Important news

Micro observation of current affairs | for the cause of "spring"
Micro observation of current affairs | for the cause of "spring"

This graduation certificate from Minjiang Vocational University has been cherished by Huang Daoliang, a staff member of the Disabled Persons' Federation in Minqing County, Fujian Province, for 30 years.When he was a child, Huang Daoliang lost both hands due to an accident. He completed his elementary, middle, and high school studies with his feet instead of his hands. In 1988 and 1989, despite achieving high scores in the college entrance examination, he failed again due to his physical condition.Huang Daoliang thus became the first university student without double arms in Fujian Province. Whenever I think of this past, Huang Daoliang said, "My heart is filled with a kind of gratitude, realizing my college dream, no less than my rebirth." In China, there are 85 million people with disabilities, which is also 8.5%

Different Lives Equally Exciting - Written at the Opening of the 8th National Congress of the Chinese Disabled Persons' Federation
Different Lives Equally Exciting - Written at the Opening of the 8th National Congress of the Chinese Disabled Persons' Federation

Beijing, September 17th (Xinhua News Agency) - Different Lives are equally Wonderful - Written on the occasion of the opening of the 8th National Congress of the Chinese Disabled Persons' Federation, Xinhua News Agency reporters interpret the meaning of life with self-reliance and self-improvement, and play the music of life with tenacity and perseverance. For a long time, the Party and the state have attached great importance to the cause of people with disabilities, especially in the past five years, China has fully guaranteed the basic livelihood of people with disabilities, vigorously improved their quality of life, and promoted the comprehensive development of people with disabilities. The 8th National Congress of the Chinese Disabled Persons' Federation is about to open, and more than 600 representatives from all over the country will gather in Beijing, shouldering the heavy responsibility of about 85 million people with disabilities, to work together for a development blueprint. On the new journey, the vast number of disabled people are living towards the sun and pursuing their dreams. Bottom line guarantee: "The future is guaranteed" in Hanshan District, Handan City, Hebei Province

Sentence after sentence of heartfelt words and warm encouragement, conveying the warmth of spring breeze brushing against one's face; A series of heartwarming actions and assistance measures, like continuous spring rain, nourish and fill the hearts of disabled people with hope.In the front row of the queue, a young man dressed in military uniform with thick gauze over his eyes stood straight. His name is Du Fuguo, and he cleared the mine once in October 2018

Everyone has a responsibility, broadcasting+| The Rise and Fall of the World
Everyone has a responsibility, broadcasting+| The Rise and Fall of the World

From September 18, 1931, the CPC led the people to form a great spirit of resistance in the 14 years of arduous war.After 14 years of bloody struggle, countless revolutionary martyrs held high the torch of faith and bravely stepped into the historical tide of arduous struggle for national independence and people's liberation for the sake of "lovely China". "The Republic is red, and this color cannot be diluted." This year is September 1st

The "Group of 77 and China" Summit Passes the Havana Declaration. China | Group | Summit
The "Group of 77 and China" Summit Passes the Havana Declaration. China | Group | Summit

Havana, September 16 (Xinhua) - The two-day "Group of 77 and China" summit concluded in the Cuban capital of Havana on September 16. The summit passed the Havana Declaration, calling for a comprehensive reform of the international financial structure and the construction of a more inclusive and coordinated global economic governance pattern. The declaration states that the challenges posed by the current unjust international economic order have had a serious impact on developing countries. The international financial structure urgently needs reform, and developing countries should strengthen unity and cooperation to enhance their representation in global decision-making bodies. The declaration states that all relevant parties should strive to achieve global development and win-win cooperation on the basis of consultation, joint construction, and sharing, and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. The declaration, centered around the theme of this summit - "Current Development Challenges: The Role of Science, Technology, and Innovation," states that science, technology, and innovation

Co creating a happier and better life for people with disabilities (editorial)
Co creating a happier and better life for people with disabilities (editorial)

Today, the 8th National Congress of the China Disabled Persons' Federation opened in Beijing. This is of great significance for uniting and mobilizing disabled people and disabled workers to actively participate in the great practice of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, and jointly creating a happier and better life. We warmly congratulate the convening of the conference! The cause of disabled people is an important component of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics.Today, the protection of the rights and interests of people with disabilities is even stronger, with 85 million people with disabilities simultaneously entering a moderately prosperous society, and their sense of gain, happiness, and security continues to improve. Widespread disability

In early autumn in Beijing, the sky is clear and clear.The two heads of state announced the upgrade of China Zambia relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation. From traditional friendly "all-weather friends" to comprehensive strategic partnerships, the relationship between the two countries has opened a new chapter. Under the guidance and planning of the two heads of state, China Zambia cooperation has continuously yielded fruitful results, promoting the development of bilateral relations towards a higher level and broader areas.

Micro observation of current affairs | Inheriting the great spirit and promoting the great cause
Micro observation of current affairs | Inheriting the great spirit and promoting the great cause

On September 18, 1931, the Japanese Kwantung Army stationed in Northeast China bombed the tracks of the South Manchuria Railway near Liutiao Lake in Shenyang, accusing it of being the work of the Chinese army. Subsequently, they shelled the North Camp of the Northeast Army and launched the shocking September 18 Incident, beginning a long planned war against China. After the September 18 Incident, the Chinese people rose up in resistance between the white mountains and black waters, becoming the starting point of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japan and opening the prelude to the world's anti fascist war. 14 years of indomitable mountains and rivers, 14 years of bloody struggle. The Chinese people unite as one and work together to compose a magnificent patriotic song, nurturing the great spirit of the Anti Japanese War and the spirit of the Northeast Anti Japanese United Front.

The Great Hall of the People is brightly lit and the atmosphere is grand and warm. The emblem of the 8th National Congress of the China Disabled Persons' Federation hangs above the podium, and the emblem of the China Disabled Persons' Federation in the center of the back curtain is particularly eye-catching, with 10 red flags arranged on both sides.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 17th (Xinhua) - The Yellow River's water rises from the sky and flows here. How green is it? - The story of the ecological governance of the Yellow River's "bend" - Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiuqu The Yellow River flows, outlining a large "bend" on the land of China. The "several character bend" area at the top has complete ecological elements of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasses, and sands, making it a convergence area of multiple ecological functions in northern China.On the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the rise of ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin as a national strategy, let us listen together from

92 years ago today, the September 18 Incident broke out. The September 18 Incident was the starting point of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and also opened the prelude to the world's anti fascist war. In the War of Resistance Against Japan, all Chinese people rose up to resist, and countless martyrs went one after another, using their flesh and blood to build the Great Wall of Steel to maintain national independence and defend national dignity. Using cotton wool, grass roots, and fruits

Micro documentary | Guangming Avenue ASEAN | China | Documentary
Micro documentary | Guangming Avenue ASEAN | China | Documentary

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the China ASEAN Expo and the China ASEAN Business and Investment Summit. Over the years, China and ASEAN have seized the opportunity, adapted to local conditions, and gathered people, paving the way for a bright path of neighborhood matchmaking and win-win cooperation, creating the most dynamic and potential model of regional cooperation. The 20th China ASEAN Expo and China ASEAN Business and Investment Summit, which carry the dream of win-win cooperation between China and ASEAN countries, were held in Nanning, Guangxi from September 16th to 19th. The theme of this year's event is "build a home together, share a destiny with the future - promote high-quality development of the the Belt and Road and build an economic growth center". Over the past 20 years, the East China Expo and summit have established a coordination and cooperation mechanism between China and ASEAN in multiple fields. The 11 countries have joined hands and gone to the future together, accelerating the construction of a more comprehensive framework

The 8th National Congress of the China Disabled Persons Federation opened in Beijing
The 8th National Congress of the China Disabled Persons Federation opened in Beijing

The 8th National Congress of the China Disabled Persons' Federation opened on the morning of the 18th at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.The Great Hall of the People is brightly lit and the atmosphere is grand and warm. The emblem of the 8th National Congress of the China Disabled Persons' Federation hangs above the podium, and the emblem of the China Disabled Persons' Federation in the center of the back curtain is particularly eye-catching, with 10 red flags arranged on both sides.More than 600 representatives from all over the country, carrying approximately 8

New Ideas Leading a New Journey: Writing a Warm Answer for the Comprehensive Development of Disabled Persons
New Ideas Leading a New Journey: Writing a Warm Answer for the Comprehensive Development of Disabled Persons

Allowing disabled people to live and work in peace and contentment, with worry free clothing and food, and live a happy and beautiful life is an important manifestation of the Party's wholehearted service to the people and an inevitable requirement of China's socialist system. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has adhered to the development concept of putting the people at the center, promoting the protection of the rights and interests of people with disabilities through development. The system and mechanism for safeguarding the rights and interests of people with disabilities have been continuously improved, and the social security system and service system have been continuously improved. The sense of gain, happiness, and security of the majority of people with disabilities has significantly improved. In Yijianhe Village, Jiangshe Town, Yuhu District, Xiangtan City, Hunan Province, near noon, villager Zhou Jinxing prepared in front of a low stove

The General Secretary is particularly concerned and attentive, and they
The General Secretary is particularly concerned and attentive, and they

He emphasized that people with disabilities are a special and difficult group that requires special care and attention. There are over 85 million people with disabilities in our country, and their living conditions, rehabilitation, education, employment, etc. are related to the quality of life and happiness index of millions of families. Nowadays, more and more disabled people are receiving better education, achieving employment and entrepreneurship, and participating in sports competitions. They have written their wonderful lives with tenacious spirit and indomitable will. Click on the image to produce: Li Jun Final review: Jiang Chen Hand drawn: Pan Hongyu Technical: Mi Yaqi Pang Zile

Learning Language | Let the essence of all civilizations benefit today and mankind
Learning Language | Let the essence of all civilizations benefit today and mankind

The Chinese nation has a long and excellent traditional culture. China is one of the four ancient civilizations in the world. The Chinese nation has a long history and splendid culture, contributing to the progress of human civilization

Looking ahead to the future, as two major powers, China and the United States will contribute to world peace and stability

Outlook · First Learning | Open up to the outside world at a high level to expand the development space security of Chinese path to modernization | China | Open up to the outside world
Outlook · First Learning | Open up to the outside world at a high level to expand the development space security of Chinese path to modernization | China | Open up to the outside world

◇ High level opening up will promote deep reform and continuously enhance the power and vitality of Chinese path to modernization ◇ High level opening up will promote the construction of a new development pattern, promote high-quality development, and constantly enrich the material and technological foundation of Chinese path to modernization ◇ High level opening up will better meet the needs of people's better life, so that more and more achievements of Chinese path to modernization will benefit all people fairly ◇ High level opening up will open up a new realm of win-win cooperation, and promote the road of Chinese path to modernization to become broader ◇ High level opening up will dynamically maintain national economic security at a higher level, and promote the construction of Chinese path to modernization to be stable and farsighted "Sinotrans Haikou" round from Shandong port Starting from Qingdao Port, we sail to Chennai Port, India. Since this year, the port of Qingdao in Shandong has added 10 "the Belt and Road" routes.

Building a China ASEAN Information Port and Building a Digital Silk Road.As a new engine of global economic development, the digital economy has become an important driving force in reshaping the world economic landscape. The construction of the China ASEAN Information Port and the "Digital Silk Road" play a key supporting role in promoting the deep integration of the digital economy and the "the Belt and Road" initiative to jointly build a country and jointly build the "the Belt and Road" with high quality. China and ASEAN Mountain

The book

"Space and Earth Communication" Before the Asian Games: Astronauts and athletes share a common goal
"Space and Earth Communication" Before the Asian Games: Astronauts and athletes share a common goal

When astronauts traveling in space "meet" athletes who bring glory to the country, what do they talk about? On the eve of the opening of the Hangzhou Asian Games, the crew of Shenzhou-16 manned spacecraft stationed at the Chinese space station Tiangong replied with a letter to two national diving team athletes. In the conversation, they talked a lot and a lot. National diving team athletes Zhang Jiaqi and Zhang Minjie shared the good news of winning the championship at the Chengdu Universiade in a letter to "Tiangong". They talked about the curiosity of astronauts about their work and life, and also expressed their confusion in their hearts. The two athletes asked, "What is the greatest support for flying in the hearts of astronauts?"? Astronaut Jing Haipeng replied, "This is the same as your desire to raise the national flag and play the national anthem on the field." "In your letter, you mentioned the power of sports and China."

Editor's note: This year marks the 10th anniversary of the initiative of jointly building the "the Belt and Road".Since the proposal was put forward, the "circle of friends" of the "the Belt and Road" has become larger and larger, with more and more good partners, higher and higher cooperation quality, and better development prospects. Jointly building the "the Belt and Road" has become a popular international public product and international cooperation platform.

Xinhua Review | Releasing Development Momentum through Reform and Innovation - Accelerating the Formation of New Quality Productivity Series Review II
Xinhua Review | Releasing Development Momentum through Reform and Innovation - Accelerating the Formation of New Quality Productivity Series Review II

Accelerating the formation of new quality productive forces is not only a development proposition, but also a reform proposition. We must adhere to the strategy of innovation driven development, continuously adjust production relations, promote institutional and mechanism reforms, and inject source power into China's economic development through reform and innovation. Promoting innovation through reform and unleashing development momentum. Currently, the world's unprecedented changes are accelerating, and a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is deepening,

Actively expanding the development potential of effective investment clusters
Actively expanding the development potential of effective investment clusters

CCTV News: In the first eight months of this year, China actively expanded effective investment, maintained rapid growth in key areas of investment, and better promoted high-quality economic development. The latest data shows that from January to August, China's infrastructure and manufacturing investment increased by 6.4% and 5.9% year-on-year, respectively, faster than the total investment by 3.2 and 2.7 percentage points. In Wuhu, Anhui, the "Zhonghua Islands" intelligent computing center is accelerating its construction. As one of the top ten data center clusters for "East Calculation and West Calculation", Wuhu Data Center Cluster has signed 13 projects with a cumulative investment of over 230 billion yuan. In Yichun, Jiangxi, a lithium-ion battery factory with a total investment of 13.5 billion yuan was recently fully put into operation, and the annual output value of batteries will exceed 50 billion yuan. In the first eight months of this year, investment in high-tech industries increased by 11.3% year-on-year

AIGC Says Economy | Industrial Production Stable and Rising in August | China's Economy Continuously Exhibits Resilience and Vitality | Industry | Economy
AIGC Says Economy | Industrial Production Stable and Rising in August | China's Economy Continuously Exhibits Resilience and Vitality | Industry | Economy

Recently, the National Bureau of Statistics released industrial production data for August. Overall, in August, industrial production remained stable and recovered, and the results of high-quality development continued to show. Industrial production has steadily increased, and the growth rate of the manufacturing industry has significantly accelerated. In August, the added value of industries above designated size in China increased by 4.5% year-on-year, an increase of 0.8 percentage points compared to the previous month. Most industries and products have achieved growth, with over 60% of product growth rebounding. In August, among the 41 major industrial sectors, 23 industries achieved growth in added value, with a growth rate of nearly 60%. Equipment manufacturing provides strong support, highlighting the resilience of industrial development. In August, the added value of the equipment manufacturing industry increased by 5.4% year-on-year, 0.9 percentage points higher than the average level of all large-scale industries, and contributed 38.9% to the growth of all large-scale industries, providing strong support for industrial production

Seeing letters is like meeting, sincere and sincere.

Close up | The World is Public
Close up | The World is Public

A great nation with over 5000 years of uninterrupted civilization and a population of over 1.4 billion moving towards modernization can be considered one of the most stunning landscapes on this planet. How can we understand this new form of human civilization? Xinhua News Agency launched a ten part English micro documentary, "Close Look", which explores the unique spiritual world of Chinese people with ten archaisms as clues. Understanding the civilization code of "why China", "the world is the public", has become the underlying logic and behavior criterion of the CPC in governing the country, that is, caring for the people, let us return to 2000 years ago to experience the inheritance of ancient Chinese culture and wisdom, and understand the ideals pursued by generations of Chinese people. Total producers: Yuan Bingzhong, Liu Jian Producers: Jiao Xufeng, Xu Lingui, Wang Xiaopeng, Zhou Jijian, Gao Jie, Qu Meng

Decision to appoint Chen Jie as Vice Mayor, Report on the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress | Situation | ShanghaiStrictly abide by the Party Constitution, Party rules, and Party discipline. The Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Party Group of the Municipal Government, and the Party Group of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference held separate meetings to firmly support the Central Committee's decision on the Party Central Committee | Politics | Party GroupCan Shanghai connect with the greenways of these cities? Official: Proposed Preparation of Greenway Construction Standards for the Yangtze River Delta | Standards | Yangtze River DeltaChen Jining, Gong Zheng, and colleagues from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee exchanged their experiences and insights on thematic education research based on their respective experiences. Education | Municipal Party Committee | ThemeThe Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference awarded commemorative plaques to members and standing committee members of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference who are no longer re elected in ShanghaiPropose ideas and measures around releasing domestic demand, and the Chairman's Meeting of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference deliberates on key research reports and measures | ideas | research