The forms of receiving and delivering are becoming increasingly covert! Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Office Report: Strictly crack down on illegal gift and gift payments, from famous cigarettes and wines to "promotion fees" and "consulting fees" gifts | gift payments | forms

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 03:43 AM

At present, it is the 2023 academic promotion season, and disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies in many places have issued disciplinary reminders, strictly prohibiting party members and cadres from accepting gifts, cash gifts, consumption cards, WeChat red envelopes and other electronic cash gifts and vouchers through "academic promotion banquets" and "teacher appreciation banquets". They should take preventive measures in advance and clarify the red line of discipline and law.

"On the third day after the end of the college entrance examination, we issued disciplinary requirements, reminding us to prioritize prevention. From recent years' supervision and inspection, the problem of illegally accepting gifts while taking advantage of the opportunity to enter higher education has significantly decreased." Qin Ziyang, director of the Party Conduct and Political Conduct Supervision Office of the Tongliao Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, introduced that disciplinary reminders require strict investigation of hidden variations such as early postponement, breaking down into smaller parts, and online gift collection, in order to continuously create a clean and honest social atmosphere.

According to the statistical table on spiritual issues related to violations of the central eight point regulations previously released by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, a total of 1681 cases of illegal receipt and delivery of precious specialties and gift money were investigated and dealt with nationwide in May, accounting for 41.4% of the problems related to hedonism and extravagance, ranking first.

This reflects the effectiveness of the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs in closely monitoring prominent issues and persistently implementing the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations, and sends a strong signal that they will not give up on rectifying the "four winds", and the more they go back, the tighter they will be monitoring and the stricter they will be enforcing discipline; At the same time, it also indicates that the soil for the hidden growth of the bad trend of receiving and giving gifts and cash is still there, and the risk of a rebound still exists, which deserves high vigilance.

Serious rectification of corrupt practices in accepting gifts, with 167 typical cases exposed in the first half of the year through naming and reporting of Taoist surnames

According to statistics, in the first half of this year, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission was authorized to publish 167 typical cases of illegal receipt and delivery of precious specialties and gifts.

From the type of goods received and sent, there are not only daily food such as rice, flour, tea, oil, moon cake, Zongzi, but also rare and special products such as famous cigarettes, wine, jade, calligraphy and painting. At the same time, shopping cards, vouchers, mobile phones, etc. are also common, and one disciplinary violation case often shows that both money and goods are received, and multiple gifts and gifts are received at one time.

Specifically, in terms of illegal receipt and delivery of gifts, tobacco, alcohol, and vouchers are still high-frequency terms. Among 167 typical cases, there were a total of 79 cases involving illegal receipt and delivery of tobacco and alcohol, 48 cases involving illegal receipt and delivery of securities such as shopping cards and vouchers, and 14 cases involving the receipt and delivery of electronic products such as mobile phones and computers.

The issue of receiving gift money presents two characteristics. On the one hand, the collection of gift money is often intertwined with the illegal handling of weddings and funerals. For example, Liu Weidong, the former secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of Guangdong Guangsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd., took advantage of his grandson's hundred day banquet and other opportunities to receive 20000 yuan and 20000 yuan from private entrepreneurs, as well as 14 bottles of high-end Baijiu, 2 mobile phones, and 1 luxury bag. On the other hand, online transfers, WeChat red envelopes, and other forms are more common. For example, Lu Haijun, Deputy Director of the Health Examination Management Department of the People's Hospital of Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture in Gansu Province, received a gift of 1888 yuan from a medical equipment dealer through WeChat transfer under the name of "birthday wishes".

In addition, the issue of illegal receipt and delivery of precious specialty products is still prohibited. Data shows that from January to May this year, a total of 162 cases of illegal receipt and delivery of precious and special products were investigated and dealt with nationwide. 179 people were criticized, educated, helped, and dealt with, and 145 people were punished for party discipline and government affairs.

In terms of the occurrence time of disciplinary violations, a total of 63 annual holidays such as New Year's Day, Spring Festival, May Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid Autumn Festival, and National Day were mentioned, and the holiday nodes were still the high incidence period for receiving and giving gifts and cash. This not only indicates that some disciplinary personnel still have a sense of luck and face disciplinary violations under high pressure, but also reminds discipline inspection and supervision agencies at all levels to continue to closely monitor important time points and targeted rectification of the "four winds".

It is worth noting that a total of 141 out of 167 cases have multiple receiving and sending scenarios, spanning over a decade. For example, Peng Hongyong, former second level senior police officer of the Traffic Management Bureau of Anhui Provincial Public Security Department, has been receiving high-end gifts such as cigarettes, alcohol, tea, and shopping cards from multiple private entrepreneurs since 2000, lasting for 20 years.

"From the cases investigated and dealt with in recent years, the stubborn and repetitive nature of the issue of receiving and giving gifts and cash is prominent. The main reason is that a small number of party members and cadres have a sense of luck and still do not restrain or stop." Yu Yongyan, Deputy Director of the Party Conduct and Political Conduct Supervision Office of the Hangzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, analyzed that in response to such problems, it is necessary to continue to consolidate the work pattern of focusing on work style, improving work style, and enforcing work style from a political perspective, adhere to problem orientation, and targeted rectification.

From famous cigarettes and wines to "promotion fees" and "consulting fees", the forms of collection and delivery are becoming increasingly covert

Through sorting out relevant cases, the reporter found that in order to evade supervision, the form of receiving and giving gifts and gifts has been constantly changed and innovated. For example, receiving and delivering gift money through electronic gift cards, delivery vouchers, etc; Avoiding critical nodes and "staggered" receiving and sending of holiday gifts; Falsely listing expenses in the name of office supplies to obtain expenses and give gifts; Giving gifts under the pretext of grabbing red envelopes in WeChat groups or participating in company lucky draws; Send gifts through online shopping, express delivery, etc.

Previously, the China Baowu Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Office of the State Supervision Commission stationed in China Baowu Supervision Commissioner investigated and dealt with the issue of Zhang Maohan, former deputy general manager of Ma Steel Group's Ma Steel Co., Ltd., repeatedly receiving gifts such as cigarettes, tea, fruits, and fresh food through express delivery. "We retrieved relevant order information from the food delivery platform and courier company while checking other situations, and discovered the issue of receiving gifts through courier through sorting." The investigators told reporters that compared to traditional door-to-door gift giving, receiving and delivering gifts through e-commerce platforms, courier logistics, and other methods is difficult to verify, and most of them are difficult to detect.

At the same time as the methods have changed from light to dark, the names of gifts and cash have become increasingly diverse and covert. Some people give gifts under the guise of "visiting relatives and friends", some use the excuse of "promoting local specialties", and some put on "labor compensation" as a gift... Their methods can be described as constantly "innovating".

For example, in September 2022, Tang Jianchu, a former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Department of Hunan Province, was invited to participate in official activities in Longhui County, Shaoyang City. During this time, Ding Zhenghua, former Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau of Longhui County, illegally arranged funds and gave Tang Jianchu a red envelope gift of 5000 yuan in the name of distributing "expert consultation fees". For example, Zhang Zhonghua, former deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and former director of the office in Fenglin Road Street, Xuhui District, Shanghai, has repeatedly participated in entertainment activities such as mahjong organized by management and service recipients, and received a gift of 10000 yuan in the name of mahjong chips.

Under the high-pressure situation of stricter discipline in the future, the new cultural trend of advocating frugality and avoiding extravagance is increasingly ingrained in people's hearts. However, there are still some party members and cadres who are trying to be careless and brush the edge. Zheng Shihua, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Village Committee of Ping'an Village, Xiakou, Jiangshan City, Zhejiang Province, reported to the Xiakou Town Party Committee in advance that the banquet plan was within 30 tables during the process of arranging his daughter's marriage. However, he actually arranged 60 banquet tables and illegally received gifts from multiple management and service objects.

The external manifestations are ever-changing, but in reality, they are still "new bottles of old wine". Behind the gift money is the expectation for exchange of benefits, which is essentially seeking benefits through emotional investment. Most leaders who violate discipline and laws have evolved from timidly accepting tobacco, alcohol, tea, and small red envelopes to recklessly accepting valuable gifts and huge gifts, and finally slipping into the abyss of corruption and corruption. Party members, cadres, and public officials must attach great importance to this kind of "small favors and small benefits", strictly abide by the boundary between public and private, and maintain a strong work style.

The problem of illegal receipt and delivery of gifts and cash is repeatedly prohibited, and the fundamental reason is the exchange of benefits

Under the repeated orders of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the issue of illegal receipt and delivery of gifts and cash is still rampant. The root cause lies in the exchange of interests behind the scenes. The giver's intention is not to drink, while the recipient enjoys it and keeps it to themselves. Some party members and leading cadres have ideological deviations, lack of distinction between power and situation, and a lack of awareness of discipline and law. Some believe that giving gifts to each other during festivals is a traditional etiquette, and receiving and giving gifts is "emotional". Not receiving or giving gifts can actually affect interpersonal relationships; Some misinterpret normal human relationships and exchange benefits under the guise of receiving and giving gifts; Some people indulge in the false sense of security brought about by "reciprocity" and engage in power and money transactions by deceiving others.

Some party members and cadres live extravagantly and seek pleasure, preferring high-end tobacco and alcohol, rare medicinal herbs, sky high priced tea, cultural relics and jade, which are used as stepping stones for profit transmission by those with ulterior motives. Previously, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission released an analysis of the disciplinary and illegal case of Yu Wenwei, former Party Secretary, Director, and fourth level researcher of the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau in Wenshan City, Yunnan Province. Yu Wenwei loves smoking and drinking, and some unscrupulous businessmen cater to his preferences, often sending high-end cigarettes and alcohol in the name of festivals. When he was detained, most of the tobacco and alcohol gift boxes placed in his home were brand new, and some high-end wines had merchant names pasted on them that could not be torn off in the future. After appraisal, the value of the tobacco and alcohol stored in his home alone was as high as 420000 yuan.

From the perspective of the gift giver, the main recipients of gifts to party members and cadres include management and service recipients, subordinate units and individuals within their jurisdiction, private enterprise owners, and other units and individuals related to exercising their powers. Among them, it is most common for party members and cadres to receive gifts and cash gifts from management and service recipients. Among 167 typical cases, 90 involve management and service targets, accounting for 53.9%.

For example, Cheng Qiang, former deputy secretary of the Xiuwen County Party Committee and former secretary of the Xiuwen Economic Development Zone Party Working Committee in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, took advantage of home decoration to repeatedly illegally accept gifts such as root carvings, precious plant bonsai, and clothing from management and service recipients. "What is lacking in his home, the boss buys and ships it to him online. In addition, the boss also provides special transportation and purchasing air tickets on his behalf, which can be considered 'considerate'. Wang Honglei, a case handling officer of the Guiyang Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission in Guizhou Province, introduced that" poachers "give gifts or have requests, or build a" network of relationships "to prepare for unexpected needs, with the ultimate goal of exchanging emotional investment for returns.".

Analyze the exchange of gifts and cash between colleagues and superiors, some of whom use gift giving as an opportunity to cling to their superiors, and even spend public funds to purchase specialty gifts, generously benefiting the public and seeking personal gain; Some party members and cadres are also influenced by face saving culture and conformity mentality, unwilling to be "outstanding" and follow the trend with courtesy. Wang Lifeng, Vice President of Guojia Town Central Health Center in Dehui City, Jilin Province, entrusted his subordinates to post relevant information on the WeChat group of Guojia Town rural doctor office while organizing his daughter's education banquet and father's funeral. He illegally collected gifts totaling 18600 yuan from more than 20 rural doctors.

"At that time, due to personal reasons, 500 yuan was given as a 'portion', which was not a small amount for grassroots doctors. However, everyone gave it, and considering the relationship between superiors and subordinates, if it was not given, it would be difficult to carry out work in the future," a rural doctor who was accompanying the doctor told reporters.

Party members and cadres should be particularly wary of gift and cash transactions disguised as family and friend relationships. When personal relationships such as relatives, classmates, fellow villagers, and friends are linked to the exercise of public power, it often leads to a relaxation of self demands and a significant increase in the risk of violating rules and regulations. Therefore, we must firmly grasp the two standards of "potentially affecting the fair execution of official duties" and "significantly exceeding normal reciprocity", strictly demand ourselves, and not lose out on small things.

Strictly investigate and control the corrupt practices, rectify and promote the clean and honest culture

It is not difficult to find through analyzing typical cases exposed in public notices that accepting gifts and accepting bribes are often intertwined, with "clear and hidden bribes", "formal and actual bribes", and "indistinguishable gifts and bribes" being common occurrences. Among 167 cases, 124 were suspected of committing crimes and transferred to the procuratorial organs, accounting for 74.3%.

Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels shall persist in upholding integrity and discipline, grasp the characteristics of misconduct and corruption being external and internal, and having the same root and source, further improve the working mechanism of investigating corruption together, and at the same time, adhere to the principle of rectifying corruption, promote a clean and honest style, cultivate a frugal and simple style, and promote the transformation of customs and the formation of habits.

Starting from strict leadership, one level drives the other. More than half of the public officials who receive gifts and cash are "top leaders". Before the May Day and Dragon Boat Festival this year, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission publicly reported ten typical cases of violating the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations, involving multiple "leaders" of central and state organs, local party and government organs, state-owned enterprises, and financial units, all of which are typical cases of intertwined misconduct and corruption. Since September 2021, when serious violations of discipline, law, and suspected crimes were first reported on the "Four Winds" of central management cadres, the proportion of reported issues leaning towards the "key minority" has been increasing year by year, sending a strong signal that the work style must be strictly enforced from leading cadres and strengthened warning and deterrence.

Focus on holiday nodes to strengthen supervision and inspection. Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels in Zhejiang Province carry out open inspections and secret visits around New Year's Day, Spring Festival, May Day, Dragon Boat Festival and other nodes to crack down on "holiday diseases" and crack down on gift giving practices. The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Jingning She Autonomous County conducted spot checks and inspections on tea distributors and some enterprises and institutions around the local specialty of Huiming tea, without issuing notices, greeting, listening to reports, and randomly determining routes, to strictly prevent illegal receipt and delivery of Huiming tea. Based on the characteristics of the island area, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Daishan County has established a special inspection team to visit fresh seafood terminals, aquatic product trading markets, and other places to verify whether there are any problems with public officials illegally purchasing and giving aquatic gift packages, or illegally purchasing public funds.

Pay close attention to the trend of invisible mutations and correct the trend of gift giving. The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, will strictly investigate the disguised receipt and delivery of gifts and gifts in the form of lecture fees, consulting fees, service fees, and other related issues, especially in the fields of state-owned enterprises, finance, education, etc., and make special arrangements to promote the establishment and improvement of a mechanism for anti-corruption joint inspection. From January to May this year, the Guiyang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision investigated and dealt with 42 cases of illegal receipt and delivery of gifts and gifts, and imposed party discipline and government penalties on 37 people. The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Nan'an District, Chongqing, in conjunction with public security, market supervision and other departments, have used methods such as shopping card retrieval and tax invoice comparison to identify various hidden and mutated problems, resolutely controlling "small" and prohibiting "micro". In response to the issue of "sending gifts across the air" through logistics and express delivery, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Tonglu County, Zhejiang Province, in conjunction with the local postal management bureau, coordinated with major express logistics enterprises to post a "one click report" QR code on packages, express cars, and stations within the county, creating a clean and honest station. The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Kaihua County, Zhejiang Province, through data analysis and on-site visits, focuses on supervising suspected gift express delivery to government agencies.

Place the tree's fresh air in a more prominent position. In order to play a leading role in culture, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, have created several clean and honest skits with themes such as "No Refusal from Visitors" and "Pulling Ears", which are based on illegal gift payments. They have carried out tour activities in various counties and districts throughout the city, reaching an audience of 100000 people. The Hangzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision leverages the advantages of digital governance, relies on big data supervision to empower inspection and correction of quality and efficiency, and cultivates a new and positive atmosphere. The Supervision Office of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Wansheng Economic Development Zone in Chongqing focuses on the issue of young cadres illegally receiving and giving gifts and gifts, strengthens the disclosure of typical cases, and organizes young cadres to make self-discipline commitments to "refuse gift gifts and gifts, strengthen integrity and family unity". This not only provides disciplinary education to party members, cadres, and public officials, but also guides society to form a strong atmosphere of integrity and integrity.

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