Important news

Video: Xi Jinping: China and Vietnam come and go as often as relatives. It is a fine tradition comrade | Xi Jinping | a fine tradition.
Video: Xi Jinping: China and Vietnam come and go as often as relatives. It is a fine tradition comrade | Xi Jinping | a fine tradition.

This year marks the 15th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Vietnam. The exchanges between the two countries at all levels are becoming increasingly close, and the consensus reached between me and General Secretary Nguyen Phuc Trong is being implemented. I am deeply pleased about this. Faced with the increasingly severe and complex international situation, China and Vietnam should work together to cooperate and seek development, injecting more stability into the ever-changing and intertwined world.

Xi Jinping Meets with Barbados Prime Minister Motley Xi Jinping
Xi Jinping Meets with Barbados Prime Minister Motley Xi Jinping

Although China and Pakistan are far apart from each other, they share the same aspirations and work together, and their bilateral relations continue to deepen and develop. China is promoting Chinese path to modernization with high-quality development, which will bring new opportunities for Barbados' development and China Pakistan cooperation. Pakistan is welcome to take the "fast train" of China's development and build a closer China Pakistan community of common destiny with China.The Chinese side will continue to support as always

Touching the Pulse of the Global Economy: "Spoilers" and Diverse Development Trends - Overview of Hot Spots at the Summer Davos Forum in 2023 | Global | Trends
Touching the Pulse of the Global Economy: "Spoilers" and Diverse Development Trends - Overview of Hot Spots at the Summer Davos Forum in 2023 | Global | Trends

On the banks of the Haihe River, on the coast of the Bohai Sea. Four years later, the Summer Davos Forum from Switzerland restarted in Tianjin, China on June 27. More than 1500 political and business elites from nearly 100 countries and regions around the world discussed hot topics in global economy, science and technology, environment and so on. In the face of the challenges of the post-epidemic era, how will the world respond? During the forum, Xinhua reporters interviewed a number of participants and experts, "spoilers" this ideological feast. This is the opening ceremony of the 2023 annual meeting of the new leaders of the world economic forum taken on June 27. The global economy: what is the trend? Looking back over the past few years, the century epidemic and the century of change are intertwined. The neo-crown epidemic has been repeatedly delayed around the world, unilateralism, protectionism and anti-globalization have spread, and global problems have intensified,

It can still be preserved for thousands of years! Multiple universities offer new admission notices, offering food, drink, and access to higher education. Notice of Admission
It can still be preserved for thousands of years! Multiple universities offer new admission notices, offering food, drink, and access to higher education. Notice of Admission

At present, the scores for the college entrance examination in 31 provinces have all been announced, and admission notices for universities in multiple regions have been gradually updated. Which ones have surprised you? The first bowl of beef noodles for the new students, Lan Da, is ready! On June 26th, Lanzhou University announced the format of the admission letter. The admission letter is slowly opened. Lanzhou University is waiting for you. The admission letter for undergraduate students is based on a red color. The first layer is the school emblem, and the second layer is the school motto. The second layer is the main entrance of Lanzhou University, and the third layer is the Jishi Hall. The most surprising thing is that each admission letter contains a beef noodle voucher. "Get on the dumpling, get off the noodle" to welcome new students. Lanzhou University sent a bowl of hot beef noodle, tear open the dotted line, and new students can eat the first bowl of beef noodle in Lanzhou by obtaining the voucher! Lanzhou locals generally call Lanzhou beef Lamian Noodles "beef noodles"

Accelerating the Progress of Major Projects with Multiple Funds Supporting Transportation Infrastructure China Securities Journal | Xinhua News Agency | Infrastructure
Accelerating the Progress of Major Projects with Multiple Funds Supporting Transportation Infrastructure China Securities Journal | Xinhua News Agency | Infrastructure

On June 27th, China Securities News published an article titled "Accelerating the Progress of Major Projects and Supporting Transportation Infrastructure with Multiple Funds.". The article states that in recent times, multiple key transportation projects across the country have intensified their construction, sparking a construction boom. According to data from Infrastructure Communications, in just half a month, relevant departments have approved 17 major highway transportation projects with an investment of over 1 billion yuan. Experts point out that since the beginning of this year, there has been a significant reserve of major infrastructure projects. With the increasing demand for stable growth, subsequent existing projects may accelerate their implementation, helping to expand effective investment and stabilize the overall economy. The construction of transportation infrastructure is booming without fear of the scorching summer heat, and the construction of major transportation infrastructure in many places is booming, constantly refreshing the "progress bar". Look at the railway. During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the Chuanqing Railway, Chengyi High Speed Railway, and Chengda Wan High Speed Railway

Mentor in space! That's so cool!, Satellites as Teaching Aids in Aerospace | Universities | Teaching Aids
Mentor in space! That's so cool!, Satellites as Teaching Aids in Aerospace | Universities | Teaching Aids

Confirmed! The mentor in space is indeed revising his thesis, and he is Zhu Yangzhu, the "God Sixteen" astronaut. At the Aerospace Engineering University where Zhu Yangzhu once taught, not only can he make satellites to the sky, but he can also personally control satellites to take photos of the Earth and the moon. He is very dedicated! My supervisor still needs to revise his thesis in space. Zhu Yangzhu is the first space flight engineer in China to carry out manned missions. He used to be a teacher in the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology at the University of Aerospace Engineering of the Strategic Support Force. Although he has been on a business trip to space, he still remembers the student who wrote his thesis at the university. Zhu Yangzhu's senior brother, Lin Wei, a teacher at the University of Aerospace Engineering, said, "Zhu has another student at school who is currently working on a big thesis. Every small paper is also sent to Zhu. Zhu has time to revise it." Netizens: Distance is not a problem, use satellites

Video Xi Jinping: Welcome Pakistan to Take China's Development "Express" to Build a Closer China-Pakistan Community of Destiny Barbados | Countries | China
Video Xi Jinping: Welcome Pakistan to Take China's Development "Express" to Build a Closer China-Pakistan Community of Destiny Barbados | Countries | China

Ms. Premier is kind to China and regards developing relations with China as a diplomatic priority. I highly appreciate this. Barbados people often say that one hand cannot applaud. There is also an ancient saying in China: "Those who share the same aspirations do not consider mountains and seas as distant." Although China and Pakistan are separated by vast oceans, they share the same aspirations and walk hand in hand. Welcome the Pakistani side to ride the "fast train" of China's development, play the "concerto" of cooperation and win-win cooperation with China, and build a closer community with a shared future between China and Pakistan. Motley said

Video: Xi Jinping: Willing to work with New Zealand to open a new 50-year New Zealand | Strategic Partnership | Relationship
Video: Xi Jinping: Willing to work with New Zealand to open a new 50-year New Zealand | Strategic Partnership | Relationship

I greatly appreciate this. In 2014, I visited New Zealand and both sides announced the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership. In the past decade, China Singapore relations have maintained healthy and stable development, bringing tangible benefits to the people of both countries. Your visit to China this time is very meaningful. We must work together to usher in a new 50 years of bilateral relations and promote the stable and far-reaching development of the China Singapore comprehensive strategic partnership. Hopkins said, "Thank you for the opportunity to meet with you. Last year marked the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Singapore and China, which is an important milestone in bilateral relations.". The relationship between the two countries is multi-faceted and multi-level

Inheriting and Promoting Traditional Forms of Ethnic Folk Literature and Art | China | Ethnic Groups
Inheriting and Promoting Traditional Forms of Ethnic Folk Literature and Art | China | Ethnic Groups

In the more than 5000 years of civilization history of the Chinese nation, the people of all ethnic groups living on the land of China have created and inherited rich and colorful literature and art with distinct national characteristics and strong local flavor through long-term labor and production life. They are full of the most sincere thoughts and emotions of the Chinese nation, carrying the most vivid craft wisdom and the most simple aesthetic taste. In over 2800 counties in China

Building a secure and trustworthy digital world with ancient customs | Thinking | Digital
Building a secure and trustworthy digital world with ancient customs | Thinking | Digital

On June 26th, the holy land of Mount Ni in Qufu, Jining, Shandong was full of vitality, surrounded by mountains and water, with lush vegetation and ancient architecture complementing each other. The Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization of the World Internet Conference is being held in this historical and cultural holy land. The dialogue focuses on the opportunities and challenges that artificial intelligence brings to human civilization, focusing on topics such as "building a safe and trustworthy artificial intelligence", "empowering thousands of industries with artificial intelligence", and "where human civilization is heading in the era of artificial intelligence". It explores how to use the "toolbox" of human civilization to address the "technological variable" of artificial intelligence, and lead the future development of the digital world in the meeting of traditional and emerging technologies. In recent years, artificial intelligence has become one of the most active cutting-edge fields in global digital technology innovation, a new track in the digital economy, and a new hotspot in international competition. At the same time, the public is concerned about people

Hot Review | Express "Thermometer" Measures Consumer Recovery Network | Domestic Demand | Express Delivery
Hot Review | Express "Thermometer" Measures Consumer Recovery Network | Domestic Demand | Express Delivery

"Your package is currently being delivered," this is a hopeful reminder. The National Postal Administration recently released data showing that China's express delivery business has reached 60 billion pieces since the beginning of this year. Especially since June, multiple e-commerce platforms across the country have launched mid year promotional activities, driving a new round of growth in express delivery business. In the first 24 days of June, the express delivery business volume reached 10 billion pieces, with an average daily output of about 417 million pieces. 60 billion items means that each person in the country has received an average of over 40 parcels this year. It is a common practice in shopping to place orders at home and receive goods from the doorstep. The packages on the courier's car are connected to production supply at one end and consumer demand at the other, becoming a "thermometer" of economic development and consumer vitality. Express delivery plays a leading role in smooth circulation, with packages being delivered one by one

Xi Jinping's Message to Communist Youth League Cadres: Win the Party's Trust, Social Respect and Youth Word-of-mouth Construction with Practical Achievements | Xi Jinping | Trust
Xi Jinping's Message to Communist Youth League Cadres: Win the Party's Trust, Social Respect and Youth Word-of-mouth Construction with Practical Achievements | Xi Jinping | Trust

The Communist Youth League is the Party's assistant and reserve army, and an important force in the Party's youth work.How to be a good cadre of the Communist Youth League and do a good job in its work, learning together ↓ Producer | Editor in Chief Li Zhe | Editor in Chief Chai Jing | Visual by Ma Weilu | Proofreading by Li Tingting | Zhang Tianyu

The "Ten Million Project" Launches New Rural Practice Construction in the Future | Project | Rural
The "Ten Million Project" Launches New Rural Practice Construction in the Future | Project | Rural

Zhejiang adheres to the new development concept as the guide, regards the construction of "future rural areas" as an important lever for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, and has launched a new exploration and practice of the "Ten Million Project". During this period, the Anji Dayu Village Construction Group, consisting of 8 service teams, is operating efficiently. In the construction of a "future countryside" with "Dayu Village" as the core, Yucun has joined hands with 24 surrounding administrative villages to expand nearly tenfold. He Miao, Deputy Leader of the Construction Leadership Group in Dayu Village, Anji County, Zhejiang Province: Now we want to create a youth community, expand the pattern of rural construction, and through the improvement of our rural level, it can welcome more people to come to the countryside

[CCTV quick review] Fully stimulate the youth to assume the responsibility of rejuvenation in the construction of Chinese path to modernization | task | quick review
[CCTV quick review] Fully stimulate the youth to assume the responsibility of rejuvenation in the construction of Chinese path to modernization | task | quick review

"The hope for the cause of the Party and the country rests on the youth. It is hoped that the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League will thoroughly implement the requirements of the Party Central Committee, effectively shoulder the mission and tasks entrusted by the Party in the new era and new journey, carry forward the fine traditions, adhere to reform and innovation, better unite the younger generation around the Party, and continue to struggle to promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation." On June 26, General Secretary Xi Jinping had a collective conversation with members of the new leadership team of the Communist Youth League Central Committee and delivered an important speech. He highly affirmed the achievements of youth work since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and profoundly explained the importance of doing a good job in youth work in the new era. Significance, placing ardent hopes on more than 7300 million Communist Youth League members and the new leadership of the League Central Committee, it points out the front for us to promote the development of the Communist Youth League at a new historical starting point and encourage the broad masses of League members and young people to strive for it.

General Secretary, these requirements remain consistent. The leadership team of the joint broadcast+three collective talks | Central Committee of the Communist Youth League | Requirements
General Secretary, these requirements remain consistent. The leadership team of the joint broadcast+three collective talks | Central Committee of the Communist Youth League | Requirements

Broadcast+"The hope of the Party and the country lies in the youth" "The Party Central Committee has high expectations for the new leadership team of the Youth League Central Committee".Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2013, 2018, and 2023, the General Secretary has had three collective talks with members of the leadership team of the Youth League Central Committee. What did the General Secretary emphasize during the three conversations? CCTV Network's "Lianbo+" special review and analysis, learning together with you.During the second collective conversation, the General Secretary pointed out that "all the work of the Youth League can be summarized in one point.",

Xi Jinping's "ten million" miss group | Zhejiang | Xi Jinping
Xi Jinping's "ten million" miss group | Zhejiang | Xi Jinping

Recently, the group to the Zhejiang countryside turned a big circle: in Hangzhou small ancient city village, three-story villa houses arranged in a row; to Huzhou Xiantan village, sitting in the library before the ping to taste coffee; into Jinhua Tera Lu village, stop at thousands of acres of rice fields, to see plant protection drones buzzing over ...... The group photographed a lot of landscape painting-like idyllic scenery, the partners can not help but sigh: "this and my impression of the countryside is not the same." More than 20 years ago, many villages in Zhejiang were still "modernized indoors, dirty and messy outdoors", "garbage has nowhere to go, and sewage flows everywhere"... However, the advancement of a project has caused tremendous changes in tens of thousands of villages. The idyllic scenery of Tellu Village, Chengdong Street, Dongyang City, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province. In October 2002, Xi Jinping began intensive research as soon as he arrived in Zhejiang. In 118 days, he ran 11

Follow the general secretary to explore the Chinese civilization | the ancient city of general secretary | Xi Jinping | the ancient city
Follow the general secretary to explore the Chinese civilization | the ancient city of general secretary | Xi Jinping | the ancient city

CCTV's "Lianbo+" program has specially planned a series of articles titled "Exploring Chinese Civilization with General Secretary" to help you appreciate the vastness and profoundness of Chinese civilization. Broadcast+source dredging leads to a long stream, while deep roots lead to lush leaves.Visiting ancient cities and touching history time and time again, General Secretary has consistently emphasized the importance of protection. In his heart, "history and culture are the soul of a city."

In this way, the general secretary urged him to look at and pilot the work of the communist youth league | career | important | general secretary | times | country | communist youth league | work | communist youth league of China | Xi Jinping
In this way, the general secretary urged him to look at and pilot the work of the communist youth league | career | important | general secretary | times | country | communist youth league | work | communist youth league of China | Xi Jinping

On June 19th, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China opened at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.On the new journey, how to better unite, organize, and mobilize young people to strive for the realization of the second centenary goal and the Chinese Dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is a major issue that the youth movement and youth work in China must answer in the new era.

General Secretary Xi Jinping is concerned about building a solid foundation for a bumper harvest | hiding grain in the ground, hiding grain in the technical red line | cultivated land | Xi Jinping
General Secretary Xi Jinping is concerned about building a solid foundation for a bumper harvest | hiding grain in the ground, hiding grain in the technical red line | cultivated land | Xi Jinping

June 25 this year is the 33rd National Land Day, with the theme of "saving and intensive land and strictly observing the red line of cultivated land". Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has attached great importance to the protection and utilization of cultivated land. On different occasions such as attending important meetings and field investigations, he emphasized that cultivated land is the lifeblood of food production, and hard measures with long teeth must be taken to implement the strictest Cultivated land protection system. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "consolidate the foundation of food security in an all-round way", "firmly hold the red line of 1.8 billion acres of arable land, and gradually build all permanent basic farmland into high-standard farmland". From the granary of the Central Plains to the black land in Northeast China, from the Sichuan Basin to the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River, various localities have implemented in-depth storage of grain in the ground and grain in technology, and the construction area of high-standard farmland has steadily increased. Comprehensive supporting facilities for fields, soil, water, roads, forests, electricity, technology, and management, agriculture

Zhejiang Promotion | Seven Treasures Behind the "Ten Million Project" Zhejiang | Project | Treasures
Zhejiang Promotion | Seven Treasures Behind the "Ten Million Project" Zhejiang | Project | Treasures

The second is to hold an annual performance exhibition, where he personally oversees the deployment, implementation, demonstration and guidance, and mobilizes everyone's enthusiasm. The fact has proven that the combination of "on-site meetings" and "effectiveness exhibitions" is quite effective, and the enthusiasm of the grassroots is immediately mobilized.From this, it can be seen that to do any job well, we need to set up at the top level

In a collective conversation with members of the new leading group of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, Xi Jinping stressed that he should earnestly shoulder the mission and task entrusted by the party in the new era and new journey, and fully inspire the broad masses of young people to shoulder the mission in the construction of Chinese-style modernization | task | collective
In a collective conversation with members of the new leading group of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, Xi Jinping stressed that he should earnestly shoulder the mission and task entrusted by the party in the new era and new journey, and fully inspire the broad masses of young people to shoulder the mission in the construction of Chinese-style modernization | task | collective

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 26. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, had a collective conversation with members of the new leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League in Zhongnanhai on the afternoon of the 26th and delivered an important speech. He stressed that the hope of the cause of the party and the state rests on the youth. It is hoped that the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League will thoroughly implement the requirements of the Party Central Committee, earnestly shoulder the mission and tasks entrusted by the party in the new era and new journey, inherit and carry forward the fine traditions, adhere to reform and innovation, and better unite the young generation around the party, in order to promote the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation The great cause continues to struggle. Cai Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, attended the collective talk. Xi Jinping first stated that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the party's youth work has made major achievements and profound changes have taken place.

Forum on Joining Hands to Cope with the Century long Changes in the World and Explore the Path to Economic Recovery and Restart | China | Economy
Forum on Joining Hands to Cope with the Century long Changes in the World and Explore the Path to Economic Recovery and Restart | China | Economy

At present, the world's unprecedented major changes have entered a period of accelerated evolution. Multiple challenges and crises are intertwined and overlapping, making it difficult for the world economy to recover. Globalization is surging against the current, the wind of great power competition is high and turbulent, geopolitical challenges are surging, and the ecological environment is continuously deteriorating... Various focal points, hotspots, and difficult issues emerge one after another, and the world, times, and history are unfolding in unprecedented ways. In the current era where opportunities and challenges coexist, how to unite and cooperate, develop together, and walk the modernization path of co construction, sharing, and win-win is a contemporary proposition that countries around the world need to face. After four years, the 14th Annual Meeting of New Leaders of the World Economic Forum will once again kick off. From June 27th to 29th, around the theme of "Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Driving Force of the World Economy", from the political, business, academic, social organizations, and international communities

Make way for life, reflect the love of the human world, elevated road | private car | human world
Make way for life, reflect the love of the human world, elevated road | private car | human world

CCTV News: On the evening of June 21st, a warm-hearted citizen captured a video of a private car giving way to an ambulance on an elevated road in the center of Shanghai, which immediately sparked discussion online. The incident occurred on a congested road section during the evening rush hour in Shanghai, and the 45 degree oblique insertion of passing vehicles also received praise from netizens. According to the captured video, there are two lanes in the same direction on the elevated road. At that time, there were many vehicles and the entire road was in a slow state. An ambulance was discovered, and private cars on both sides of the lane coincidentally left a gap in the middle, just enough for the ambulance to pass through. Among them, several private cars presented a 45 degree angle to the left and right to give way to the ambulance, and the front of the cars almost grazed the road fence. On this congested road of several hundred meters, an ambulance took over 30 seconds to pass by

A video full of silhouettes pays tribute to the anti drug hero suspect | drugs | hero
A video full of silhouettes pays tribute to the anti drug hero suspect | drugs | hero

June 26th of this year is the 36th International Anti Drug Day, and during peacetime, anti drug police are one of the most risky types of police. They go through life and death, hiding their names and doing bright things in the darkness. In the past five years, China has cracked 451000 drug-related criminal cases, captured 588000 drug-related suspect, and seized 305 tons of drugs. In the latest inventory operation, the border management detachment in Dehong, Yunnan, cracked a major drug transport case, successfully seized 382 suspicious objects, 226.7 kg of methamphetamine after weighing, and arrested more than suspect. Let's approach the anti drug scene together, witness the moment of crisis, and get to know the group of anti drug police officers who are fighting, colliding, and chasing with blood, fearless of knives and guns. Cherish life, stay away from drugs, and pay tribute to the anti drug police!

The blueprint of "Ten Million Projects" is drawn to create livable, business friendly, and beautiful rural areas | Project | Blueprint
The blueprint of "Ten Million Projects" is drawn to create livable, business friendly, and beautiful rural areas | Project | Blueprint

For the past 20 years, Zhejiang has been making long-term contributions and persistently promoting the implementation of the "Ten Million Project". Nowadays, the "Ten Million Project" has not only profoundly changed the appearance of rural areas in Zhejiang, but also explored a scientific path to comprehensively promote rural revitalization and build a beautiful China. In the midsummer season, the land of the Yangtze River is as picturesque and picturesque as the mountains and rivers. The villages scattered in the beautiful scenery of Zhejiang are becoming the "poetry and distance" of city dwellers. In Meilin Village, Hangzhou, the smart health service station at the village entrance guards the health of the entire village 24 hours a day. Miao Wenxiao, a villager from Meilin Village, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province: He can operate it himself, which is very convenient. In Daxiantan Village, Deqing,

How to master the basic skills of investigation and research? General Secretary's words and deeds teach the masses | source | General Secretary
How to master the basic skills of investigation and research? General Secretary's words and deeds teach the masses | source | General Secretary

Investigation and research are the foundation of planning and the way to success. Without investigation, there is no right to speak, let alone decision-making power.Only by using the right methods can we uncover the truth, develop practical strategies, and accomplish practical tasks.The social practice of the people is the source of obtaining correct understanding and the fundamental way to test and deepen our understanding. The quality of research results and the correctness of opinions formed ultimately depend on the practice of the people. Visiting the poor, looking at grain bags and touching kang quilts; Enter the community, observe the people's situation and alleviate their worries; Entering the workshop, asking for directions and demands

Current Politics Micro Observation | Why Has "Ten Million Projects" Deeply won the People's Hearts? Zhejiang | Earth | Current Politics
Current Politics Micro Observation | Why Has "Ten Million Projects" Deeply won the People's Hearts? Zhejiang | Earth | Current Politics

If we turn our gaze back to 20 years ago in Zhejiang, Qiu Lijin, the director of the Lujia Village Committee in Anji County, would not have thought of one day standing on the podium of the United Nations; The people of Jinxing Village in Kaihua County will not believe that "air can also sell for money";Through 20 years of continuous exploration and practice, the "Ten Million Project" has created thousands of beautiful villages, benefited thousands of farmers, and also shown the world a beautiful future for an ancient nation. "After walking through one village after another, every village is a garbage village; after walking through dozens of garbage villages, we finally found a demonstration village."

The Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization of the World Internet Conference was held in Qufu, Shandong Province today. AI | International | Digital
The Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization of the World Internet Conference was held in Qufu, Shandong Province today. AI | International | Digital

Today, the Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization of the World Internet Conference was held in Qufu, Jining, Shandong Province. The theme is "The Age of Artificial Intelligence: Building a Digital World of Exchange, Mutual Learning and Inclusion". This is the first thematic event held by the International Organization of the World Internet Conference after its establishment. The Nishan Dialogue activities include the opening ceremony, the main forum, the launching and release ceremony of the World Internet Conference's Charity Action Plan, and the member representatives' symposium. The main forum focuses on topics such as "building a secure and trustworthy artificial intelligence", "empowering thousands of industries with artificial intelligence", and "where human civilization is heading in the era of artificial intelligence". The aim is to promote all parties to better explore the historical and cultural values of the digital age, strengthen international cultural exchange and cooperation, open up new paths for the development of artificial intelligence technology, and actively contribute to the development and progress of human civilization

Guangming Current Review: When Traditional Culture Meets Digital Civilization, Modernization | Digital | Current Review
Guangming Current Review: When Traditional Culture Meets Digital Civilization, Modernization | Digital | Current Review

[Guangming Review] From June 25 to 27, the Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization of the World Internet Conference was held in Qufu, Shandong Province. This is the first thematic event held by the International Organization of the World Internet Conference after its establishment. The dialogue is themed on "the era of artificial intelligence: building a digital world of exchange, mutual learning and inclusiveness". In today's world, digital technology is fully integrated into various fields and processes of human society, and artificial intelligence has become an important symbol of human civilization progress. With the rapid development of generative artificial intelligence models, their impact on human civilization is increasing day by day, and the opportunities and challenges brought by artificial intelligence have become two ends of the scale. As for why we chose to hold the dialogue on digital civilization in the birthplace of Confucius and the birthplace of Confucianism, the relevant person in charge of the World Internet Conference said that the dialogue was held in Nishan, reflecting

"Wisdom" Summer Management China Grain See China Harvest Map → National | Li Yuhuan | Wisdom
"Smart" Summer Management of Chinese Grain Looking at China's Harvest Map → National | Li Yuhuan | Smart

The three summer seasons of summer harvest, summer planting, and summer management are coming to an end this week. The large-scale machine harvest in the main wheat producing areas has basically ended, which also means that most areas have entered the summer field management time, which is commonly known as summer management. The summer tube is the last link of the three summers and also the key to abundant autumn grain production. As the saying goes, "three parts are planted, seven parts are managed.". So, what is the main focus of summer management in the "Three Summers"? Let's find the answer from the map. Spring sowing, summer growing, autumn harvest, and winter storage are the experiences that Chinese people have summarized from life and work for thousands of years. In summer, the scorching and full passion envelops the entire earth, and all natural things are lush and beautiful, growing vigorously, and crops are no exception. The farmers who have just finished summer harvest and summer planting have no time to spare. Summer is the time for the growth, development, and yield formation of autumn harvest crops