"Sura" Landing and Guangdong's Interpretation of Responsibility through Action

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 10:23 AM

Beijing, September 3rd - Around 3:30 am on September 2nd, Typhoon Sula, the 9th typhoon of the year, made landfall in Jinwan District, Zhuhai, Guangdong on a strong typhoon level, becoming the strongest typhoon to make landfall in Guangdong this year. Sula traveled westward and by 8:00 am on the 3rd, it was already on the surface of the Gulf of Tonkin. Its intensity level gradually weakened to a tropical storm and it will slowly move towards the southwest direction at a speed of 5-10 kilometers per hour.

At 16:59 on the 31st. According to the official Weibo account of the China Meteorological Administration, "Sula" will make landfall along the coast of Guangdong from the night of the 31st to the morning of September 1st. The forecast shows that "Sula" will make landfall with strong typhoon or super typhoon levels, and may become the strongest typhoon to make landfall in the Pearl River Delta region since 1949.

As "Sula" approaches, the emergency response of Guangdong Provincial Defense Bureau is gradually improving.

Between 9:00 on August 29th and 18:00 on August 31st, Guangdong upgraded its wind emergency response level four times within 57 hours, from level II to level I with only a 10 hour interval. "Sula" is coming with great force, Guangdong is on high alert!

This is the first time in five years that Guangdong Province has launched a Level I emergency response for wind prevention after Typhoon "Shanzhu" in 2018. Since August 28th, Guangdong Province has held intensive meetings on typhoon defense work, with further deployment, inspection, and implementation.

On August 31st, the General Office of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the General Office of the Guangdong Provincial People's Government issued an emergency notice on doing a good job in typhoon "Sula" defense, calling on the whole province to quickly take action and fully invest in wind and flood prevention and disaster relief work.

On the evening of August 31st, the Guangdong Province Typhoon Prevention Work Deployment Conference was held in Guangzhou, and the deployment was made: always adhere to the principle of putting the people first and life first, quickly enter a state of "facing war", carry forward the spirit of facing difficulties and continuous combat, eliminate the mentality of taking chances and numbing the mind, be prepared and guard against death, and make every effort to win the tough battle of typhoon defense, and effectively protect the safety of people's lives and property.

On the afternoon of September 1st at 3 o'clock, Guangdong Province held a typhoon prevention teleconference, and the province entered a "wartime" state of typhoon defense, with all work implemented. There is a one word difference from "facing war" to "wartime". The sense of responsibility and urgency is self-evident. Behind it, it demonstrates the determination of Guangdong to fight the decisive battle against Typhoon "Sula" and also demonstrates Guangdong's courage to go all out to fight a tough defense battle.

As of 18:00 on September 2nd, in just 6 days, Guangdong has carried out 42 defensive deployments, and its high density and speed demonstrate its level of attention.

A typhoon not only tests the "resilience" of various cities in Guangdong Province from "peacetime" to "wartime", but also tests the "rigidity" of emergency support in various regions and departments throughout the province.

In the past few decades, schools have closed classes, parks have closed, construction sites have stopped, fishing boats and fishermen have taken refuge on shore. Various cities in Guangdong are operating at high speeds, with strict preparation and prevention measures in place. Flood control officials at all levels, as well as officials in charge of public order and public security departments, must all be on duty. We will resolutely implement the "six hundred percent" measures to prevent typhoons, and meticulously carry out the "eight rechecks" to identify hidden dangers and ensure that all defense measures are implemented effectively.

In the face of this super typhoon, Guangdong has risen to the challenge, preferring to take ten precautions and nine emptiness rather than lose the chance. Typhoon is the order, and life is heavier than Mount Tai.

people first, life first

Responsibility: Take responsibility in critical moments

At 3am on August 31st, the emergency command center of the Guangdong Provincial Emergency Management Department was brightly lit, making it the "hub" for Guangdong to face typhoons. 39 member units are on joint duty here, operating continuously and efficiently 24 hours a day. Each person on duty is tense, and according to the typhoon monitoring dynamics, defense work in various regions is deployed and dispatched in advance on a minute by minute basis.

As of 17:00 on the 31st, all cities in Guangdong Province have completed the task of offshore wind prevention and evacuation. 84884 offshore fishing boats have returned to the port for shelter, and 1822 workers from 34 offshore wind power platforms and 1057 breeders from all marine ranches have landed for shelter. As of 19:00 on September 2nd, 1076553 people from hazardous areas have been transferred in advance across the province.

Take responsibility in times of crisis. Various departments and party members and cadres in Guangdong are swayed by the wind and are moving towards danger. Cadres go down to the grassroots level, allocate resources to the front line of flood and wind prevention, ensure that their forces are in place, and make every effort to transfer people threatened by typhoons to safe places.

In Shanwei City, party members, cadres, and grid workers rushed to the front line, promptly transferred nearly 10000 people, and opened more than 700 indoor emergency shelters to fully ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

During the transfer process, two bright red vests were printed with "I am a Communist Party member", becoming the most dazzling color in the transfer team.

A grassroots party organization is a battle fortress, and a party member is a banner.

Huang Qiuye, a member of the Party Committee of Dongyong Town in the urban area of Shanwei City, told the CCTV reporter that various villages and communities in our town have launched Party and Mass Service Centers and New Era Civilization Practice Stations as resettlement sites. Dongchong Central Primary School is also one of the resettlement sites, capable of accommodating over 500 people for resettlement.

On Shanwei Haibin Avenue, a large tree was blown down by the wind and occupied half of the road surface. The firefighters used electric saws to cut the big tree into sections, and then worked with street personnel to clean up the scattered branches and leaves on the road surface. Local party members and cadres were moved by the wind and charged forward to deal with tree dumping sites and waterlogging points in their jurisdiction. They actively worked with grassroots cadres from various streets in their jurisdiction to clear obstacles and drainage.

During the typhoon, not only were more than 450 firefighting and rescue team members on standby in Shanwei City, but party members and cadres also led the establishment of 42 flood control and wind rescue teams, making every effort to fight against wind and flood, investigating geological disaster points and hidden dangers one by one, and carrying out hierarchical transfer and avoidance work.

They charge ahead without hesitation. In Huidong County, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, Hu Yancheng, Deputy Director of the Port Resort Management Committee of Huidong County, has been working continuously for 14 hours, and the night before the typhoon made landfall is destined to be a sleepless night. "Safety is more important than anything else. As long as everyone is safe, we are particularly down-to-earth. At this time, as party members, we should be the first to step forward. We are very conscious and just do it directly."

In Kaiping, Jiangmen, a grid worker from Wubao Village, Chikan Town, discovered that the door of Chen Bo's house, a very poor elderly person in the village, had been demolished and could not cover the rainwater due to a strong typhoon. The grid worker immediately reported to the village cadres and applied for temporary assistance funds to install iron gates for Chen Bo. Quickly, with the assistance of the grid operator, the new and sturdy iron door was installed, laying a solid barrier for the Chen family's defense against typhoons.

In order to fight against Typhoon "Sula", the Organization Department of the Jiangmen Municipal Party Committee issued a notice on fully leveraging the role of grassroots party organizations as fighting fortresses and exemplary party members in the defense work of Typhoon "Sula", calling on grassroots party organizations at all levels to resolutely shoulder political responsibilities, quickly enter an emergency state, and comprehensively prepare for preventing strong winds, seizing major risks, and rescuing major disasters. Give full play to the role of grassroots party organizations as battle fortresses and the exemplary role of party members as pioneers, and make every effort to do a good job in the defense against typhoon "Sula", so that the party flag can fly high on the front line of wind and flood prevention and disaster relief.

Make every effort to transform "uncertainty" into "certainty"

On the evening of September 1st, "Sula" is expected to make landfall along the coast of Huidong to Taishan in Guangdong Province from the early morning to the morning of September 2nd.

When the largest province in the economy encounters the "border master", the distance shown on the map from Huidong to Taishan is 273 kilometers, from east to west and from north to south, passing through cities such as Shanwei, Huizhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Guangzhou, Zhongshan, and Jiangmen. Such a long "front line" greatly increases the difficulty of Guangdong's defense against "Sula", and precise defense is particularly important.

Faced with a typhoon, defense work cannot tolerate any mishaps. This process is a race against time, competing with the wind speed, and effectively safeguarding the safety of people's lives and property.

The total length of the coastline in mainland Guangdong is 4114 kilometers, making it the province with the longest coastline in the country. At the same time, Guangdong Province has a developed marine economy, with a total volume ranking first in the country for 27 consecutive years.

When "Sula" was about to make landfall, Guangdong did not choose to "cut it all" along the coastal cities of the province. Instead, after the provincial defense bureau issued an upgrade to level I emergency response for wind prevention, it upgraded the emergency response for wind prevention in each city in sequence based on typhoon trajectory prediction.

At 14:00 on August 31st, Shanwei entered the Level I emergency response for wind prevention.

At 20:00 on August 31st, Huizhou's wind emergency response was upgraded to level I.

At 12:00 on September 1st, Shenzhen launched a Level I emergency response for typhoon and flood prevention.

At 13:00 on September 1st, Zhuhai launched a Level I emergency response for wind prevention


Implement policies tailored to the city and local conditions.

To the greatest extent possible, we will balance the safety of the people's lives and economic and social development, continuously improve defense accuracy and sensitivity, reduce the impact on production and life while ensuring safety, and strive to minimize various losses.

This example is not an isolated case.

In Guangzhou, Guangdong, the meteorological department of Guangzhou upgraded the blue typhoon warning signal from Yuexiu, Haizhu, Liwan, Tianhe, Baiyun, Huangpu, Zengcheng, Nansha, Panyu and other nine districts to a yellow typhoon warning signal at 5am on September 1st. However, the two districts, Conghua District and Huadu District, which are far from the seaside, still maintain the blue typhoon warning signal.

The changes in typhoon warning signals reflect the careful deployment and precise implementation of policies throughout Guangdong province.

Strive to avoid falling into one place or losing a corner, and respond to the uncertainty of the typhoon with utmost determination. From August 30th to September 1st, the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Government mobilized and deployed the defense against "Sula" for three consecutive days.

On the sea, with the super typhoon "Sula" entering the South China Sea, the offshore oil and gas fields distributed in the the Pearl River Mouth Basin were the first to be affected. All CNOOC offshore operators have been evacuated safely. The intelligent unmanned production mode has been opened for the offshore platform. After the deep and medium channels, Huangmao sea crossing channels and Shiziyang channels have all been shut down, all operators will be evacuated.

In the city, Shanwei promptly identified hidden danger areas, relocated nearly 10000 people, and opened more than 700 indoor emergency shelters.

Look at the airport. On September 1st, Bao'an International Airport lowered all 100 high pole lights near the terminal. At 12:00 on September 1st, the airport entered a temporary suspension.

Look at the railway. From 20:00 on September 1st to 18:00 on September 2nd, all trains entering and exiting Guangdong Province will be suspended.

Look at the road. At 17:00 on September 1st, 9 road sections, 5 bridges, and 108 toll stations in Guangdong Province have implemented traffic control measures.

Pause for better restart.

Warm hearted: "Adequate management of tea, rice, oil, and salt" to properly protect the affected population

Facing a super typhoon head-on is also a challenge to the city's livelihood and material security. Adequate supplies are the biggest confidence in resisting strong typhoons.

In Shanwei, emergency shelters opened locally provide temporary water, power and lighting, as well as emergency equipment such as temporary toilets. They also set up storage facilities for essential items and medicine for transferred personnel. Some places are also equipped with "happiness canteens" to allow transferred personnel to eat hot and steaming meals.

In Guangzhou, a fresh food supermarket has a complete set of daily necessities such as meat, vegetables, eggs, and milk on its shelves, with sufficient reserves of supplies. In addition, the reporter learned from a certain online platform that the company is intensifying the organization and transportation of goods, fully ensuring the supply of goods, and the overall stock volume in Guangzhou has increased by 40% compared to last week.

In Huizhou, there is sufficient supply of daily necessities and stable prices. Commercial reserves of daily necessities can dynamically guarantee 34 days of grain, 12 days of edible oil, 5 days of vegetables, and 32 days of meat.

Efforts should be made to transfer as much as possible and early as possible, and to properly carry out the work of transferring and resettling the masses, as well as providing medical support for their daily lives. We must not only seize every minute but also make the masses feel at ease and at ease.

In Nansha, Guangzhou, local residents are properly resettled to avoid typhoons. Each town and street transfers the villagers who need to be relocated to the village committee for centralized resettlement and care. Many workers from construction projects within their jurisdiction come to these resettlement points to shelter from typhoons. Some schools and sports venues have also been set up as temporary resettlement points, with sufficient reserves of materials at the shelter site.

Coastal cities in the province have prepared over 12.37 million emergency rescue supplies and over 2.89 million daily necessities, including assault boats, life jackets, generators, tents, folding beds, and mats.

"Put ensuring the safety of people's lives and property as the top priority." The word "practical" is extremely important. Guangdong is carrying out hidden danger investigation and weaving a strong defense line with a sense of responsibility that is always at ease.

Strict and meticulous. Play the first move well, take the initiative to face and overcome difficulties, make defense against typhoons a top priority, tighten the responsibility throughout the entire chain, and resolutely safeguard the safety of people's lives and property.

The meteorological department of Guangdong Province predicts that the wind and rain impact of "Sula" on Guangdong will basically come to an end on September 4th. But Typhoon No. 11, "Haikui," is approaching, and it cannot be ruled out that cities and counties in eastern and northern Guangdong will be affected by the peripheral circulation of "Haikui" after September 4th.

It is not difficult to defend against a typhoon, what is difficult is to defend against every typhoon. In this process, everyone is a participant and what is needed is collective mobilization.

We believe that experiencing the baptism of wind and rain will make witnesses more determined.

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