Important news

One bowl comes from here, and every nine bowls of rice in the country
One bowl comes from here, and every nine bowls of rice in the country

The Northeast region is the main battlefield for autumn grain production in China. Among them, Heilongjiang, as the largest province in China's grain production, ranks first in the country in three major indicators: total grain output, commodity quantity, and outflow. It can be said that for every 9 bowls of rice in the country, 1 bowl comes from Heilongjiang. How hard did Heilongjiang people work and how awesome was the black land in order to put more "Longjiang grain" into the "Chinese rice bowl"? The plan to increase production by 0.1 million tons has opened up three major grain crops with abundant harvests in sight. This year, the sowing area of grain crops in Heilongjiang Province has exceeded 200 million mu, and the actual sowing area of soybeans is about 75 million mu. Black soil is the giant panda in cultivated land. The typical black soil area in Northeast China has a cultivated land area of about 278 million acres, of which about 156 million acres are located in Heilongjiang, accounting for 56% of the black soil cultivated land area in Northeast China. Legislation for the protection of black soil and strengthening black soil

He emphasized that in order to promote the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era and new journey, we must implement the deployment of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to achieve new breakthroughs in promoting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China, fully and accurately implement the new development concept, firmly grasp the important mission of Northeast China in maintaining the "five major security" of the country, firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development and the strategic task of building a new development pattern, and coordinate development and security,

Strengthening post disaster recovery

He emphasized that in order to promote the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era and new journey, it is necessary to implement the deployment of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to promote the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China and achieve new breakthroughs,

On the Scene of Current Politics | Inheriting and Carrying Forward Excellent Traditions, Strengthening Science and Technology, and Serving the Country with Ambition
On the Scene of Current Politics | Inheriting and Carrying Forward Excellent Traditions, Strengthening Science and Technology, and Serving the Country with Ambition

The arrival of General Secretary has greatly inspired the teachers and students of Harbin Engineering University: "As inheritors of Harbin Military Industry, we deeply feel that our personal fate and the fate of the school must resonate with the needs of our country." "Supporting major national needs with high-level basic research is, I believe, the value pursuit and mission of Harbin Engineering University." "Our generation of young people should uphold integrity and innovation, never forget their original aspirations, and contribute our youthful strength to achieving high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement in our country." "Inheriting and carrying forward fine traditions, consolidating science and technology, and serving the country with the great aspiration of building a strong education, technology, and talent country."

Go north!, Current Politics Vlog | Arctic Village
Go north!, Current Politics Vlog | Arctic Village

Arctic Village is a border village located at the northernmost point of mainland China, adjacent to the river. The ToSun journalist team has come here, searching for the north all the way, checking in at the northernmost post office and supply and marketing cooperative in China... to experience the unique homestays owned by the villagers themselves! What discoveries and encounters did you encounter along the way? Pok a video and experience what it's like to live a day in this northernmost small mountain village in China! Producer | Shen Yong Planner | Shen Chen Zhuhua Reporter | Geng Xufei, Yang Xinyu Producer | Xin Yuchen Coordinator | Yan Shen, Guo Hong, Liu Jianchang Poster | Chen Kuo Aerial Photography | Fan Kai, Liu Yuhan, Hao Daqing Information | Zongtai Heilongjiang Station Operation | Xia Tong, Chen Zuyi

On the occasion of the 39th Teacher's Day, on behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, I extend holiday greetings and sincere wishes to you, teachers and educators across the country! For a long time, teachers from all over the country, represented by you, have conscientiously implemented the Party's educational policy, taught and nurtured people, cultivated generations of socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor, and created a large number of talented individuals who can be used and shoulder heavy responsibilities. They have made important contributions to the development of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation. A group of educators and excellent teachers have emerged from the teacher community, who have the ideal belief of having a great self and being sincere in serving the country. They have the moral character of being exemplary in their words and behavior, inspiring wisdom and nourishing the heart

The National Excellent Teacher Representative Symposium was held in Beijing on September 9th.A group of educators and excellent teachers have emerged from the teacher community, who have the ideal belief of having a greater self and sincerely serving the country

He emphasized that in order to promote the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era and new journey, it is necessary to implement the deployment of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to achieve new breakthroughs in promoting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China, fully and accurately implement the new development concept, firmly grasp the important mission of Northeast China in maintaining the "five major security" of the country, firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development and the strategic task of building a new development pattern, coordinate development and security, adhere to the combination of goal orientation and problem orientation, adhere to the combination of forging strengths and filling weaknesses, adhere to the combination of increasing support and stimulating endogenous motivation, set goals without relaxation, dare to take risks and do practical work, and strive to walk a path of high development

On September 7, 2023, Xinhua News Agency reporters returned to the venue of the speech to listen to the echoes of this great initiative spanning ten years. Over the past decade, the "the Belt and Road" initiative has developed from "freehand brushwork" to "meticulous meticulous painting", becoming the most popular international public goods and the largest international cooperation platform. The "circle of friends" has been expanding, and cooperation has yielded fruitful results, effectively improving the living standards of people in the co construction countries. "I was very happy to be on site at that time." Director of Kazakhstan China Research Center

Beijing, September 8th (Xinhua News Agency) - Exploring Green "Rich Mines" - A Frontline Story of Low Carbon Development The Taiyuan Energy Low Carbon Development Forum was held from the 6th to the 8th of 2023. In this forum with the theme of "Smart Energy Green Win Win", exploring new trends in green and low-carbon development has become a topic of common focus for experts and scholars at home and abroad. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that promoting green and low-carbon economic and social development is a key link in achieving high-quality development.Xinhua News Agency reporter learned from interviews and research that

Feeling the pulse of Northeast China, a heartbeat at a glance
Feeling the pulse of Northeast China, a heartbeat at a glance

Northeast China is an important industrial and agricultural base in the territory of the Republic. Now in the new round of revitalization journey, Northeast China is anchored, high-quality development is constantly bursting with new vitality. Here is China's big granary. The grain output accounts for more than one-fifth of the national total. The smell of rice, the golden ear of sticks, and the "bell" of soybeans paint a harvest scene. Science and technology add wings to agricultural modernization. China's rice bowl is firmly in our own hands. Here is the industrial cradle of the new China. It is the place where the iron man spirit was born. The song "We Workers Have Power" penetrates history and has been sung so far. It has inspired generations of self-reliance and self-reliance from made in China to the old industrial base of the Republic of China, which is made intelligently. The old industrial base of the Republic has been reborn here. Great and small Xing'an Mountains, the Changbai Mountains, great rivers and lakes, vast forests and seas are important in northern China

CCTV Quick Review: Striving to Write a New Chapter of Comprehensive Revitalization in Northeast China
CCTV Quick Review: Striving to Write a New Chapter of Comprehensive Revitalization in Northeast China

In his speech, General Secretary fully affirmed the new progress and achievements made by the three northeastern provinces and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in promoting the revitalization of Northeast China in recent years, systematically sorted out the new major opportunities faced by the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China, and provided clear directions for the comprehensive promotion of this major national strategy in the new era and new journey. The important speech of General Secretary fully demonstrates the Party Central Committee's firm confidence and strong guidance in the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China, and is crucial for continuing to vigorously promote the revitalization of the Northeast region on a new journey

"Hello teacher!" Everyone stands up
"Hello teacher!" Everyone stands up

Some of them are on a business trip to space, contributing to the development of a strong technology country. Some bring knowledge back to the mountains to help more children get out of the mountains. Some have hidden "eighteen martial arts", making learning more interesting. These "treasures" teachers shine and selflessly contribute in their respective fields. September 10th is Teacher's Day. Let's revisit the power and warmth of "treasures" teachers together. "Classmate, what about your mentor?" "He has flown out of Earth!" A teacher is on a space business trip 🌏As a new member of China's astronaut team, he is also a young professor and doctoral supervisor at Beihang University. He is Professor Gui Haichao, who has supervised a total of 10 master's and doctoral students since teaching at Beihang University. Among them, 3 have successfully graduated and there are currently 3 doctoral and 4 master's students

The main media center of the Hangzhou Asian Games has launched a trial operation and all service venues are open to the public
The main media center of the Hangzhou Asian Games has launched a trial operation and all service venues are open to the public

CCTV News: There are still 14 days left until the opening of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou today. This morning, the main media center of the Hangzhou Asian Games launched a trial operation. As an important non competition venue for the Hangzhou Asian Games, the main media center includes four major centers: the main news center, the anchor organization management center, the international broadcasting center, and the life service center. Starting today, we will provide services such as personnel arrival and departure, transportation support, and language translation for tens of thousands of domestic and foreign media reporters. This morning, the first batch of media reporters came to the registration sub center of the main media center to activate the media registration card. After the activation of the media registration card, journalists can officially carry out the relevant work of the Asian Games in the main media center and receive media packages. Starting from today, the media service desk, public workspace, news release hall, cloud interview room, and other facilities in the main news center will be fully utilized

Small red cars make their debut in various parts of the Asian Games Village, showcasing the concept of green and frugality
Small red cars make their debut in various parts of the Asian Games Village, showcasing the concept of green and frugality

CCTV News: The total area of Hangzhou Asian Games Village is 1.13 million square meters, equivalent to the size of over 150 standard football fields. How can we practice the concept of green and low-carbon environmental protection while ensuring convenient travel for athletes in such a large area? Follow the CCTV reporter to experience the village together. CCTV reporter Ning Wanting: Riding a small red bike to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Hangzhou is a new trend in environmental protection in Hangzhou. Recently, Xiaohongche arrived at the Hangzhou Asian Games Village. Currently, the first batch of 160 Xiaohongche vehicles are distributed at 6 borrowing and returning points. I have now arrived at the Super Resident Service Center, which is also the focal point of people's daily activities. I heard that as long as you are a resident villager, you can receive a car loan card. Take this card and gently swipe beside the car to start my green travel. And whether it's cycling or

The Chinese Diving Dream Team, combining old and new, is fully committed to the Asian Games
The Chinese Diving Dream Team, combining old and new, is fully committed to the Asian Games

CCTV News: Successfully completed the tasks of this year's World Championships and World Cup Super Finals. Currently, the Chinese diving team is preparing for the Asian Games sprint in Xi'an. The diving dream team has participated in the Asian Games for more than 40 years and has not yet let a gold medal slip by. In Hangzhou, they hope to continue their glory. The Chinese diving team is preparing for a 6-week Asian Games sprint at their newly built base in Xi'an. The team with the most world championship titles is 21-year-old Wang Zongyuan, who has won one Olympic championship and eight world championships. Since 2022, he has also competed in world competitions and won the championship. Despite being equally popular on the world stage, participating in the Asian Games is still the first time. Chinese diving team member Wang Zongyuan: The main opponent is still oneself. It is definitely necessary to think more clearly about every move in the competition and do it better

Gongshu Canal Sports Park creates a green new venue for dialogue between ancient and modern times
Gongshu Canal Sports Park creates a green new venue for dialogue between ancient and modern times

CCTV News: Gongshu Canal Sports Park is located in Gongshu District, Hangzhou City. It is the only newly built Asian Games venue group in the main urban area of Hangzhou, consisting of "one venue, one venue, one square, and two centers". According to the layout of the "South Pavilion and North Field", the shape of the sports hall is taken from the jade cong of Liangzhu culture, and the shape of the sports hall is derived from the Jiangnan oil paper umbrella, known as the "Hangzhou Umbrella". A CCTV reporter from Taiwan recently visited Gongshu Canal Sports Park to see the report he sent back. CCTV reporter Huang Da: Behind us is the field where the Asian Games hockey competition takes place. Because of its shape resembling an oil paper umbrella, locals also refer to it as the "Hangzhou Umbrella". A few hundred meters away from us is the field of table tennis competition. Its design is based on a typical artifact of the Liangzhu culture discovered in Zhejiang Province - the jade cong. The cultural significance of Jiangnan water towns

Looking at Zhejiang before the Asian Games, the economic dividends of the Asian Games show up. "World Supermarket" Yiwu Sports Goods Export Orders Growth by 22.5% Sports Goods | Yiwu
Looking at Zhejiang before the Asian Games, the economic dividends of the Asian Games show up. "World Supermarket" Yiwu Sports Goods Export Orders Growth by 22.5% Sports Goods | Yiwu

Hangzhou, September 9th (Xinhua) - The economic dividend of the Asian Games is evident. Yiwu, the "world supermarket", saw a 22.5% increase in export orders of sports goods. Xinhua reporters Qu Lingyan and Wei Yijun have shown the economic dividend of the Asian Games as the Hangzhou Asian Games approach. Customs data shows that Yiwu's export of sports goods in the first half of this year was 3.52 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 22.5%, and sports goods orders from Asian countries are increasing. The sports supplies operated by Yiwu International Trade City cover various sports, fitness, and related merchandise such as jerseys, sneakers, basketball, football, table tennis, national flags, cheering sticks, treadmills, etc., with an outward reach of up to 75%. The reporter walked into the third district of Yiwu International Trade City and saw a complete range of sports goods business areas, with buyers coming and going, and even more in their ears

The issuance and trading volume of green certificates in China have significantly increased, and the promotion speed of green electricity has significantly accelerated
The issuance and trading volume of green certificates in China have significantly increased, and the promotion speed of green electricity has significantly accelerated

CCTV News: Green certificates are the only proof of the environmental attributes of renewable energy electricity in China, and tradable green certificates can be transferred for a fee between power generation enterprises and users by participating in green certificate green electricity trading and other means. The reporter learned from the National Energy Administration that since the beginning of this year, the issuance and trading volume of green certificates in China have significantly increased, and the promotion speed of green electricity in China has significantly accelerated. From the issuance of green power certificates, in the first seven months of this year, the number of green certificates issued in China reached about 53.04 million, which is about 2.6 times that of the whole year of 2022. As of the end of July, the total number of green certificates issued in China has exceeded 120 million. From the perspective of green certificate trading volume, the domestic green certificate trading volume in the first seven months of this year was about 26.17 million, far exceeding the annual green certificate trading volume in 2022. From the perspective of trading regions, as of the end of July, China's cumulative trading volume of green certificates ranked among the top three

The password for increasing production in the largest province of grain production
The password for increasing production in the largest province of grain production

CCTV News: Autumn grain is the mainstay of annual grain production. At present, it is a critical period for the formation of autumn grain production. As the largest province in grain production in China, Heilongjiang is promoting a large-scale increase in the yield of major grain and oil crops such as rice, corn, and soybeans, and implementing effective measures to stabilize and increase production. CCTV reporter Jiang Shulin: This is the Remote Sensing Information Institute of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The picture next to me is a satellite monitoring image of the growth of crops in the province by the research team. The grain sowing area in Heilongjiang Province has reached over 200 million acres. To achieve such a large-scale monitoring of seedling conditions, the scientific research team has made new explorations relying on new technologies and big data. Zheng Yanyan, Director of the Institute of Remote Sensing and Information, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences: This image shows us using remote sensing technology to monitor the growth of crops

Jiansanjiang is putting effort into increasing production and improving quality through technology to fill China's rice bowl with more high-quality grains
Jiansanjiang is putting effort into increasing production and improving quality through technology to fill China's rice bowl with more high-quality grains

CCTV News: When it comes to grain production in Heilongjiang, it is impossible to do without the construction of the Three Rivers. Jiansanjiang produces about 14 billion kilograms of grain annually, and holds the production capacity of the core base of Beidahuang. The people of Jiansanjiang have also begun to work on increasing production and improving quality through technology. The vast Three Rivers Plain is filled with rolling rice waves. Qin Yuqiu was a farmer who built the Sanjiang Qixing Farm. In recent years, when the rice was about to be harvested, Old Qin had developed a habit of checking the water content in the plot and the root system of the rice every day. In Lao Qin's view, ensuring a well-developed root system at this time is the key to increasing yield. To achieve high yields in rice, it is necessary to focus on its entire growth period and achieve the optimal combination of temperature, light, water, and fertilizer. With the help of various sensors on the Seven Star Farm, the information of Qin Yuqiu's plot was transmitted to the intelligent brain. After long-term analysis of various growth stages of rice

China has been the world's number one producer for many years, promoting the growth of "small potatoes" into the number one "big industry"
China has been the world's number one producer for many years, promoting the growth of "small potatoes" into the number one "big industry"

Potatoes are an important food crop in China, as well as an economic crop and feed crop. In recent years, various regions and departments have increased policy support, promoted the development of the entire industry chain, and promoted the growth of "small potatoes" into "big industries". This is the news that the reporter learned from a press conference held by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on the 8th. The press conference introduced the relevant situation of the 2023 China Dingxi Potato Conference. Tang Ke, Director of the Market and Information Technology Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, stated that the development of the potato industry is of great significance for ensuring national food security, consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation, and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. In recent years, the potato planting area in China has remained stable at about 70 million mu, with a yield of nearly 90 million tons, accounting for about a quarter of the world's total. The yield has been ranked first in the world for many years. Meanwhile, single

Small things, big people's livelihoods, and multiple efforts to continuously improve aging friendly transportation services
Small things, big people's livelihoods, and multiple efforts to continuously improve aging friendly transportation services

CCTV News: In today's increasingly developed transportation, despite the fast speed of subway travel and the high efficiency of taking a taxi to go out, ground buses that shuttle through the urban road network every day are still the main means of transportation for the elderly. According to relevant survey reports, 75% of elderly people have a daily travel distance of less than 5 kilometers, and 21% of elderly people have a daily activity range of no more than 1 kilometer when going out. Therefore, in routes and areas where elderly people gather, how to make convenient and affordable ground buses a "favorite" for the elderly, improve their travel convenience and comfort, has become a key focus of the continuous promotion of aging friendly reform in China's transportation sector. The country has introduced a plan to continuously improve aging friendly transportation services. In fact, as early as a few years ago, China had introduced various policies in the fields of elderly products, shopping, tourism and leisure, and continued to improve

(High Quality Development Research Tour) "Intangible Cultural Heritage Skills" Become "Fingertip Economy" Qianyang Embroidery Girl Embroiders a Better Life Field | Reporter | A Better Life
(High Quality Development Research Tour) "Intangible Cultural Heritage Skills" Become "Fingertip Economy" Qianyang Embroidery Girl Embroiders a Better Life Field | Reporter | A Better Life

On September 9th, Baoji, China News Agency reported that "The Tiger Head Pillow was honored with a national stamp, and the Tiger Head Hat became popular at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Many people got to know Qianyang Embroidery because of this," said Wang Haiyan, the head of Jindalai Embroidery Professional Cooperative in Qianyang County. On September 8th, the "High Quality Development Research Tour" interview team visited the Xiqin Embroidery Cultural Industry Park in Qianyang County, Baoji City, Shaanxi Province, experiencing the charm of traditional handicrafts blooming with every stitch. Qianyang County is an important birthplace and inheritance site of the national intangible cultural heritage "Western Qin Embroidery", and also the hometown of Chinese folk art embroidery. The exquisitely embroidered tiger head pillow and tiger skin hat symbolize blessings and good luck, while the two cranes pay homage and symbolize health and longevity... The colors of Qianyang embroidery are warm and festive, with flowers, birds, insects, fish, folk stories, and other vivid and vivid decorations. These embroidery products accompany people's birth and growth

A bustling area where mountains and rivers converge (entering traditional villages)
A bustling area where mountains and rivers converge (entering traditional villages)

Figure 1: The tea maker is making Anhua Thousand Liang Tea. Pictures 2 and 3 provided by the Propaganda Department of Anhua County Committee: On the ancient street of Tangjiaguan, wooden signs convey the atmosphere of an ancient commercial port. Picture ② is taken by Qiao An, and picture ③ is taken by our reporter Shen Zhilin. Picture ④: In front of the ancient residence of Tangjiaguan, several villagers are showcasing the tea picking process of Anhua black tea. Image provided by the Propaganda Department of Anhua County Committee ⑤: Tangjia Temple, a traditional village nestled by mountains and rivers. Photo taken by Li Liangbing ⑥: The picturesque Tangxi Tea Garden in Anhua County. Zhou Deshu often found prosperous towns and bustling villages in the places where rivers flowed. The surging Zijiang River, spanning thousands of miles, breaks through the towering Xuefeng Mountains, passes over the county town of Anhua in Hunan Province for more than 20 miles, and joins the Zhuxi and Chaxi rivers before turning two paths back into the deep bay. On the north bank of the Second Bay, a row of stilted buildings are scattered along the

Autumn Moon Pear welcomes a bountiful harvest with excellent quality measures, helping large pears go abroad
Autumn Moon Pear welcomes a bountiful harvest with excellent quality measures, helping large pears go abroad

CCTV News: Laixi City, Shandong is one of the main pear producing areas in Shandong. Currently, more than 40000 acres of autumn moon pears in the local area are entering the picking period. Let's take a look together. At the Qiuyue pear planting base in Daishu Village, Rizhuang Town, Laixi City, Qiuyue pears are adorned with branches and exude a fruity aroma. Villager Zhang Junhu has been planting Qiuyue pears for five or six years, and all the Qiuyue pears he planted have been reserved by the cooperative. Zhang Junhu, a villager from Daishu Village, Rizhuang Town, Laixi City, Shandong Province: This year's price can be 1.2 to 1.3 yuan higher than last year's price, and the yield and price are both good. This year, one acre of land can earn a net income of 25000 yuan. At a local cooperative, the reporter saw that workers were sorting fruits, bagging and packing them. These autumn pears will be sold throughout the country. Sun Xiaohui, Deputy Mayor of Rizhuang Town, Laixi City, Shandong Province: This year, based on the analysis of farmers and the city

Decision to appoint Chen Jie as Vice Mayor, Report on the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress | Situation | ShanghaiStrictly abide by the Party Constitution, Party rules, and Party discipline. The Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Party Group of the Municipal Government, and the Party Group of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference held separate meetings to firmly support the Central Committee's decision on the Party Central Committee | Politics | Party GroupCan Shanghai connect with the greenways of these cities? Official: Proposed Preparation of Greenway Construction Standards for the Yangtze River Delta | Standards | Yangtze River DeltaChen Jining, Gong Zheng, and colleagues from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee exchanged their experiences and insights on thematic education research based on their respective experiences. Education | Municipal Party Committee | ThemeThe Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference awarded commemorative plaques to members and standing committee members of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference who are no longer re elected in ShanghaiPropose ideas and measures around releasing domestic demand, and the Chairman's Meeting of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference deliberates on key research reports and measures | ideas | research