What signal is being released?, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Office Report: State owned Assets and Central Enterprises Continuously Increase Anti Corruption Efforts Supervision Commission | Enterprises | Anti Corruption

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:25 AM

Recently, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission announced that 9 management personnel of central enterprises are undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation. Prior to this, multiple batches of management personnel from state-owned enterprises and central enterprises had reported being investigated. Since the beginning of this year, the anti-corruption efforts of state-owned assets and central enterprises have continued to increase, releasing a strong signal of continuously deepening the rectification of corruption in the field of state-owned enterprises, increasing efforts in investigating and handling cases, and being strict to the end.

The Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection listed state-owned enterprises as a key area for anti-corruption and strengthened deployment, emphasizing the resolute cleaning up of industry, systematic, and regional corruption with high risks and hidden dangers. At the same time as deepening special rectification in key areas and continuously increasing efforts to investigate and handle cases, disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels adhere to the integrated promotion of not daring to be corrupt, not wanting to be corrupt, and combine enterprise anti-corruption with risk prevention, deviation correction, loss recovery, ecological restoration, and strong immunity, promoting state-owned enterprises to create a clean and positive environment.

Pay close attention to key links such as major projects, material procurement, mergers and acquisitions, and mixed ownership reform of state-owned enterprises, and seriously investigate and punish a group of managers of state-owned enterprises who violate discipline and laws

At the same time as the centralized reporting of the review and investigation of state-owned assets and central enterprise management personnel, the reporting of individual cases of insect infestation in state-owned enterprises continues, including several central management cadres. On February 8th, Li Dong, a former member of the Party group and deputy general manager of State Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd., accepted the review and investigation; On April 5th, Li Xiaopeng, former Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Everbright Group Co., Ltd., was under review and investigation; On June 25th, Xu Wenrong, former Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Deputy General Manager of China National Petroleum Corporation Limited, accepted the review and investigation; On July 15th, Tang Shuangning, former Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Everbright Group Co., Ltd., was subjected to review and investigation.

The state-owned asset system is capital intensive and resource rich. Reporters have found that the management personnel of state-owned enterprises who have been reported and punished involve multiple fields such as energy, steel, and grain. Violations and illegal activities include relying on enterprises to support enterprises, related party transactions, rent-seeking, and profit transmission.

On February 17th, a special trial was held in Liuzhou City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. 85 party members and cadres from the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Liuzhou City, the eight major group companies under the city, and other units were present to listen. The trial was aimed at the former colleague of these state-owned enterprise managers: Wu Yunyuan, former party secretary and chairman of Liuzhou Urban Construction Investment and Development Group Co., Ltd.

Wu Yunyuan, as a key minority of state-owned enterprises, has long relied on enterprises to dominate the field of engineering construction. He has repeatedly violated normal procedures and conducted covert operations, openly and secretly providing assistance to multiple private bosses in undertaking engineering projects, receiving benefits of millions of yuan. Individual company or department leaders have adopted unprincipled accommodation and catering to Wu Yunyuan's illegal involvement in engineering projects, and the lack of internal supervision in the team has fostered his arbitrary and arbitrary style, causing serious losses to the enterprise.

Wu Miaosheng, former general manager of Shanghai Chongming Ecological Urban Construction Group Co., Ltd., also used his voice in major project construction to engage in "relying on enterprises to eat enterprises", ignored company bidding and other systems, and caused serious losses to enterprises. On May 23rd, the Chongming District Committee of Shanghai held a comprehensive warning education conference on strict governance of the Party, naming and reporting typical cases such as Wu Miaosheng, emphasizing perseverance in promoting reform through cases.

Wu Miaosheng was the former general manager of Shanghai Chongming Ecological Urban Construction Group and was sentenced to 6 years and 5 months in prison for bribery. During his over 30 years of work, he has been involved in the field of engineering construction management for a long time, involving many local livelihood projects and office spaces. Due to his significant voice in the contracting of major engineering projects, Wu Miaosheng naturally became the target of many businessmen.

Under the wave after wave of "warm" attacks from the business owner, Wu Miaosheng forgot everything and regarded the power coveted by the other party as a romantic and brotherly relationship. He always invited the "besiegers" to banquets and responded to their requests for contracting projects. The investigators told reporters that Wu Miaosheng took advantage of his position to provide assistance or promise to seek benefits for 15 business operators, including Fan, in engineering contracting and business operations. He has repeatedly accepted bribes totaling more than RMB 2.43 million and some valuable items.

State owned assets are the common wealth of all the people, and cannot be devoured by corrupt elements. The disciplinary inspection and supervision organs attach great importance to those who have not restrained themselves or acted recklessly since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. They closely monitor key links such as major projects, material procurement, mergers and acquisitions, and mixed ownership reform of state-owned enterprises, and seriously investigate and deal with a number of typical cases.

On May 12th, the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision reported 8 typical cases of "relying on enterprises to eat enterprises". Some of them take advantage of their positions by greeting the responsible persons of their subordinate units to seek benefits for the clients and accept huge bribes from them; Some people purchase the original shares of the requesting company for profit through others, acting as "shadow shareholders" and indirectly accepting bribes from it; There are also risks of significant losses to state-owned assets caused by illegal decision-making in investment. On May 30th, the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision reported 9 typical cases of violations of discipline and law in the state-owned enterprise system. From the perspective of disciplinary and illegal behavior, it mainly manifests as irregular decision-making, bribery and acceptance, violation of the spirit of the eight point regulations of the central government, illegal profit-making activities, illegal part-time remuneration, illegal interference in bidding, dereliction of duty, and other misconduct and corruption issues.

Improve the ability and level of promoting the "three non corruption" in an integrated manner, and promote state-owned enterprises to use cases to promote reform, governance, and construction

In recent years, violations of discipline and law in the field of state-owned enterprises have become increasingly invisible and mutated. Some state-owned enterprise leaders have taken advantage of their business characteristics and used seemingly normal and compliant business procedures to dress up illegal and criminal activities, iteratively updating their methods and increasing the difficulty of investigating cases.

In order to improve the ability and level of promoting the "three non corruption" in an integrated manner, the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs rely on mechanisms such as "office, group, and land" to effectively integrate multiple forces, adhere to the principles of daring to struggle and being good at fighting, comprehensively improve professional quality, enhance penetrating verification capabilities, identify "white gloves", crack down on "firewalls", expose the "legal outer layer" of shadow companies and shadow shareholders, severely punish stubborn problems such as related party transactions, rent-seeking, and interest transmission, resolutely eliminate corrupt elements who embezzle state-owned assets, and dig deep into the corruption problems behind major losses of state-owned assets.

In March, the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision deployed a special rectification work on the problem of relying on enterprises to eat enterprises, established a "office enterprise land" joint case handling model, and focused on investigating corruption issues in enterprise investment and financing, restructuring and restructuring, related party transactions, bidding and tendering, and fund management, in order to clear obstacles and safeguard the healthy development of state-owned enterprises. The Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has formulated the "Work Plan for Special Rectification of the Problem of Relying on Enterprises to Eat Enterprises in Provincial Enterprises", which lists prominent problems such as related party transactions, rent-seeking, embezzlement, and "wild geese crossing and pulling feathers" as the focus of rectification, and strictly investigates new types of corruption and hidden corruption such as "shadow shareholders", "shadow companies", and "political and commercial revolving doors". The disciplinary inspection and supervision team of the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision stationed at Sichuan Huaxi Group Co., Ltd. screens the loss items of the stationed units one by one, and classifies them into three categories: operational decision-making losses, management losses, and losses related to violations of discipline and law.

While improving the quality of case investigation and handling, the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs should address both symptoms and root causes, systematically govern, adhere to "full cycle management", deepen learning from cases, promoting reform through cases, and promoting governance through cases, so as to closely combine and coordinate strict punishment, standardized power, and educational guidance.

"In response to prominent issues such as the intervention of leading cadres in engineering projects, the Party Committee of Urban Construction Group should adhere to the collective leadership system, strictly follow rules and procedures. We should improve the mechanism for restricting the exercise of power by the Party Committee leadership team, reasonably decompose and scientifically allocate power. We should comprehensively investigate the risks and hidden dangers of integrity in the field of engineering construction, further improve the regulatory system, and form a long-term mechanism for the standardized operation of engineering projects through governance." On December 23, 2022, shortly after Wu Yunyuan was expelled from the Party and dismissed from public office, a disciplinary inspection and supervision recommendation was sent to Liuzhou Urban Construction Group, which directly pointed to the four major problems of the enterprise and listed four suggestions. The company was required to carefully learn from the profound lessons of Wu Yunyuan's serious violations of discipline and law, and solidly implement it. Do a good job in promoting reform through case studies.

In response to the problems and regulatory loopholes exposed by the case, the Liuzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has urged the units involved to carefully learn from lessons, deepen the use of cases to promote reform, investigate anti-corruption risks, and improve the internal control system. They have formulated the "List of Power and Negative List of the" Top Leader "of the Municipal Urban Construction Group," clarifying 20 approval management authorities and 10 prohibited items, revising and improving 28 internal systems such as the "three heavy and one large" decision-making, and further eliminating "blind spots" in project supervision and management.

"State owned assets and resources are not easy to come by, and the concept of promoting 'three non corruption' as a whole must be integrated throughout, focusing on the prominent problems exposed by the case, deepening the expansion and guidance of relevant units and fields to clarify problems and lessons, plugging loopholes and filling gaps, and striving to achieve systematic and root cause and root cause treatment." Officials in charge of the Chongming District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision told reporters that after investigating and punishing the Wu Miaosheng case, the local disciplinary inspection and supervision organs have deeply explored the educational effect of case resources. Through their own confession in person, party members and cadres have deeply felt the painful lesson of "people around them" becoming "people in the case.". In response to the problems and shortcomings exposed in the case, the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs have put forward disciplinary inspection and supervision suggestions around strengthening internal management, promoting the continuous improvement of the company's system and governance capabilities.

Comprehensively and strictly governing the Party leads to ensuring the high-quality development of enterprises, promoting the strengthening, optimization, and expansion of state-owned enterprises, and better serving national strategies

As of April 2023, the company's total assets amounted to 7.074 billion yuan, with a debt to asset ratio of 21.95%. The company has returned to the right track and achieved high-quality development. Recently, Sichuan Jinyu Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. released its transcript, injecting new vitality into the company's development as it solidly carried out the work of "promoting reform through cases" and fundamentally restored the political ecology.

Jinyu Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. was established in November 2007 and is a state-owned financing guarantee company approved by the Sichuan Provincial State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. It is affiliated with Sichuan Energy Investment Group Jinding Company. In the past period of time, corrupt individuals led by former members of the leadership team of Jin Yu Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd., such as Bo Haibin, Qiu Jianchao, and Gou Yinming, relied on enterprises to eat and seek personal gain, colluded with some private enterprise owners both internally and externally, and transmitted benefits, seriously undermining the risk prevention and control mechanism, resulting in a decline in the company's business quality and market reputation.

In response to the frequent occurrence of violations of discipline and law by enterprises, which have caused significant loss of state-owned assets, the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has used methods such as joint handling of cases by departments, groups, and regions to further increase the intensity of case investigation and punishment. At the same time, it has played a leading and safeguarding role in comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, promoting enterprises to integrate party building work into corporate governance, and implementing the comprehensive leadership of the Party in all aspects of the company, in order to recover a large amount of losses for the enterprise.

Bo Haibin once served as the Secretary and Chairman of the Party Branch of Jinyu Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. The Bo Haibin case is the first case in Sichuan Province to be jointly investigated by the government and local authorities. Under the coordination and guidance of the Sixth Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Luzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision stationed at the Provincial Energy Investment Group jointly reviewed and investigated. Through recovering stolen goods and losses, they confirmed a debt of 330 million yuan, recovered cash of 1.5 million yuan, and added collateral worth 60 million yuan, effectively safeguarding the safety of state-owned assets.

In response to multiple cases that have exposed the weakening of Party leadership, the lack of Party building, and the autocratic behavior of the top leaders, the Party Committee of Sichuan Energy Investment Group and the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee stationed at the Energy Investment Group adhere to the "strict" tone without wavering, closely monitoring key minorities such as the "top leaders" and the leadership team, and deeply exploring and investigating issues such as "relying on enterprises to eat enterprises", power rent-seeking, related party transactions, and interest transmission. After Bo Haibin, the former leaders Qiu Jianchao, Gou Yinming, and the remaining six suspected criminals were severely punished. Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the responsibility behind the significant losses of state-owned assets, clarify the responsibilities of 37 individuals, and provide corresponding measures.

After in-depth rectification, Jinyu Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. has regained vitality. As of the end of 2022, the company's operating income, total profit, and net profit have increased by 6 times, 15 times, and 53 times respectively; The business scale has increased from 2.666 billion yuan to 31.696 billion yuan, ranking among the top three in Sichuan and 15th in the country, an increase of 10 times compared to before the capital increase.

The disciplinary inspection and supervision organs, in conjunction with the key cases investigated, focus on discovering common problems among similar enterprises, and simultaneously plan to use cases to promote reform, governance, and construction. Adhere to treating both the root cause and the root cause, and carry out systematic governance, further make good use of case notifications, supervise the continuous implementation of disciplinary inspection and supervision suggestions, deepen source control, strengthen institutional construction, and plug regulatory loopholes. Shoot special films and compile confessions based on typical cases, carry out solid warning education, and guide party members, cadres, and employees to draw lessons from others.


Strict investigation of pests, prevention of risks, and recovery of losses

Escort the high-quality development of state-owned enterprises

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