What do you think? What should we do? Xinhua News Agency's Five Discussions on Handling China US Relations | Issues | Xinhua News Agency

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:21 AM

China and the United States have entered into an interactive mode, and both sides have made progress and reached consensus on certain issues, sending positive signals of easing relations to the world. But "Rome was not frozen in a day", how do you think about the various problems that have arisen in China US relations over a period of time? What should be done?

Xinhua News Agency recently broadcasted five consecutive comments, elaborating in depth and systematically on the fallacies of the current US policy towards China, pointing out the key to improving US China relations and the global trend, urging the US to reflect on its own policies and form a positive understanding of promoting US China relations back on track.

The Five Discussions on China US Relations have attracted widespread attention from domestic and foreign public opinion. Bill Bishop, a well-known American media figure and expert on China issues, said in promoting this set of comments that these views are important to domestic audiences, important to global audiences, and have also gained more support and resonance in the United States.

The crux lies in:

The relationship between China and the United States is sick, and the root cause lies in the misjudgment of China by the United States

The crux of the current dilemma in China US relations is that the US holds a wrong understanding of China, leading to incorrect policies towards China. The primary prerequisite for stabilizing and improving relations with China is for the US to change its perception of China and approach China's development rationally.

What do you think? What should we do? Xinhua News Agency's Five Discussions on Handling China US Relations | Issues | Xinhua News Agency

The United States made a mistake in misjudging China's strategic goals. The fundamental purpose of China's development is to enable all Chinese people to live a good life, not to threaten, challenge, or replace anyone. Using the template of "a strong country must dominate" to mirror China, and strategically considering China as a "major competitor" or even a "threat", is distorting the first button.

The United States' misunderstanding of China lies in underestimating the national character of the Chinese people. The US fantasy of dealing with China based on its strength and status is ultimately a miscalculation. China has never agreed with the logic that "power is truth", and the US's power logic on the issue of China will only provoke a more resolute counterattack from the Chinese people. The Chinese civilization has gone through five thousand years and has continued to this day. Faced with storms and storms, the Chinese people, who have self-esteem, confidence, and self-improvement, have never lacked backbone, courage, and resilience.

The United States made a mistake in its perception of China by misjudging the world's trends. In the era of globalization, the interests of all countries are interrelated, and the vast majority of countries are unwilling to be forced to choose sides and stand in line, let alone be tied up in the battle against China. The United States still inappropriately views the world as a geopolitical chessboard, fabricating an unfounded narrative of "democracy against authoritarianism", attempting to form cliques and promote the world's "factionalization". The various actions of the United States go against the trend of peaceful development and are naturally opposed by most countries in the world.

On the Urgent Tasks:

The higher the wind and the faster the waves, the more important it is to keep the correct heading

The Bali Summit between China and the United States is in-depth, candid, and constructive, bringing positive and optimistic expectations for the improvement of Sino US relations, and pointing out the direction of action to promote the return of bilateral relations to a healthy and stable track. However, the United States has encountered a serious "action deficit" in implementing the consensus of the heads of state, even going against the spirit advocated by the consensus, adopting a series of malicious words and actions that infringe on China's core interests, seriously damaging the foundation of Sino US political relations, damaging the environment for Sino US exchanges and interactions, disrupting the dialogue and cooperation agenda agreed upon by both sides, and encountering new difficulties and challenges in bilateral relations.

What do you think? What should we do? Xinhua News Agency's Five Discussions on Handling China US Relations | Issues | Xinhua News Agency

The lack of effective implementation of the consensus reached by the head of state may seem like a serious deviation in US political integrity and diplomatic execution, but in reality, it stems from the "psychological deviation" in US self-awareness and perception of China. The US's entangled and torn mentality ultimately means that it is unwilling to accept China's development and progress, unwilling to engage in equal dialogue with China, and using its own hegemonic logic to speculate about China. The top priority is to implement the consensus reached at the Bali meeting between the two heads of state, and the long-term solution is to find the right path for China US relations and ensure that they move forward in the right direction.

To grasp the correct course, we must abandon zero sum game and Cold War thinking. Unipolar hegemony is unpopular, group confrontation has no future, "small courtyards and high walls" are closed and retreating, "decoupling and chain breaking" is harmful to others and oneself, treating China as a hypothetical enemy is a typical excessive anxiety. Instead of saying and doing one thing, and revitalizing the so-called "three point theory" and "three point theory" of containing and suppressing China, the United States should focus its energy on practicing the "three principles" of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation, and work together with China to promote the return of China US relations to the right track.

To grasp the correct course, we must respect each other's development "course". The United States views and defines China US relations from a strategic competition perspective, viewing China as the most important competitor and the most severe long-term challenge, which is a misjudgment of China US relations and a misreading of China's development. It will only mislead the people of both countries and the international community. Only by correctly and rationally viewing each other's internal and external policies and strategic intentions, respecting each other's core interests, and establishing a tone of dialogue that is non confrontational, win-win, and non zero sum, can we ensure the stable and far-reaching development of China US relations.

Three Discussions on Control Differences:

Having differences is not scary, but differences are never excuses for confrontation

To achieve peaceful coexistence between China and the United States, both sides must respect each other's core interests and major concerns, not violate each other's bottom line and red line, control differences and sensitive issues in a constructive manner, and handle occasional incidents calmly, professionally, and rationally.

What do you think? What should we do? Xinhua News Agency's Five Discussions on Handling China US Relations | Issues | Xinhua News Agency

With a consensus on managing conflicts and differences, both sides should also understand each other's adherence to the bottom line of principles, firmly uphold their interests, identify dangerous and explosive points in China US relations, and refrain from overstepping boundaries or playing with fire. Adhering to the basic norms of international relations and the three joint communiqu é s between China and the United States is crucial for both sides to manage conflicts and prevent confrontational conflicts, and is also the most important protective safety net for Sino US relations.

Both sides must handle major issues involving sovereignty, security, and development interests with caution. For occasional incidents, both parties should respond calmly, professionally, and rationally. The United States needs to avoid being exploited, hyped up, or escalated by domestic extremist forces, which poses a challenge to the relationship between the two countries.

Peaceful coexistence is the bottom line that both countries should jointly uphold. The Chinese side has reiterated its bottom line and red line on core interests and major concerns, as well as the principles and spirit of controlling differences and handling occasional incidents. The US side must make the right choice whether the future of China US relations will move towards dialogue, confrontation, cooperation or conflict.

Four Discussions on Human Aspiration:

Great powers should have great responsibilities, and improving Sino US relations is a responsibility to the world

The international community generally hopes that China and the United States can ease tensions, and hopes that both sides can approach each other with a responsible attitude towards history, the people, and the world, handle differences appropriately, and find the right way to get along.

What do you think? What should we do? Xinhua News Agency's Five Discussions on Handling China US Relations | Issues | Xinhua News Agency

History has proven that China and the United States can work together to accomplish many great things that benefit both countries and the world. China and the United States joined forces in counter-terrorism in 2001, responded to the international financial crisis together in 2008, and reached the Paris Agreement on climate change in 2016. There is great potential for cooperation between the two sides on many related global issues in the future. All sectors of the United States, especially the business and civil society, urgently hope to break free from top-down constraints and promote cooperation in various fields back to the track of prosperity and development.

Returning to the right track in China US relations will make the world safer. The US should avoid using the template of "a strong country must dominate" to mirror China, and not use the trajectory of traditional Western powers to misjudge China. It should give up trying to encircle China by forming "small circles" and stop using issues related to Xinjiang, Tibet, the South China Sea, and Taiwan to smear and suppress China.

The return of China US relations to the right track will make the world more prosperous. The vast Earth can fully accommodate the development and common prosperity of China and the United States. Under the current situation, the common interests of China and the United States have not decreased, but rather increased. The fundamental common interests of China and the United States are non conflict, non confrontation, and peaceful coexistence.

The Five Discussions on the General Trend:

The road ahead for China is unstoppable, and containment of China is bound to fail

The strong determination and firm steps of over 1.4 billion Chinese people to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation are unstoppable, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process.

What do you think? What should we do? Xinhua News Agency's Five Discussions on Handling China US Relations | Issues | Xinhua News Agency

The road ahead for China is unstoppable, because China's development and revitalization have a strong internal logic; Because Chinese civilization has a strong and resilient vitality; Because China deeply integrates with the world, China's development cannot do without the world, and world development also requires China; Because the path of peaceful development chosen by China is popular, in line with the trend, and in line with the overall trend.

Standing on the correct side of history and on the side of human progress is the "time" and "momentum" that China is currently facing, which is the "way" and "righteousness" that China's path demonstrates on the world stage. The trend of development in China is not only rational but also natural. The path of development in China conforms to the inherent law of a country's ability to achieve sustainable development and prosperity, and is in line with the aspirations of the international community for lasting peace and prosperity.

Thousands of years of history have proven that the Chinese nation is a nation that does not believe in evil and is not afraid of evil. It is a nation that is more courageous, more difficult, and more forward. Today, China is walking at a more resolute pace on the path of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and any attempt to obstruct China's progress will inevitably fail.

The ups and downs of China US relations are linked to the well-being of over 1.7 billion people in both countries and the future of the world. The question of how China US relations can continue is both difficult and easy to answer. Look more at the vast and boundless Pacific Ocean. With a broader heart, the road will be wider.

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