【 Li Xiang China 】 Shouldering a New Cultural Mission at a New Historical Starting Point | History | China | Culture

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:08 PM

In his important speech at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is our new cultural mission in the new era to continue to promote cultural prosperity, build a cultural power, and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation from a new starting point. So, how to better shoulder the new cultural mission at the new historical starting point? First, we must strengthen cultural self-confidence, stick to our own path, base ourselves on the great historical and contemporary practice of the Chinese nation, sum up Chinese experience with Chinese principles, upgrade Chinese experience to Chinese theory, and achieve spiritual independence; second, we must uphold openness and tolerance, adhere to the modernization of Marxism in China, inherit and develop excellent Chinese traditional culture, promote the localization of foreign culture, and constantly cultivate and create socialist culture with Chinese characteristics in the new era; thirdly, we must adhere to the integrity of innovation, with the integrity and vigor of innovation, continue to historical context, compose the contemporary chapter.

1. strengthen their cultural self-confidence, stick to their own path and realize their spiritual independence.

Since its birth, Marxism has guided the revolutionary practice of the international communist movement with its brilliance of truth. However, due to complex political, economic, cultural, social and other reasons, most socialist countries have not been able to find a successful path in the modernization of their own nation. China's road to modernization is full of hardships and twists and turns under the double squeeze of national peril and civilization crisis. After the October Revolution, Marxism was introduced into China. Under its guidance, the Communist Party of China found the right way to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and led the Chinese people to stride towards the road of socialist modernization. The process of Sinicization of Marxism is the process of combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and with Chinese excellent traditional culture. What the "two combinations" indicate is not only the historical requirement of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, but also the brand-new cultural mission of building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

To strengthen cultural self-confidence and achieve spiritual independence, we must adhere to our own path and base ourselves on the great historical and contemporary practice of the Chinese nation. The road of socialism with Chinese characteristics is not only under the guidance of Marxism, but also from more than five thousand years of Chinese civilization. It is the result of the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture. At the initial mission level, it adheres to the guiding position of Marxism, continuously promotes social security and the improvement of people's livelihood with the belief of "serving the people wholeheartedly", and implements "the all-round and free development of people" in the specific actions of "seeking happiness for the people"; At the level of economic form, it has the courage to break stereotypes and explore the establishment of a socialist market economic system, it dialectically deals with the relationship between the allocation of market resources and a promising government, and realizes the rapid and stable development of the national economy; at the level of political system, it ensures the orderly political participation of the people through the system of people's Congress and the system of political consultation, and truly realizes "the people are the masters of the country"; at the level of development concept, it focuses on the resource dilemma of all mankind, On the basis of adhering to the Marxist view of nature, creatively put forward the socialist ecological civilization. Therefore, it is neither a mechanical imitation of the traditional socialist model, nor a copy of the western modernization model, but based on the great historical practice of the Chinese nation, "open your own life with the rules of the ancients", and constantly write a new era chapter of the Chinese nation with the era promotion of "two combinations. In this regard, Chinese-style modernization is the modernization that continues the ancient civilization, not the modernization that eliminates the ancient civilization; it is the modernization that grows from the Chinese land, rather than copying the modernization of other countries; it is the result of the renewal of civilization, not The product of civilization fracture.

To strengthen cultural self-confidence and realize spiritual independence, we must sum up Chinese experience with Chinese principles and upgrade Chinese experience to Chinese theory. In 1940, Comrade Mao Zedong clearly put forward the cultural concept of "national, scientific, and popular" in "On New Democracy. This cultural concept not only breaks down the cultural myth of "total Westernization" and "national standard" since modern times, but also opens up a new cultural road of Sinicization of Marxism with a clear Chinese stand, scientific stand and people's stand. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, the process of national rejuvenation has accelerated in all directions, and the excellent traditional Chinese culture has begun to enter the cultural vision of the Communist Party of China in the new era with a new look. The revival of Chinese culture will contribute Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to the world, and will also contribute to the world a new discourse system that integrates China and foreign countries. On May 31, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized when presiding over the 30th collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, "Tell the Chinese story well, spread the Chinese voice, and show a real, three-dimensional and comprehensive China". At present, with the development of China and the promotion of its international status, the world not only pays attention to China, but also needs to understand China. Under this historical opportunity, the fundamental purpose of building a discourse system that integrates China and foreign countries is to tell a more vivid Chinese story to the world, spread a louder Chinese voice, and transform China's development advantages and institutional advantages into discourse advantages and image advantages. The core of constructing a discourse system that integrates China and foreign countries is to explain Chinese practice with Chinese discourse, summarize Chinese experience with Chinese truth, and upgrade Chinese experience to Chinese theory. Only in this way can we break through the Western media hegemony from the discourse level and enhance China's international discourse power; then break through the cultural hegemony of "Western centralism" from the ideological level, and build a Chinese-style modern discourse system based on Chinese experience and Chinese theory. The influence of Chinese culture; finally, from the level of discourse consciousness and theoretical consciousness to enhance our discourse self-confidence and theoretical self-confidence, starting from China's reality, explain China's road, interpret China's practice, firmly grasp the right to speak and interpret China's development and progress, and truly realize spiritual independence.

2. uphold openness and inclusiveness, and constantly cultivate and create a new era of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics.

The long-standing Chinese excellent traditional culture and the broad and profound Marxist theory have cultivated the world vision and feelings of the Chinese Communists. If we want to promote the development of a country with a long history and profound civilization like China, we must uphold the concept of openness and inclusiveness, and must not be self closed and complacent.

To uphold openness and tolerance and create a new culture in the new era, we must adhere to the modernization of Marxism in China. After the founding of the Communist Party of China, it clearly declared that "Marxism must be combined with the specific characteristics of our country and can be realized through a certain national form ...... Marxism is concretized in China, so that it carries the necessary Chinese characteristics in every manifestation". Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese Communists, with Comrade Xi Jinping as the main representative, have insisted on combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture, and created Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. A new leap in the Sinicization of Marxism. On the basis of inheriting and carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, this scientific theory has opened up a new realm of Sinicization of Marxism. At the new historical starting point, we should take contemporary Chinese practice as the coordinate, adhere to the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field, further promote the Sinicization of Marxism, and promote the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

To uphold openness and tolerance and create a new culture in the new era, we must inherit and develop Chinese excellent traditional culture and promote the localization of foreign culture. In human history, China has led the development of human civilization with a broad-minded and eclectic sense of the world. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese Communists have a deep understanding of "harmony but difference" and a broad vision of absorbing different civilizations. On the one hand, they have drawn wisdom from the excellent traditional Chinese culture and grasped the excellent traditional Chinese culture. Unique positioning, firmly guarding the cultural roots of the Chinese nation; on the other hand, breaking the barriers of cultural exchanges with a mind that embraces all rivers, and actively absorbing the nutrients of civilizations of various countries, we will continue to promote the "going out" of Chinese culture with a confident and open attitude, and promote the common progress of civilizations of all countries in exchanges and mutual learning. Only by planting the fertile soil of the fundamental national history and culture can the tree of truth of Marxism take root and flourish. Chinese excellent traditional culture is the "root" of our party's innovative theory. Only by inheriting and developing Chinese excellent traditional culture can we further consolidate the historical and cultural foundation of Marxism taking root in China, and constantly endow it with new vitality. Only by inheriting and developing Chinese excellent traditional culture can we continuously absorb the essence nutrients of humanistic spirit, moral value and historical wisdom from the accumulation of Chinese civilization for more than 5000 years, to provide a steady stream of spiritual nourishment for the cultivation and creation of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics in the new era. At the same time, we should also carry forward the common values of all mankind, implement the global civilization initiative, promote the exchange and mutual learning of civilizations with the mentality of "adhering to the roots and constantly advancing with the times", constantly absorb the multi-cultural spirit of "spanning time and space, transcending countries, full of eternal charm and contemporary value", absorb the essence of all the world's excellent cultures, and in the process of constantly localizing them, make it our ideological and cultural resources. Only in this way can we work together to create a new culture that belongs to our time, build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation, open up a broader civilization space in the world cultural system, and write a new chapter of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics.

3. adhere to the integrity of innovation, continuously historical context, compose the contemporary Chinese chapter.

Each civilization continues the spiritual blood of a country and nation. It not only needs to be passed on and guarded from generation to generation, but also needs to keep pace with the times, keep upright and innovate, and continue the historical context and compose the contemporary Chinese chapter with the righteousness and vigor of keeping upright and innovating. Looking back at the past, the Chinese nation has always stood strong through hardships, and the Chinese civilization has been passed down through the vicissitudes of life. In the long-standing blood of Chinese civilization, it not only precipitates the indomitable vitality of the Chinese nation, but also contains the inexhaustible creativity of the Chinese nation. "It is not accidental that we have opened up the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is determined by our country's historical heritage and cultural traditions." The socialist culture with Chinese characteristics originates from the excellent traditional Chinese culture nurtured by the Chinese nation's more than 5,000 years of civilization. It is the foundation for us to gain a firm foothold in the world cultural agitation. Only by comprehensively and deeply understanding the history of Chinese civilization can we more effectively promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture, more effectively promote the construction of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, and write a new chapter of the Chinese nation.

To adhere to integrity and innovation and write a contemporary Chinese chapter, we must deeply explore the essence of Chinese excellent traditional culture and deeply understand the outstanding continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness and peace of Chinese civilization. The soul of the country, the text to change, the text to cast. The excellent traditional Chinese culture contains the wisdom, spirit and culture of the Chinese nation, and it also contains the endless power. We must conduct detailed and in-depth academic research on traditional culture, and carefully sort out cultural traditions with the broadest possible vision. In particular, we must do a good job in the research and interpretation of the origin of Chinese civilization, and form a relatively complete concept system based on Chinese cultural genes. Further refine and display the spiritual signs of Chinese civilization. In addition, we must go back to history in the way of modern academic research, and rejuvenate the modern glory of Chinese excellent traditional culture through scientific demonstration, so that it can not only withstand the test of rationality, but also provide strong support for the cultivation and creation of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics in the new era, so that we can make full use of the precious resources of Chinese excellent traditional culture in a broader cultural space. Explore future-oriented theoretical and institutional innovation.

To adhere to integrity and innovation and write a contemporary chapter, we must promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture with the integrity and vigor of integrity and innovation. What is creative transformation? It is to transform the traditional connotations and old forms of expression that are still valuable for reference in accordance with the characteristics and requirements of the times, to give them new connotations of the times and modern forms of expression, and to activate their vitality. How to develop innovatively? It is to supplement, expand and improve the connotation of Chinese excellent traditional culture in accordance with the new progress of the times, and enhance its influence and appeal. Fundamentally speaking, we should constantly promote the transformation of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" from spontaneity to consciousness with a new sense of cultural mission, promote new ideological emancipation, get rid of old ideas, and take the attitude of removing the rough and the essence from the outside to the inside. in addition to the "form of the nation" and the "content of the times", combined with new technical means and new forms of expression, give traditional culture a new connotation of the times, let its spiritual core integrate and resonate with the core values of socialism and the socialist culture with Chinese characteristics. In the process of continuously promoting the Chinese excellent traditional culture to adapt to contemporary society, coordinate with the modernization process, and integrate with modern culture, further activate the vitality of Chinese excellent traditional culture, stimulate the vitality of cultural innovation and creation of the whole nation, so as to provide a more surging source of power for the new culture of the new era and the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. The best way to inherit history is to create new history.

Today's China stands majestically on the world stage. After going through hardships and tempering, it shows the glorious prospects of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. The "two combinations" have given the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics a broader and far-reaching historical depth and expanded the cultural foundation of the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Chinese-style modernization endows Chinese civilization with modern power, and Chinese civilization endows Chinese-style modernization with profound details. The combination of the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and excellent Chinese traditional culture is not a platter, not a simple "physical reaction", but a profound "chemical reaction", which will create an organic and unified new cultural life. Let Marxism become Chinese, let Chinese excellent traditional culture become modern, and let the new culture formed through "combination" become the cultural form of Chinese modernization. As far as we can see the past, we can see the future. When looking forward to the future, we must strengthen our cultural self-confidence, shoulder our mission, work hard, and work together to create a new culture that belongs to our era and build the Chinese nation. Modern civilization.


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