Here's the evidence, don't say there are aliens in Sanxingdui anymore! Their relatives come from the ancient Shu people of northwest China | relatives | Sanxingdui

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:58 PM

"Originally, ancient Shu people also popular ear piercing."

"5000 years ago, the relatives of the ancient Shu people may have been from the northwest."

"Chengdu people ate rice 4500 years ago."

"Searching for Ancient China: Records of Ancient Shu" has exploded in popularity after its broadcast

Netizens flock to become "online archaeologists"

Here's the evidence, don't say there are aliens in Sanxingdui anymore! Their relatives come from the ancient Shu people of northwest China | relatives | Sanxingdui

The ancient Shu land that was once flooded and desolate

Why has it become the current "Land of Abundance"?

Get the wisdom of ancient Shu people together ↓↓


Wearing Sichuan brocade, eating hot pot, punching ear holes

Here's the evidence, don't say there are aliens in Sanxingdui anymore! Their relatives come from the ancient Shu people of northwest China | relatives | Sanxingdui

How many do you know about "fashionable items" from ancient Shu?

The "tailcoat" of a bronze statue of a towering figure

Surprisingly, it was Shu brocade from over 3000 years ago?

This 2.62 meter tall and 180 kilogram "King of Bronze Statues", in addition to the posture of holding a "selfie stick", is also intrigued by the exquisite dress of three layers of "heavy work" on its body. The inheritors of intangible cultural heritage have restored 7 pieces of silk fabrics based on silk fragments. Archaeologists speculate that the thinner ones may be clothing from ancient Shu people, while the thicker ones may be writing carriers from the Sanxingdui people.

Drinking small wine and eating "hot pot"

Here's the evidence, don't say there are aliens in Sanxingdui anymore! Their relatives come from the ancient Shu people of northwest China | relatives | Sanxingdui

Thousands of years ago, the life of ancient Shu people was too comfortable

The discovery of Zun Fou is an archaeological evidence of ancient Shu people drinking alcohol; Tao tripod drinking utensil, with a bottom for cooking and a top for cooking. Netizen: Is this the "ancestor" of Sichuan hotpot? There are scenes of ancient Shu people cooking "hot pot"!

More than 3000 years ago, the ancient Shu people had the shape of "lifting a sliding rod"

Surprisingly synchronized with modern Sichuan people and gods

More than 3000 years ago, ancient Shu people also "lifted sliding poles"? This uniquely shaped and intricately crafted bronze altar has amazed archaeologists. How was it manufactured with such complexity and precision? Revealing the internal structure through X-ray examination ↓↓

Here's the evidence, don't say there are aliens in Sanxingdui anymore! Their relatives come from the ancient Shu people of northwest China | relatives | Sanxingdui

How knowledgeable were the ancient Shu people about fashion?

These top tier cultural relics are breathtaking

How luxurious were the beds of ancient Shu people? Archaeologists spent 10 years sorting out and restoring the earliest and most complete painted bed discovered in China so far. Its exquisite craftsmanship and vibrant colors are still aesthetically pleasing thousands of years later!

The turtle shaped grid shaped bronze ware, known as the "treasure of pit No. 7", has a unique shape and was first discovered not only in Sanxingdui, but also in the entire Shang Dynasty bronze ware. Netizens exclaim that it looks like a "barbecue grill" or "waffles"!

Thick sword eyebrows, garlic nose, goldfish eyes These natural "emoji packs" from the Jinsha Site and Sanxingdui, in addition to their unique appearance, also have "identical" ear holes. Netizen: Ear piercing was popular among ancient Shu people thousands of years ago!

Here's the evidence, don't say there are aliens in Sanxingdui anymore! Their relatives come from the ancient Shu people of northwest China | relatives | Sanxingdui


A tooth takes you through history

The relatives of the ancient Shu people turned out to be them

Where did the ancient Shu people come from?

From the recipe, it was found that they may be related to "Northwestern people"

Here's the evidence, don't say there are aliens in Sanxingdui anymore! Their relatives come from the ancient Shu people of northwest China | relatives | Sanxingdui

In 2003, two ancient human bone specimens were unearthed from the Yingpanshan site. Archaeologists analyzed their teeth and found that their staple food was mainly millet and millet grown in the dry north. This dietary habit is highly similar to the food relics unearthed in northwest Gansu, Qinghai and other places.

Teeth extraction leads to a migration history

Revealing the Ancestor's "Adult Ceremony" Ceremony

In 2015, archaeologists discovered 88 tombs and a human sacrifice pit in the ancient city of Gaoshan. The archaeologists were surprised to see that 19 human bones had their teeth artificially extracted. Tooth extraction is a custom that emerged during the Neolithic period in China, and archaeological discoveries have been widely circulated in some areas of the Yellow River and Yangtze River basins.

Why did this custom appear in the Chengdu Plain under the barrier of mountains and rivers? After sorting out in chronological order, a transmission chain that spans across Chinese civilization is clearly evident ↓↓

Here's the evidence, don't say there are aliens in Sanxingdui anymore! Their relatives come from the ancient Shu people of northwest China | relatives | Sanxingdui

The DNA test results indicate that the ancient Shu people living in the ancient city of Gaoshan do indeed have different ethnic origins. Among them are the indigenous people of Shu, as well as the "northwest people" from the upper reaches of the Yellow River and the "southerners" from the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.


Raising silkworms, fishing, and growing rice

The ancient Shu people were originally agricultural experts

The primitive ancient Shu land was desolate and isolated from the world. Li Bai once sighed, "Silkworms and fish and ducks, how boundless the founding of the country was.". Over 3000 years ago, the people of Sanxingdui lived a life of farming, hunting, and sericulture in the ancient city. How did the ancient Shu people turn wasteland into fertile soil through their own labor, such as heavy rice, golden millet, domestic pigs, wild deer, and river fish?

Here's the evidence, don't say there are aliens in Sanxingdui anymore! Their relatives come from the ancient Shu people of northwest China | relatives | Sanxingdui

The King of ancient Shu, Silkworm Cong, turned out to be an expert in sericulture

In the Silkworm Village, which has only a population of over 1300, there are many fantastic stories circulating. Legend has it that the first ancient Shu king, Silkworm Cong, was a skilled silkworm farmer with "thousand mile eyes" and "windward ears", teaching the people how to raise silkworms and silk.

The "Huayang Guozhi" records that "there was a Shu Marquis named Silkworm Cong, whose eyes were vertical, and he began to claim the title of king." The description of "his eyes are vertical" reminds people of bronze vertical masks.

The ancient Chinese characters for "Shu" resemble wild silkworms, with a protruding head above and a coiled body below.

4500 years ago

Here's the evidence, don't say there are aliens in Sanxingdui anymore! Their relatives come from the ancient Shu people of northwest China | relatives | Sanxingdui

The ancient Shu people cultivated rice on a large scale

4500 years ago, the ancestors of Baodun planted a grain of rice under their feet, marking the beginning of the advancement of ancient Shu civilization. Archaeologists have discovered a horizontal stratum underground in the ancient city of Baodun, which contains a large amount of iron and manganese nodules in the mud, confirming that this stratum was once planted with rice.

Fishing, farmland, animal husbandry

How strong was the agricultural wisdom of the ancient Shu people?

The legendary third generation ancient Shu king, Yu Fu, was named after a type of waterfowl used for fishing in the water. He was skilled in teaching the people the art of fishing and left a mark on many cultural relics.

Here's the evidence, don't say there are aliens in Sanxingdui anymore! Their relatives come from the ancient Shu people of northwest China | relatives | Sanxingdui

On the golden staff of the "legendary artifact" at Sanxingdui, there are carved patterns of human faces, fish, and birds. Archaeologists speculate that it is related to the fish and duck.

The wooden skewer unearthed from the Jinsha site is a farming tool used by ancient people to dig up soil. It is currently the only well preserved wooden agricultural tool from the Shang and Zhou dynasties, and it is also an important physical evidence of the development and prosperity of rice farming in the Chengdu Plain.

The fourth generation of ancient Shu King Du Yu attached great importance to agriculture and taught the people how to engage in farming. At the Jinsha site, in addition to crops such as rice, millet, millet, and beans, archaeologists also discovered fruit seeds such as grapes and kiwifruit. In addition, the ancient Shu people of Jinsha also mastered various means of livelihood such as hunting, fishing, and animal husbandry.

△ XR+Reveals the Agricultural Life of Ancient Shu People


Here's the evidence, don't say there are aliens in Sanxingdui anymore! Their relatives come from the ancient Shu people of northwest China | relatives | Sanxingdui

Li Bai didn't even expect it

The footprints of ancient Shu people have traveled so far

Due to its uniqueness and mystery, the ancient Shu civilization has left people with infinite imagination: Where exactly did the ancient Shu civilization come from? Is it related to extraterrestrial beings?

In fact, the ancient Shu civilization has never existed independently, and it has intricate connections with the civilizations of the Central Plains and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. These seemingly familiar objects are the most faithful recorders of the diverse integration of Chinese civilization ↓↓

The jade cong unearthed from the Liangzhu Culture Site is very similar to the jade cong

Here's the evidence, don't say there are aliens in Sanxingdui anymore! Their relatives come from the ancient Shu people of northwest China | relatives | Sanxingdui

Tao He, Yu Zhang, and bronze plaques are deeply influenced by the Xia culture of Erlitou

The bronze statue of Sanxingdui, known as the "bumped face" jade portrait unearthed from the Shijiahe culture in Hubei, dates back hundreds of years

Search for the root and source, inquire about the source. For thousands of years, generations have walked into ancient Shu with their heads full of knowledge, only to seek the answers in their hearts. Li Bai entered Shu and wrote, "The road to Shu is difficult, harder than reaching the blue sky."; This time, people entered Shu to seek scenery, poetry, and history. Where does the ancient Shu civilization come from? Mountains and rivers are eternal? Where will we go again?


Searching for Shu, ancient times, and roots

Here's the evidence, don't say there are aliens in Sanxingdui anymore! Their relatives come from the ancient Shu people of northwest China | relatives | Sanxingdui

Why is Chinese civilization immortal?

In 316 BC, the State of Qin incorporated the ancient Shu Kingdom into its territory, thus withdrawing it from the historical stage. However, the ancient Shu civilization merged and developed with the Central Plains civilization, and its influence continues to this day.

For 5000 years, the storms and vicissitudes have shattered the sky. Nowadays, Chengdu has become a mega city with a permanent population of over 21 million. The ancient Shu people used labor and wisdom to build their homes, reproduce and thrive, transforming the vast land into a paradise for mankind, and letting the sparks of civilization illuminate the ancient wilderness.

Through a historical tunnel spanning 5000 years, we constantly ask, "Who are we?" "Where do we come from?" Through precious cultural relics, we seem to hear the echoes of our ancestors thousands of years ago for the future: "Who will we become?" "Where are we going?"

Cultural relics are silent, but they tell the story of why the land of China is China, why the Chinese nation is great, and why Chinese civilization is immortal. Nowadays, the culture and spirit of our ancestors have already penetrated into the bloodline of Chinese civilization, and are deeply imprinted in our DNA.

Here's the evidence, don't say there are aliens in Sanxingdui anymore! Their relatives come from the ancient Shu people of northwest China | relatives | Sanxingdui

Continue the context and learn from the past. Spanning 5000 years of time and space, we admire the glorious achievements of our ancestors and perceive the cultural coordinates of Chinese civilization. Tracing back to the past and connecting the past and present, we bring the wisdom, beliefs, and strength of our ancestors to see history and inspire the future.

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New comment: Donkey like "morale" limit pulls US debt "bomb" fuse hard to dismantle US | debt | morale
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On the evening of June 1st, the US Senate passed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, and the flame of the US debt bomb was temporarily extinguished at the last moment. The two parties in the United States have staged an extreme tug of war over the US debt bomb. Some experts believe that the US debt crisis is the result of the reckless politics promoted by the US dollar hegemony, and the underlying cause of this crisis is the highly polarized political system of the US. Since the end of World War II, the US Congress has adjusted the debt ceiling more than a hundred times. The recurring debt crisis will not only have a catastrophic impact on the US economy and people's livelihoods, but also continuously erode the value of US dollar assets such as government credit and US bonds, bringing significant and far-reaching impacts to the global economic landscape. 【