A lawyer's letter has been sent to the Sui and Tang History Society of Luoyang City: "30000 Miles in Chang'an" does not match the historical facts. Luoyang | History | Lawyer's Letter

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 23:01 PM

Luoyang Sui and Tang History Society issued a statement through the official WeChat official account on August 16:

After its release in cinemas across the country, the movie "Three Thousand Miles in Chang'an" received widespread acclaim, with a considerable box office and a large number of viewers, exerting a broad influence and playing a positive role in popularizing historical knowledge and enhancing national cultural confidence. However, some plot descriptions in the film do not match the true history, and the stories that occur on some characters do not match the true history, which can easily mislead the audience, especially young audiences, and affect the sibling relationships in the birthplace and place of the historical characters. In order to restore real history and maintain the authenticity of historical figures, the Luoyang Sui and Tang History Society has commissioned Henan Luotai Law Firm to appoint a team of lawyers composed of Qu Jianwei, Qiu Shuaibiao, Fang Jiaming, Huang Xuan, and others to send a lawyer's letter to the production company, requesting the production company, director, and screenwriter of the movie "Chang'an 30000 Li" to issue a statement of correction and apology.

Poster for the movie "Three Thousand Miles in Chang'an".

The Luoyang Sui and Tang History Society emphasized two main points in its statement:

1、 The movie "Chang'an 30000 Miles" was produced by Shanghai Zhuoguang Film Co., Ltd. and directed by Xie Junwei and Zou Jing. It will be released in mainland China from July 8, 2023. The film is set in the prosperous Tang Dynasty and tells the story of Gao Shi, who was in a critical situation after the An Lushan Rebellion, recalling his friendship and past with Li Bai and Du Fu. The movie "Three Thousand Miles in Chang'an" is an animated historical film, not a fictional tale of history.

2、 There are several plot points in the film that clearly contradict history, such as:

1. Li Bai and Du Fu first met in Luoyang, not the Chang'an depicted in the film

In 744 AD, Li Bai, who had offended Yang Guifei and Gao Lishi, found it difficult to stay in Chang'an. Therefore, he submitted a letter to Emperor Xuanzong of Tang requesting the return of the mountain. Emperor Xuanzong of Tang issued an edict to grant gold for repayment. Li Bai left Chang'an and traveled eastward, while Du Fu, who had failed multiple exams, was indecisive in the city of Luoyang, unsure of where to go. So, Li Bai and Du Fu met for the first time in Luoyang. Mr. Wen Yiduo once commented on the meeting between Li Bai and Du Fu in this way: "Their meeting was the most exciting moment in the history of Chinese literature. Perhaps only the meeting between Laozi and Confucius could match it, like the collision of the sun and the moon." For such an important historical event, Dianying should fully respect it.

2. Du Fu lived in Luoyang in his early years, not the Chang'an depicted in the film

Du Fu was born in Gong County, Henan Province and belonged to Luoyang during the Tang Dynasty. Du Fu lost his mother in his early years, and at the age of only four, he was sent to live with his second aunt in Renfengli, Luoyang for more than ten years. It can be said that the eastern capital of Luoyang witnessed Du Fu's growth. At the age of 9, Du Fu began to study calligraphy. He excelled in calligraphy and copied the works of calligraphy master Yu Shinan; At the age of over 10, Du Fu's poetry and prose were already visible in Luoyang. At that time, famous figures in Luoyang such as Cui Shang and Wei Qixin were amazed by Du Fu's works. Du Fu is often cited by local elders, entering and exiting the residences of Prince Qi Li Fan, who is proficient in music, and Emperor Xuanzong's favored minister Cui Di. Getting the opportunity there, Du Fu repeatedly heard the singing of the world-renowned musician Li Guinian. This encounter also accompanied Du Fu's lifelong memories, allowing him to recite the famous poem that has been passed down for thousands of years when he met Li Guinian in his later years: "It is the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan that meets you again during the season of falling flowers.".

3. The "Three Wonders of the Day" occurred at the Tiangong Temple in Luoyang, not the Yangzhou depicted in the film

The Tang Dynasty Famous Paintings Record records that General Pei Minhou summoned Daozi with gold and silk to paint for his beloved general at the Tiangong Temple in the eastern capital. Daozi returned gold and silk, but received nothing. Wei Min said, "I have heard that General Pei has been around for a long time. A piece of music for dancing the sword is enough to be beneficial. Observing his strong energy, he can help wield a hair." Mo Min danced the sword for Daozi. After finishing the dance, the painting was completed in a flash, with the help of a divine being, especially stunning. The Taoist also personally painted it, and its painting was on the west side of the temple. Zhang Xuchang also wrote a wall of historical records, and the common people in the capital all said, "In a day, one can see three wonders."

4. It was Li Bai who saved Guo Ziyi, not Gao Shi as depicted in the film

The New Book of Tang records: "When Lin was defeated, he should be executed. At the beginning, Bai traveled to Bingzhou and saw Guo Ziyi, who was extraordinary. Ziyi tasted breaking the law, and Bai wanted to save and avoid it. In the end, Ziyi asked for his official release to redeem him, and there was an edict for Changliu Yelang." The "Tombstone of Li Gong, a scholar of the Hanlin Academy" records: "During his travels to Bingzhou, he recognized Guo Fenyang as a soldier and rewarded him heavily to avoid his criminal responsibility. Later, Fenyang became a successful official and asked to redeem the Hanlin. He promised to redeem him, and because he was exempt from execution, he was rewarded." These records all indicate that when Li Bai traveled to Bingzhou in 735 AD, he encountered a situation where he had not yet become famous. "Guo Ziyi, the latter's life was at risk at that time. Li Baihao threw a thousand coins and personally lobbied to save Guo Ziyi.

A lawyer's letter has been sent to the Sui and Tang History Society of Luoyang City: "30000 Miles in Chang'an" does not match the historical facts. Luoyang | History | Lawyer's Letter

The Luoyang Sui and Tang History Society stated that the film is an animated film with a wide audience, especially among young audiences. At present, the inconsistency between the plot and history of the film has caused a heated debate on the internet, especially among netizens in Luoyang and Xi'an. However, the film's producers, directors, and screenwriters have not commented on this, have not responded, and have left it unattended. From a moral, legal, and cultural perspective, producers, directors, and screenwriters not only receive honors and box office revenue, but also have the responsibility to eliminate the misleading and insulting effects caused by the film, as well as the obligation to correct errors and eliminate impact.

The Sui and Tang History Society of Luoyang City stated that lawyers have pointed out that Article 14 of China's "Regulations on Film Script Filing and Film Management" stipulates that "films should be edited and modified in the following situations: distorting Chinese civilization and history, seriously violating historical facts...". Therefore, the film "Chang'an 30000 Miles" produced by Shanghai Zhuoguang Film Co., Ltd. violates the aforementioned regulations and should be corrected. Although it is not necessary to demand that the production team delete or modify the film at this time, at least a statement should be issued admitting the film's errors or mistakes, restoring the historical truth, apologizing to the national audience, and quelling the criticism from netizens around the world.

The Sui and Tang History Society of Luoyang City proposed that the seriousness and authenticity of history are shackles derived from historical culture. As a cultural industry derived from history, it is necessary to dance with shackles and explore possibilities in history! In accordance with current laws and regulations, I accept the commission of the parties involved and communicate with relevant parties such as producers, directors, and screenwriters. If necessary, I will file a public interest lawsuit in accordance with the law to help the Luoyang Sui and Tang History Society fully uphold the historical truth.

In addition, the Sui and Tang History Society of Luoyang City also introduced that the movie "Chang'an 30000 Miles" will be released in mainland China from July 8, 2023. Once released, the response was strong and the box office skyrocketed. But at the same time, experts, scholars, ordinary people, and even official media have spoken out through the internet, pointing out the inconsistencies between the film and history. With the participation of netizens from various regions, the debate has escalated into a verbal altercation. At present, the box office of the film has exceeded 1.7 billion yuan, but the producers, directors, screenwriters, and others have not responded positively to the doubts and criticisms from netizens, as well as the inconsistencies between the film and history. On August 12, 2023, the Sui and Tang History Society of Luoyang City entrusted Henan Luotai Law Firm to handle this matter.

Henan Luotai Law Firm also announced on August 16th that it has been commissioned to issue a lawyer's letter to the producers of the movie "Chang'an 30000 Li".

The institute stated that after its release in cinemas across the country, the movie "Chang'an 30000 Miles" received widespread praise, with considerable box office and numerous viewers, and had a wide impact on society. It played a positive role in popularizing historical knowledge, enhancing national cultural confidence, and improving the quality of domestic animated films. However, some of the plot descriptions in the film do not match the real history, and some of the stories that happen to the characters do not match the real history, which can easily mislead the audience, especially young audiences, and also harm the emotions of people in the birthplace and place of the historical characters.

After research, discussion, and analysis, the Sui and Tang Historical Society of Luoyang City believes that there are at least four plot points in the film that do not match the true history. In order to restore the true history, maintain the seriousness of history, and maintain the authenticity of important historical figures and events, the society has entrusted our company to send a lawyer's letter to Shanghai Zhuguang Film Industry Co., Ltd., the producer of "Chang'an 30000 Miles", and the film directors Xie Junwei and Zou Jing, requesting the producers and directors to correct the discrepancies in the film plot and apologize to the audience.

Henan Luotai Law Firm stated that after accepting the commission, they assigned lawyers Qu Jianwei, Qiu Shuaibiao, Fang Jiaming, and Huang Xuan to form a legal team. Through watching movies, collecting historical materials, and interviewing professional researchers from the Sui and Tang History Society in Luoyang, they produced a "Lawyer's Letter" and sent it to Shanghai Zhuguang Film Co., Ltd. by mail on August 13, 2023.

According to the website of the Luoyang Sui and Tang History Society, it is a social organization approved by the Luoyang Civil Affairs Bureau and managed by the Luoyang Social Science Federation. Its unified social credit code is 51410300358421539G. The Luoyang Sui and Tang History Society accepts business guidance from the Chinese Tang History Society and the Chinese Empress Wu Research Association.

The reporter from Pengpai News noticed that the Chinese animated film "Chang'an 30000 Li", which has achieved both good reputation and box office, has recently encountered controversy. A netizen from Luoyang, Henan suggested that in the film, Li Bai and Du Fu first met in Luoyang, and the location was changed to Chang'an; The combination of Li Bai's poetry, Pei Min's sword dance, and Zhang Xu's cursive script has also been changed from Luoyang to Yangzhou, believing that movies "do not respect history" and "hurt the emotions of the people of Luoyang".

Regarding this, according to previous reports by Shangguan News, Hu Zhongxing, an expert in poetry and the president of Shanghai Juequn Poetry Society, stated that in the third year of Tianbao's reign, Li Bai was granted a golden reward by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang for offending influential figures and left Chang'an, where he met Du Fu in Luoyang. He believes that as the "twin stars" in the Tang Dynasty poetry scene, Li Du's first meeting was a significant event in history and culture, and theoretically should not be easily changed. "It is indeed inappropriate to change the location of such a large event." He suggests using one or two lines to convey the historical fact that the two met for the first time in Luoyang without changing the design of the play.

"Chang'an 30000 Miles" is an animated film that has been recreated on a historical basis and has a certain degree of fantasy. In this sense, it is not a problem whether Luoyang is still Chang'an. In the view of Cheng Bo, Executive Dean of Shanghai Vancouver Film Academy and Vice Dean of Shanghai University Shanghai Film Academy, attention cannot be paid to details and authenticity from an artistic perspective. Ms. Zhang, who works as a screenwriter, also agrees with this viewpoint: "In this movie, 'Chang'an' is more like an abstract reference, making important stories happen on the same stage with symbolic significance. Film and television works should have their independence. For scholars of literature and history, this detail cannot be changed, but it can be appropriately changed in film creation."

At the roadshow, the main creator of "Three Thousand Miles in Chang'an" was also asked by the audience why the plot belonging to Luoyang had been changed. The director of the film, Xie Junwei, admitted that the meeting between Li and Du took place in Luoyang in historical records, and the film is presented from a perspective of Gao Shi. "Whether we see Li Bai or Du Fu, they are actually some of their life trajectories that are not fully displayed in our film."

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