Gathering a strong force for flood control, disaster relief, and post disaster recovery and reconstruction (with the Party flag flying high at the grassroots level) Emergency | Party member | Party flag

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 23:55 PM

On August 15th, in Taitou Town, Jinghai District, Tianjin City, an emergency rescue team composed of emergency rescue experts, grassroots party members, cadres, and others braved the scorching sun to patrol and identify dam risks.

Photo by Zhao Zishuo, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

On August 3rd, China Anneng Group organized a party member assault team to go to Mentougou District, Beijing to carry out road clearance work. The picture shows two team members clearing obstacles on National Highway 234.

Photo by our reporter Zhang Wujun

On August 12th, Mei Honggang, the captain of the Communist Party member service team led by Li Qingchang from State Grid Heilongjiang Electric Power, helped farmers carry out post disaster reconstruction services in Anjia Town, Wuchang City.

Photo by Wang Ping

Mu Xihuai, Secretary of the Party Branch of Mujiakou Village, Zhangfang Town, Fangshan District, Beijing——

"The road, power grid, and water are all connected, let's work harder."

Our reporter Pan Junqiang

On the morning of August 14th, Mu Xihuai, the Party Branch Secretary of Mujiakou Village, convened an early morning meeting to arrange post disaster reconstruction work. Outside, there were roars of sound as nearly 30 large mechanical equipment arrived in the village. After simple communication, the mechanical dredging work began in an orderly manner.

Mujiakou Village is located on the banks of Juma River in Zhangfang Town, Fangshan District, Beijing. Affected by heavy rainfall this time, the maximum peak flow of the Juma River Zhangfang Hydrological Station reached 6200 cubic meters per second, and the runoff in the mountainous area converged to form a massive mountain flood. The village was once surrounded by floods.

On the afternoon of July 30, there was a torrential rain. Previously, upon receiving a warning from the higher authorities, Mu Xihuai led the village level flood control and rescue team to transfer households, set up sandbags and barriers, and clean up the flood discharge channel. As the flood approached, Mu Xihuai made a decisive decision and said, "56 households on the west side of the village main street also need to be relocated quickly!" The elderly and children from low-lying households were moved one by one to higher areas.

On the early morning of July 31st, communication signals, power lines, and water supply equipment in Mujiakou Village were successively interrupted. Mu Xihuai received the message before the communication was interrupted - "There will be a continuous heavy rainstorm tonight". He immediately led the village committee cadres to transfer 264 households and more than 460 villagers to higher places, package and connect households, and conduct household by household surveys to ensure that no one was left behind.

In the flood, Mujiakou Village became an isolated island. Under the leadership of the village party branch, party members and cadres coordinated the distribution of materials, stabilized the emotions of the masses, and led the masses to self rescue, enduring the most difficult days. "I saw the rescue vehicle, finally here!" On August 2nd, the rescue vehicle drove to the end of Sandu Bridge, and rescue personnel immediately descended a ten meter long vertical ladder from the broken bridge to deliver supplies to the trapped people.

The flood is gradually receding. Looking at the destroyed houses and collapsed crops, Muxihuai didn't have time to feel sad. "The villagers are all pointing to the village committee to make decisions, where there is hope, let's earn back what we have lost!" Mu Xihuai called a meeting of party members and cadres to cheer everyone up.

In order to restore production and living order as soon as possible, the village party branch has established an "8-hour, 3-shift" emergency rescue mechanism, set up party branch rescue assault teams and party member vanguard teams, mobilize excavators, forklifts and other mechanical equipment, mobilize villagers to carry out dredging work on the main road and each household through the "three guarantees" method, and contact and cooperate with relevant departments to repair water, electricity, and roads.

Covered in mud and covered in sweat, the red vest of the party member assault team was tightly pressed against party member Mu Xilai. In recent days, Muxi has organized party members and masses from the natural areas of Sandu and Sidu in Mujiakou Village to carry out dredging and cleaning operations. Sun Yuehong, the village women's director, and Mu Shumin, the party member, took the initiative to undertake epidemic prevention and disinfection and sterilization, and publicized the post disaster epidemic prevention and sanitation.

On August 15th, as tap water splashed out from the faucet, Mu Xihuai loudly cheered on the cadres and masses present, "The roads, power grids, and water are all connected. Let's work harder to rebuild our home!"

Gathering a strong force for flood control, disaster relief, and post disaster recovery and reconstruction (with the Party flag flying high at the grassroots level) Emergency | Party member | Party flag

Hao Qingshui, Secretary of the Party Committee of Liubu Village, Xinkou Town, Xiqing District, Tianjin——

"Help villagers restore production and living order as soon as possible"

Our reporter Jin Bo

The rain has stopped. On the east side of Liubu New Bridge in Liubu Village, Xinkou Town, Xiqing District, Tianjin, flood control sandbags are stacked on the embankment, and safety reminders are played repeatedly in the loudspeaker. "We still can't take it lightly." Hao Qingshui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Sixth Port Village Committee, couldn't stop for a moment.

The Sixth Port Village is located at the intersection of the Daqing River, Ziya River, and Duliujian River. At 2am on August 1st, the National Defense Administration officially opened the "Daqing River Dongdian Flood Storage and Detention Zone", and the party members and cadres of the Sixth Port Village also entered a "wartime state" instantly.

On the morning of July 29th, the Sixth Port Village held a mobilization meeting, where all party members and village representatives discussed flood prevention measures together. "This wave of rain is coming with great force, and we must not be careless. As grassroots party organizations, our responsibility is to protect our villagers and our families!" said Hao Qingshui.

"All personnel in the Dongdian Flood Storage and Detention Area must be transferred before 12:00 noon on August 3rd." On August 1st, the Sixth Port Village received a notice from the higher authorities that the transfer time was less than 60 hours. "Everyone, put in more effort!" Hao Qingshui led the party committee of the Sixth Port Village to quickly complete a series of work, including the relocation and resettlement of vegetable greenhouse growers, inspection of river embankments, reinforcement of embankments, and rush transportation of agricultural materials.

On the afternoon of the 2nd, 167 personnel from the Sixth Port Village located in the Dongdian Flood Storage and Detention Area completed their relocation and resettlement ahead of schedule, buying valuable time for flood storage and detention work. "After the village cadres counted each person, Secretary Hao counted again," villager Hao Hongqi told reporters. "The safety of the masses is of paramount importance!" When mentioning the safety of all villagers, Hao Qingshui's expression was rarely relaxed.

At 10pm on the 6th, the head of the floodwater released from the upstream of the Daqing River reached the Sixth Port Village. All party members and cadres are nailed to the embankment, forming a team of over 100 party members, cadres, and volunteers to take turns patrolling the embankment.

Each observation point is a temporary party branch. Hao Hongqi is one of the morning duty officers of the 11th Temporary Party Branch. "He is on duty from 8am to 4pm, patrolling every 20 minutes. If any danger is found, he should respond and handle it immediately, and hand it over to the person taking over."

"The total land area of the village is over 16000 acres, with arable land accounting for 12000 acres. In the Dongdian flood storage and detention area, there are about 9000 acres, with over 3000 greenhouses inside. There are a total of 4878 people in the village, and there is no permanent population within the flood storage and detention area." Hao Qingshui sorted out his family background. At present, the village committees are conducting a thorough investigation to fully grasp the disaster situation of the villagers.

"The more critical the moment is, the more our party members and cadres need to reassure the villagers. In the past two days, village party members and cadres have begun to study reconstruction plans for the flood to recede." Hao Qingshui said, "We need to leverage the power of party organizations to do a good job in post disaster reconstruction and help villagers restore production and life order as soon as possible."

Wang Junhui, Secretary of the Party Branch of Xichenjiazhuang Village, Zanhuang County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province——

"Strive to minimize losses and resume production as soon as possible"

Our reporter Zhang Tengyang

On August 13th, I drove into Xichenjiazhuang Village, Zanhuang County, Shijiazhuang City, on the eastern foot of the Taihang Mountains. At the entrance of the village, an excavator is clearing the river channel, while more than ten villagers are busy repairing the road under the leadership of village officials.

On July 29, there was a torrential rain in Zanhuang County. Xichenjiazhuang Village is located halfway up the mountain, and the river to the west of the village is connected to a reservoir and five dams on the mountain. Although the villagers in the low-lying areas had been relocated a few days ago, Wang Junhui, the Party branch secretary of Xichenjiazhuang Village, still felt uneasy and drove to the edge of the reservoir to monitor the water level.

At midnight, the rain did not decrease. I saw a reservoir four or five meters deep on weekdays, with the water level rapidly soaring to over 10 meters. "At this rate of increase, once the water overflows the dam, the villagers along the bank will be in danger!" Thinking of this, Wang Junhui stepped back into the car and kicked the accelerator as he drove towards the village.

Gathering a strong force for flood control, disaster relief, and post disaster recovery and reconstruction (with the Party flag flying high at the grassroots level) Emergency | Party member | Party flag

On the road, I couldn't see my fingers as I reached out. The headlights were shining on the road, and there were occasional rocks rolling down the slopes on both sides. Returning to the village, Wang Junhui was already soaked all over. "Quickly, organize the people by the river to transfer!" The five cadres of the village committee immediately took action and notified the villagers by the river to urgently transfer.

But at this point, the villagers had already fallen asleep, the phone couldn't be reached, and they could only go door-to-door knocking. Villager Fan Xueying has two young children and an elderly person at home. When Wang Junhui urged her to leave, the family hesitated a bit. "If we don't walk for a while, we won't be able to make it!" Du Xijun, a village official beside him, stomped his feet anxiously, picked up the child, and ran out with the old man. As soon as the family reached a high place, they saw that the water had flooded over the bridge deck at their doorstep.

The water from the mountaintop reservoir still overflowed the dam and poured down along the spillway, filling four downstream ponds and causing the water level in the river to rise. Fortunately, the transfer was timely, and within an hour, all 35 villagers in the dangerous area were transferred to the mountaintop.

On August 1st, the rain slowed down, but the only main road leading to the outside world in the village was washed away, and one-third of the over 6000 meter water supply pipeline was damaged. Not only could supplies not enter, but the village also faced the dilemma of water shortage. Wang Junhui quickly contacted to purchase pipelines from outside the mountain and also invited an engineering team to repair them.

"I'm a retired soldier or a party member, I'm here!" Kang Lianzhen, in her 50s, didn't sleep a whole night for a few days, but was still the first to carry a water pipe and walk up the mountain. 20 party members and village representatives from the village also formed an emergency rescue team and devoted themselves to repairing roads and pipelines.

One day later, the water pipes in the villagers' homes ran out of tap water again; Three days later, the road leading to the outside world in the village was opened up. "In times of crisis, party members and cadres are the backbone of everyone," said Fan Xuehuan, a villager who was preparing to make lunch while carrying a freshly connected basin of tap water.

Wang Junhui introduced that the flood caused varying degrees of damage to the orchards and crops on the mountain. The county has dispatched an agricultural science and technology service team and technical team to carry out damage assessment and guide villagers to make remedies, "striving to minimize losses and restore production as soon as possible."

State Grid Heilongjiang Electric Power Li Qingchang, Communist Party Member Service Team Leader Mei Honggang——

"Restore power supply, race against time"

Reporter Fang Yuan from this newspaper

On August 12th, at the entrance of Dongsheng Village in Anjia Town, Wuchang City, Heilongjiang Province, the villagers were thrilled to hear that the Party member service team had arrived. "Auntie, don't worry, we go door-to-door to ensure that everyone can safely use electricity," said Mei Honggang, the leader of the Communist Party member service team led by Li Qingchang of State Grid Heilongjiang Electric Power.

This is already the sixth day for Mei Honggang and his team members to fight on the front line. Within 6 days, Mei Honggang and his team rushed to different villages, visiting hundreds of households to investigate potential electrical safety hazards one by one.

Starting from August 2nd, the rainfall in Wuchang City has exceeded 100 millimeters for several consecutive days, and people in low-lying areas have been safely transferred to centralized resettlement sites. Starting from the 7th, the water level has gradually decreased, and some residents in areas that meet safety standards can return home. In order to help everyone restore electricity as soon as possible, the Communist Party member service team led by Li Qingchang from State Grid Heilongjiang Electric Power departed from Harbin in the early morning and headed to the flood stricken area.

On the road, uprooted trees occasionally block the way, and in some places, the roadbed even becomes loose. "Quick brake!" Mei Honggang felt something was wrong. With the help of the car lights, they finally saw clearly that there was a broken bridge in front of them. Walking half an inch further, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The rain is still falling, and the village in urgent need of repair is not far away. Mei Honggang's heart sank as he said, "The villagers are waiting for us, we still have to continue on this road!"! Wading through the sewage and carrying the power generation equipment, Mei Honggang and his teammates walked deep and shallow towards the village.

"Now is the critical period for heading and blooming flowers, and if the fields continue to soak like this, it will be all over. Thanks to the team members bringing the generator and using the water pump to pump water out at the first time, the harvest in the fields has been saved!" Villager Zhang Gang choked up next to his own rice field, tightly gripping Mei Honggang's hand.

Anjia Town is adjacent to the Mangniu River and is the core production area of Wuchang rice. "Restore power supply, race against time!" Mei Honggang said, "The shorter the time the rice is soaked in floods, the smaller the impact on yield. We must set up water pumps as soon as possible to help villagers drain the accumulated water in the fields and reduce losses. This is the responsibility of our Communist Party member service team."

Fengyuan Green Food Factory in Wuchang City is one of the enterprises severely affected by the disaster in the town. Mei Honggang climbed up high and carefully checked the electrical box of the rice sewing machine, and instructed to replace the switch in a timely manner. "The members of the service team carefully inspected all the circuits and switches in the office building before sending electricity, laying a foundation for the safe production of autumn grain processing. This time, it really helped us a lot!" said the rice factory operator gratefully.

Gathering a strong force for flood control, disaster relief, and post disaster recovery and reconstruction (with the Party flag flying high at the grassroots level) Emergency | Party member | Party flag

After the flood, electric power repair and rescue vehicles raced through the countryside every day, and the flag of the Communist Party member service team spread in the rice fields with the wind. Unable to clear the mud on his legs, Mei Honggang quickly stepped onto the rescue vehicle and rushed to the next village in need of rescue.

Jilin Municipal Construction Group Co., Ltd. Party Member Assault Team——

"Where has the water receded and where has the road been repaired?"

Our reporter Zheng Zhiwen

"The road is open! Great!" Accompanied by the cheers of the villagers, Huang Tao, a member of the Jilin Municipal Construction Group Co., Ltd. Party Member Assault Team, felt relieved. For several days of continuous repairs, his clothes were covered in irregular white patterns, and the mud in his shoes had squeezed to his ankles. After a brief rest, they rushed to the next flooded section for repairs.

Jinma Town, Shulan City, Jilin Province is one of the areas most severely affected by the heavy rainfall in this round of Shulan. At 1:00 am on August 4th, Jilin Municipal Construction Group Co., Ltd. received a rescue order from Jilin Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau. At around 2am, a 16 member party member assault team was established. 11 dump trucks, 5 loaders, 5 excavators, and 10 flatbed trailers quickly gathered and set off for the disaster stricken area of Jinma Town.

"On the way from Jilin City to Shulan, the water was getting deeper and deeper, and when we set off, we could still see the rough road. As we approached the assembly site, we couldn't tell where the roadside was," recalled Wang Liang, deputy general manager of the group and leader of the party member assault team.

At 5am, the party member assault team arrived at the gathering place in Shulan City. After surveying the actual situation, we immediately requested all party members to be on standby at any time. When the water receded, we immediately began to repair the damaged road. At the same time, Wang Liang increased rescue forces and allocated materials to make full preparations for the emergency repair work.

From Shulan City to Jinma Town, Shengli Bridge is a must pass road. Due to heavy rainfall, the water level of the river has skyrocketed, and the roadbeds on both sides have been basically washed away by floods, posing a risk of collapse for Shengli Bridge at any time.

At around 7 o'clock on the 5th, the water level dropped and the party member assault team immediately began working. "Access is a prerequisite for rescue efforts, and only when the road is accessible can rescue forces enter, ensuring the basic livelihood of the people." Wang Liang said.

Excavators excavate gravel and dump trucks transport materials... In order to have the rescue team go to the town for rescue as soon as possible, the members of the party member assault team hardly closed their eyes. At around 19:00 on the 6th, after filling more than 3000 cubic meters of mountain stones, the damaged section of Shengli Bridge was quickly cleared, and vehicles loaded with rescue supplies drove forward.

Under the command of the local transportation department, the party member assault team led the members of the rescue team to the severely affected areas of Qili Township and Kaiyuan Town to continue the repair work.

"When we were repairing the road, some villagers stood at the other end of the circuit and looked at us. There were also villagers from temporary resettlement sites who wanted to go home and take a look. The villagers on both sides were hoping that the road would be repaired when." Huang Tao still remembers it vividly to this day.

On August 10th, the last section of the flooded road in Jinma Town, Shulan City was repaired. At this point, all 285 kilometers of water damaged roads and 22 blocked road access points in Shulan City have been cleared. "I am a party member, and the expectation of the masses is the direction of effort." Wang Liang's gaze was particularly firm.


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