Release time:Apr 16, 2024 10:23 AM

The majestic Yimeng Mountains and the majestic Yihe River have nurtured the people of the revolutionary old areas and nurtured the city of Linyi, which has a long cultural tradition and a distinct red gene.

Surprisingly, this prefecture level city in southern Shandong, which is neither the provincial capital nor adjacent to the sea, is actually the largest market cluster and an important logistics turnover center in the country, forming a pattern of "Yiwu in the south and Linyi in the north" in the field of commerce and trade. It is also the capital of e-commerce in the north, with the largest quantity of Kwai agricultural products in China, and has become a "live broadcast city" rich in online celebrities.

Consolidate the advantages of "business"

Traveling through Lanshan District of Linyi City, various commodity markets are lined up one after another, and trucks with Lu Q license plates flow endlessly. Some people say that when visiting the market in Linyi, it takes over 40 days for each store to stay for 1 minute without eating or drinking. The variety of products in the Linyi market cluster is breathtaking, "nothing can be bought but unexpected.".

In history, the Yimeng region, known as the "four fortresses are solid, with no boats or cars, no domestic goods coming out, and no foreign goods coming in," does not have superior transportation and location. Why does the market gather here and continue to thrive? The reporter found the answer in the exhibition hall of Lanshan Mall: the development of Linyi's commercial market benefits from the local government's open mindedness and policies to revitalize the economy.

The market in Linyi started with small street vendors in the early stages of reform and opening up. At that time, the local regulatory authorities did not drive away spontaneous buying and selling by the masses, and even changed "one episode every five days" to "daily market gatherings". Later, in order to standardize operations, the government invested in the construction of a greenhouse style market, which is now commonly mentioned by merchants as a small department store market in the western suburbs. In less than two years, it's hard to find a stall for the "Western Suburb Greenhouse". The industrial and commercial department has proposed the idea of jointly building a professional wholesale market. Shuitian Village in the suburbs of Linyi has sold land and jointly built a textile professional wholesale market. Subsequently, professional wholesale markets such as hardware, clothing, shoes and hats, household appliances and furniture, vehicle lighting, and cultural and sports supplies opened one after another, rapidly forming a cluster effect.

In the future, with the expansion of cities, wholesale markets were relocated and renovated, and more and more automobile and motorcycle parts cities, home appliance and kitchen and bathroom cities were built, with increasing numbers and sizes. Professional logistics parks such as Jinlan, Tianyuan, and Huaxing have also been built to serve the mall.

Between two points, the straight line is the shortest. However, some trucks violate common sense and prefer to detour through Linyi before delivering the goods to their destination. Why? Cheaper and faster! Someone has calculated that it takes 15 days for a table tennis table to be shipped directly from Shanghai to Xinjiang, with a shipping cost of 320 yuan; It only takes 10 days from Shanghai to Xinjiang via Linyi, and the shipping cost is 120 yuan.

Shipping from Linyi, within 600 kilometers, it can be reached on the same day or the next day, within 1500 kilometers, it can be reached every other day, and above 3000 kilometers, it can be reached in 3 to 7 days. The logistics price is 20% to 30% lower than the national average, and it can also achieve the optimal ratio of transportation capacity and goods. The low freight rates have stimulated the transportation and distribution of goods, gradually making Linyi's goods accessible to the world: South to North sales, North to South sales, buying nationwide, selling nationwide.

Linyi Mall, which sounds like a business entity, is actually a collection of 125 professional wholesale markets scattered throughout various parts of Linyi city, integrating with the city. There are 44200 business owners and 300000 employees in the mall, covering 27 major categories, 60000 varieties, and over 6 million types of goods, almost covering all categories of production and living materials for Chinese people.

No matter how glorious Linyi Mall used to be, it still needs to withstand the baptism of the times. "In recent years, Linyi Mall has encountered the most concentrated challenges. Entering a new stage of development, implementing the new development concept has put forward new requirements for the development of Linyi's commercial industry, and transformation and upgrading are urgent." said Ren Gang, Secretary of Linyi Municipal Party Committee.

On the one hand, with the improvement of transportation conditions, various regions have built professional wholesale markets, and the surrounding areas have become regional commercial center cities, leading to increasingly fierce competition from external sources; On the other hand, with the rise of e-commerce, the traditional mall format, which mainly focuses on wholesale business, is facing enormous transformation pressure.

In a corner of the paddy field labor protection market in Linyi, there is a small stall that specializes in rubber shoes and labor protection gloves. It has now become the largest vertical e-commerce platform in the domestic industrial safety industry - Xinminghui Mall.

On the Xinminghui trading data platform, a huge color map displays real-time transaction data from various provinces, with orders from all over the world increasing in every minute. In the 10 years of snowball like development, Xinminghui has gone from a daily business of 10000 yuan to over 10 million yuan. From traditional stores that can only receive 10 customers a day, to now being able to receive more than 10 orders per minute, suppliers have grown from 3 to nearly 3000 globally, customers have grown from over 70 to nearly 150000, and product categories have grown from 5 to over 400000.

Digital efficiency enhancement, especially the business model based on years of market data generation, has made Li Hui, the general manager of Xinminghui Mall, suddenly enlightened. From being confused at the beginning of the transformation to now having a clear vision, Li Hui confidently and clearly sees the future of Xinminghui Mall. "The world's largest labor protection market is in China, and even with a 10% share, we have room for billions of yuan, right? Our current goal is to hit the first billion yuan."

The successful transformation of Xinminghui has demonstrated a strong demonstration effect in Linyi. In the hardware industry, Yichuan Mall is striving to replicate a new brilliance. Xi Chuanwei, General Manager of Yichuan Network Technology Co., Ltd., said that hardware is a traditional advantageous industry in Linyi City. What Yichuan Mall needs to do is to open up the e-commerce supply chain channels between local hardware enterprises and hardware stores in various regions, and consolidate traditional advantages with new business models.

In Lanshan District, there are already 15 digital supply chain platforms like Xinminghui, each of which is like a magnet, deeply integrating data flow, cash flow, and cargo logistics, forming a development potential.

At the same time, in the well-known home building materials market in Linyi, it has now transformed into the Shunhe Live E-commerce Technology Industrial Park, where e-commerce anchors have entered one after another, broadcasting day and night in a lively manner.

It is reported that Shunhe Live has cooperated with over 10000 live streaming hosts to promote products, with an average daily shipment volume of over 600000 orders during peak season. In 2021, it achieved a live streaming transaction volume of 21.7 billion yuan. It should be noted that for traditional home building materials cities, an annual transaction volume of over 100 million yuan is already a good achievement.

There are over 200 cooperative anchors with Smile Electronics Factory, which mainly focuses on clothing. Shao Hua, the general manager of the company's operations, told reporters that in Shunhe, anchors only need to select products and promote products, and other links are completed by the supply chain. Shunhe Live and Tiktok have cooperated to build a smart cloud warehouse. After the anchor merchant sells on the platform, the data will be automatically transferred to the cloud warehouse, where it will sort, pack, sell and distribute. Through supply chain services, Shunhe Live has transformed merchants from rental relationships to full chain business service relationships, opening up a new path for transformation and upgrading.

According to the data from the commerce department of Linyi, at present, Kwai has more than 8.6 million registered users and Tiktok has more than 6 million registered users. Its e-commerce registration volume ranks first in the country and its transaction volume ranks third in the country. Why do anchors favor Linyi? "Here, there is a wide range of products, convenient selection of goods, and there is also a large quantity for wholesale, making logistics cheaper." A Beijing anchor who frequently travels here gave an example, saying that if you send a piece of clothing from another place for 3.5 yuan, you can achieve 3 yuan here.

Continuously amplifying the advantages of "commerce", Linyi has never slackened. In the first quarter of this year, the transaction volume, total logistics volume, and online retail sales of Linyi Mall reached 148.44 billion yuan, 213.35 billion yuan, and 12.62 billion yuan, respectively, an increase of 12.3%, 18.6%, and 29.3%.

"The development space of Linyi Mall is very large." Liu Bo, the district chief of Lanshan District, Linyi City, said that in the process of transformation, upgrading, relocation and renovation, can the commercial form accumulated for decades be integrated with cultural and tourism elements, and a number of characteristic commercial blocks and new consumption scenes be built to become tourist destinations that attract and retain tourists? This is a new direction of transformation and upgrading that Linyi is exploring and planning.

In May, "Night Tour of Yihe" was put into trial operation, and "Night Painting Langya" was refreshing. Zhuge Liang Cultural Tourism Festival, Hardware Expo, National Stainless Steel Products and Equipment Expo... One after another, the pace and transaction scale of Linyi Exhibition have returned to before the epidemic, and the solid development pace has filled people with expectations for the future of the mall.

Enhance the energy level of "flow"

In Linyi, shopping malls and logistics are like chickens and eggs. No one can say for sure whether it's "chicken laying eggs" or "egg laying chicken". But what can be certain is that commerce supports logistics, and logistics supports commerce.

From the initial transportation mode of "loading goods on the roof and carrying passengers in carriages" to the distribution stations of "one table, one telephone, and one truck", and then to the embryonic form of logistics parks in the freight market around 2000, the logistics industry in Linyi gradually formed a scale from small to large, and broke through the ranks. In 2011, it was awarded the title of "Logistics Capital of China" by the China Transportation Association.

Linyi is located in the north-south hub and is a gathering place for logistics and human flow, especially as a transfer station for logistics from the south to the north. What locals are fond of mentioning is that from the map, the distance between Linyi, Beijing, and Shanghai in the north-south direction is equal, and the three cities are almost straight. In the east-west direction, the distance from Linyi to Zhengzhou is equal to that from Zhengzhou to Xi'an, with Xi'an, Luoyang, Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, and Linyi almost in a straight line. In the southwest direction, Linyi is almost in a straight line with Hefei, Nanchang, Ganzhou, Guangzhou, and is also in a straight line with Wuhan, Changsha, and Nanning... radiating across the country from one point, connecting north and south, and east and west. "There is no county that Linyi logistics cannot reach," which is not a boast of Linyi people. The more than 3000 domestic loading routes give them this confidence.

We need to accelerate the standardization and informatization construction of logistics, improve circulation efficiency, and promote the healthy development of the logistics industry. This has pointed out the direction for the development of the logistics industry in Linyi.

Standing on the second floor of Shandong Shunhe International Smart Logistics Park, you can overlook the entire park. This is the main carrier project of Linyi's commercial and service-oriented national logistics hub. The Shunhe Smart Logistics Cloud Platform developed by the logistics park utilizes new technologies such as cloud computing and the Internet of Things to build eight subsystems, including intelligent transportation, cargo damage management, and local delivery. It provides one-stop empowerment services for 19 logistics dedicated line enterprises settled in the park.

In early June, Shunhe Group completed the construction of the commercial logistics park application scenario based on the Beidou system and entered the project validation phase. This application scenario realizes unmanned operations of intelligent warehousing, intelligent loading, and intelligent transportation scheduling. It is expected that after being put into use, the operating cost can be reduced by 10% and the operational efficiency can be improved by 10%.

Commercial logistics, with a wide variety of products, has always been a challenge for intelligent loading. "Linyi Logistics emphasizes the combination of heavy and light goods. Taking a 17.5-meter large flatbed truck as an example, the economic benefits of a full load are equivalent to the value of about 50 tons of heavy goods. In the past, it all relied on human experience, and in the future, the optimal loading plan will be output through 3D modeling and visualization systems." Cao Songrong, the director of Shunhe Branch of Shandong Commercial and Logistics Research Institute, introduced.

"We have spent nearly 10 years building the digital platform 'Linshangtong', connecting the entire transportation process from merchants to distribution to logistics lines, especially establishing a financial service system for credit circulation through the supply chain." Chen Maojun, Chairman of Shandong Global Communication Network Technology Co., Ltd., told reporters that Linshangtong currently has 60000 registered members, mainly small and medium-sized enterprises. "At present, through a group of digital platforms represented by Linshangtong, about 78% of dedicated logistics enterprises in the city have achieved digital transformation." Chen Maojun judged.

In 2022, the express delivery business volume of Linyi City reached 1.434 billion pieces, occupying the top position in Shandong. The competition for outbound speed and delivery cycle brought about by the massive volume of express packages has forced enterprises to continue expanding their investment in digital automation technology.

In May 2021, the construction of Zhongtong Express Lunan E-commerce Industrial Park began. This park, with a total investment of 1 billion yuan, not only has an automated express sorting workshop built, but also is equipped with a 50000 square meter cloud warehouse. "E-commerce places goods in our cloud warehouse, and after the goods are sold, orders are pushed to us through the system. We complete the classification and packaging of the goods. This not only saves costs for e-commerce, but also improves logistics delivery speed." said Cui Fukun, General Manager of Zhongtong Express Lunan E-commerce Industrial Park.

Ten years ago, the total logistics volume of Linyi for the year was 346.652 billion yuan. By 2022, the total logistics volume in Linyi has reached 860.92 billion yuan. From the perspective of development speed, progress is not small; But from the perspective of development quality, there are also many problems. On the one hand, the industry competition threshold is constantly increasing, but Linyi still relies on a large number of small and scattered logistics enterprises as the main body, and has not yet cultivated a nationally renowned logistics brand. On the other hand, as multimodal transportation becomes the trend, the ability of logistics companies to integrate multiple transportation modes determines the success or failure of competition. However, most logistics enterprises in Linyi still rely on road transportation as the main mode of competition, relying on low prices and small profits. "Regardless of the timing or situation, it is necessary for Linyi to accelerate the development of modern logistics industry. In the process of development, it is necessary to solve difficulties and consolidate advantages," said Gao Juan, Vice Chairman of Linyi Federation of Industry and Commerce and President of Logistics Chamber of Commerce.

The modern logistics industry in Linyi has entered an important node of integrating resources, improving energy levels, and accelerating development.

According to the plan, the modern logistics city covers four major areas: international land port, Linyi commercial valley, industrial park, and livable waterfront, with a layout of three major sections: railway logistics hub, highway logistics hub, and express delivery distribution center, fully undertaking the westward relocation of logistics enterprises in the old urban area. Sun Deshi, Secretary of the Lanshan District Committee of Linyi City, stated that Linyi will achieve a new leap from the "logistics capital" to the "modern logistics capital" by building a high-energy logistics hub economic pilot zone with international influence.

Will the overall relocation of logistics enterprises to the west, breaking the pattern of park embedding in urban areas and logistics being close to merchants in the past, cause the loss of business entities? Many people have such concerns. "The small production logistics model in the past was difficult to adapt to the requirements of high-quality development. Whether Linyi's logistics industry can achieve transformation and upgrading, logistics relocation to the west is a key move. This is not only an improvement in external image, but also a major breakthrough in the transformation of the entire industry format." Chen Maojun believes.

The International Land Port area is a carrier for logistics upgrading. Currently, 24 logistics and warehousing projects have been implemented in this area, including Zhongtong Lunan Logistics, Yuantong Smart Innovation Park, and Lanshan Caijin Smart Cloud Warehouse, with a total investment of 21 billion yuan. Within this year, 32 traditional logistics parks and 1888 logistics enterprises will be relocated, and a brand new modern logistics city is emerging.

Make up for the shortcomings of "work"

The continuous growth of commercial logistics cannot be achieved without the support of the manufacturing industry.

There are 125 professional markets in Linyi, covering 27 categories of goods, especially wood industry, small commodities, clothing, hardware, home building materials, labor protection products, etc. These categories are precisely the local advantageous industries in Linyi.

Taking wood industry as an example, Linyi has developed into one of the "Three Major Board Processing Bases in China", and is the largest artificial plywood production and export trading base and decorative paper production base in the country. It is renowned in the industry as "the world's board looks at China, and China's board looks at Linyi". The strong industrial support has achieved its influence in the professional market. In other aspects, the food industry, machinery industry, building materials industry, etc. are all the same.

The prosperity of commercial logistics has become a powerful driving force for the development of local product processing industry.

Back then, the young Song Liansheng had sold vegetables, chicks, and self-produced ink in the greenhouse market in the western suburbs. By chance, he became the agent of the star product "Hero Ink" in Linyi at that time. In the world of cultural and sports products, he has maintained the sales champion of well-known brands such as Red Double Happiness for over 10 years. With sales channels in place, Song Liansheng shifted from commerce to processing and established the brand of "Liansheng Sports", focusing on research and development and manufacturing of its own brand, becoming a well-known enterprise cultivated locally in Linyi.

The market, this invisible hand, combined with the government's guidance according to the situation, drives the production of goods in Linyi. There are 105 products here that rank among the top three in terms of production, output value, or market share in China. A group of enterprises such as Lingong Construction Machinery, Jinyimeng, and Jinzhengda have become the champions in the manufacturing industry.

At present, the second phase project of Shandong Laike Technology Co., Ltd. is under urgent construction. After being put into operation at the end of the year, high-end lubricants and automotive new material maintenance products for high-speed rail, high-speed trains, and new energy vehicles will be supplied to the market from here.

"We have achieved two transformations from agents to manufacturers, from producing diesel locomotive lubricating oil products to new energy vehicle lubricating oil products," said General Manager Yu Bo. They started from an inconspicuous small storefront in the automotive parts wholesale market and later became the Shandong general agent of Laike lubricating oil. With policy support and the benefits of commercial logistics, we convinced upstream production enterprises to establish a joint venture in Linyi. Last year, Shandong Laike was awarded the title of National Specialized, Refined, and New "Little Giant" Enterprise, becoming the largest private production enterprise in the domestic lubricant material industry for individual projects.

With the transformation of the shopping mall, the manufacturing industry in Linyi has been given unprecedented expectations. Online shopping e-commerce has challenged the traditional distribution market that allows intermediaries to earn price differences, but has brought more direct and broader market space for local products. Accelerating the development of Linyi's product manufacturing industry is an inevitable choice to maintain the vitality of the mall and enhance its competitiveness.

According to research by relevant departments in Linyi City, after years of cultivation, the market share of products in Linyi Mall has reached 40.2%. Compared to 72.1% of the products in Yiwu Small Commodity City come from our province, of which 51.4% come from Jinhua, there is still a lot of room for product manufacturing in Linyi. There is a consensus among the people in Linyi that the weakness is the potential, which is the direction to surpass and surpass.

By leveraging the advantages of commercial and logistics, and taking advantage of the situation, the Linyi Municipal Party Committee and Government have formulated an advanced industrial strategy to strengthen the city. In March of this year, the Action Plan for the Industrial Development of Linyi City to Achieve a Two Year, Trillion Year Plan was issued. "We propose that the industrial output value will exceed one trillion yuan in two years, which is not only a quantitative indicator, but also a quality indicator, representing the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and the accelerated growth of strategic emerging industries." Ren Gang explained.

The construction of land product parks has been accelerated as a result. Different products have planned different development paths: the industry of "selling more and producing more" goes from coarse to fine, the industry of "selling more and producing less" goes from small to large, and the industry of "selling less and producing more" goes from near to far... Wang Ke, Deputy Director of the Linyi Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, introduced that the city has planned 33 land product parks, with 9 newly built last year.

Wood Industry has more than 20000 upstream and downstream enterprises in Linyi, among which Xingang Group is the leading enterprise. To adapt to the new competitive situation, Xingang Group has introduced world leading technology and equipment, increased technological transformation efforts, and led product innovation with technological innovation. Last May, 0.5mm ultra-thin high-density fiberboard that could achieve 360 degree bending was taken offline; In June, formaldehyde free biomimetic adhesive was put into large-scale trial production on the particleboard production line

Entering the Caijin Crowd Creation City located in Yitang Town, Lanshan District, in the newly put into use conference room, Chen Qishan, the General Manager of Caijin Entrepreneurship Incubator Co., Ltd., introduced that the Caijin Crowd Creation City project is an important platform for the transformation and upgrading of the wood industry. "This project not only solves the land use and other problems of small and micro enterprises in the wood industry, but more importantly, the upstream and downstream connections of the enterprises entering the park make it easy for them to form groups, reduce operating costs, and improve market competitiveness.".

At present, more than 90 upstream and downstream enterprises in the wood industry chain have settled in Caijin Zhongchuang City. "Our previous factory buildings had hidden dangers in terms of safety and fire safety, and we also had to worry about the issue of lease renewal upon expiration. The new factory buildings in the park can be customized according to enterprise needs, and small trucks can directly take elevators upstairs for convenient loading and unloading of goods." Zhuge Ruizeng, General Manager of Linyi Gesen Wood Industry Co., Ltd., said with satisfaction.

On the one hand, to consolidate the advantages of traditional industries, and on the other hand, to cultivate and strengthen emerging industries, we must achieve the goal of developing advanced industries and strengthening the city. Both are indispensable.

"Don't think that high-tech is far away from us, afraid to try or venture. By making good use of Linyi's commercial and logistics advantages, we can attract big players and achieve breakthroughs in developing strategic emerging industries." Ren Gang said. Seizing strategic emerging industries such as new energy and new materials is the first opportunity to seize the industrial economy, and we must establish a sense of daring to take risks and try.

Qi Shuqi, Director of the Development and Reform Commission of Linyi City, introduced that currently, Linyi is gradually forming a strategic emerging industry system led by four major industries: new materials, modern biology, high-end equipment manufacturing, and energy conservation and environmental protection, with new energy and new energy vehicles, and new generation information technology as its characteristics. In the future, a series of measures such as platform creation, enterprise cultivation, and policy support will be taken to create the "Yimeng Optics Valley", "Yimeng Medicine Valley", and "Yimeng Hydrogen Valley", promoting the accelerated rise of strategic emerging industries.

Caring for the Vitality of the People

This is a hot land suitable for investment and business development. The legend of "100000 Zhejiang merchants gathering in Linyi" confirms the inclusiveness and grandeur of this city.

In 1982, Chen Wenbiao, a young man from Yiwu, Zhejiang, followed his uncle all the way north to Linyi. He first set up a street stall near the long-distance bus station to sell buttons. In 1985, he rented his first fixed booth in the "Western Suburb Greenhouse". "The market here has the most people, the best goods are sold, and the industrial and commercial tax policies are also relaxed, which does not make it difficult for us outsiders.".

Nowadays, Chen Wenbiao, as the president of the Linyi Small Commodity Chamber of Commerce, still remembers the "Four Similarities" and "Five Unlimited" policies introduced by the government at that time to encourage the development of individual and private economies. The "Four Similarities" refer to the equal emphasis on individual private economy and state-owned collective economy, equal service and support, equal support and protection, and equal treatment in politics; "Five unrestricted" refers to unlimited development speed, unlimited number of employees, unlimited business scale, unlimited business scope, and unlimited business methods. "The government told us to work with peace of mind, which was like giving us peace of mind. The 'Western Suburb Greenhouse' quickly filled with merchants and goods from all over the country, and there were too many people to squeeze," Chen Wenbiao recalled.

In the process of creating a professional market, Linyi broke the common practice of "the market must be invested and constructed by the industrial and commercial department", boldly proposed the development concept of "diversified investment, professional operation, water and fish farming, and improved services", which led to the comprehensive development and construction of professional wholesale markets by private enterprises.

Looking back at history, at every critical stage of Linyi's development, party committees and governments at all levels have firmly played the role of protectors and promoters, adhering to the principles of "peace of mind, letting go, daring, and revitalizing", constantly stimulating the enthusiasm of business entities, and enabling the private economy to take root, blossom, and bear fruit in this red hot land and revolutionary old area. Nowadays, the private economy contributes over 90% of the city's operating income, over 90% of industrial tax revenue, and solves over 90% of employment.

"Currently, the operating entities in Shandong Province are 14 million, with over 1.4 million in Linyi, accounting for one tenth of the total. Most of these operating entities are private economy." Ren Gang said, "The 1.4 million operating entities have strong vitality and also give this city strong vitality. No matter what kind of storms they encounter, they will" burn endless wildfires and spring breeze will blow again ".". "However, it should also be noted that the more developed the private economy is, the more sensitive it is to the business environment. We need to protect and support business entities with a superior business environment, giving Linyi's private economy stronger vitality."

Put what should be placed in place, manage what should be managed well, and the key is to put effort into the word service. In order to further optimize the business environment, Linyi has taken both online and offline measures, established a comprehensive list offline to promote policy implementation, and set up a "government enterprise direct vehicle" online to accurately push policies directly to enterprises. City level leaders provide support to key enterprises, regularly hold entrepreneur symposiums, listen to and solve practical problems of enterprises. Functional departments dispatch "resident service personnel" to enterprises, coordinate and connect various administrative resources, and help enterprises solve problems encountered in production and operation.

In order to quickly respond to the needs of enterprises, Linyi has established the "12345 Linyi First Release" integrated media platform, opened up a direct channel for enterprise appeals, with the goal of "reflecting once, doing well once, and being effective once", and implemented a "five level supervision" of hotline, media, government affairs, People's Congress and Political Consultative Conference, and Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission. The average processing time for enterprise appeals has been shortened by 3.6 working days.

The most direct feeling for entrepreneurs is whether the business environment is good or not. "In 2021, the company suffered a loss of over 20 million yuan due to improper personnel use, and I was conflicted about whether to continue working." Zhu Jianhong, the person in charge of Linyi Shentong Express Co., Ltd., said that as the company was hovering in a downturn, the government brought warmth beyond his imagination. "I came from Nantong, Jiangsu to Linyi, and I am not familiar with various departments. I am worried that I will not win legal battles with locals. Unexpectedly, the staff of public security, judiciary, taxation and other departments are very supportive and encouraging me after understanding the real situation. They handle cases in accordance with the law and regulations, and help the company overcome difficulties." Zhu Jianhong said that in August last year, the government also dispatched Li Changxue, a third level researcher of the Municipal Taxation Bureau, to the company as a "resident server". If there are any tax and other policy issues, they can be consulted and resolved as soon as possible.

In Linyi, many entrepreneurs, like Zhu Jianhong, have encountered many heartwarming things when investing and developing their businesses. In 2021, Chen Wenbiao encountered financial difficulties. Without asset guarantees, he tried to apply for a credit loan from the bank. Unexpectedly, in less than a week, a loan of 2 million yuan was approved, solving the urgent situation.

Running a business may encounter difficulties at any time, sometimes it's a big matter of lack of money, and sometimes it's a small matter that's not enough for outsiders. "According to the regulations of the transportation department, electric tricycles are not allowed to be driven on the road, but it is indeed inconvenient for us to deliver goods inside the mall without tricycles. Merchants have reported this. At a business environment symposium, I gave my opinion, and the next day, the transportation department issued specific measures to solve our practical difficulties." said Chen Weiqiang, President of the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce of the Linyi Federation of Industry and Commerce.

Zhu Jianhong, Chen Wenbiao, and Chen Weiqiang are all non local residents of Linyi, but they all regard Linyi as their second hometown. "100000 Zhejiang businessmen are willing to stay here for development because Linyi is a city with strong inclusiveness. The friendly environment created by the government and the policy of treating people equally provide us with sufficient development space for outsiders." Chen Wenbiao said.

If the market can solve it, let go and support it, while if the market cannot, the government should take the initiative to fill the gap. To serve the development of Linyi's commercial and logistics industry, the Linyi Municipal Government has invested in the establishment of Linyi Mall Group, which plays a role in areas beyond the reach of private enterprises, such as improving market facilities, building digital platforms, training professional talents, and providing import and export agency, supply chain finance and other services for small and medium-sized enterprises. The invisible and tangible hands work together to promote the greater development of Linyi Mall in a broader world.

Expanding the Margins of "Trade"

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Xinhua All Media+| Welcome home! What innovative technologies are protecting the return journey of Shenzhou 15? Spaceship | Shenzhou | Technology
Xinhua All Media+| Welcome home! What innovative technologies are protecting the return journey of Shenzhou 15? Spaceship | Shenzhou | Technology

On June 4th, the return capsule of the Shenzhou-15 manned spacecraft successfully landed at the Dongfeng landing site. Astronauts Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming, and Zhang Lu all safely and smoothly exited the spacecraft, and the Shenzhou-15 manned flight mission was a complete success. What innovative technologies are there to safeguard the return journey of Shenzhou 15 in this mission? On June 4th, the return capsule of the Shenzhou-15 manned spacecraft successfully landed at the Dongfeng landing site. Xinhua News Agency reporter Lian Zhen photographed that "the sky and the ground" ensure the high-precision return of spacecraft. For the Shenzhou series spacecraft, the return and re-entry GNC technology is directly related to the life safety of astronauts. Taking the success of this return mission as a symbol, China has comprehensively upgraded its GNC system since the Shenzhou-12 manned spacecraft, which features autonomous rapid rendezvous and docking, autonomous adaptive prediction and re-entry return guidance, and has completed a comprehensive update and replacement

The Chinese naval fleet has arrived! Assembly | Navy | Chinese Fleet
The Chinese naval fleet has arrived! Assembly | Navy | Chinese Fleet

At noon today, a Chinese naval fleet consisting of Zhanjiang and Xuchang ships arrived at the assembly area of the "Comodo-2023" multinational maritime joint exercise. It is understood that the assembly anchorage for this exercise is 3 nautical miles long and 1.5 nautical miles wide, capable of anchoring up to 50 ships. Naval vessels from various countries participating in the exercise will also arrive at the anchorage today to complete the assembly of the "Komodo 2023" multinational maritime joint exercise, which is held every two years by the Indonesian Navy. This year is already the fourth edition of the exercise. The exercise will be held from June 5th to 8th in the city of Jakarta, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, including the port and sea phases. In the coming days, participating navies from various countries will participate in ship reading style search and rescue exercises, maritime interception and damage management exercises, aerial exercises, and other course objectives exercises

New comment: Donkey like "morale" limit pulls US debt "bomb" fuse hard to dismantle US | debt | morale
New comment: Donkey like "morale" limit pulls US debt "bomb" fuse hard to dismantle US | debt | morale

On the evening of June 1st, the US Senate passed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, and the flame of the US debt bomb was temporarily extinguished at the last moment. The two parties in the United States have staged an extreme tug of war over the US debt bomb. Some experts believe that the US debt crisis is the result of the reckless politics promoted by the US dollar hegemony, and the underlying cause of this crisis is the highly polarized political system of the US. Since the end of World War II, the US Congress has adjusted the debt ceiling more than a hundred times. The recurring debt crisis will not only have a catastrophic impact on the US economy and people's livelihoods, but also continuously erode the value of US dollar assets such as government credit and US bonds, bringing significant and far-reaching impacts to the global economic landscape. 【