Ready - written in the 30 day countdown to the Hangzhou Asian Games, we

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 09:49 AM

After the summer heat, summer and autumn come, entering the season of harvest.

The footsteps of the Hangzhou Asian Games are clearly audible.

In 30 days, the main torch of the Hangzhou Asian Games will be lit at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium, and the 19th Hangzhou Asian Games will kick off in anticipation; In 30 days, tens of thousands of athletes, technical officials, media reporters, and audiences from various Asian countries and regions will gather in Zhejiang to jointly write the story of this grand event.

This is a highly anticipated sports event and a lively cultural feast. It will showcase the unique charm of "poetry and painting of Jiangnan and vibrant Zhejiang", and will undoubtedly promote the further high-quality development of China's sports industry. It will also become a stage for Asian civilization exchange and mutual learning, and the unity and progress of Asian people.

During the Asian Games, exciting moments gather. As various preparations enter the sprint and final stage, Zhejiang is ready to invite guests from all over the world to participate in this long-awaited sports event, presenting an unforgettable moment of "Chinese characteristics, Asian style, and splendid diversity" to the world.

8 years of preparation, turning the blueprint into reality

"Hangzhou, China has won the right to host the 2022 Asian Games." On September 16, 2015 at 13:00 Beijing time, there was encouraging news from the Olympic Sports Center in Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan. On site, Prince Ahmed, the then President of the Olympic Council of Asia, solemnly announced: HANGZHOU!

At that moment, the whole audience thundered with applause. The members of the Hangzhou Shenya delegation jumped up and waved the five-star red flag in their hands. Amidst the tide of applause and congratulations, a brand new page belonging to Asia, China, and Zhejiang began to be written.

Ready - written in the 30 day countdown to the Hangzhou Asian Games, we

The words of a great country must be spoken and executed.

Since the establishment of the Hangzhou Asian Games, the leadership group of the Asian Para Games, and the Hangzhou Asian Organizing Committee, in accordance with the requirements of "simplicity, safety, and excitement" and the concept of "green, intelligent, thrifty, and civilized", arrangements have been made in various aspects such as venue layout, urban construction, event support, Asian Games brand operation, and emergency preparedness, with strong promotion. The preparation work for the Asian Games has been carried out in an orderly manner.

Since the beginning of this year, the preparations have become increasingly close and solid.

Since June 18th, when Governor Wang Hao presided over the first weekly scheduling meeting of the Hangzhou Asian Games event headquarters, the meetings have been discussing and solving specific problems one by one, covering various aspects such as Asian Games venues, volunteer services, transportation, security, catering, etc., ensuring that all preparation work is solidly and effectively promoted, in order to achieve excellence and flawless, leaving only classics and no regrets.

The Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee takes responsibility for the preparation of the Asian Games. Chen Weiqiang, Executive Secretary General and Party Secretary of the Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee, as well as Deputy Mayor of Hangzhou, stated that since the establishment of the organization in 2016, a total of one office and 19 departments have been established. Starting from building a team and solidifying the foundation, each step has been taken to plan and promote venues, guarantees, competitions, and other aspects, hoping to make the Asian Games a wonderful and outstanding event.

"We are constantly optimizing and improving from venue renovation to team deployment, hoping to welcome the arrival of the Asian Games with a higher level," said the person in charge of Huanglong Sports Center. Up to now, more than 10000 Asian Games organizers, as well as more people related to the Asian Games, have been working tirelessly day and night.

In the past 8 years, the pace of preparing for the Asian Games has been steady and firm; Nowadays, various tasks have yielded fruitful results.

Ready - written in the 30 day countdown to the Hangzhou Asian Games, we

More than 12000 athletes signed up, setting up 40 major events, 61 sub events, and 481 sub events. A total of Hangzhou, the host city, and 5 co hosting cities including Ningbo, Wenzhou, Huzhou, Shaoxing, and Jinhua participated in the event... The Hangzhou Asian Games became the largest, most diverse, and most widely covered event in the history of the Asian Games.

On the banks of the Qiantang River, the "lotus petals" of the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium, the main venue of the Hangzhou Asian Games, bloom brilliantly in the sunlight. In the museum, the organizers rushed forward, striving for excellence in the final sprint, just to welcome the arrival of the Asian Games with a perfect posture and show the world the confident and composed appearance of China in the new era.

The venue is the cornerstone of hosting the Asian Games. Since the start of the construction of Asian Games venues and facilities on October 15, 2017, the Hangzhou Asian Games has completed the construction and renovation of 56 competition venues, 31 independent training venues, as well as 1 Asian Games village and 5 Asian Games sub villages, after a combination of day and night storms. After the registration process for the competition was completed, the Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee promptly added Shaoxing, Lin'an, and Xiaoshan as accommodation points for the participating athletes to cope with the much larger number of participants than expected.

At the end of July this year, the "full element, full process, and full load" simulation drill, which lasted for two years and was carried out according to the standards of the Asian Games, was successfully completed in all venues. The venue operation team improved the problems discovered during the competition one by one, and the competition organization and other functions were continuously optimized, receiving continuous praise from athletes, coaches, and spectators.

As the largest non competition venue for the Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Paralympics, as well as the venue with the longest operation duration, highest requirements for operation continuity, and the largest number of service targets, the Asian Games Village is well prepared. Welcome center, fitness center, restaurant, residential service center, comprehensive outpatient department, etc., all stations in the village are in place. "I hope everyone who comes here feels warm and comfortable in terms of food, accommodation, transportation, medicine, shopping, entertainment, and other aspects," said the person in charge of the Asian Games Village.

Hangzhou Asian Games Village

Empowering the Asian Games with first-class venue facilities, smooth event organization, and thoughtful support services is a solemn commitment of Zhejiang to host this year's Asian Games well.

The stage is set up, and the athletes are ready to go. Swimming stars Zhang Yufei, Qin Haiyang, and others who have just participated in events such as the Fukuoka Swimming World Championships, have already put in intense training and preparation; Players from badminton teams such as Chen Yufei, Zheng Siwei, and Huang Yaqiong use matches as a substitute for training, constantly improving their competitive performance through each game

Ready - written in the 30 day countdown to the Hangzhou Asian Games, we

For Zhejiang athletes, they need to give their all in this competition at their doorstep. "I hope to showcase my best form to everyone and challenge the podium at the Hangzhou Asian Games." This is the wish of swimmer Wang Shun and the expectation of every Zhejiang sports athlete preparing for the Asian Games.

Zheng Yao, the director of the Provincial Sports Bureau, said, "There is only one goal, which is to create the best results in history." He said this with confidence, supported by scientific and systematic training and preparation, providing better logistics support for athletes, and continuously improving digital technology assistance.

As the opening ceremony approaches, the aesthetic culture of the Asian Games is becoming increasingly rich. Since the release of the first visual image element emblem "Tide" for the Hangzhou Asian Games on August 6, 2018, the theme slogan "Heart to Heart Integration, @ Future", the mascot "Jiangnan Memories" combined with Congcong, Chenchen, and lotus, the core graphics "Runze" and color system "Light Makeup and Thick Makeup", the torch "Fireworks", and the medal "Hushan" have been officially announced one after another. At the same time, the Asian Games themed film "Passionate" has grossed over 800 million yuan at the box office, the themed TV drama "Swimming Forward" is about to be aired, and the documentary "Hi, Asian Games" is being planned.

These cultural symbols, with the pen of "poetry and painting Jiangnan", continuously "color" the Hangzhou Asian Games.

The preparation for the Asian Games is still ongoing. Tickets for the competition are gradually on sale, the main media center is about to open, and the torch relay is about to take place... With each piece of Asian Games puzzle in place, a moving picture of the Asian Games is slowly unfolding.

Combining internal and external cultivation, revitalizing the city

The T4 terminal of Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport has been put into operation. Photo by journalist Dong Xuming

The nearly 10000 square meter Asian Games mascot and slogan exhibition attracted pedestrians to stop and check in. This scene now appears every day in the arrival area of Terminal T4 at Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport.

Ready - written in the 30 day countdown to the Hangzhou Asian Games, we

As an important basic supporting project for the Hangzhou Asian Games, all inbound and outbound passenger flights in Hangzhou will operate at Terminal T4 starting from April 7th. This will be the arrival and departure station for athletes, technical officials, etc., and will also determine everyone's first impression of Zhejiang upon arrival.

"I hope everyone can experience a strong Asian Games atmosphere and feel at home after getting off the plane," said Jiang Fumin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport. In addition to highlighting various Asian Games elements, the airport has also conducted Asian Games related system testing, special training, and simulation exercises, continuously refining and optimizing the Asian Games support plan.

The Fuxing Asian Games intelligent multiple unit train. Photo taken by Xie Shangguo, a photography friend

The Hangzhou West Station, which was opened in September 2022, and the Hangzhou Metro "Asian Games" special train, which departed on May 16 this year, have all created an immersive Asian Games atmosphere through a series of services. In early August, the Fuxing Asian Games intelligent multiple unit welcomed its first external test ride. This train, specially designed for the Hangzhou Asian Games, will connect six cities during the event, making the interconnectivity between different venues smoother. Starting from August 1st, the intercity trains from Ningbo to Hangzhou South Station will be put into operation, marking the first time that intercity trains have been opened in Hangzhou, Shaoxing, and Ningbo. This will bring great convenience to the linkage of Asian Games events.

With the goal of "organizing a good meeting and improving a city", taking advantage of the Asian Games, the environmental quality of Zhejiang's cities has accelerated, and the cultural and etiquette literacy has significantly improved.

In accordance with the standards of welcoming the Asian Games with the best style and environment, the province has carried out three major improvement actions: urban quality improvement, urban governance improvement, and urban civilization improvement. The urban gateway areas and main roads have been comprehensively optimized, and the street view facades and alleys have been comprehensively improved, resulting in a comprehensive improvement in the cultural literacy of citizens.

A number of major infrastructure projects have been completed and put into use in six cities hosting the competition, focusing on urban gateways, transportation hubs, and surrounding venues. Scenic lines with Asian Games characteristics have been quickly launched.

Recently, Hangzhou Wulin Square, as a city level Asian Games observation space, has completed renovation and returned to its original state. Map supply for Tianshui Street in Gongshu District

Ready - written in the 30 day countdown to the Hangzhou Asian Games, we

The Hangzhou Asian Games Urban Operation and Maintenance Command takes the lead in carrying out the "Craftsmanship and Quality Improvement Embroidery of Hangzhou City" special action, creating four scenic lines: "Beautiful Home", "Hangyun Street and Lane", "Smooth Transportation", and "Flower Full Hangzhou City". Since 2022, 39 city entrances, 139 Asian Games commuting roads, and 200 important security roads have been fully decorated.

Ningbo has transformed large city green sculptures and nearly 10000 buses and taxis into promotional lines for the Asian Games, making every corner of the city shine with the vitality of the Asian Games; Wenzhou actively sorts out urban image issues, thoroughly cleans up the "scars" of the city, and continues to increase efforts to "beautify the city"; Huzhou has transformed from an old residential area to the construction of the last mile of the Asian Games venue, comprehensively enhancing the urban landscape; Shaoxing has launched special actions such as "community propaganda facility renovation" and "temporary greening of idle land" to pay attention to the "small environment" around the people and promote the dual improvement of urban appearance and quality; Jinhua is creating a "fully covered, small and comprehensive" urban ecological space, gradually revealing its beauty in welcoming the Asian Games.

Everyone is the host, welcoming the Asian Games and showcasing the urban civilization and culture.

Dreams ignite, volunteers are ready. Today, the volunteer expedition ceremony for the Hangzhou Asian Games is about to be held, and 1800 volunteer representatives will make a solemn vow to the world to be ready.

"The volunteers for the Hangzhou Asian Games are called 'Little Qinghe', representing the image of Zhejiang and China." The relevant person in charge of the Volunteer Department of the Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee said that each selection in the early stage is a comprehensive evaluation of the psychological quality, personal ability, demeanor, and image of the interviewees. Next, nearly 40000 volunteers from the Hangzhou Asian Games will provide professional, friendly, and thoughtful services at competition venues, Asian Games Village, main media center, opening and closing ceremonies, showcasing the charm of Chinese youth and presenting the beauty of Zhejiang's youth to friends around the world.

Wearing the "Lake Mountain Green" youth volunteer clothing, Zhu Shuwen, Secretary of the Youth League Working Committee of Sijiqing Street in Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, appeared on the city balcony "Qianjiang New City Core Area Asian Games Youth V Station" four days a week, waiting for the moment when the lights of Qianjiang New City lit up. She said, "The maximum number of people who come here to watch light shows, take walks, and other activities is over 7000. Volunteers need to ensure emergency call and assistance, on-site protection, as well as guidance on transportation routes and order maintenance. This is also a 'training' for the Asian Games."

Over the past year and a half, the "Asian Games Youth V Station" with "Rainbow Purple" and "Lake and Mountain Green" as the main colors has frequently appeared in the sight of citizens and tourists.

The relevant person in charge of the Hangzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League introduced that the "Asian Games Youth V Station" is a standardized, professional, and international youth volunteer service platform set up around the Asian Games and Asian Paralympic Games venues, as well as important transportation hubs, scenic spots, cultural and museum venues, medical institutions, square blocks, commercial outlets and other key areas in Hangzhou. It can provide high-quality and convenient urban volunteer services for athletes, domestic and foreign guests, tourists, and citizens, including information consultation, traffic guidance, language services, emergency assistance, key group services, and themed characteristic services.

Ready - written in the 30 day countdown to the Hangzhou Asian Games, we

Now, 1.42 million city volunteers in the province are ready. The Civilized Asian Games Citizen Handbook has been officially released. Focusing on serving the Asian Games, a variety of volunteer service activities across the province will continue throughout the year.

Friends come from afar, and the warm and hospitable people of Zhejiang open their arms to the world, welcoming the arrival of the Asian Games with the most beautiful smile and civilized etiquette.

A grand event for all, eagerly anticipated by Asia

The atmosphere of the Hangzhou Asian Games is becoming stronger, and the enthusiasm for the Asian Games in Zhejiang, as well as across the country and Asia, is heating up.

Taking advantage of the Asian Games, more and more people are rushing from all directions to accumulate energy for the sports event——

The atmosphere of "learning English to welcome the Asian Games" is constantly rising throughout the province. During this period, the cultural home of Wendingyuan Community in Sandun Town, Hangzhou often heard English readings. Many retired elderly people are here, holding English cards, reading and reciting. Coincidentally during the summer, there is also a volunteer service team from high school coming here to teach word by word and engage in simulated scene dialogues. After entering the learning state, many elderly people speak English more and more fluently, with phrases like "Niceu0026nbsp; tou0026nbsp; meetu0026nbsp; you" and "Welcomeu0026nbsp; tou0026nbsp; Hangzhou". They said, "Learn some simple English everyday expressions and communicate with foreign friends for a few sentences, that's no problem."

Under the leadership of Yang Jie and Li Songhui, graduates from the China Academy of Fine Arts, the skilled craftsmen from the Yijia Dream Enjoy Gathering in Shangcheng District and the disabled individuals from the Aixin Co Prosperity Workshop jointly completed the production of a handmade birthday bouquet. These bouquets convey the host's wishes for the Asian Games athletes to win the championship on the field. During the Asian Games, Chinese culture will be showcased as a birthday bouquet for the Asian Games.

On online platforms, solicitation activities such as "I Contribute to the Asian Games" have attracted enthusiastic participation from all sectors of society. From traffic congestion control, urban environment improvement, to the creation of cultural IP for the Asian Games, and post competition operation of venues, "golden ideas" have emerged one after another, which is enough to reflect everyone's enthusiasm for participating in the Asian Games.

Ready - written in the 30 day countdown to the Hangzhou Asian Games, we

For people living in Zhejiang, their lives are unconsciously changing as they welcome the Asian Games. We are witnesses, participants, and even beneficiaries.

During the summer, multiple open Asian Games venues benefiting the people are experiencing a peak in passenger flow. Every evening, there are always three or two pairs of citizens carrying rackets into the Hangzhou Sports Center. They either swing their rackets in the badminton hall or hit the ball in the table tennis hall. During holidays, venue bookings are fully booked every day. Mr. Sun, who lives next to the sports arena and is a regular exercise enthusiast, said, "The renovated venue has brighter lights and updated facilities, providing a great experience."

After the postponement of the Asian Games, the Hangzhou Asian Games set a precedent for comprehensive sports venues in China to be opened to the public before the competition, and all competition and training venues of the Asian Games were opened to the benefit of the people. Since its launch on May 26, 2022, the "Asian Games Venue Online" platform has attracted over 9.5 million participants in fitness.

During the summer, people swim and exercise at the Asian Games venues.

Urban vacant land, abandoned factories, and spaces under elevated bridges have all transformed into "golden corners and silver edges", with over 10000 sports parks, community multifunctional sports fields, football fields, and basketball courts built throughout the province.

More and more internationally renowned events such as the Paris Olympic Volleyball Qualifiers and the Badminton World Tour Finals are choosing Zhejiang. It can be foreseen that the spillover effect of top global competitions will continue to empower the construction of Zhejiang as a "city of competitions" and a "strong province of competitions".

Relying on constantly updating sports competitions and increasingly diversified national fitness activities, more people are starting to enjoy the benefits of the Asian Games, and are engaging in sports and embracing life with a more positive and open attitude.

Everyone participates and shares. This enthusiastic urban vitality is infecting more people.

Ready - written in the 30 day countdown to the Hangzhou Asian Games, we

On March 7th, the Saudi delegation visited Hangzhou, becoming the first National Olympic Committee delegation to visit Hangzhou for inspection this year.

Since March this year, the Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee has welcomed a group of special "guests" - Olympic delegations, media representatives, and representatives from individual sports associations from various Asian countries and regions. They listened to the progress of the Asian Games preparation, inspected the venues and urban construction of the Asian Games, and experienced the cultural characteristics of various regions in Zhejiang. The final conclusion was "Great! I'm looking forward to it very much."

"In my opinion, the preparation work for the Hangzhou Asian Games is very thorough, and I look forward to celebrating this grand event with everyone again in September," said Vinold Divari, Director of the International Relations and Marketing Department of the National Olympic Committee of the Asian Olympic Council, before leaving Hangzhou

As the largest comprehensive sports event in Asia, the Hangzhou Asian Games is not only a major responsibility for Zhejiang, but also a national event and a grand event in Asia.

The Asian Games embody the spirit of unity and cooperation among the Asian people, as stated in the lyrics of the Hangzhou Asian Games promotional song "Same Love, Same Dream, Same Love, Same Share." Through the preparation of the Asian Games, we have seen the deep friendship of the Asian people who work together and love each other.

In another 30 days, the Hangzhou Asian Games will arrive as scheduled, and the glorious dream of hosting an international comprehensive sports event in Zhejiang will soar with passion.

Not long ago, at the 42nd plenary session of the Asian Olympic Council, the newly elected President of the Council, Sheikh Talal Fahd Sabah, expressed his expectations for the Hangzhou Asian Games: "I believe Hangzhou is ready, and this will be an excellent Asian Games."

This promise will not be let down.

Ready - written in the 30 day countdown to the Hangzhou Asian Games, we

We are ready to tell the world a vivid and exciting story of the Asian Games, allowing the glory of the Asian Games spirit to bloom in Zhejiang.

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