Why be so sexy and exposed? Investigation on the phenomenon of adult children's clothing: Girl's clothing protection | Related | Parents | Exposure | Children's clothing | Minors | Children | Children

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:24 AM

On July 10th, a calligraphy class in Beijing welcomed the first batch of students this summer. Most of them were 6 to 8 years old and had just started elementary school. One of the little girls caught the attention of Teacher Zhu in the calligraphy class for her attire.

"Black stockings, backless clothing, and a half exposed front chest, these overly sexy outfits for adults, appeared openly on a primary school girl. She even told me that wearing them this way can make her legs look slender and long. How old does a child need to do this?" Seeing this situation, Teacher Zhu immediately called the parents, hoping that they could change their child's outfit, but to their surprise, the parents didn't take it seriously.

"Is overly revealing children's clothing really suitable for children? Maybe I'm outdated, but I still think it's not appropriate for children to wear such sexy clothes," sighed Teacher Zhu.

In recent years, some children's clothing with mature styles as selling points has become popular in the market. Off the back skirts, off the shoulder outfits, and off the navel outfits, which are also considered "sexy" for adults, have been made into children's clothing and appeared in the children's clothing market. On e-commerce platforms, there are many photos of sexy child models as promotional images for products; On social media platforms, there are also many parents sharing their designed "spicy girl outfits" for their children.

Why do these children wear more revealing children's clothing? Is mature children's clothing really suitable for children? A reporter from the Legal Daily recently conducted an investigation into this matter.

Wearing sexy poses to seduce

Children's milk spicy style is becoming popular

"Heavy weight, careful machine, backless dress, 2023 new"... Looking at these words alone, Ms. Zhao, a young mother from Nanyang City, Henan Province, who was browsing the products, did not feel inappropriate. However, when she carefully examined the product details, she realized that this was actually a "children's daily black dress".

"Am I too sensitive, but why do clothes for children aged three or five have a backless appearance? If it weren't for the word 'girl', I would have thought it was some special size adult spicy girl outfit." Ms. Zhao said, seeing a girl's backless appearance at first glance was really uncomfortable.

"Over the years, the clothes of adults are getting younger and younger, and the clothes of children are getting sexier and sexier, and some people's aesthetic values are really becoming more and more morbid." Ms. Zhao roast, "Every day, report the edging, report the bad child, and your children can't dress well."

The reporter saw on the e-commerce platform that several stores selling children's model costumes used promotional photos, all of which were photos of children wearing sexy bikinis and runway shows. Almost all of the places that could be exposed were exposed. Straps, short skirts, navel baring outfits, spicy girl vibes... It's hard to imagine these outfits as children's outfits, and some children's clothing may even be labeled as "spicy girl outfit", "bra", "leopard print", and so on.

It is understood that this is currently a popular "milk spicy style", which roughly means that young children who dress mature and sexy, but also have a strong milk flavor, giving them a feeling of spicy girls.

In addition to revealing clothing, the photography posture of children in the milk and spicy style also attracts attention.

On the internet, a photo of a spicy and creamy girl has become popular. Can you imagine that this is just a outfit for a girl who looks only four or five years old, with tight skirts, low cut outfits, high heels? If it's just that, it can still be explained as cute and funny, but in public, the posture is either bending down and pouting, or various curves of the body - sexy posture combined with a childlike face, looks extremely mismatched.

There are also many opposing voices in the comment section: "This outfit is not suitable for children", "There are many bad people online and in reality, so it is better to dress children in loose and comfortable clothes as much as possible"

A kindergarten manager in Shanghai, who declined to be named, said that more and more little girls are wearing suspenders, bras, and backless clothes in summer. "There are three or four little girls in each class who wear revealing clothes, and the more obvious they are in the larger class, the more obvious it is. Some children also show serious comparison psychology.".

When the reporter visited multiple shopping malls in Tianjin and Beijing recently, although they did not find overly exposed children's clothing, according to sales reports, in recent years, many parents have bought suspender skirts and ultra short skirts for their children, and some overly cartoonish clothes may also be disliked by children.

Since Grandma Wang moved to her home in Wuhan, Hubei, neighbors often hear her arguing with her daughter Ms. Li about whether she can make her 6-year-old granddaughter Mengmeng dress too revealing.

Since Mengmeng was 4 years old, Ms. Li has been carefully packaging her daughter, learning from online fashion videos to dress her up like a little adult. These adult "sexy" clothes, such as suspenders, bras, hip lifting pants, backless clothing, and navel exposed clothing, occupy Mengmeng's wardrobe. And these clothes are not cheap, ranging from a few hundred to thousands of yuan.

Grandma Wang was very worried about this: "Wearing such revealing clothes to play outside is not enough."

Under the banner of dressing freely

Actually, it affects children's three perspectives

On social media platforms, reporters have found that more and more parents are sharing their children's milk and spicy style notes when dressing up. For example, children who are "forced to mature" appear on the subway and street: showing their chests and waist is not enough, and they also need to wear small leather bags and pearl necklaces for fashion shows; 1: 1. Reproduce adult spicy attire, perfectly replicating the posture of posing with hips straight, hips crossed, and shoulders twisted; Some toes were painted with bright red nail polish. Coupled with copywriting such as "Several people said I was wearing this outfit for my child today" and "It is said that this is a style that the old father does not allow his daughter to wear? I don't care, it's what Ma Ma likes." Children have become a means to attract traffic.

Some online stores have also targeted this business opportunity. A certain children's clothing online store was fined 2000 yuan and closed for 3 days by e-commerce platforms for posting pictures of children's clothing products that were not neatly worn. However, the online store believed that the pictures of the goods were just to show the material of the clothes, and there was no subjective malice to spread soft porn. The platform punished improperly, and sued the e-commerce platform to the Beijing Internet Court.

Recently, the Beijing Internet Court concluded the case of network service contract dispute. The court believes that it is legitimate for the platform operator to impose penalties based on the rules formulated by the platform when the merchant publishes illegal product information involving minors, and rejects the plaintiff's lawsuit request to withdraw the penalty measures. After the first instance judgment, neither party has filed an appeal, and the judgment in this case has now taken effect.

Although many people oppose the spicy milk style, there are also many who believe it is freedom of dressing.

Lawyer Ni Na, a partner at Beijing Yinghe Law Firm who has organized multiple girl dressing events, is also quite concerned about the popular milk and spicy style in recent years.

"Freedom of dressing refers to a person's ability to be controlled by their own will and freely choose the clothes they want to wear, without being restricted or hindered by others. Instead of asking children whether they have the right to choose clothes, it is more important to say whether there should be restrictions on their clothing standards. Faced with the increasingly adult style of children's clothing, children's aesthetic views are being subtly influenced. This orientation can actually induce early psychological maturity in children, which is not conducive to their physical and mental health growth." Ni Na said.

Wang Yawei, Director of the Criminal Law Professional Committee of Beijing Huixiang Law Firm, believes that if the distorted aesthetic values of juvenile soft pornography are spread on the internet under the guise of freedom of dress and in a cheesy and spicy style, it may be a dangerous signal of the first signs of sexualization of children. Because considering that young children are not yet physically and mentally mature, the spicy style of dressing can easily affect their aesthetic views. Over time, this can also have a negative impact on their outlook on life, world, and values.

"The popularity of milk and spicy food also exposes many problems," said Wang Yawei. For example, online live streaming platforms do not provide sufficient protection for minors, causing frequent chaos, and do not strictly block or restrict content that may harm the physical and mental health of minors; Some parents cannot establish the correct "three values" and, in order to obtain economic benefits, do not hesitate to use minors' soft pornography to attract attention and earn traffic; The standards for children's clothing are not perfect enough, and the children's clothing market lacks comprehensive industry supervision. There is a lack of corresponding regulatory regulations for the issue of adult oriented children's clothing, which leads to a blurred design boundary for children's clothing. Some businesses that lack moral bottom lines even produce adult oriented and sexualized children's clothing for profit.

Establishing a Good Aesthetic Style

Protecting the rights and interests of minors

"The Internet is not an illegal place. Some businesses, in order to attract customers, publish some photos of children's clothes that are not dressed neatly, or publish some photos of children posing in tempting positions, etc., in an attempt to make profits by advertising in the form of margin balls. In case of violation of relevant regulations, they should bear the corresponding legal responsibility." Ni Na said.

Ni Na said that minors are not yet mentally mature and often cannot be aware of potential infringement. They need special and priority attention and protection, so strict standards are even more necessary for management. On the one hand, merchants should comply with laws and regulations as well as platform related management regulations, and should not publish prohibited content in a borderline manner; On the other hand, platforms also have an obligation to assume social responsibility for protecting minors, strengthen the management and review of merchants, and impose corresponding and reasonable penalties for violations.

For exposed children's clothing, e-commerce platforms have relevant responsibilities and obligations. Parents who intentionally dress up their children and share photos on social media platforms, or require their children to do this milk and spicy style of child modeling, should also bear relevant legal responsibilities?

Wang Yawei said that according to the provisions of the Civil Code, minors under the age of 8 are persons without civil capacity, and their legal representatives shall act on their behalf to carry out civil legal acts. If parents intentionally make their children pretend to be mature and then share photos on social media, or require their children to do this kind of cheesy and spicy child model, it involves the use of their children's portrait rights. However, the parents themselves are the guardians or legal representatives of the children, and they have the right to handle portrait related matters on behalf of the children, which generally does not constitute infringement. However, the chapter on family protection in the Law on the Protection of Minors imposes certain constraints on the behavior of guardians of minors, including providing guarantees for their daily life, health, safety, and paying attention to their physiological, psychological, and emotional needs. At the same time, they are not allowed to engage in behaviors that infringe upon the physical and mental health of minors or fail to fulfill their protection obligations in accordance with the law.

According to Zhou Xiangxiang, an associate professor at the School of Education of Renmin University of China, there are no restrictive provisions directly targeting relevant issues in terms of laws and regulations. However, the absence of regulations does not mean complete freedom, which may violate public order and good customs, and may also lead to some illegal and criminal activities. If the legal boundaries are broken or subsequent illegal activities are triggered, relevant laws and regulations need to intervene to protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors.

How can we stop the unhealthy trend of exposing children's clothing and adult photography poses?

Zhou Xiang said that such a "culture" is mainly influenced by the aesthetic and social atmosphere of the adult world, and is mainly directly influenced by the mentality of parents. It is recommended to increase the content of family education, establish good home school cooperation, and establish a good aesthetic atmosphere for guardians through activities such as family education and school home school cooperation. At the same time, from the perspective of minors' privacy protection, it is suggested that Internet platform operators strengthen management and effectively protect minors' privacy with technical means. In addition, it is necessary to provide relevant warning education for parents to protect the privacy of minors, so that parents are aware of the relevant dangers, prevent illegal and criminal activities, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors.

Wang Yawei believes that with the consent of the legal guardian of the child, online stores can use children's photos for advertising, but the advertising content cannot violate public order and good customs. Social media platforms, online shopping platforms, and merchants should consider whether their business, sales, and management behaviors have infringed upon the rights and interests of minors in the process of operation and management. If a merchant uses a child's milk and spicy photos without the permission of the minor and their guardian, it may involve infringement of the child's portrait rights, privacy rights, and other civil rights. The minor's guardian can demand that they stop the infringement, apologize, or compensate for the losses.

"All citizens should fulfill their legal obligations in accordance with the law to purify the online space and protect the legitimate rights and interests of children in the dissemination of soft pornographic information or products through the use of the milk and spicy wind." Wang Yawei suggested that relevant departments should also fulfill their respective responsibilities and clean up and rectify market entities and online practitioners who use the milk and spicy wind to spread pornographic information. At the same time, we will strictly investigate the industry chain and interest chain behind the milk spicy wind, and block the corresponding ways of monetization.

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