The unbreakable "dam" - dedicated to the brave pioneers who have devoted themselves to flood control and disaster relief. August 2nd | Bus. " From August 1st | Dam

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 23:53 PM

When floods sweep across the earth, there are always solid arms to support the boat of life.

When mudslides bury fertile fields, there is always hope for diligent hands to cultivate new ones.

They bravely move forward, facing life and death! Their willpower is like steel, indestructible!

Remembering their mission and responsibilities, they are determined to do so without hesitation

"I am a police officer and also a party member!" Tang Huaqing, associate professor of the Rescue Command College of the People's Police University of China, said a few words in the restless carriage, calming everyone's minds.

On July 30th, trains K396, Z180, and K1178 were trapped in the Mentougou mountainous area of Beijing. About 2700 passengers are stranded in the train, with no water or food.

The unbreakable "dam" - dedicated to the brave pioneers who have devoted themselves to flood control and disaster relief. August 2nd | Bus. " From August 1st | Dam

Quickly, a temporary party branch consisting of seven members was formed to coordinate and ensure food supply, and to solve the problem of carriage pollution.

On the evening of July 31, the transport train carrying 6000 pieces of bread, Babao Congee and other relief supplies was seriously blocked due to the damage of the line.

On the morning of August 1st, after nearly 4 hours of hiking, these supplies were carried by the party member assault team with their hands and shoulders into the carriage. Following closely behind, hundreds of rescue personnel arrived on foot.

"We will definitely save everyone!" The promise of the Communist Party member resounded loudly.

"Quickly transfer passengers in critical condition!" The rescue efforts of the united city never stop.

On August 1st, on a blocked railway line near Shuiyuzui Village in Mentougou District, Beijing, staff from China Railway Sixth Bureau cleared debris on the track and made every effort to restore traffic. Photo by Ju Huanzong, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

The railway department organized hundreds of rescue personnel in batches to continuously deliver daily necessities; Armed police officers and soldiers marched on foot into Luopo Ridge and Anjiazhuang Railway Station; Four transport helicopters dropped rescue supplies onto the riverbed of the Yongding River, and three train attendants walked down the riverbank with ropes to retrieve supplies

The unbreakable "dam" - dedicated to the brave pioneers who have devoted themselves to flood control and disaster relief. August 2nd | Bus. " From August 1st | Dam

Three days and three nights, all passengers were safely evacuated.

On August 2nd, passengers of the Z180 trapped train, with the help of officers and soldiers from the Mobile Third Brigade of the Beijing Armed Police Force, walked to the transfer bus. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Yangang

"I'm a bit scared," conductor Cui Lu admitted, "but seeing the passengers' smiles is worth it!"

Who is not afraid of floods and beasts, and who is not flesh and blood, but the disaster is an order, and the responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai!

On August 2nd, stranded train passengers rushed to the transfer bus on foot with the help of rescue personnel. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Chenlin

"All party members and cadres have entered a state of combat!"

In the afternoon of July 29, when the rainstorm came to an end, Liu Jing, the first secretary in Huangyuansi Village, Zhoukoudian Town, Fangshan District, sent an emergency mobilization to the cadres of the "two committees" and villagers' representatives.

The unbreakable "dam" - dedicated to the brave pioneers who have devoted themselves to flood control and disaster relief. August 2nd | Bus. " From August 1st | Dam

In a race against time, 158 households in the village were divided into 7 natural areas for overnight relocation. When the flash flood broke out on July 30th, there were no casualties among the villagers in the village area!

"The flood is coming tonight!" On July 31st, Tianjin issued a red warning, and personnel in the Yongding River floodplain were immediately transferred!

"Is there anyone? Is there anyone?" The hurried knocking sounded in Shaoqidi Village, Huanghuadian Town, Wuqing District, Tianjin. Kou Zhiming, the secretary of the village party branch, led the village cadres to conduct door-to-door inspections.

By that night, all 626 people in the village had been relocated and resettled, leaving no one behind!

"Open the lowest point in the southeast of the reservoir for flood discharge!"

On the late night of August 2nd, floods flooded the reservoir in Xingye Village, Yabuli Town, Heilongjiang Province.

Gang Yujie, the village party branch secretary who had just fought for two hours on the south side of the reservoir, jumped into the cab of the excavator.

The unbreakable "dam" - dedicated to the brave pioneers who have devoted themselves to flood control and disaster relief. August 2nd | Bus. " From August 1st | Dam

Once or twice, the machinery fell into the ditch several times, and the spillway was finally dug! At this point, the water level is only a few tens of centimeters away from the dam crest

If there is battle, there will be sacrifice. When the people need it, one by one, their figures freeze in the wind and rain, their vows are silent and their righteousness is boundless.

"I'm familiar with the situation there, I'll go!"

"I am a village official, I have to go!"

A precious image in just a few seconds records their final charge.

She looked out of the window with a worried expression, paced back and forth, and then walked out of the hallway.

He hurried down the stairs, occasionally looking down to check the flood prevention information on his phone

The unbreakable "dam" - dedicated to the brave pioneers who have devoted themselves to flood control and disaster relief. August 2nd | Bus. " From August 1st | Dam

Going back to the front line, teammates silently put the class monitor Feng Zhen's WeChat at the top. His WeChat nickname is "retrograde".

This "post-90s" firefighter uses a cartoon firefighter as his WeChat avatar, with a bright red national flag in the background. The right side reads "I love you China" and the left side reads "How fortunate, born in China".

The power of emotions in faith is transformed into no regrets or complaints;

The solemn oath under the Party flag is engraved in the hearts of the people——

Floods ravage, sandbags gritted up one by one, and glimmers of light emitted from flashlights in the dark night

"They were ordinary people like us, but in times of crisis, they chose to go against the tide and protect their lives with their lives."

Guarding our hometown elders, they fight tirelessly

The unbreakable "dam" - dedicated to the brave pioneers who have devoted themselves to flood control and disaster relief. August 2nd | Bus. " From August 1st | Dam

After days of hard work, Wei Jiangtao, the secretary of the Party branch in Shawo Village, Wharf Town, Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, had bloodshot eyes and almost lost his voice.

Shawo Village has over 1300 people, and this year's extreme rainfall has made it an isolated island.

"The flood came too quickly, and many bungalows were submerged, making it difficult for ordinary people to move to the buildings." Starting from August 1st, Wei Jiangtao led village officials in a series of movements, and for 72 hours, they did not sleep, safely transferring all the people.

More than 70 elderly people who cannot be transferred remain in the village, and Wei Jiangtao rides a stormboat to transport supplies to them every day.

"Never leave a fellow villager behind!" Wherever the common people are, Communist Party members will rush to them.

In Laishui County, Baoding, Hebei Province, county and township cadres climbed mountains and crossed mountains, together with the people of Tangjiazhuang Village, to pull a "rope of life" on the turbulent river surface. 48 year old villager Xu Shubao relied on this rope to carry more than 20 trapped villagers.

Party and people's hearts, united as one!

The unbreakable "dam" - dedicated to the brave pioneers who have devoted themselves to flood control and disaster relief. August 2nd | Bus. " From August 1st | Dam

The loudspeaker plays guidance instructions in a loop, and village cadres and staff move villagers one by one through hutongs. The grid workers in towns and villages each take responsibility... In Tianjin, party members and cadres strive to be the vanguard of the assault, and grid management is fully activated.

Establishing temporary party branches, setting up party member assault teams, setting up party member vanguard posts, and rotating day and night to patrol... In Harbin, Mudanjiang and other places in Heilongjiang Province, grassroots party organizations have signed "military orders" to transfer disaster stricken people in an orderly manner.

people first, life first

Wherever there is danger, there are soldiers of the people.

On August 3rd, rescue personnel from the Hengshui Fire Rescue Detachment carried out rescue work in Shawo Village, Matou Town, Zhuozhou City. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Mou Yu

In the areas most severely affected by the disaster, the armed police officers and soldiers raced against time and went deep into the villages, communities, factories and other locations where the trapped people were located, conducting door-to-door inspections and rescues.

If one side is in difficulty, support from all directions!

The unbreakable "dam" - dedicated to the brave pioneers who have devoted themselves to flood control and disaster relief. August 2nd | Bus. " From August 1st | Dam

The supplies rushed to the disaster stricken areas from all directions, and rescue forces from across the country advanced towards the most severely affected areas.

From August 1st to 2nd, in less than 24 hours, the small town of Zhuozhou in Hebei Province added nearly 17000 out of town mobile phone signals, and nearly 10000 people rushed from other provinces to Zhuozhou. According to big data calculations, within 72 hours, more than 30000 people from other places have arrived here one after another.

Soaked in cold water, the armed police soldiers who fought hard all day took a few bites of dry food to continue working; Walking on the flooded road, rescue team members holding babies cautiously moved their feet

"We experienced the rainstorm in 2021, felt the same feelings, and came here without thinking," said Liu Yong, leader of the zebra emergency rescue team in Jiaozuo City, Henan Province.

To rescue the masses, use your shoulders as a ladder; Defend your home and treat the embankment as a bed.

Nearly 10000 flood control and rescue workers have been working non-stop for several days and nights on the north embankment of Qingbei area in Taitou Town, Jinghai District, Tianjin. After discovering a large surge, Deputy Town Mayor Zhu Lei took the lead in carrying sandbags.

"Finally carried it over, the villagers are safe!" Without taking a sip of water, Zhu Lei went to patrol the embankment again.

The unbreakable "dam" - dedicated to the brave pioneers who have devoted themselves to flood control and disaster relief. August 2nd | Bus. " From August 1st | Dam

With the opening of the Dongdian Flood Storage and Detention Area, Hao Qingshui, the Party Secretary of Dibu Village in Xinkou Town, Xiqing District, Tianjin, travels around every day carrying quick acting heart saving pills.

"The heavier the task, the more we can't afford to fall down. The whole village, old and young, is counting on it!" Hao Qingshui finished arranging the masses, rushed to transport agricultural materials and tools, and in the past few days, he has been repairing the Zidi.

For a full 10 days, over 600 cadres and masses worked in three shifts 24 hours a day. A 1.5-kilometer-long dam was built at the Hongqi Livestock Farm in Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province, adjacent to nearly 10000 acres of fertile land on the Songhua River.

Looking at the smiling faces of the villagers, the director Song Chunzhe was also very pleased: "This was originally a no embankment area. This embankment carries our sweat and also witnesses our perseverance."

Rebuilding a beautiful home, they unite as one city

"One... two! One... two!" As noon approached, several young and middle-aged people in Xici Village, Diaowo Town, Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, soaked in the accumulated water, bared their arms, shouting slogans, and forcefully gripping the pumping pipe to lift it up, draining the village.

"Many people rushed back to the village to help," Ma Zhenwei, the deputy director of the village committee, gave a thumbs up. "This is our confidence in rebuilding our home!"

The unbreakable "dam" - dedicated to the brave pioneers who have devoted themselves to flood control and disaster relief. August 2nd | Bus. " From August 1st | Dam

Epidemic prevention, disinfection and sterilization, mud removal, traffic restoration, water and electricity supply, and dangerous house investigation... Grass roots Party organizations give play to their advantages as battle fortresses, always stand at the forefront of flood fighting and rescue, and fully organize the restoration and reconstruction work to ensure the basic life of the people.

The ancient village has no underground drainage system, all above ground drainage channels are blocked, and the hot air is filled with the smell of mud.

After the rainstorm, the villagers in Liuliqu Village, Longquan Town, Mentougou District, Beijing were worried. A rescue team from Xicheng District appeared here.

The average age of rescue team members is 32 years old, with the youngest being only 24 years old. They hold shovels and buckets in their hands, step into the thick and heavy mud with one foot, move stones, clear garbage, dredge ditches, clean inch by inch, and push forward meter by meter.

The villagers handed over water and wanted to ask for their names. The young man replied with a smile: Our team is called "Red Wall Pioneers", and we are all volunteers.

Sending charcoal in the snow conveys warmth. Watching each other and helping each other holds up hope.

On August 6th, members of the Jilin City Fire Rescue Brigade used a rope bridge to rescue trapped villagers. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yan Linyun

The unbreakable "dam" - dedicated to the brave pioneers who have devoted themselves to flood control and disaster relief. August 2nd | Bus. " From August 1st | Dam

With a buzzing sound, the large drainage equipment began to work. Watching the accumulated water in the farmland accelerate to discharge, Li Wensheng, the deputy director of the Agricultural Machinery Management Station of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau in Shulan City, Jilin Province, forgot to wipe off the muddy water on his face and led a few people into another corn field.

"Director Li almost fainted due to heatstroke."

"Director Li said that agricultural production cannot be delayed, and now we need to grab food from the flood."


Save a field and bring happiness to every household. Light up a lamp, uplift a village.

On August 5th, search and rescue team members carried out search and rescue work in the disaster stricken area of Qili Township, Shulan City, Jilin Province. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yan Linyun

On August 12th, Sun Peng, the director of Hongxing Power Supply Station of State Grid Harbin Yilan County Power Supply Branch, led a team to march into Fengnan Village, Dalianhe Town, Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province, which was blocked by floods.

The unbreakable "dam" - dedicated to the brave pioneers who have devoted themselves to flood control and disaster relief. August 2nd | Bus. " From August 1st | Dam

If the vehicle is unable to pass, change to a ferry; Unable to enter on foot, use an excavator. Even if they know they will encounter secondary disasters, they should all go down to the village; At the risk of being washed away by floods, replace all the damaged power poles along the way.

"A lot of post disaster reconstruction work requires electricity, and there are still two villages that are not supplied!" Sun Peng said and set off again.

"Can rice that has been submerged by floods still be grouted on time?"

"When will we start fertilizing rice seedlings after the flood?"

At a production self rescue online consultation meeting in Wuchang, Heilongjiang, agricultural experts patiently answered and provided reassurance to dozens of rice growers.

On the early morning of August 13th, the first grain special train departed after the Wuchang disaster, transporting 690 tons of Wuchang rice to outside the province.

New hope rises in the land of rice, and eternal power surges on the black soil.

The unbreakable "dam" - dedicated to the brave pioneers who have devoted themselves to flood control and disaster relief. August 2nd | Bus. " From August 1st | Dam

Let the rain and wind blow, their spirit is like a flag, inspiring them to strive forward.

In Mentougou, Beijing, people affected by the disaster actively applied for more than 400 work relief posts such as cleaning, security, maintenance, disinfection and sterilization and dredging, actively participated in post disaster recovery and reconstruction, and achieved local employment.

On August 12th, at the Mentougou District Hospital in Beijing, a dredging team was formed by the affected residents who were unable to carry out their original work due to the impact of floods to clean up the mud and garbage in the hospital basement. Photo by Ju Huanzong, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

In Zhuozhou, Hebei Province, 24 schools affected by the disaster have been cleared and repaired with the support of various sectors of society, staying up all night and striving to start school as scheduled on September 1st.

On August 10th, soldiers from the Baoding Detachment of the Hebei Armed Police Force cleared silt at Zhuozhou Middle School. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhu Xudong

In Shulan, Jilin, residents from 62 resettlement sites have gradually returned home and resumed production and life in an orderly manner

On August 7th, a party member assault team organized by a certain brigade of the 78th Army Group cleared roadblocks in Qili Township, Shulan City, Jilin Province. Shen Jizhong

The unbreakable "dam" - dedicated to the brave pioneers who have devoted themselves to flood control and disaster relief. August 2nd | Bus. " From August 1st | Dam

Party committees in various regions have organized and mobilized a large number of party members and cadres to participate in disaster relief and reconstruction work. The Central Committee of the Communist Youth League has organized more than 19000 youth assault teams and mobilized 2.34 million young volunteers to participate in flood prevention and disaster relief work; The State Administration for Financial Regulation has organized banking institutions to timely formulate supportive policies and increase credit investment. As of August 15th, a total of 145000 insurance claims and advance payments, totaling 2.54 billion yuan, have been received from 16 disaster stricken areas

In villages and communities where floods have receded, lights have lit up one after another; By the side of batches of people returning home, a pair of hands spread warmth.

In this never-ending land, there is perseverance and faithful faith. We can overcome all difficulties and obstacles!

Text poster

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