Repeatedly missing the organization's rescue, he fell into the trap while eating, drinking, and playing. Director Huang Haisheng and Huang Hai

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 04:06 AM

Being lawless and boasting of being natural and unrestrained, deeply trapped in hunting and cocooning, and bound to oneself

Analysis of Huang Haisheng, former Party Secretary and Director of the Culture and Tourism Bureau of Chongming District, Shanghai, Serious Violations of Discipline and Law

Huang Haisheng, male, born in November 1972, started working in July 1990 and joined the CPC in June 1999. Formerly served as the Chief of the Comprehensive Department of the Office of Chongming County People's Government in Shanghai; Deputy Director of the County Labor and Social Security Bureau; Xianghua Town Mayor; Director of the County Administration of Culture, Radio, Film and Television; Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Culture and Tourism Bureau of Chongming District. In November 2022, the Chongming District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted a review and investigation of Huang Haisheng's case and implemented detention measures. In April 2023, Huang Haisheng was expelled from the Party and public office, and his suspected criminal issues were transferred to the procuratorial organs for legal review and prosecution.

Huang Haisheng, a former outstanding youth, the youngest township head of Chongming County at that time, and a long-term leader, has become a prisoner from being a "good comrade", which is regrettable. During his 30 year career in politics, he spent nearly 20 years in a leadership position. While he was feeling proud in his life, he came to an early conclusion. Along the way, driven by decadent thinking and a mentality of luck, Huang Haisheng became increasingly distant from the organization and closer to unscrupulous merchants, ultimately sliding into the abyss of illegal crime.

Fall from the wind and decay, in the midst of eating, drinking, and playing

Huang Haisheng was born into an ordinary working family. After graduating from vocational school, he became a primary school teacher in Chongming County. At that time, his family was average and he still lived in a rented house when he got married. In 1990, he left school and became a government official, serving in the office of Chongming County People's Court. After working in the office, Huang Haisheng realized that his educational level was not enough, and he learned knowledge in calligraphy and painting during his vocational school years. In order to keep up with his colleagues, he often worked overtime to study his work. At the same time, he was determined to improve his educational level. After hard work, he was admitted to an amateur university and pursued a law major. Huang Haisheng has put in a lot of effort to perform his job well, both at work and on weekends.

Not long after working in the court, Huang Haisheng gradually stood out. At that time, the logo for unit meetings needed to be written with a brush, and propaganda often required bulletin boards. His calligraphy and painting skills came in handy, and all of these tasks were completed by him alone. Due to his proactive work and good reputation among cadres and employees, he quickly gained the attention and importance of county leaders. After working in the court for 6 years, Huang Haisheng was transferred to the county government office as a secretary.

During the five years from 1996 to 2001, Huang Haisheng was familiar with the operation of county government work, policy formulation, and other situations, and gained the trust of his leaders. He frequently participated in various meetings, conducted research on project situations, and assisted in the progress of work. It was also from this moment that some business owners gradually appeared around Huang Haisheng, intentionally or unintentionally approaching him, trying to establish relationships, build relationships, and get close to him. Some invited him to eat, some invited him to drink, to make friends with him. Whether it's eavesdropping on news or asking for warmth to get closer, Huang Haisheng has never been vigilant, let alone vigilant. "At first, I was a bit worried in my heart, but on second thought, they didn't have anything to ask of me, and I didn't have any position to provide help to them. Maybe it was just to make friends with me, so I relaxed my guard." Huang Haisheng reflected and said that since then, he has always been open to drinking and dining parties. At first, I went once or twice a week, but later I went more and more frequently.

If you let go of the rules, you won't be able to pick them up again. Huang Haisheng had a smooth career and was promoted to the position of Deputy Director at the age of 31. At the age of 34, he grew up to be the youngest township head in Chongming County at that time. As his position increased, more and more "friends" surrounded him, and his courage also grew, with more and more red envelopes. He gradually became a two faced person, with loose standards and relaxed rules. "They often invite me to eat and drink, and then go to KTV to sing in the evening, and they all pay for these things," Huang Haisheng told the investigators. He enjoyed this feeling very much and fell into it when he encountered temptation.

Concept deviation, lack of discipline and awareness of rules and regulations

Huang Haisheng has been fond of dancing and writing since childhood, and has put in a lot of hard work in calligraphy. Through hard work, he even became a member of the Municipal Calligraphers Association. After being transferred to the position of Director of the Chongming County Bureau of Culture, Radio and Television, he specifically went to Beijing to learn from his master, with the aim of improving his ability to create and appreciate calligraphy and painting works, facilitating interactions with "literati", and meeting more artists. His expertise in calligraphy and painting, combined with the accumulation of literary and artistic resources, made him somewhat proud and self proclaimed as a "cultural figure". And those "friends" who deliberately made friends with Huang Haisheng, knowing that he usually loves antiques and collecting, made special visits, either hoping to ask Huang Haisheng, this "expert", to help purchase authentic works of famous artists, or to "seek calligraphy and painting" from himself.

Over time, Huang Haisheng smelled the "business opportunity" among them. He did not expect that the position of a director unexpectedly gave him an additional "side job" of making money. He began to engage in the business of calligraphy and painting, whether it was his colleagues or business owners, all of whom became his "clients". "Some of these sold calligraphy and paintings were created by painters invited by Huang Haisheng to Chongming for art collection, while others were purchased by someone at an exhibition. They were all bought at low prices and sold at high prices," the investigators explained.

From 2011 to 2022, Huang Haisheng used the influence of his position or position to illegally operate calligraphy and painting, and profited over 1.75 million yuan from it. Even worse, he even outsourced and contracted the business he was in charge of. After the boss Peng undertook the engineering project contracted by the County Bureau of Culture, Radio and Television, Huang Haisheng also took responsibility for the production of promotional videos from Peng, earning over 250000 yuan in violation of regulations.

Since ancient times, there have been two ways to become an official and wealthy. To become an official for the sake of wealth, power becomes a tool for personal gain, easily leading to corruption and ultimately becoming a criminal of the Party and the people. Huang Haisheng not only lacks a sense of discipline and rules, but also, guided by erroneous concepts, finds so-called "sufficient reasons" for his violations of discipline and law.

He believes that "literati" should be free from small details and regard all rules and regulations as outdated and vulgar. "Although I majored in law in my spare time, I have never attached much importance to the tedious things of law and discipline, and even neglected their existence for a long time. In my bones, I enjoy the romance, freedom, and indulgence of literature and art, so my life trajectory is unconventional and never follows rules and regulations." Huang Haisheng admitted.

The longer he works, the more prominent his reckless personality becomes. On the one hand, he claims to advocate for the ancient sages to be "pure and inactive" and to be carefree and content with all things; On the other hand, it alienates the beauty of the personality of ancient sages into self indulgence, indulgence, indulgence, and indulgence. For a moment, desires were rampant. In 2018 alone, Huang Haisheng accepted travel arrangements from business owners six times, covering all corners of the country and traveling almost every weekend and holiday.

Gan being surrounded and hunting brings bad atmosphere to the unit

Huang Haisheng reflected that when a so-called "friend" needs help in business, he does not refuse at all. When others recommend a wealthy businessman named Lu to him, he readily accepts and regards him as his confidant. When Lu expressed gratitude to himself after receiving the project, he felt that this was the "good friend" of "gratitude and gratitude".

The investigators explained that after the merger of the District Bureau of Culture, Radio and Television and the Tourism Bureau, the number of engineering projects in the unit also increased, which brought more opportunities for Huang Haisheng, who was already searching for ways to make money everywhere.

From 2018 to 2020, the district cultural and tourism bureau contracted more than 40 engineering projects, including documentary promotional film shooting, series book planning, construction of community cultural activity sub centers, and construction and renovation of scenic spots. In the past two to three years, 21 business owners have come to give gifts and gold to Huang Haisheng during festivals. At the same time, they also eat, drink, smoke, and take watches. The amount of violations of discipline and law by Huang Haisheng continues to increase. According to statistics, he received bribes of over 3.57 million yuan in cash alone.

"When there were many engineering projects, I used the office as a 'toll station'," Huang Haisheng confessed. In the past two to three years, he almost met a business owner through a project, and each business owner also understood the meaning. He would visit and walk around during holidays, and his "circle of friends" quickly expanded.

These business owners are well versed in Huang Haisheng's interests and hobbies, and then cater to his preferences. Some people know that he enjoys practicing calligraphy, so they tailor-made a study room for him in their own company, and offered him high-end cigarettes and brewed high-quality tea, serving him throughout the process; Some people know that he enjoys cycling, so they buy him a professional bicycle in advance; Some people know that their son is studying abroad, so they specially send foreign currencies such as US dollars and euros.

Repeatedly missing the organization's rescue, he fell into the trap while eating, drinking, and playing. Director Huang Haisheng and Huang Hai

"Almost all of the friends I make around me are business owners who have interests in me. I know their purpose in interacting with me is to obtain engineering projects, but in the face of their attentive care and attentive service, I feel very happy and happy both physically and mentally." Huang Haisheng said.

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. As the leader of the unit, Huang Haisheng not only failed to take the lead in integrity and self-discipline, but also violated discipline and law, which ruined the overall atmosphere of the unit. It is precisely due to Huang Haisheng's misconduct that the political ecology of the district's cultural and tourism bureau has been severely damaged. He not only receives red envelopes from his subordinates year-round, but also leads members of the unit team and some department heads to collectively accept banquets from management service recipients. He not only serves as a platform for business owners, but also acts as a bridge between the boss and party members and cadres due to his interests. In April 2023, 15 people were investigated by the district cultural and tourism bureau.

Huang Haisheng has gone from being the youngest township head in Chongming County to a corrupt figure despised by everyone. He has long put aside the trust and trust of the organization, and has long forgotten his ideals and beliefs. He sees himself in his eyes and harbors greed in his heart.

Feeling lucky and repeatedly missing out on the organization's rescue efforts

The organization has given Huang Haisheng an opportunity. In 2019, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Chongming District once inquired about relevant issues with Huang Haisheng. Faced with the organization's reminders, he not only failed to report the situation truthfully, but also perfunctorily took responsibility. Faced with questions such as "whether there is close interaction with businessmen", he vehemently denied and responded, "I have always maintained legitimate exchanges with entrepreneurs, and all projects and projects are strictly carried out in accordance with the collective decision-making procedures of bidding, government procurement, and bureau meetings on the" three important and one major "matters.". He believed that such a response would cover the whole story, and organizing the inquiry was just a formality.

In 2021, Yang, former chairman of a company under the district cultural and tourism bureau, was investigated and filed by the district discipline inspection and supervision commission on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law. Huang Haisheng, due to his leadership responsibility, was once again initiated for investigation. It was also from the end of 2021 that the District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision gradually received clues related to Huang Haisheng's issues, and the relevant reporting letters never ceased until he was filed for review and investigation.

Based on the clues raised by the public, the organization conducted preliminary verification and initiated a case review and investigation in March 2022. According to the review and investigation, in July of the same year, Huang Haisheng was given disciplinary action of revocation of his party position and dismissal from government affairs. He recalled, "After being dismissed and demoted, I thought to myself that the organization would no longer investigate. Once again, I managed to pass the test and finally landed on a 'soft landing'."

In order to cover up and prevent all of his disciplinary and illegal activities from being exposed, Huang Haisheng began to take stock of his years of financial records, including family income, expenses, and gains from disciplinary and illegal activities, after being punished. He found that most of the savings of over 10 million yuan could not be explained clearly, so he began to look for "reasonable excuses" for himself.

Huang Haisheng believes that the best excuse is to "earn money from managing calligraphy and painting.". Firstly, the transaction amount of calligraphy and painting is relatively large, making it easy to gain trust from others; Secondly, familiarizing oneself with the "process" will make it easier to handle. So, he approached his cousin Huang and agreed to count the unidentified family assets as the "commission money" for Huang to purchase calligraphy and painting. Huang Haisheng found Huang twice to collude with him, and the first time both parties agreed that the "entrusted payment" was over 7 million yuan; The second time, Huang Haisheng told Huang that he wanted to increase the amount to over 9 million yuan after another round of trading. He believes that as long as both sides remain steadfast, everything will go smoothly and things will turn over.

Huang Haisheng repeatedly missed out on the organization's rescue efforts. In November 2022, the Chongming District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted a review and investigation of Huang Haisheng's case and implemented detention measures. After investigation, Huang Haisheng was found to have violated political discipline, the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, work discipline, and life discipline, and was suspected of committing bribery crimes. "Even after I was detained, I had a sense of luck and thought that after a few days of hard work and several interrogations, I would be released home," Huang Haisheng said.

Long term luck mentality and numbness consciousness have plunged Huang Haisheng deeper and deeper into the quagmire of crime, and he will eventually pay a heavy price for it.

Huang Haisheng's Confession Record

On November 15, 2022, I underwent organizational review and investigation and was detained. On this day, my 50th birthday had just passed 13 days.

Fifty knows the fate of heaven. In the year of knowing fate, my destiny began to be rewritten. In the first half of my life, studying and working, although the journey was difficult and bumpy, it was still a small achievement. But due to my serious violations of discipline and law, starting from the age of 50, I will pay a heavy price for my mistakes. I will leave the system and organization, leave the colorful society and warm family, and embark on a long prison life alone. This is a great sorrow in my life, and also a bitter fruit of my own fault.

Under the political education and rescue of the organization, I went from initially resisting and reluctantly accepting in my heart to actively cooperating, consciously awakening, and deeply reflecting. I felt deeply saddened by my mistakes and often fell into deep self blame. I personally ruined my bright future and had a serious impact on the reputation of the party. Not only did I suffer it on my own, but I also implicated my family. I apologize to the Party, the people, and my family. I apologize to the Party organization and apologize to the people. I am willing to accept any handling by the party organization and accept legal sanctions.

The fundamental reason why I embarked on the path of illegal and criminal activities is that I lost my ideals and beliefs, forgot the oath I made when I joined the Party, forgot the clear requirements of the Party Constitution, and deviated from the original aspiration and mission of a Communist Party member. With the changes in my position, the promotion of my position, and the increase of power, my ideals and beliefs continue to weaken until they are completely lost. In the face of money, I have not stopped the temptation, causing myself to undergo political transformation step by step, psychological imbalance, and crazy behavior, completely becoming a shameful criminal.

With the loss of ideals and beliefs, my outlook on life and values have also been severely distorted. I no longer adhere to my original intention of serving the people, but only pursue my personal interests, pursue my wonderful life, happy life, and enjoy life. No longer considering the cultivation of party spirit and political consciousness, my mind is full of one hand focusing on work, so as not to lose my position and power. On the other hand, I work hard to earn money, enjoy the present, and prepare for my later years to be carefree.

I usually consider myself a "cultural person", so I absorb cultural ideas from various sources and do not refuse anyone. There are many feudal ideological dross and vulgar culture that have deeply influenced me. For a long time, it has formed my rebellious and scattered personality, which is incompatible with the political quality and temperament required by Communist Party members. This is also an important ideological root of my falling into the abyss of crime.

From being sneaky at the beginning to openly accepting money and acting recklessly in the office, it is all because of a long-term mentality of luck that I gradually become numb and accustomed to it. So, on the surface, it seems that my incident was caused by the dereliction of duty and economic problems of the responsible person of the subordinate enterprise, which may have been accidental. However, in reality, my criminal behavior has become increasingly severe and cannot be concealed. The incident is inevitable.

Life cannot be restarted, and there is no medicine for regret. At this point, no amount of tears of regret can wash away one's sins, and no amount of words of regret can save the defeat in life. I know that I am facing a dual punishment of discipline and law. I will be removed from the party membership and will spend a long and painful prison life. Let me always remember this immensely painful lesson and cost.

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