General Secretary, these requirements remain consistent. The leadership team of the joint broadcast+three collective talks | Central Committee of the Communist Youth League | Requirements

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:49 PM

Broadcast+"The hope of the Party and the country lies in the youth" "The Party Central Committee has high expectations for the new leadership team of the Youth League Central Committee".

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2013, 2018, and 2023, the General Secretary has had three collective talks with members of the leadership team of the Youth League Central Committee. What did the General Secretary emphasize during the three conversations? CCTV Network's "Lianbo+" special review and analysis, learning together with you.

Grasp fundamental issues

During the second collective conversation, General Secretary pointed out that "all the work of the Youth League can be summed up in one point, which is to be a good assistant and reserve army. The key is to grasp three fundamental issues," and elaborated on these three fundamental issues in depth. During the third collective conversation, General Secretary put forward specific requirements for the "work mainline" of "focusing on the center and serving the overall situation", and clearly pointed out that the Communist Youth League should prioritize strengthening political guidance for its members and youth.

General Secretary, these requirements remain consistent. The leadership team of the joint broadcast+three collective talks | Central Committee of the Communist Youth League | Requirements

"Only around the center can we find the right direction and serve the overall situation to reflect the value." Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping, based on the strategic height of successors to the cause of the party and the country and the sustainable development of the Chinese nation, has profoundly answered what kind of youth to cultivate in the new era, how to train youth, what kind of Communist Youth League to build, and how to build Major issues such as the Communist Youth League have formed General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on youth work, and provided a fundamental basis for the party's work in the new era.

Play a good exemplary and leading role

The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core attaches great importance to youth, cares for youth with enthusiasm, fully trusts youth, and has devoted a lot of effort to youth work. In the three collective talks, General Secretary Xi Jinping placed high hopes on the new leadership team and hoped that they would play an exemplary and leading role.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Communist Youth League organizations at all levels have kept in mind the instructions of General Secretary, deepened the implementation of the Youth Merit Action for Poverty Alleviation and Rural Revitalization, guided young people to set great aspirations, understand great virtues, become great talents, shoulder great responsibilities, and realize their youth dreams. Young people can be seen everywhere in the forefront of scientific and technological innovation, the big stage of rural revitalization, the front line of service society, international exchanges Xintiandi, urgent and dangerous tasks, and a series of undertakings that place the dream of national rejuvenation.

General Secretary, these requirements remain consistent. The leadership team of the joint broadcast+three collective talks | Central Committee of the Communist Youth League | Requirements

Helping young people solve problems and difficulties

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the entire Communist Youth League has worked together and made every effort to do practical and difficult things for young people, implementing the principle of "doing everything possible to solve problems for young people".

Since 2019, the Communist Youth League has carried out in-depth employment assistance, focusing on low-income students from general colleges and universities, providing full process employment services, and helping 359900 students find jobs in total; The Guangdong Youth Housing Plan aims to alleviate housing difficulties for college graduates, raising more than 12000 units of various types of housing and serving more than 450000 young people; The "Sunshine Balang" Youth Home project has been launched throughout Xinjiang, serving more than 7 million young people through programs such as ethnic unity education and national language training

Deepen the reform of the Communist Youth League

General Secretary, these requirements remain consistent. The leadership team of the joint broadcast+three collective talks | Central Committee of the Communist Youth League | Requirements

Under the instructions of General Secretary, the reform of the Communist Youth League continued to deepen.

In August 2016, the draft of the Central Reform Plan of the Communist Youth League was completed and officially issued, marking the comprehensive entry of the Communist Youth League, an advanced youth mass organization created and led by the Party, into the era of reform.

In the following years, the Reform Plan of the All China Youth Federation and the Reform Plan of the Student Union Organization of the Student Union of the All China Youth Federation were issued in succession, constantly enhancing the political, progressiveness and mass character of the Communist Youth League.

In February 2018, the Third Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed new requirements for deepening the reform of party and state institutions.

General Secretary, these requirements remain consistent. The leadership team of the joint broadcast+three collective talks | Central Committee of the Communist Youth League | Requirements

Today, the youth organization reform of the Party, with the Communist Youth League as the backbone, has made significant progress. The political, progressiveness and mass character of the Party have been significantly enhanced. The grass-roots construction and reform have achieved outstanding results, and the combat effectiveness and work vitality of the organization have been further improved.

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