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Chinese Stars | This is a reply letter sent by Chinese astronauts from the "Heavenly Palace" | Dream | China
Chinese Stars | This is a reply letter sent by Chinese astronauts from the "Heavenly Palace" | Dream | China

The crew of Shenzhou 15 astronauts is about to return to Earth. Before returning home, astronaut Fei Junlong sent a reply letter to Earth from the Heavenly Palace—— The starry sky has always been a dreamy and wonderful realm for me. In my hometown Xizang, there are many legends about the stars—— We can see the magnificent plateau covered in white snow, with mountains faintly visible. That's your hometown, right—— I also know that the path of dreams is not a smooth one. Have you ever considered giving up during your long preparation period—— When I was not selected, I also felt disappointed, but I never thought of giving up. Only by continuing to give it all can dreams take off This is the letter and reply from the "Take My Dream to the Heavenly Palace" activity, word by word, it is a dialogue between heaven and earth, as well as a commitment to dreams and perseverance