"Promoting National Automobile Brands" - Looking at the Development of China's Automobile Industry from the 70 Years of FAW's Founding | Automotive | FAW China

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:32 AM

This is known as the cradle of the new Chinese automotive industry: the first car, the first Dongfeng brand sedan, and the first Hongqi brand luxury sedan were developed and manufactured. FAW opened a new era of the new Chinese automotive industry from scratch, marking a solid step towards becoming an automotive powerhouse.

This embodies the arduous struggle of several generations of Chinese automobile workers: building factories in the wilderness, laying the foundation for business, and independent innovation. Behind the development history of FAW is the spirit of daring to explore and fearless of difficulties.

When inspecting FAW in 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "We must master the key core technologies in our own hands, and we must establish this ambition to build up the national automobile brand."

Having gone through 70 years, FAW and China's automotive industry, which have reached a new starting point, have made progress together, anchoring high-quality development and steadily moving forward.

Industry for the country, 70 years of hard work to revitalize the automotive industry

Changchun Dongfeng Street, an old factory area of FAW in China. More than a hundred red buildings with Chinese style carved eaves and Western style balconies stand quietly. Here, two national automobile brands, Red Flag and Liberation, have emerged, witnessing the historical process of China's automobile industry from scratch and from weakness to strength.

"Promoting National Automobile Brands" - Looking at the Development of China's Automobile Industry from the 70 Years of FAW's Founding | Automotive | FAW China

Automobiles, an important symbol of modern industrial civilization, are a symbol of a country's manufacturing strength and a powerful engine for national economic development.

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, there was a lot of waste waiting to be revitalized. "When can we get into our own made cars?" The simple words carry a country's industrial dream. The Party has listed the construction of FAW as one of the 156 key projects during the First Five Year Plan period. On July 15, 1953, tens of thousands of builders from across the country gathered in the southwest suburbs of Changchun and laid the first foundation pile on the vast wilderness. The route of FAW's entrepreneurship was laid out, and the new China's automotive industry began from then on.

On July 15, 1953, the First Automobile Manufacturing Plant laid the foundation in Changchun City, Jilin Province. This is the venue for the groundbreaking ceremony of FAW. Shen Jizhong

"Chinese made cars started under harsh conditions of poverty and poverty!" Recalling the early days of factory construction, 90 year old employee Wang Fengge was filled with emotions. At that time, there was a wave of support for FAW across the country. In 1954, 95% of the municipal construction costs in Changchun City were invested in the construction of FAW.

With the help of the whole country, it will be completed and put into operation within three years; Starting from scratch, opening up the beginning of the new Chinese automotive industry.

On July 13, 1956, the first domestically produced Liberation brand truck was finally assembled and put to an end the history of China's inability to manufacture cars; On May 12, 1958, the first domestically produced sedan, Dongfeng Jinlong, drove out of the trial production workshop and began the process of independently manufacturing sedans

"Promoting National Automobile Brands" - Looking at the Development of China's Automobile Industry from the 70 Years of FAW's Founding | Automotive | FAW China

At the FAW Red Flag Cultural Exhibition Hall, an oil painting reproduces the years in full swing: several craftsmen gather together, handcrafting clay models of the Red Flag sedan.

"In order to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, we took on the task of manufacturing luxury cars. Retired employee Dou Shuxiang vividly remembers that time was tight at the time and there was no time to draw the drawings. After discussing with the designers, the then factory director Rao Bin made a bold decision - to directly use a hammer to strike!"!

Convene the top sheet metal technicians in the country, working day and night to knock out the car body; Hanging up over 2000 spare parts drawings, skilled craftsmen rushed to produce them... On August 1, 1958, the first Red Flag luxury sedan was successfully trial produced, taking only over a month.

In August 1958, the first Red Flag luxury sedan was successfully trial produced. Shen Jizhong

Today, with the widespread adoption of modern production, it is difficult for people to imagine how cars were built in a technically closed and difficult environment. However, entrepreneurship is difficult, and the journey from making cars to making good cars is still long and arduous——

In the early 1980s, various indicators of Jiefang brand cars were significantly lagging behind. Over 20000 sets of process equipment have been updated in 3 years, and 79 new production lines have been built. After 6 years, China's second-generation cargo vehicle, the Liberation CA141, was put into operation. FAW has withstood tremendous pressure and completed the transformation of production without stopping production or reducing income, achieving a "second entrepreneurship".

"Promoting National Automobile Brands" - Looking at the Development of China's Automobile Industry from the 70 Years of FAW's Founding | Automotive | FAW China

On July 15, 1986, China's second-generation cargo vehicle, the Liberation CA141, was gradually taken offline. Shen Jizhong

The reform and opening up quickly opened up the automotive market. At that time, the domestic automobile production capacity was less than one million vehicles, and the products were in short supply with less weight, making transformation and upgrading urgent. Following the pace of the industry, FAW has started its third entrepreneurship: building modern production bases and vigorously developing light vehicles and sedans; Establishing joint ventures with Volkswagen, Toyota, and others to rapidly enhance manufacturing capabilities... Through structural adjustments and joint venture cooperation, the enterprise grew rapidly, with production and revenue increasing 3.2 and 13.4 times in 2001 compared to 1988.

Joining the WTO has accelerated the process of automotive globalization. Faced with the sudden influx of foreign brands, local enterprises that do not have advantages in technology, brands, etc. were once in crisis. The passive market competition has made FAW realize that only through reform and innovation can it keep up with the pace.

On October 20, 2009, workers from FAW Liberation signed their names on the 10th millionth car produced by themselves in China in 2009. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Lin

Separation of main and auxiliary components, taking the step from "planning" to "market"; The transformation from a single state-owned sole proprietorship to a diversified investment entity has been completed through the shareholding system reform.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, FAW has pressed the reform fast forward button.

"Promoting National Automobile Brands" - Looking at the Development of China's Automobile Industry from the 70 Years of FAW's Founding | Automotive | FAW China

On September 18, 2017, a comprehensive "four ability reform" was launched, which allowed cadres to move up and down, employees to move in and out, salaries to be high and low, and institutions to increase and reduce capacity.

"At that time, I had just arrived in Beijing to participate in training, and the next morning I received a notice that everyone would 'stand up' and compete for the job again. I had no intention of staying, so I quickly bought tickets to return." Recalling the scene at that time, Liu Jun, the director of the FAW Reform Office, vividly remembered it.

Clarify the goals and leverage the efforts of the entire group to develop the Red Flag brand; Highlighting innovation and improving the independent research and development system; Survival of the fittest, breaking the "iron chair" of setting goals and performance based compensation... The bold reform and restructuring of the system and mechanism have stimulated innovative vitality. The "new entrepreneurship" marked by reform and innovation has also revitalized FAW——

Growing into a globally renowned automobile manufacturer and ranking among the top 500 companies in the world; By the end of 2022, the cumulative production and sales of automobiles exceeded 54 million, achieving a revenue of 7988.1 billion yuan; In the past five years, the sales of the Red Flag brand have increased 65 times, and the brand value has reached 115.5 billion yuan; For 12 consecutive years, the liberation of brands has led the industry, with a brand value of 118.7 billion yuan.

On June 26, 2023, the Liberation Truck Patrol convoy was driving on Renmin Street in Changchun City. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Nan

Born out of the national automobile industry and developed with the tide of the times. FAW has opened a new chapter in China's automotive industry, witnessed the hardships and achievements of major automakers, trained a large number of industry talents who understand technology and management, promoted the growth and growth of the industrial chain, and made due contributions to building an automotive power.

"Promoting National Automobile Brands" - Looking at the Development of China's Automobile Industry from the 70 Years of FAW's Founding | Automotive | FAW China

With a flick of a finger for seventy years, from the 15th to the 14th, the once childlike FAW has reached its prime. The Chinese automobile industry has achieved leapfrog development through hard work and independent innovation. Today, China has become the world's largest automobile production and sales country for 14 consecutive years, and the production and sales scale of new energy vehicles has remained the world's largest for 8 consecutive years.

"Only by steadfastly following the pace of the market and the drumbeat of reform can we have sustained vitality and momentum," sighed Wang Guoqiang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of FAW. This is an inspiration for FAW's development and a portrayal of China's automotive industry.

Bravely climb to new heights and strive to master key core technologies

The maximum power reaches 560 kilowatts, and the performance indicators are internationally leading. At the beginning of this year, FAW's self-developed V-shaped 12 cylinder direct injection turbocharged engine was put into trial production.

The engine is the "heart" of a car, with advanced manufacturing technology. The V12 engine, which has a complex structure and high development difficulty, represents the highest level of passenger car engines. Foreign established automobile manufacturers have accumulated rich experience, while China, as a latecomer, has long been in a blank space in this field.

"This is the hard work of several generations of Red Flag people!" On the day the product was launched, Zhao Huichao, acting vice president of FAW Research and Development Institute, had mixed feelings. After continuous technological breakthroughs, this engine has broken through decades of technical barriers from international suppliers and gained the initiative in power manufacturing.

"Promoting National Automobile Brands" - Looking at the Development of China's Automobile Industry from the 70 Years of FAW's Founding | Automotive | FAW China

The key core technology is the lifeline of industrial development. Once upon a time, domestic vehicle production relied on external imports. The high technology transfer fees and strict negotiation conditions have greatly constrained both production and product development.

During the inspection of FAW, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that to promote the high-quality development of my country's automobile manufacturing industry, it is necessary to strengthen the independent research and development of key core technologies and key components.

With the growth and growth of China's automotive industry, generations of FAW employees have embarked on a arduous journey towards core technologies, including basic materials, key components, and advanced processes.

0.015 millimeters, equivalent to 1/5 of the diameter of a hair strand, has been crafted by Yang Yongxiu, the chief skill master of FAW Research and Development Institute, and his team for 13 years.

This is the Chinese precision of the engine cylinder block. Yang Yongxiu told reporters that there are over 100 holes on the engine cylinder block, which are prone to deformation during the machining process. To ensure performance, the accuracy of the cylinder holes must be controlled to the limit. However, the core parameters of precision machining on CNC milling machines have always been regarded as confidential by foreign enterprises.

Yang Yongxiu, Chief Skill Master of FAW R&D Institute, reviewed the engine drawing details. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Chang

"Promoting National Automobile Brands" - Looking at the Development of China's Automobile Industry from the 70 Years of FAW's Founding | Automotive | FAW China

"Since we want to do it, we must achieve a level of precision that others cannot achieve." After more than ten years of sharpening the sword, going through repeated overthrows and repeated experiments in countless codes, Yang Yongxiu and his team finally cracked the core parameters and mastered the "key" of precision manufacturing.

Deeply drilling into the "bottleneck" field and continuously taking solid steps——

Establish a special working group for the transmission, establish a powertrain factory, and carry out comprehensive independent research and development for more than ten years to achieve comprehensive independent control;

Focusing on power batteries, innovating a series of technologies such as low-temperature battery cells and battery pack insulation, to achieve the trial production of Ah grade all solid state battery cells;

From system integration and intelligent networking to forward-looking design and key materials, we aim to continuously tackle 41 key directions

At the FAW Jiefang J7 Intelligent Factory located in Changchun, Jilin, staff perform static inspections on assembled vehicles. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Chang

"Promoting National Automobile Brands" - Looking at the Development of China's Automobile Industry from the 70 Years of FAW's Founding | Automotive | FAW China

In 2017, FAW Research and Development Institute was officially established, integrating the previously dispersed technical forces in various departments, implementing the strategy of leading by unveiling, contracting projects, and rewarding technical achievements based on profit ratios.

The optimization of institutional mechanisms has unleashed innovative vitality, and FAW is accelerating its charge towards key cutting-edge technological fields: breaking through key technologies of efficient hybrid power systems, and completing the development of independent in vehicle operating system applications

"Our R&D personnel have grown from 2360 to over 4500, and the new car development cycle has been reduced from 48 months to 24 months." Wang Deping, Executive Vice President of FAW R&D Institute, said that in the past three years, we have broken through 494 key core technologies such as efficient high-speed electric drive, intelligent wire controlled chassis, and L3 level autonomous driving.

Today, the global automotive industry is accelerating its transformation towards electrification and intelligence, and the change in production methods poses more urgent requirements for the safety, controllability, and collaborative innovation of the industrial chain.

At the J7 intelligent factory of FAW Jiefang Automobile Co., Ltd. located in Changchun, Jilin, workers assemble vehicles on AGVs. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yan Linyun

"This requires joint efforts from domestic peers to complement each other's shortcomings," Zhou Shiying, Acting Vice President of FAW Research and Development Institute, told reporters. As a chain length enterprise, FAW must open up its ecosystem and achieve joint research and creation. "This is a matter of both prosperity and loss."

"Promoting National Automobile Brands" - Looking at the Development of China's Automobile Industry from the 70 Years of FAW's Founding | Automotive | FAW China

Collaborate with China Resources Microelectronics and others to deepen the electronic component industry chain; Gathering leading software enterprises, strengthening algorithm development and verification... FAW has established 38 collaborative innovation laboratories and 5 basic research laboratories with leading units, striving to promote industrial chain upgrading and breakthroughs. "In the future, we will continue to open up our capabilities in vehicle delivery and work with industry chain partners to enter the 'unmanned zone' of automotive technology," said Zhou Shiying.

Self reliance and independent innovation, FAW's exploration is a reflection of China's automotive industry. Having walked the road of industrialization for one or two hundred years abroad in 70 years, China's ups and downs in car manufacturing are filled with a thirst and climb for core technology.

Today, China's automotive industry has a stronger foundation and strength, with a globally leading market size and industrial chain advantage in new energy vehicles, standing on the same starting line as the global automotive industry.

Changing lanes and overtaking require innovative breakthroughs. "We will always take independent innovation as the foundation, strive to control key core technologies, enhance the competitiveness of the entire chain, and have a stronger confidence in responding to risks and driving the development of the industry," said Fu Bingfeng, Executive Vice President of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.

Anchoring the course and seizing the opportunity to make national brands stand at the forefront

On July 3rd, with the production of the 20th millionth new energy vehicle, China's automotive industry reached a new milestone. In this wave of electrification and intelligent transformation, Chinese cars are accelerating into the center of the world stage, and national brands are facing historical opportunities.

"Promoting National Automobile Brands" - Looking at the Development of China's Automobile Industry from the 70 Years of FAW's Founding | Automotive | FAW China

"This has given us a rare time window, and what we need to do now is anchor high quality and accelerate brand upward!" said Wang Guoqiang.

Entering the prosperous factory area of Hongqi Manufacturing Center, the experience of intelligent manufacturing is overwhelming: the integrated robot cluster is orderly, ultrasonic equipment is precise in quality inspection, and every minute a Hongqi sedan "drives" to the market. "Through data sensing, every detail here will be 'moved' to a virtual 'twin factory', improving production quality and efficiency, and providing support for innovation," Xiu Junyi, Deputy General Manager of Hongqi Manufacturing Center, told reporters.

In the welding and assembly workshop of FAW Hongqi Prosperity Factory located in Changchun, Jilin, robots weld vehicle components. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Nan

It's both a factory and a data platform; It's both production and supply chain management. Driven by advanced manufacturing, we will continue to transform towards high-end, intelligent, and green manufacturing.

Take the "steering wheel" of quasi industries and firmly promote strategic layout.

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of its establishment, the Hongqi brand announced that all technological innovation investment will be used for new energy vehicles, and all new production capacity will be used for new energy vehicles.

"Promoting National Automobile Brands" - Looking at the Development of China's Automobile Industry from the 70 Years of FAW's Founding | Automotive | FAW China

Establish new energy development institutes, intelligent networking development institutes, etc., anticipate and reserve technological directions for the next decade, and build independent and controllable core capabilities; Over the next three years, 15 Hongqi new energy intelligent products will be launched intensively, covering all segmented markets; By 2025, FAW's sales of new energy vehicles will reach 1.45 million units, and the Hongqi brand will exceed 500000 units

"This is the core track of industrial development," said Qiu Xiandong, General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of FAW in China. He stated that by winning the battle for new energy transformation, we will drive enterprises to transform from concept to operation in all aspects.

Strengthen independent brands and accelerate integration into the global industrial landscape.

Recently, at the railway port of Xinglong Comprehensive Bonded Zone in Changchun, new Hongqi sedans were packed in an orderly manner and set sail to Europe. Riding the wave of new energy vehicles going global, the Red Flag brand accelerated its "going global" efforts - exporting 5003 vehicles from January to June, a year-on-year increase of 172%.

"We need to break the outdated concept of 'cheap' Chinese brands," Yang Dayong, Chairman of FAW Import and Export Co., Ltd., told reporters that Hongqi has chosen developed regions abroad as its target market from the beginning and has opened up sales channels in 17 countries such as Saudi Arabia and Norway. "If the Middle East and European markets can succeed, it means establishing a high-end image in the global market."

The combination of car lights symbolizing the roundness of the sky and the place, and the grille design symbolizing the flying waterfall of high mountains... The Red Flag brand, which embodies rich Eastern aesthetics and Chinese culture, is accelerating its entry into the international market and also making great strides into ordinary people's homes——

"Promoting National Automobile Brands" - Looking at the Development of China's Automobile Industry from the 70 Years of FAW's Founding | Automotive | FAW China

After continuously reaching the threshold of 300000 vehicles, domestic sales are expected to exceed 400000 vehicles this year.

"Red Flag was once seen as a 'national car', but today we want to turn it into a 'national car'." Qiu Xiandong said that Red Flag needs to become younger, more fashionable, and more technological, and climb up the value chain in all aspects. "We have brand confidence and more cultural confidence!"

The FAW Hongqi Innovation Building in the morning light. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Nan

Coming from the horn of war on the black soil, FAW marked the almost complete development process of the new China's automotive industry.

70 years of ups and downs, with the unwavering determination to start from scratch, the perseverance in the face of difficulties, and the spirit of struggle passed down from generation to generation in the automotive industry, have condensed into the driving force for the unremitting progress of China's automotive industry.

Nowadays, China has grown from an industrialized country to the world's largest producer and consumer of automobiles. From "bringing in" to "going out", China is contributing to the electrification transformation of the global automotive industry.

"Promoting National Automobile Brands" - Looking at the Development of China's Automobile Industry from the 70 Years of FAW's Founding | Automotive | FAW China

Never forget to forge ahead with perseverance and fearlessness in the face of wind and rain. On the journey from being a major automobile country to becoming a strong automobile country, we will steadfastly promote high-quality development, and China's automobile industry will move forward all the way!

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