Snow Mountain Witnessing: Over 60 Years of Deep Love in Fish and Water - The Stories of "The Most Beautiful Military Supporter" Kuji and "Golden Pearl Mami"

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 00:04 AM

The picture shows the officers and soldiers of the stationed troops welcoming them to visit indeed. Photo by journalist Wang Chun

On the eve of the Army Day on August 1st, the list of "Most Beautiful Military Supporters" for 2023 was jointly selected by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission, and the National Support Office. A 61 year old villager from Nai Village, Changlong Township, Gangba County, Shigatse City, was honored with this honor.

Gangba, meaning "village near the snow mountain" in Tibetan, has an average elevation of over 4700 meters in the county. The true portrayal of the hard work of the Party, government, army, police and civilians in Gangba County over the years is that they lack oxygen without lacking spirit, are not afraid of hardship, and have a higher altitude.

This has nurtured the "Plateau Border Defense Model Camp".

This is the place where Kong Fansen used to work and an important birthplace of his spirit; Here, the story of "patriotic model of supporting the army" Raji and "the most beautiful supporting figure of the army" Chuiji's mother and daughter, who have been supporting the army for over 60 years, is passed down as a beautiful tale.

"Secretary Ge Re and Ah Jia... You have made contributions to the revolution and the army in recent years... I will never forget you two in my life." This is a handwritten letter written by Comrade Kong Fansen to Ge Re and the Raj couple.

"The soldiers are like sons, and the company is like home." This is the banner sent by the stationed troops to Queji.

A year of dust and smoke changes, and generations of people are unstoppable in wind and snow. Boiled and boiled butter tea, rising warm and harmonious military civilian friendship; The border roads that have been walked again and again carry the traditional double support of fish and water.

Driven by the influence of the mother and daughter of Raji and Quji, today's Gangba has long been a firm consensus and conscious action of cadres and masses of all ethnic groups to ensure the front line, support the front line, and serve the front line.

The "Dispute" on a Snowy Night

The 5592 observation post, with an altitude of 5592 meters, is one of the highest garrison points in the entire army. In this truly extreme penalty area, every step taken is an extreme test of physiology and willpower.

Warrior Sirenima has been stationed here since the establishment of the observation post. Having been on duty for a long time in a cold and hypoxic environment, Sirenima's eyes were bloodshot and his lips were purple and black, but he was firmly nailed to his duty and preparation position like a steel nail. He told reporters that it was the rock solid military, political, military, and civilian situation that gave him endless strength to hold onto his position.

Sirenima will always remember that the dispute on that snowy night brought him a group of his closest comrades in arms.

In the summer and autumn of 2017, due to changes in the border situation, the troops of West Genoma needed to transport a batch of materials to the front-line positions.

However, when military vehicles reach high-altitude border areas with gravel, steep mountain roads, and wind and snow, they cannot continue to pass and require horses to carry supplies in order to continue moving forward.

It was already two o'clock in the morning. Upon hearing the news, Chuji immediately called the village to coordinate with the masses and dispatched vehicles and horses overnight to provide support. To save time and horse energy, Chuji mobilized her husband Danmu Zhen to drive the family's large truck and transport the horses to the end of the road. She also reminded her husband that military supplies are precious, and when the vehicle runs out of fuel, do not add military fuel, let alone take money from the military.

At 4am, just over two hours later, more than 20 people and a dozen horses arrived at the scene. The military and civilians worked together to transport supplies, and it took almost a day and night to finish from the early morning of the same day until the early morning of the next day.

Nearly 20 hours of high-intensity work have exhausted everyone to the point of exhaustion. But a touching scene happened.

Sirenima recalled that although it was July at that time, there was still occasional light snow and strong winds blowing. At that time, there were only four tents, and if everyone moved in, it would be very crowded. The local people insisted on giving up their tents and spending the night outdoors in order to allow the officers and soldiers to rest well.

How could the officers and soldiers bear to let their fellow villagers, like family members, spend the night outdoors in the wind and snow! In this way, both sides argued for a long time, and no one refused to live in the tent.

In the end, the officers and soldiers decided to walk to the parking spot of the military vehicle and spend the night in it. They must give the tent to the villagers to live in.

That night, Sirenima sat in the car and slept in her clothes. It was also that night that gave him a deeper understanding of the phrase "the people's army is for the people": with the closest "comrade in arms" of the "people", with the will of the people, the will of the people, and the gathering of the people's strength, the people's army can be invincible and invincible in the world!

Queji's worries

"Whatever is needed for war, support what is needed in front of the branch; prepare what is most needed in the army in front of the branch." At the border, loyal soldiers guard; In the rear, the whole society is fully committed to supporting the army.

Changlong, in Tibetan, means "a place with a cold wind.". On the way to participate in the deployment of vehicles and horses to support the army in Changlong Township, Keji discovered that the higher the altitude, the stronger the wind and the colder the weather.

After returning home with a delicate mind, she always wore a heavy heart. "Are the soldiers on the front line cold? Are they eating well? Are they dressed warmly?" Chuji told reporters that whenever she heard the sound of the wind rising in Changlong Township, it would cause her infinite worry and concern.

"'Jinzhu Mami 'is guarding us on the border. Whenever I think of their silent efforts or even bloody sacrifices, I can't eat or sleep. I miss them very much, and their figures are always in my mind..."

Before the words could be finished, Jueyi's eyes were filled with tears and his voice choked up.

The word "Jinzhu Mami" in the mouth of Quji means "a soldier who possesses the heart of a Bodhisattva to save lives.". The nickname of "Jin Zhu Ma Mi" expresses the simplest cognition and emotion of Tibetan people towards the people's army under the leadership of the CPC.

Quji told reporters that in the early 1960s, the People's Liberation Army stationed in Gangba County. While defending the country and defending the border, they also visited the local area to inquire about the poor and sent doctors and medicine. Born in 1933, his mother, Raj, experienced the darkness and cruelty of the old feudal serfdom in Xizang and cherished the brightness and warmth of the new socialist Xizang. The Raji family also regards the stationed troops as good neighbors and a family, with new recruits welcoming them and veterans returning to see them off; Carrying water and carrying firewood to help each other, walking more during festivals and holidays; Patrol with the team as a guide, communicate border defense situations frequently

The information compiled by the Political Department of the Xizang Military Region has recorded a story: on a winter night in 1979, when the troops stationed in Changlong Township showed a movie, Raji and Comrade Kong Fansen, who were stationed in the countryside at that time, took the initiative to stand guard and patrol for the troops, and together they caught a gangster who stole materials and plotted against the law.

"I am also a soldier, a qualified militia, and I want to contribute to defending my homeland!" Raj's words became the most vivid footnote in this historical record.

Under the influence of Comrade Kong Fansen, Raj became even more determined to support the cause of patriotism and the military, and this persistence lasted for half a century. Quji will never forget that in 2012, before his mother Raj's death, she called her family together and earnestly instructed, "We must pass on the glorious tradition of supporting the army."

Snow Mountain Witnessing: Over 60 Years of Deep Love in Fish and Water - The Stories of "The Most Beautiful Military Supporter" Kuji and "Golden Pearl Mami"

Supporting and loving the army is the example and teachings of his mother Raj, the influence he has had since childhood, and the passionate emotions he has from his heart.

In the winter of 2017, the weather was getting colder and colder day by day, and I was worried about the stationed troops. I wonder if they were dressed warmly or not? Is the material reserve sufficient? She mobilized the women in the village to collect wool, spin yarn and weave, and made wool blankets, gloves, socks and other cold resistant items for frontline border defense officers and soldiers. She also led the villagers to purchase over 30000 yuan of mineral water, yogurt, fruits, bread and other supplies at their own expense and deliver them to the duty station.

After finishing all of this, Keji still feels uneasy. Later, she took out tens of thousands of yuan in savings, bought 50 pairs of gloves, 100 pairs of socks, and food and drinks, and personally delivered them to the on duty officers and soldiers.

Such heartwarming actions are not only reflected in critical moments and critical moments, but also in everyday life.

In 2020, at the age of nearly 60, Zhen Ji disregarded her physical weakness, braved the wind and snow, crossed the rocky beach, climbed over the icy peaks and snow ranges, and came to the 5592 observation post to visit and comfort her beloved "Golden Pearl Mami".

Wearing the pure white Hada offered by Auntie, drinking the steaming butter tea handed over by Auntie, listening to Auntie's warm greetings and instructions, Sirenima said she felt like she had gone home.

Looking at the "ground pit" that was once built with crushed stones, now it has become an insulated barracks, it is indeed quite reassuring. On the new journey of building a strong military, there has been a new leap in the military's construction capacity. However, Chuji believes that the glorious tradition cannot be lost, and brotherhood cannot be forgotten. We should approach the people's soldiers closer and closer like we do with relatives.

Nowadays, at an advanced age, Masayoshi intends to pass the baton of supporting the army to her daughter Deji. In recent years, every time she visits and comforts the military, she has brought her daughter Deji with her, integrating the work of supporting the army into daily life and making it a routine.

Raj Keji Deji, auspicious blessings are passed down time and time again, warm actions are passed down from generation to generation, and three generations continue to write this legend of supporting the army.

The persistence of military doctors

Upon learning that Mama Laqiuji had returned from Beijing to receive the award, military doctor Feng Xueyan once again came to see Qiuji.

Quji's knee is suffering from arthritis, and his lumbar disc has also undergone surgery before, requiring extra careful care. Fengxueyan specifically brought physical therapy equipment such as electric wax therapy bags, cold and hot compress waist protection bags, as well as some oral medications to Queji this time.

Beside the bright window in the living room, bees, snow geese, and geese were teaching Chuji how to use therapy equipment hand in hand. After 13 years of getting along, the two have long been in love with their mother and son.

In 2010, after graduating from the Third Military Medical University in clinical medicine, Feng Xueyan was assigned to a border defense regiment of the Xizang Military Region, Gangba Border Camp. It was in the winter of that year that he first saw Raj and Choji's mother and daughter come to bid farewell to the veterans.

When bidding farewell, the old lady Raj hugged the veteran and wept. This scene deeply infected the bees, snow geese, and made him burst into tears. Just as he walked out of the school gate, he didn't expect that at the border of the plateau, the relationship between the military and the local people would be so deep.

13 years have passed, and now the bees, snow geese, and local people are as close as family. When seeing bees, snow geese wearing white coats, the local people always take the initiative to greet and shout "Anjila", which is the most affectionate term for doctors among the public.

Feng Xueyan had the opportunity to be transferred to a better location, but an incident in 2013 made him choose to unwaveringly protect the physical health of the residents in the area.

In 2013, the local climate in Gangba County was particularly abnormal. Just as September entered, a heavy snowfall arrived unexpectedly, and the bees and snow geese were stationed at the Chagola outpost at an altitude of 5318 meters. At 2 or 3 o'clock one night, three herdsmen came knocking on the door for help. Originally, due to the heavy snow that night, the herders got lost while searching for cattle and sheep. In the darkness, they saw the lights of the outpost and climbed up Mount Chagora to seek help.

Seeing the herdsmen hungry, cold, and injured, the sentry officers and soldiers quickly invited them in to have a meal over the fire after confirming their identity. Bees, snow geese also examined the herdsmen's bodies and drugged them. The next day, soldiers and herdsmen found that due to the heavy snow at night, the gate of the outpost could no longer be opened. They flipped out the window upstairs and saw that the chest deep snow had almost submerged the door. Seeing this scene, the three herdsmen were extremely scared and said, "It was' Jinzhu Mami 'who saved us!"

Fengxueyan learned from the villagers that there was once a Lei Feng style good cadre at Chaguola outpost - military doctor Xue Shengkui. During his 16 years of service in Gangba County, Xue Shengkui carried a medicine box, climbed snow mountains, waded ice rivers, walked into villages and households, and provided physical examinations and treatment for people of all ethnic groups. The 16 years were like a day. Xue Shengkui's deeds not only deeply moved Feng Xueyan, but also made him aspire to become a military doctor like Xue Shengkui.

In Xizang, there is a saying that people of all ethnic groups began to know the PLA from the "golden beads and glutinous rice" in white coats.

The Chouji family has received medical assistance countless times from military doctors stationed in the military. Quji told reporters that his mother Raj has a heart disease, and military doctors often come to visit her. They often bring milk powder, canned goods, and other items to visit her. In autumn, when they harvest barley, they also come to help harvest it.

Once, Aunt Raj had a sudden heart attack and the situation was extremely critical. Quji recalled that she was so anxious that she didn't know what to do, so she called the stationed troops for help. The troops immediately sent military doctors to Quji's house. After taking medicine and receiving intravenous treatment, Mrs. Raji's condition finally stabilized. "It was' Jinzhu Mami 'who saved Auntie. This kindness is remembered by our whole family," said Chuji.

"Countless military doctors like Xue Shengkui, who have saved lives and helped the wounded countless times, have strengthened the foundation of unity between the military and the people as a family." Feng Xueyan said that he wants to further consolidate and deepen the military civilian relationship through free clinics.

The seeds of military love for the people and people's support for the military bear the fruit of generations of interdependence.

On the new journey, the Party, government, army, police, and civilians in Gangba County are vigorously promoting the glorious tradition of supporting the government, loving the people, and giving priority to the military and civilians. They are consolidating and developing the unity of the military, government, army, and civilians in the new era, comprehensively creating a strong atmosphere of caring for national defense, loving national defense, building national defense, and defending national defense. The military and civilians work together to gather great strength for victory, and the military and civilians work together to build the Great Wall of Steel——

Deepen the creation of the "Red Heart Gangba · Frontier Defense Pioneer" party building brand, coordinate the strength of grassroots party organizations in the military and civilian areas, achieve joint organizational activities and major festival celebrations, and widely carry out activities such as "Joint Party School", "Joint Learning Classroom", and "Tibetan Chinese Bilingual Education and Mutual Learning";

Regularly carry out activities such as "Military Camp Open Day" and "Micro Classroom" for national defense education, and build a national defense education corridor;

Actively exploring and promoting the mechanism of military civilian joint construction to promote rural revitalization, the military has established long-term "co sales, co management, and sharing" cooperative relationships with more and more cooperatives;

Fully establish the "Snow Mountain Red Guards" frontline patrol volunteer service team

Military and civilian unity is like one person, let's see who can resist in the world. In the "forbidden zone of life" in Gangba County, "double support" has become a broad and grand "two-way rush", showcasing a magnificent picture of "loving our people and loving our army".

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