How delivery guys fulfill their wishes together | employment | wishes

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:51 AM

In the scorching summer, the delivery volume of food delivery riders is also heating up, as they ride electric bikes and sprint through the streets and alleys. The living conditions and career prospects of these delivery guys are particularly concerning.

Where do they go to cool off and rest in the scorching heat? How to balance running solo and taking care of children? How can we integrate into big cities? How to express inner desires and aspirations? Since April this year, the wish lists of these delivery guys have been signed for by various youth organizations across the country.

The education on the theme of studying and implementing Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era is being carried out in depth, and doing practical things for the people is an important part of it. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "it is necessary to improve the social security system for multi-channel and flexible employment" and proposed to "do a good job in ideological guidance and cohesion services for new employment groups".

In order to more targeted address the urgent needs and concerns of new employment groups such as delivery drivers, Communist Youth League organizations across the country actively conduct research and continuously explore new models of providing diversified services for new employment groups, achieving precise services and breaking through pain points and bottlenecks.


Little brother's wish wall. Reported by Dai Yueting, journalist from China Youth Daily and China Youth Network

Chatting about household chores and relieving worries at the "Little Brother Gas Station"

In May this year, the "Little Brother Gas Station · Community Youth Club" opened! Founded jointly by the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Chaoyang District Committee of the Communist Youth League in Beijing, it is the first service space in Beijing that focuses on the living scenes of new employment groups.

The Little Brother Gas Station is located in Feijia Village, Cuigezhuang Township, Chaoyang District. This 0.68 square kilometer area is home to over 9000 floating population. Among them, the rental population in the village is mainly composed of new forms of employment, including delivery drivers, couriers, cleaners, ride hailing drivers, etc. Delivery drivers account for the largest proportion of the population.

With the "Little Brother Gas Station", riders can rest and cool off, drink hot food, charge their phones, use wireless internet, and read books. They can chat about household chores and relieve their worries here.

How delivery guys fulfill their wishes together | employment | wishes

Chang Kai, the store manager, is a delivery boy. "What we focus on is that the boy serves the boy, and he knows more about the boy." He has specially opened a "wish wall" at the "boy gas station", and prepared a post it note. All the wishes can be written on it, which can be decompressed and roast. Someone left a message saying they wanted to eat chilled watermelon, while others wanted to offer Gomoku, Jump Chess... People watched it and either liked it or smiled knowingly. In Chang Kai's view, the life of a delivery guy should also be full of fun, sweet and salty.

In addition to the Wish Wall, during the theme education period, the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Chaoyang District Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the Social Construction Research Institute of Beijing University of Technology rely on the "Little Brother Gas Station" to carry out regular professional surveys and research. Through interviews, surveys, field investigations, and other methods, they focus on the relevant research situation of new employment groups and start providing precise services for them.

"Centered around the urgent needs and anxieties of young men, youth league organizations at all levels across the country are making efforts to conduct research and research in order to launch more accurate services. Among them, the exploration in Beijing is solid and effective." Meng Tong, a cadre of the Central Social Liaison Department of the Communist Youth League, introduced that the Central Social Liaison Department has also established a special research group, which has conducted multiple on-site visits and research on "little brother gas stations", "little brother post stations", etc. While striving to conduct in-depth, practical, and detailed research, it has also excavated a number of advanced models that can be replicated and promoted.

When visiting the "Youth Tea House" column of China Youth Daily, Meng Tong introduced that through extensive research, they summarized the "four difficulties" that delivery riders face in their work and life, including difficulties in normal rest, rights protection, social integration, and career development.

Some riders told Meng Tong that they lack close friends in the city, and some people in society have biases against the express delivery and takeout industries. Sometimes, they are criticized in their work and inevitably feel aggrieved.

In addition, due to the repetitive and monotonous work of food delivery, many young men feel that the space for skill improvement is limited, making it difficult to have long-term career plans. In order to gather more wishes from young people, Chang Kai has developed a daily "KPI", which includes distributing 50 promotional flyers per day, collecting 10 demand surveys, and inviting 10 riders to the store to experience. He started from Feijia Village and hopes to establish a WeChat group that connects 500 newly employed youth, making the work of connecting with new employment groups more practical. Starting from April, Chang Kai and his colleague Gao Feng go out every morning for "ground promotion".

They distributed the drinks sponsored by the group organization for free to the sweating riders. "Some people don't believe in the good news of free, but after coming to the 'Little Brother Gas Station', they spread the word ten to ten, and when they come here to experience it, they will write wishes and fill out questionnaires," said Gao Feng.

At present, "Little Brother Gas Station" has collected 1165 questionnaires. The statistical results show that the top desires of young men include a greater focus on personal abilities, children's education, and other issues.

Chang Kai understood what his brothers needed the most, "no sense of belonging", which was a heart wrenching remark for riders traveling around.

At five or six o'clock in the morning, the residential area was silent, and riders had already walked through the streets and alleys. It wasn't until 10 o'clock in the evening that their figures reappeared near their residence. They are like a moving map, familiar with the hidden corners and narrow shortcuts in the city, and they have actually been searching for their own direction.

How delivery guys fulfill their wishes together | employment | wishes

"I really want to make the 'Little Brother Gas Station' like a home for riders, a common living room for everyone to communicate, grow together, and accompany each other," said Ma Heng, part-time deputy secretary of the Beijing Chaoyang District Committee of the Communist Youth League and secretary general of the Beijing Chaoyang District Youth Social Work Association.

At the beginning of its opening, the "Little Brother Gas Station" was relatively rudimentary. At the first "Little Brother Wish Talk", someone proposed to install an air conditioner. A kind-hearted person at the scene, who was also a rider, immediately decided to donate two air conditioners.

At present, Beijing has opened nearly a thousand related service venues. The relevant person in charge of the Grassroots Organization Construction Department of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League stated that the next step will be to rely on the location and quickly form a list of services needed by new employment groups, providing more accurate support for them.

Chang Kai asked the riders to fill out a survey questionnaire at the "Little Brother Gas Station". Little brother, please provide pictures for the gas station

Conveying family affection, linking love, providing precise services to reach more young men

The Social Liaison Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League is promoting the establishment of organizations around young people, actively promoting the establishment of youth organizations in the express delivery and delivery industries nationwide, and establishing youth social organizations led by the Communist Youth League. "Covering the tentacles of service to more young men, allowing them to feel more support, warmth, and strength," said Meng Tong.

Delivery rider Xu Bo is a familiar face in the "Little Brother Gas Station". He has been floating in Beijing for 8 years and has worked many jobs, including being a chef and doing business.

Xu Bo rented a small house in Feijia Village, which is less than 18 square meters long and has no living room or windows. However, his biggest concern at the moment is how to strengthen his father son relationship with his 9-year-old son.

"Usually, it's my grandfather who takes care of him, and my son has very little communication with me. He doesn't even want to make video calls with me." Xu Bo felt powerless about his son's unfamiliarity and estrangement. Usually, we can only meet our son during holidays and festivals. He doesn't know how to improve the relationship between father and son. "This summer, I want my grandfather to take him to Beijing for a walk, but my grandfather has recently suffered from rheumatism and can't go out." My father can't go out, and my son can't stay idle, which makes it difficult for Xu Bo to stay.

"There are many delivery boys who worry about their children's care issues like Xu Bo," Ma Heng said. "In the survey, 42.6% of delivery boys expressed a need for their children's education."

How delivery guys fulfill their wishes together | employment | wishes

Through continuous tracking and research, Ma Heng found that it is common for the younger brother group to be separated from their children and family. The children are in their hometown, while the younger brother drifts alone in the city.

In response to this situation, the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Chaoyang District Committee of the Communist Youth League began planning the "Red Scarf Summer Growth Camp" during the theme education period, relying on the "Little Brother Gas Station". During the summer vacation, bring the little brother's children over and let them take a look at their parents' professions and the city where their parents work.

On July 10th, the first "Red Scarf Summer Growth Camp" of "Little Brother Gas Station" opened, and more than 10 delivery boys signed up for their children to participate, starting a one week city tour experience. Xu Bo also registered his son, saying, "It really saves a lot of trouble. You can run solo with peace of mind during the day," and he praised him repeatedly.

Gao Feng's wife Dong Wanqiu is a social worker at the gas station. This summer, her main task was to help the kids take care of them. "I feel a great sense of achievement," and the laughter and joy of more than 10 children made the "Little Brother Gas Station" lively and full of vitality.

Delivery boy Gao Feng and his wife Dong Wanqiu are helping riders take care of their children at the "Little Brother Gas Station". Reported by Dai Yueting, journalist from China Youth Daily and China Youth Network

Dong Wanqiu renovated the activity room of the "Little Brother Gas Station". To prevent children from bumping, she wrapped the sharp wooden corners of the table with sponge strips. "The group organization also helped us find students from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine as volunteers, tutoring children in homework, and opening science popularization knowledge classes for children."

"The children who signed up for the 'Red Scarf Summer Growth Camp' are between the ages of 7 and 14. We took them to Tiananmen Square to visit and experience the work of various industries by dressing up at the Career Experience Hall..." In Dong Wanqiu's mobile phone album, there are many smiling faces of the children participating in the activity.

Xu Bo felt relieved that his child was getting closer to him now. "As soon as we got home, he couldn't wait to share a day's experiences with me. A few days ago, he even talked to me about his future dreams, saying that he wanted to become a musician and sing beautiful songs like the teachers at the 'Little Brother Gas Station'."

Against the backdrop of deepening theme education, youth organizations across the country have launched summer childcare services for new employment groups such as delivery riders and delivery boys, conveying family affection and connecting love to them.

Meng Tong introduced that the "Unloved House · Blue E Station" opened in Shanghai, in conjunction with high-quality volunteer service resources from schools such as Fudan University and East China Normal University, provides services such as home visits, case intervention, after-school services, and family education courses. Under the guidance of the Communist Youth League Jiangsu Provincial Committee, the local league organizations in Wuxi, Changzhou, Nantong, Yangzhou and other cities set up more than 300 free summer classes nearby, offering courses such as labor, handicrafts, scientific experiments, traditional culture, red education, creative arts, etc.

How delivery guys fulfill their wishes together | employment | wishes

In addition to helping riders solve their current problems and addressing issues such as the career prospects of delivery boys, various levels of youth organizations across the country have also brainstormed and provided suggestions. "Through face-to-face activities with National People's Congress deputies and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, youth psychological counseling and legal aid hotlines, as well as visiting and comforting activities at various store sites, we can timely grasp the new growth and development requirements of these young people, and respond more accurately and targeted to these demands." Meng Tong said.

Beijing plans to launch the "2023 New Youth School Jockey Class" tailored for delivery riders, to build a platform for them to improve their education and develop skills, and establish a "Jockey Scholarship" to provide 50% tuition subsidy to riders who pass the entrance exam.

According to research data collected by Chang Kai, "nearly 70% of riders have a college degree or below, and nearly 40% of riders hope to improve their skills through education. Among them, the two most popular skills are e-commerce management and video editing, accounting for nearly 40%."

Recently, Gao Feng wants to learn "logistics management", while Chang Kai wants to successfully pass the "social work teacher" exam and obtain a qualified certificate.

The gas station hopes to have measures that warm the heart to the stomach.

Starting from May, the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League is preparing to provide "love meals" for delivery boys. "The guys are reluctant to spend money and often control the budget for each meal within 13 yuan. We are particularly looking for a caring business that can provide affordable meals with meat and vegetable combinations for less than 10 yuan. We have been working hard to lower prices and ensure that the guys eat well." Gao Feng hopes that more caring public welfare organizations can pay attention to them and provide heartwarming, stomach warming, and affordable love meals.

"Through this theme education, we will accelerate the improvement and promotion of various assistance work for new employment groups such as selling to the outside world, and 'cheer' for the running young men," Ma Heng said.

The riders at the gas station celebrate their birthdays together. Little brother, please provide pictures for the gas station

City and riders travel in both directions, releasing goodwill and mutual assistance

In Meng Tong's view, the "little guy gas station" built in the "life circle" of delivery guys is gradually expanding more functions. This is not only a connecting station for "making friends and meeting guests", but also a functional station for solving problems for kids, and also an "energy" station that brings them together.

How delivery guys fulfill their wishes together | employment | wishes

A significant change is that many young men have transformed into "alley butlers" and "beautiful sunrise knights", becoming participants and helpers in grassroots urban governance.

Gao Feng is a philanthropist. Once, on his way home, he encountered a car accident and pulled three unconscious people out of the overturned and leaking car. Another time, while running a bike, he saw a girl riding a bicycle fall on the roadside. He "stopped by" and took her to the hospital... "Many public welfare activities are small and easy," said Gao Feng.

The ninth national survey on the status of the workforce shows that there are 84 million new forms of employment in China. They are delivery drivers, couriers, housekeeping staff, and can also be "alley butlers" and "sentinels of the people.".

In December 2022, Xiao Xinyu, a senior student at China University of Mining and Technology who was on winter vacation, was browsing his phone at home when a news about a shortage of riders in Beijing caught his attention. "I grew up in Beijing since I was young, and I have feelings for this city. It's a good thing that serving others can also subsidize my family," said Xiao Xinyu, a part-time food delivery rider.

The cold winter wind in Beijing is piercing, and Xiao Xinyu worked for 12 hours. He has experienced various situations: electric vehicle power outage, pushing a 3-kilometer delivery cart, and waiting for the recipient for two hours in the cold wind to complete a delivery.

Xiao Xinyu's father is a famous ride hailing driver. "My father used to tell me he didn't have time to come back for dinner, but now I finally understand and know that he works very hard. I started to learn to understand him," Xiao Xinyu said.

During the COVID-19, Xiao Xinyu helped many people by receiving orders. A customer turned to Xiao Xinyu for help, saying that their grandmother had a severe cough. After receiving the call, Xiao Xinyu immediately rushed to Shijingshan District, more than 20 kilometers away. When I arrived at the old man's house, I couldn't get a response no matter how hard I knocked on the door. He was worried that an elderly person living alone would have an accident, and with the help of community personnel, he eventually delivered the medicine to the elderly person.

Every time I help someone, I am very happy and feel that my sense of responsibility and willpower have increased. Xiao Xinyu is proud to be able to fulfill his responsibility as a "butler" of this city.

Another identity of Chang Kai is a member of the National Youth Federation. In his view, many young men can take photos and upload some uncivilized phenomena anytime and anywhere, timely discover environmental hygiene, production and life safety issues, and help solve the "last mile" problem of urban grassroots governance.

He often gathers his friends to chat and discuss how to do what he can when delivering orders. When chatting, he often hears some heartwarming moments: some guys see an elderly person getting lost while running alone, and will send the elderly person home; Some guys send college students who have overslept to the examination room; Some young men noticed that a wallet had fallen on the road and immediately contacted to find the owner; Some offer free meals to elderly people living alone and alone

How delivery guys fulfill their wishes together | employment | wishes

When delivering tickets, Chang Kai often has a strong sense of responsibility. During a delivery, he saw many shared bicycles occupying the bus lane, and passengers waiting for the bus had to stand on the lane. He felt it was very dangerous and quickly ran over to move the shared bicycles to the parking spot.

Chang Kai believes that "when others need help, the delivery guy will also stand up and take on our social responsibility without hesitation. The delivery guy is an ordinary fighter, who should ride every road well, give every order well, and do every task well."

During the theme education period, the Social Liaison Department of the Central Committee of the Youth League found through research that more and more young men have become "good neighbors" of street residents and "new partners" in grassroots governance.

Meng Tong compares riders to the most familiar strangers around her. In her view, riders are becoming active new residents in the community, playing a role in collecting public information, improving people's livelihoods, and providing community services. "In the future, the Communist Youth League will lead these groups of delivery and delivery boys to actively participate in grassroots social governance."

In Chang Kai's mind, the role of "Little Brother Gas Station" is not only to serve, but also to guide riders to never run red lights or ride in reverse, to guide them to participate in social public welfare undertakings, to be the "alley butler" of the city, to do a good job of "casual public welfare", and to repay the warmth of the city with warmth.

"Nowadays, more and more people accept them to rest in public places and take public elevators. We hope that riders can be respected by society and treated gently by the city. This is a two-way journey," said Ma Heng.

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