplaced his values, and distorted his views on power. He regarded his career as a "money journey" and was enthusiastic about wearing famous brands, watches, drinking famous wine, driving luxury cars, and living in luxury homes. He engaged in power and money transactions, amassing wealth, and his political life abruptly came to an end at the age of 46.

1. Greed for pleasure and lose oneself in the flow of materialism

After graduating from Han Jianglong University, he was assigned to work at the grassroots level and was recognized by the organization through his diligence and hard work. He has held multiple important positions in Suifenhe City and Mudanjiang City in Heilongjiang Province. In 2012, Han Jianglong went to work in Ningxia and was promoted and reused for his outstanding performance. At the age of 40, he became the Deputy Mayor of Yinchuan City. At that time, in the eyes of his colleagues, he had a high level of policy theory, worked diligently and responsibly, and was young and promising, making him a "leader" among his peers.

The difficulty of holding the world is like the heart, and the ease of infecting the world is like desire. At the golden age of starting a business, Han Jianglong should have fulfilled his duties and taken on responsibilities. However, he gradually developed a sense of complacency, which led to a psychological imbalance and greed when facing bosses who drive luxury cars and live in luxury homes around him.

"Despite putting in the same amount of effort and even working harder than them, Han Jianglong's life is not as' nourishing '. After struggling for so many years, he should have lived a comfortable life." Since Han Jianglong became a "thief in his heart," his greed and selfishness have become even more inflated. In pursuit of a seemingly more "glamorous" life and realizing his "dream" of becoming rich, he began to resort to all means and find ways to accumulate money.

In order to achieve the goal of driving luxury cars, living in luxury homes, and living a luxurious life, Han Jianglong has long borrowed luxury cars and housing from business owners; In order to enjoy authentic hometown cuisine at any time, he arranged for a private enterprise owner to rent a special apartment in his residential area, and hired a high paying chef from Northeast China to cook for him and his family and friends. This not only satisfied his appetite, but also made it convenient to meet friends through wine; In order to satisfy my hobby of playing billiards, I not only arranged for my boss to purchase high-end billiards tables and place them in the rented area for leisure, but also for the business owner to set up a billiards hall specifically for socializing with friends. He likes to wear famous watches, and a boss bought him 5 famous watches worth over 700000 yuan once he went abroad; He likes to wear high-end clothing. He buys clothes from other provinces and cities that cannot be found in Ningxia, and brands that cannot be found in China go abroad.

"In order to satisfy his constantly expanding material desires, Han Jianglong is willing to use his power as a bargaining chip to seek benefits for others. He has repeatedly accepted other people's property and even demanded huge amounts of money from others, most of which are used to purchase high-end residential and business properties." The investigators explained that Han Jianglong likes to live in large houses and is accompanied by luxurious decoration. He lives in a three story mansion worth more than 3 million yuan and spends nearly a million yuan on decoration. He is also planning to decorate another five story villa worth more than 6 million yuan, with a decoration budget of up to 3 million yuan alone... "

Once the gate of desire is opened, it will sink deeper and deeper. Han Jianglong received a variety of items such as Maotai liquor, shopping cards, jade ornaments, and personal accessories, which were countless and varied. Influenced by materialism, he was dizzy and disoriented, ultimately losing his eyes, mind, and self, and falling into the abyss of corruption and corruption.

The collapse of the second line of defense, driven by greed and willingly falling

What outsiders may not know is that Han Jianglong, who appears to be proactive in his work, has actually grown tired of poverty since childhood. The idea of "striving to excel and earn more money" has been engraved in his innermost thoughts. After joining the workforce, Han Jianglong worked tirelessly, while also working with his wife, who was also a public official, while reselling clothing and imported goods. After working in Ningxia, I took advantage of various opportunities to hoard imported goods, search for investment opportunities, and strive for quick wealth. At the same time, he also arranged for his younger brother Han to open a specialty liquor store in Mudanjiang City, which will be supplied at the "most favorable" price by a business owner in Ningxia.

Han Jianglong likes to make "new friends" and strengthen "old relationships" at the dinner table. Every once in a while, people invite him to "gather" or "sit down", and those who enter his circle are all trustworthy "brothers". As the "big brother", he is always enthusiastic about his "brothers", especially when it comes to borrowing and delivering cars, houses, and tickets. He is also responsive to requests for help. This is not because of his bold and straightforward personality, but because he has his own small plan, hoping to discover business opportunities and take a ride in getting rich.

Wu is a private enterprise owner specialized in high-end drinks such as Baijiu and wine. After Han Jianglong met Wu, he saw the profits and had the idea of "getting a piece of the cake". Afterwards, Han Jianglong arranged for his younger brother to open a specialty liquor store in Mudanjiang City and asked Wu to provide him with high-end liquor. With the help of Wu's supply channels, sales experience, and "maximum discounts", he started a steady and profitable liquor business.

"At the beginning of interacting with these people, I also wanted to master the 'degree', but little did I know that as long as the dam of thought loosened a bit, it could not withstand the immersion of floods. Once it leaked and collapsed, it would pour down thousands of miles. There was no need to care about the 'degree', only greed had no 'degree'. The 'small business' of selling alcohol and water ultimately could not satisfy Han Jianglong's growing appetite. Driven by greed, his courage grew stronger, and he engaged in power and money transactions, with hidden and diverse means of accumulating wealth.".

Chen is a private enterprise owner engaged in engineering construction. After being introduced to Han Jianglong, he took advantage of various opportunities to get close to him, but only his horse's head showed respect. Han Jianglong also reciprocated by taking advantage of his position to secure a project contract worth billions of yuan for Chen in a well-known enterprise. Han Jianglong used his off-road vehicle to cover up two houses owned by Chen, registered it under his brother's name, and then used these two houses to cover up Chen's two business houses again, indirectly receiving bribes of nearly 3 million yuan.

Wu has repeatedly sent money and goods to Han Jianglong in order to win the Yinchuan Municipal Government's industrial fund. Han Jianglong has also used his position and influence to plan and operate for Wu, successfully applying for government funding, causing significant risks to state-owned funds, but enriching Han Jianglong's personal interests. "He drove to the parking lot of my community and brought a huge amount of cash, asking me to help him invest or buy stocks. I was too greedy, he disregarded my life and death, and I also disregarded my own life and death." Han Jianglong accepted this huge sum of money with peace of mind after pretending to decline with Wu in his community parking lot.

Over the years, Han Jianglong has received over 26 million yuan in property from others, starting with receiving items worth thousands or tens of thousands of yuan, and then receiving cash worth hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions of yuan; From passively accepting bribes from others to actively demanding property from others, treating power as a tool for personal gain, trapped in the quagmire of wanting to both become an official and become wealthy, ultimately leading to a downfall.

3. Hurt relatives and harm oneself, staged "family corruption" under the domination of incorrect ideas

Not long after Han Jianglong took up the leadership position, he had a misconception in interpersonal communication that "when water is clear, there is no fish, and when people are observed, there is no disciple." He believed that it was difficult to move forward without human relationships, and that from eating and drinking in small jobs to receiving money for work, they were all "hidden rules" of society.

"Although I am not used to the meals invited by others, I try to participate as much as possible. Although I am not in charge of the things requested by others, I try my best to take care of them." After Han Jianglong started working in Ningxia, he faced some local business owners who approached him proactively through various relationships such as "fellow villagers" and "classmates". He did not refuse to come and believed that he wanted to "build good relationships".

At the age of 46, he fell from grace and became the deputy mayor of Ningxia, the provincial capital city, at the age of 40

Du was Han Jianglong's elementary school classmate. After he became a leading cadre in Mudanjiang City, Du approached him proactively through his classmate relationship and became a "little follower", using Han Jianglong's authority to undertake government projects in Mudanjiang City. After Han Jianglong came to work in Ningxia, Du followed him from afar, providing meticulous services such as grocery shopping, picking up and dropping off children, and paying nearly 2.5 million yuan for Han Jianglong's daughter's overseas study abroad expenses. Han Jianglong readily accepted it while repeatedly using his position to assist Du in contracting projects.

Han Jianglong has been colluding with business owners for a long time to gain benefits, which has also led his family to have the idea of getting something for nothing. The whole family followed me like this, fearless and reckless.

His wife, Liu, knew that Han Jianglong's money came from an improper source, but she used it with peace of mind. She also helped conceal and transfer stolen goods, and used the vehicle lent by the boss for a long time. His younger brother Han borrowed money from his boss Du through Han Jianglong as early as 2010 to buy a house, only borrowing but not repaying it. Later, he used Han Jianglong's influence to make money and indulged in extravagance, eventually causing his wife and children to scatter. After divorce, Han went to Ningxia with his parents to "develop". Han Jianglong immediately borrowed housing and vehicles from his boss for their long-term use. Before that, he even asked the business owner for money to help Han buy a house. His cousin Wang, who knew that Han Jianglong had become a "high-ranking official", came from afar to seek refuge and served as a "pawn" for a long time. He intervened with the merchant boss and received more than 1.4 million yuan in property on his behalf

Han Jianglong mistakenly believed that his family should be compensated for following him from afar, and the quickest and most direct reward would be to use his power to seek personal gain for them. Under the domination of this abnormal psychology, he took the lead in inappropriate interactions with business owners, did not follow rules and regulations, and became the culprit of deteriorating family values, ultimately harming his own family and causing harm to himself.

4. Adversarial investigation, going further and further on the path of illegal and criminal activities

Han Jianglong has a smooth sailing in his work, but he doesn't want to repay the organization's training. He only wants to pursue his own interests and enjoy a luxurious life. Being disloyal and dishonest to the organization, disregarding its demands, and going further and further on the path of illegal and criminal activities.

"In 2014, my child went to study in the UK. I was afraid that the organization would know about the negative impact and deliberately concealed it. I did not truthfully fill out personal reports in 2015 and 2016..." Han Jianglong wrote in his confession. In fact, what he wants to conceal is the fact that he took bribes during the process of sending his child abroad.

Han Jianglong's child needs to pay a deposit of 500000 US dollars for studying abroad. He accepted 1.5 million yuan from Du, the person in charge of a municipal engineering limited company, under the pretext of borrowing. When Han Jianglong had a premonition that the organization was going to verify him, he "returned the stolen goods upon hearing the news" and arranged for his wife to refund 1.5 million yuan to Du. He requested that Du issue a receipt and advance the date of payment for the receipt. At the same time, he issued a receipt without a payment date for the organization's verification, so that it could be used as a backup.

In 2020, Han Jianglong received 2 million yuan in cash from Zhang, the legal representative of a construction engineering limited company, to pay for his purchase of a house. During the investigation by the organization, he requested Zhang to sign a house purchase agreement with him, publicly claiming that the money was a prepayment paid by Zhang to purchase his house. In 2022, after the organization took measures against his younger brother and certain related persons, Han Jianglong still did not repent, deliberately opposed the organization's review, threw the high-end watches and bracelets he received and wore into the sewer, and arranged for his cousin Wang to transfer the jewelry and precious Baijiu he received from others

"After entering, I understood what the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China emphasized as' zero tolerance '. In December 2021, Han Jianglong was transferred from Deputy Mayor of Yinchuan City to Deputy Director of the Civil Affairs Department of the Autonomous Region. Three months later, he was filed for review and investigation.". Han Jianglong is the youngest district management cadre investigated and dealt with by the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision since the reform of the supervision system. He fell into the abyss of crime during the golden period of his life and career growth, transforming into a corrupt element. His lessons were extremely profound, and he and his family also paid a painful price.

Han Jianglong's Confession Record

March 2, 2022, was the day I was detained, and my political life came to an abrupt end on this day. With the education and rescue of the organization, I began to repent and change my ways.

I will never forget this day. My career, life, and family were all crumbling in an instant, and I lost everything in an instant, falling into a vast abyss. When I woke up from my dreams and fantasies, it felt like I had passed away.

It is precisely because the "ballast stone" of ideals and beliefs has been shaken that the "overall switch" of worldview, outlook on life, and values has gradually loosened, leading to a plethora of ideological problems and frequent infidelity and crossing of boundaries.

At the age of 40, I was trained by the organization to serve as the deputy mayor of the capital of Ningxia, providing me with a broad stage. I should have made pursuing a career in Ningxia my pursuit of value, but I have developed a restless mentality, feeling that I have achieved something in my childhood. I feel that my family and I have been away from home and have suffered a lot. It's time for a few comfortable days. So he began to crave rewards and enjoyment, and developed a mindset of comparison. Without these conditions, he used the company's resources and reached out to others, completely losing the integrity and hard work of leading cadres.

I used to work in the comprehensive department of the Municipal Party Committee for a long time and had special job influence. Later on, he successively served as the Director and Deputy Mayor of the National Development and Reform Commission, mistakenly believing that the engineering project would be handled by whoever, and not selling national resources and government interests. I also cleverly adhere to the principle of "rabbits don't eat grass on the edge of their nests", manage my "one acre and three parts of land", and introduce my acquaintances to the jurisdiction and enterprises to undertake projects. Little did they know that if they extended their hands longer, the impact would be even worse. Little did they know that this was also filling their own pockets with the public power bestowed upon them by the Party and the people, seriously violating social fairness and harming the interests of the people.

Once leaders and cadres have power, they become the "God of Wealth" and "Fat Meat" in the eyes of unscrupulous bosses, and begin to be surrounded by wolves. At such times, it is necessary to draw a clear boundary between the Chu River and the Han River, grasp a safe distance, and guard one's own bottom line, otherwise a slight carelessness will turn them into prey. I happened to be very wrong, indulging in greed, making friends, and taking personal risks. I went from being greedy for a moment to not being able to escape, only seeing the bait in front of me and not seeing the big net behind me. In the end, I was completely trapped.

The end of extravagance is illegal, the end of greed is crime, the end of stubbornness is imprisonment, and the end of indulgence is prison. The lights in the detention room illuminate every dark corner of my heart, allowing me to see the devil of my desires clearly. The "seal" that suppresses it is firm ideals and beliefs, strict party discipline and national laws, and strict integrity and self-discipline. It is because these "seals" are loose that I am allowed to run out and do whatever I want, ultimately devouring myself.

This may be my last answer sheet as a party member to submit to the organization, and the heaviest writing I have ever written in my life. The pen is filled with tears, the words are in tears, the paper is in tears, and emotions are hard to bear. The biggest loss in my life is nothing more than this! The greatest pain in the world is none other than this!

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