Journey to the Sea: Entering Africa ④ | One Channel Clear Water Diversion Project | Cooperation | Africa

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:09 PM

Both sides should enhance political mutual trust, improve dialogue mechanisms, and build strategic partnerships; Taking production capacity cooperation as the starting point, promoting the alignment of development strategies between China and Africa, and supporting Africa to prioritize solving the two major development bottlenecks of lagging infrastructure and insufficient talent; Strengthen exchanges in disease prevention and control, humanities and other fields, and create new highlights of China Africa cooperation.

-On December 3, 2015, Xi Jinping pointed out when meeting with African Union Commission Chairman Zuma

notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

The Atlantic coast, the waves of the 21st century, are beating against the ancient land of Africa.

The coastal city of Cotonou in Benin, with an average elevation of only 1 meter, enjoys the generous gifts of nature, but also suffers from long-term waterlogging problems.

China's infrastructure strength is here! They came to this West African coastal city, aiming at the outdated and backward river network, dredging and dredging, competing with water for the city, and benefiting the people, bringing Cotonou a long and beautiful green bank.

Hunan Daily All Media Reporter Huang Lifei

After a flight of about 20 hours, at around 11:30 am local time on March 27th, the reporter arrived at the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean and over the Republic of Benin in West Africa.

Looking down from a height of ten thousand meters, the city of Cotonou in Benin is almost at sea level, with the sea and sky in one color.

Cotonou is the largest port city in Benin, with an average elevation of only 1 meter. The long rainy season, low-lying terrain, and imperfect drainage system have led to severe urban waterlogging.

In the handshake between China and Africa spanning mountains and seas, improving infrastructure connectivity and enhancing people's well-being is the original intention and inheritance of generations of friendship. The rainwater treatment project in Cotonou, Benin, undertaken by Hunan Road and Bridge Construction Group, will be delivered as a whole by the end of this year.

On the evening of March 27th, Cotonou experienced heavy rain throughout the night.

Journey to the Sea: Entering Africa ④ | One Channel Clear Water Diversion Project | Cooperation | Africa

The next morning, several Hunanese figures appeared at the construction site of the drainage ditch in the 10th district of Cotonou.

"The water pump is moving over there, the excavator is coming over here, how many people are needed..." Liu Kadi, the manager of the Benin Cotonou Rainwater Treatment Project at Hunan Road and Bridge, wore a safety helmet and reflective vest, and loudly dispatched personnel and equipment.

Tropical, seaside, where high temperatures and water vapor blend, the rainy season in Benin lasts for up to 6 months a year. The rain was pouring profusely, but it often accumulated on the road, blocked the river, and even overflowed into the house.

"When it rains, hide indoors and use bricks to raise the mattress before going to bed." Keane Laura, who has lived in Cotonou for more than 40 years, told reporters that even in light rain, one must roll up their pants and wade barefoot to go out.

The greatest righteousness of China Africa relations is to use China's development to support Africa's development, ultimately achieving mutual benefit and common development.

The lagging infrastructure hinders the development of Africa. Chinese construction enterprises, including multiple Hunan enterprises, actively participate in infrastructure cooperation in areas such as transportation, municipal engineering, and people's livelihoods in Africa.

In August 2021, Hunan Road and Bridge Construction Group undertook the construction of the Cotonou Rainwater Treatment Project, a major national livelihood project in Benin supported by the World Bank. The project was responsible for road improvement, river cleaning, and drainage channel construction in the 10th and 4th districts of Cotonou City.

On March 29th, the construction site of the drainage channel for the Cotonou Rainwater Treatment Project in Benin. Reported by Chen Meng and Gu Rong, a full media reporter from Hunan Daily, through photography

The people from Hunan Road and Bridge, who are used to big projects, encountered small troubles this time.

Earthwork construction, excavators should be used first. Lifting the arm, extending the arm, lowering the shovel, digging the soil... As usual, the next step is to excavate and pour the material. Who ever thought that when a bucket dug up, half was mud and half was water.

The local workers were at a loss, and the Hunan people relied on their experience to construct. As the groundwater level was high, they first solved the problem of groundwater interference.

The drainage equipment quickly entered the site. First, bury filter pipes around the foundation pit, and then use a water pump to discharge the water that seeps out of the soil

Journey to the Sea: Entering Africa ④ | One Channel Clear Water Diversion Project | Cooperation | Africa

Experience can sometimes be unbeatable to the environment.

It's easy to pump out water, but it's not easy to drain it smoothly. At the construction site, the reporter stood by the drainage channel, unable to see the water, grass, and road conditions clearly.

"Immersed in groundwater year-round, there are many swamps here, and the drainage is not smooth." The on-site person in charge, Zhou Hao, reminded to be careful when walking.

Zhou Hao told reporters that in early March, a excavator suddenly sank during dredging operations, with half of its body sinking into a swamp.

In order to rescue the excavator from the mud, the project team worked overnight to find a solution.

Circle a 600 square meter area around the rescue point as the center; First, excavate the silt in this area, drain the water, and then fill it with waste sand. Once it is confirmed that the area can carry large equipment, bulldozers, loaders, and excavators should all be mobilized. It took several days to salvage the sunken excavator.

A fall into a ditch makes you wiser. Hunan construction workers change their construction strategies. Before construction, use small equipment to explore the road and assess the situation; The arm of the excavator for formal homework has been extended from 9 meters to 15 meters; To balance the body, several hundred kilograms of iron blocks are added to the rear of the device

Local excavator operator Salomon sighed, "I've seen this kind of operation for the first time. Hunan people work very hard and are very good at finding ways!"

The Hunan builders who ventured into Africa were adept at overcoming all difficulties, creating conditions, and smoothly advancing project construction. They often say, "There are always more ways than difficulties."

The beauty of Cotonou is the sea, the beach, and the gentle breeze with a hint of seafood.

Local resident Rosetta Anick used to go to the beach to play when he was young, but when he grew up, he wore a floral long dress. Instead, he didn't like going: "The smell of water on the road is strong, and I don't like the feeling of mud splashing on my body."

Now, the Cotonou rainwater treatment project is nearing completion, with a mostly completed brick paved road passing through her doorstep, clearing her travel difficulties. Recently, Rosetta Anik often had her husband ride a motorcycle to take her to the market or the beach.

Journey to the Sea: Entering Africa ④ | One Channel Clear Water Diversion Project | Cooperation | Africa

In Cotonou, Hunan builders laid many high standard roads.

On March 29th, Zakari, the driver of the Cotonou Rainwater Treatment Project, took reporters to Cotonou District 1 to see their most beautiful municipal "scenery".

This is the first project undertaken by Hunan Road and Bridge in Benin - the asphalt road project, which was also an important component of infrastructure construction in Benin's "government action plan" at that time.

Municipal project in Cotonou, Benin.

From afar, the refreshing asphalt road stretches straight into the distance like a ribbon; The car drives smoothly and comfortably on the road surface; Get off the car and take a closer look. The asphalt particles on the road are fine and evenly spread.

In 2021, the project passed the acceptance with "zero rectification", setting a precedent for construction projects in Benin.

"The Chinese have created a model project for our country." Melsman, the chief engineer of the Benin side of the Cotonou Rainwater Treatment Project, remembers that after the completion and acceptance of the asphalt road project, multiple international contractors came to observe and learn.

The national model project is not easy to build.

Asphalt is known as the "black gold" in the field of engineering, and the ratio of asphalt to concrete is crucial for smooth and durable roads. Hunan Road and Bridge technicians sent samples to both the central laboratory in France and China for repeated comparative testing, ultimately obtaining the optimal ratio.

There are also unforeseen emergencies.

On the sidewalks on both sides of the asphalt road, the road surface is paved with fishbone shaped tiles, bright and orderly, with distinctive features. Liu Kadi sighed, "The most frustrating part of the entire project is here."

Originally, when the asphalt road project first started, materials such as floor tiles had already been produced in large quantities according to the previous curved design style, but the owner suddenly requested a change in style.

Journey to the Sea: Entering Africa ④ | One Channel Clear Water Diversion Project | Cooperation | Africa

In domestic engineering projects, it is convenient to schedule the materials needed. But in Africa, key materials need to be prepared six months in advance.

This change means that the cost will increase and the construction period will be extended.

Repeatedly discussing and sending samples, after months of tinkering, the curved floor tiles were replaced with fishbone shaped tiles, and finally approval was obtained.

However, it takes several months to find and determine suppliers for the production molds of new style floor tiles. "When the first new style floor tile was officially laid, it was already six months later than the original construction schedule," Liu Kadi said. However, in the end, the project was not only completed on schedule, but the quality standards also greatly exceeded the standards set by the Benin government.

On March 28th, project manager Liu Kadi introduced the situation at the mud burial site.

The first project undertaken by Hunan Road and Bridge was awarded the Cotonou Urban Construction Contribution Award. In February 2023, the project was rated as one of the "Top Ten Projects" by the Hunan China Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation Promotion Research Association.

With experience in asphalt road projects, Hunan people are committed to making the Cotonou rainwater treatment project a model project in Benin.

The project is gradually progressing, and rainwater can smoothly enter the river through drainage channels. The changes in the urban area are visible to the naked eye.

"The environment is much better!" Clarice, who lives near the construction site, told reporters that in the past, after every rain, the accumulated water at her doorstep would reach her calves. Now, small puddles only appear when it rains heavily.

Clarissa and his neighbors were full of anticipation: "After the overall completion of the project, there will be no more worries about waterlogging."

At present, the project has reached its most urgent rush period. At the Hunan Road and Bridge Station in Benin, almost every day we are studying how to seize time, advance progress, and ensure quality.

On March 30th, the reporter arrived at the station, where office buildings and dormitory buildings were arranged in rows; Concrete stations, prefabrication plants, etc. make a loud noise.

Journey to the Sea: Entering Africa ④ | One Channel Clear Water Diversion Project | Cooperation | Africa

Li Jianmiao, the regional leader of Hunan Road and Bridge in Central and West Africa, introduced that the station covers an area of more than 40000 square meters. Due to the inability of foreign enterprises to purchase land locally, they rented it for 50 years in one go.

"In the 10 years since the 'Belt and Road' initiative was put forward, China-Africa cooperation has continued to develop in an all-round, multi-level and high-quality manner, especially at the end of 2022, President Xi Jinping and President Talon of Benin exchanged congratulatory messages celebrating the 50th anniversary of the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries, pointing out the need to deepen cooperation in various fields within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Forum on China-Africa-Africa Cooperation. It is exciting!" Li Jianmiao said that he has the determination and confidence to take root here and work for a long time.

Rooted in Africa, seeking common development and mutual benefit, this is the aspiration of Hunan's infrastructure forces to go global.

At the end of March, a large-scale recruitment was conducted for the Cotonou rainwater treatment project, attracting a large number of applicants.

Hunan Road and Bridge has gained great fame in Benin, recruiting a large number of local employees and creating numerous employment opportunities for the local area.

At present, the Cotonou rainwater treatment project has only 34 Chinese personnel, with over 460 local employees and over 600 local employees during peak hours.

In order to orderly and harmoniously mobilize everyone's work enthusiasm, Hunan Road and Bridge has formulated detailed institutional norms, and regularly organizes cultural and entertainment activities such as ball games, distributing free sports clothing and shoes.

On March 30th, at the recruitment site of the Cotonou Rainwater Treatment Project in Benin, many job seekers were submitting their resumes.

"Only with active and professional cooperation from workers can the project proceed smoothly. We provide systematic and professional training to local employees, and the local government spares no effort in providing support." Ji Zhilin, the business manager of the Cotonou Rainwater Treatment Project, said, "Everyone is working together to promote the project construction.".

At the beginning of 2022, the project is about to start, but the location of the waste soil field for drying the river silt has not been determined yet.

Without this waste soil field, there is no place to pile up the silt in the river after cleaning it up, and there is no way to start the project construction.

The Technical Service Department of Cotonou City Government dispatched a dedicated person to discuss countermeasures and conduct on-site searches, and quickly identified an open space. Through efficient communication from multiple parties, the land permit was obtained in just one and a half months, setting a new record for the speed of land acquisition in the construction of the Cotonou project.

Journey to the Sea: Entering Africa ④ | One Channel Clear Water Diversion Project | Cooperation | Africa

To carry out infrastructure cooperation, Hunan enterprises not only help the country where the project is located improve its infrastructure, but also focus on helping it enhance its ability to independently build infrastructure, achieving the goal of "teaching people to fish".

When they first arrived at the construction site, many Benin employees carried bricks on their heads according to their daily habits. Chinese workers patiently demonstrate and teach them more scientific working methods and more efficient use of tools.

Communication and collaboration require language proficiency. "Attention! Attention!" "Adding cement... excavator excavator" "à gauche! à gauche!"... At the construction site, reporters occasionally hear the sounds of daily simple French and engineering professional Chinese mixed together.

Technology is the best language for builders. Others may not understand, but the workers cooperate well.

Under this effective "construction site common language" communication, local employees' professional skills continue to improve and their construction experience continues to grow.

Pierre was a laborer recruited during the construction of the asphalt road project for Hunan Road and Bridge. He, who only has a college degree, is diligent and ambitious, and has been promoted from a laborer to a team leader and class monitor.

At the Cotonou Rainwater Treatment Project, Pierre has grown into a pipeline technician in the project department, capable of leading a team responsible for the relocation of the power grid, water network, and telecommunications network.

During municipal construction, it is inevitable to cut off water pipes. Previously, it was reported to the Benin National Water Network and personnel were sent to the site for maintenance. The process was complex and the procedures were numerous, and it took three or four days to connect.

"It can be solved in 10 to 15 minutes now," Liu Cardi said, thanks to the "pipeline repair team" led by Pierre.

"After working for more than 4 years, my salary has increased several times." Pierre told reporters that he used to not even know how to save money in the bank, but now he has earned money, built a house, started a family, and a child is about to be born.

In his view, Chinese companies not only help them with construction, but also teach them technology, which has truly improved their living conditions.

Pierre cherishes his current job opportunity very much, and his family also values it very much. Before going to work every day, Pierre's father often reminds him, "Work hard and don't be lazy."

Journey to the Sea: Entering Africa ④ | One Channel Clear Water Diversion Project | Cooperation | Africa

The father also told Ji Zhilin that if Pierre did something wrong at work, please inform him in a timely manner and he will come to the scene to urge his son to correct it.

Because there is a sense of identification, belonging, and honor towards Chinese companies, the local people's feelings towards China are also extraordinary. Pierre told the builders of Hunan to build canals, roads and bridges... with their excellent technology, they helped the countries along the "the Belt and Road" to connect their facilities; Write touching stories of genuine and enthusiastic communication between the Chinese and African peoples.

Journalist's Notes

Good friend, good partner, good brother

Huang Lifei

The Cotonou Rainwater Treatment Project is not a large project, but construction is carried out right at the doorstep of residents walking through streets and alleys. The people of Cotonou provided the greatest understanding and support.

This is due to the expectation of improving the living environment, and it is also moved by the sincere goodwill of the Chinese construction party. Chinese people get along harmoniously with locals. It is not only clear who is going to get married, but they also go to celebrate and often buy some daily necessities to visit impoverished families.

When benefits intersect, when benefits are exhausted, they scatter; Intersect with potential, tilt away with potential; Only with the intersection of hearts can one achieve their longevity. Why is China Africa relations good? Why is the friendship between China and Africa deep? The key is that the Chinese and African people have jointly cultivated a long-standing spirit of friendly cooperation.

On March 30th, Hunan builders and local employees took photos after a friendly football match on the beach in Cotonou, Benin.

In the interview, there was a memorable detail: when there was no place to place materials such as cement and sand for project construction, nearby residents immediately suggested leaving their yard; The Chinese construction company, as a gesture of gratitude, has hired these individuals as custodians and paid them wages on a daily basis.

In Cotonou, Chinese construction workers have shown sincere affection towards the local residents and gained trust and cooperation; Get along with local employees like "good buddies", and they also see them as reliable friends and sincere partners. The sincere friendship of mutual understanding and agreement makes people feel like basking in spring breeze and moved in their arms.

The Chinese people and the people of Benin have empathy, mutual respect and love, which has nurtured efficient, high-quality, and beneficial cooperation for the people. It also vividly interprets the true meaning of good friends, partners, and brothers between China and Africa.

Journey to the Sea: Entering Africa ④ | One Channel Clear Water Diversion Project | Cooperation | Africa

The voice of "going out to sea"

Cai Dianwei, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Hunan Jiantou Group:

The "the Belt and Road" initiative provides an effective path for building a community with a shared future for mankind and promoting common prosperity in the world. As the chairman unit of the Hunan Provincial Construction Industry "Going Global" Strategic Cooperation Alliance, Hunan Construction Investment Group will leverage the platform of the China Africa Economic and Trade Expo to effectively accelerate the pace of "going global", deeply integrate into the "Belt and Road", especially the African market, and make greater contributions to promoting economic development, improving infrastructure, employment, and improving people's livelihoods, demonstrating the responsibility of Chinese enterprises in win-win cooperation.

Wang Shufei, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Hunan Road and Bridge Group:

In the context of the new development pattern of "double circulation" at home and abroad and the continuous deepening of the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road", Hunan Road and Bridge will actively practice the new development concept, strive to be the pacesetter of "Hunan enterprises going out to sea", make the brand of "Road and Bridge Hunan Army" better and stronger, forge ahead towards the goal of "world-class", and contribute to the power of Hunan Road and Bridge to continuously promote the community of shared future for mankind.

Zhou Qiang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Hunan Transportation International Economic Engineering Cooperation Co., Ltd.:

The mountains and seas are far apart, and the transportation is connected to Hunan. Transportation Guohe Company has been deeply rooted in the African market for more than 30 years, effectively driving employment and promoting local economic and livelihood development. In recent years, China Africa cooperation has continued to deepen and solidify. We will continue to leverage our advantages in infrastructure construction, international trade, and other areas, take practical responsibilities, seize opportunities, and work closely with the vast number of "going out" enterprises to contribute Hunan enterprises to the high-quality development of China Africa economic and trade cooperation.

African voice

Ambassador of Benin to China, Simon Adoveland:

The achievements of cooperation between Benin and China have an impact on all important areas of the people's lives in Benin, including health, education, industry, infrastructure, trade, and investment.

Hentix Roman Ahujigino, Executive Deputy Mayor of Cotonou City, Benin:

The government's implementation of rainwater treatment projects is determined to solve the water problem in Cotonou. We believe that Hunan Road and Bridge has the strength and technology to complete the project construction in accordance with international standards for rainwater discharge, thereby enhancing Cotonou's ability to resist floods and improving people's living environment.

Journey to the Sea: Entering Africa ④ | One Channel Clear Water Diversion Project | Cooperation | Africa

Pierre, Pipeline Technician of Hunan Road and Bridge Cotonou Rainwater Treatment Project:

I never thought I would be so lucky. At first, I just wanted to find a job in a Chinese company to support my family, but Chinese people impart skills without reservation. As long as I am diligent and hardworking, I can be recognized and trusted.

Children living near drainage construction sites.


Promote infrastructure construction and "increase" the well-being of people's livelihoods

The infrastructure sector has always been an important part of China Africa cooperation. The Beijing summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in 2018 took "infrastructure connectivity" as one of the "eight actions". China and the African Union started to prepare the "China Africa Infrastructure Cooperation Plan", and China Africa infrastructure cooperation entered a "golden age".

Promote infrastructure construction, empower economic development, and enhance people's well-being. Nowadays, China Africa cooperation has built over 10000 kilometers of railways, nearly 100000 kilometers of roads, nearly a thousand bridges, and nearly a hundred ports.

A group of Hunan enterprises, including Hunan Construction Investment Group, China Construction Fifth Bureau, China Hydroelectric Eighth Bureau, and Hunan Zhongyang Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., have opened up markets in multiple African countries such as Ethiopia, Kenya, Egypt, and Rwanda, and have been deeply cultivating in some countries for decades. A number of iconic infrastructure projects and livelihood projects have successively landed.

In Ethiopia, when Hunan Construction Investment Group built the Bahadar Marcos Highway, it achieved the "Chinese speed" of paving 100 kilometers of asphalt oil surface in a single dry season. After the road was opened for more than 10 years, the quality was excellent and the use was as good as new, and it was listed as a quality and progress model by the country.

In the Republic of Djibouti, Hunan Construction Investment and Installation Group Co., Ltd. has renovated and upgraded its domestic water pipeline network, alleviating the local water shortage problem.

In C ô te d'Ivoire, the construction of the Abidjan Fourth Bridge by China Construction Fifth Bureau has greatly improved the traffic conditions between the central government and the most populous areas, reducing the travel time from 2 hours during peak hours to 15 minutes. The construction of the Algerian north-south highway project has been praised for "bridging the lifeline from the Mediterranean to the Sahara.".

In Uganda, Hunan Water Machinery and Electrical Equipment Complete Technology Co., Ltd. has built a water plant with a daily water supply of 16000 tons, providing clean tap water for the surrounding people.

Journey to the Sea: Entering Africa ④ | One Channel Clear Water Diversion Project | Cooperation | Africa


In the 1970s and 1980s, during the Chinese government's aid to African projects, Hunan's infrastructure forces engaged in labor cooperation with central enterprises through "borrowing ships to go to sea", dispatching construction personnel to the site for construction, and undertaking part of the supply of construction equipment and materials.

At the beginning of the 21st century, they participated in market bidding, participated in a series of projects such as the World Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and built a complete team of technical talents to achieve "sailing abroad".

In recent years, Hunan enterprises have fully docked with the national "the Belt and Road" construction, established brand image in Africa through high-quality project quality and service, actively integrated into the international market competition mechanism, established strategic cooperation with some domestic enterprises, gradually developed to the upstream of the industry, and achieved "shipbuilding to the sea".

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