Important news

Openness leads development, cooperation, and win-win future
Openness leads development, cooperation, and win-win future

In September, Beijing has a refreshing autumn sky. On September 2, 2023, the China International Trade in Services Fair will grandly open in Beijing. Since its establishment in 2012, the China International Fair for Trade in Services has attracted over 600000 exhibitors from 196 countries and regions.The theme of this year's Service Trade Fair is "Openness leads development, cooperation wins the future", with an exhibition scale of 155000 square meters. The comprehensive exhibition is located in the National Convention Center, 9 special exhibitions are located in the Shougang Park and the National Sports Center, and more than 2400 enterprises participate offline. Guests from the global political, business, and academic circles gather together

Economic Daily Jin Guanping: China Continuously Provides Power for Global Development
Economic Daily Jin Guanping: China Continuously Provides Power for Global Development

The first quarter achieved a good start, the second quarter continued to recover, and the quality of development steadily improved in the third quarter. Faced with a complex and severe external environment, the Chinese economy has withstood pressure, stabilized its scale, and improved its quality, injecting confidence and momentum into the global economic recovery. Currently, global inflation continues, financial markets are turbulent, and debt pressures are rising. The international market is becoming more unstable, uncertain, and unpredictable, posing significant challenges to the economies of all countries. In this context, China has brought valuable certainty to the uncertain world economy through its stable development. The International Monetary Fund predicts that China's economic growth rate will be 5.2% this year, contributing one-third of the world's economic growth. Goldman Sachs Group has released a report stating that with the adjustment of economic policies in the second half of the year, the Chinese market has entered a buying window period. country

In 2023, the cumulative number of passengers sent by railway summer transportation reached a new historical high of 830 million
In 2023, the cumulative number of passengers sent by railway summer transportation reached a new historical high of 830 million

Beijing, September 1st (Xinhua) - On August 31st, the 62 day railway summer vacation was successfully concluded, according to China National Railway Group Co., Ltd. From July 1st to August 31st, the total number of passengers sent by railways in China reached 830 million, setting a new historical high in the number of summer transport passengers sent; The national railway has sent a total of 640 million tons of goods, and the transportation of goods has remained stable, ensuring safe and orderly railway transportation. The head of the transportation department of China Railway Group introduced that during this year's summer transportation, there is a strong demand for both passenger and freight in railway transportation, with a combination of student flow, tourism flow, and family visit flow. Railway departments across the country are increasing their capacity investment, strengthening safety management, improving service quality, and fully meeting the travel and logistics service needs of the people. To ensure the safe and orderly travel of passengers, railway departments in various regions have strengthened the linkage mechanism between the road and the ground, and improved the travel experience of passengers. in

What is the strength of the "strongest summer season" for the 2023 summer film box office to reach a historic high?
What is the strength of the "strongest summer season" for the 2023 summer film box office to reach a historic high?

With more than 500 million movie viewers and 20.6 billion yuan at the box office, this summer Chinese film has a brilliant performance and is praised as "the strongest summer film in history". Through the hot film market, we can see not only the soaring consumption enthusiasm of Chinese film audiences, but also the growth of Chinese film local creative power and the rising Chinese film industry. "Content is king" is the hard truth. Movies are the art of creating dreams, and "content is king" is the hard truth. In the summer of 2023, more than 100 films competed to make their debut, with many domestic films achieving both good reviews and box office success. The topics and marketing were full of enthusiasm, providing audiences with a variety of viewing options and even breaking the previous box office curve. Despite being released for several days, they still achieved excellent box office results. Among them, "In the Octagonal Cage" focuses on struggle and hard work, while "Warmth" focuses on the growth process of ordinary people

Current Affairs Long Shot | Let the Open Spring Breeze Warm the World
Current Affairs Long Shot | Let the Open Spring Breeze Warm the World

Openness leads development, cooperation leads to a win-win future. Today, the service industry and service trade have become the focus of China's new round of high-level opening up. As an important platform for China to expand opening up, deepen cooperation, and lead innovation, the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services has attracted the attention of the world. This year is the third year that CRRC Changke has participated in the Service Trade Fair. The hydrogen energy trial operation train and high-temperature superconducting electric suspension train exhibited this time embody CRRC Changke's advanced concept of providing cutting-edge rail transit equipment and services to passengers worldwide. In October 2014, CRRC Changke won the bid for the Massachusetts Orange Line subway project in the United States, marking the first successful entry of Chinese high-end equipment into the United States.

Gathering Consensus on Development and Jointly Going to the East - Written on the Opening of the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services
Gathering Consensus on Development and Jointly Going to the East - Written on the Opening of the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services

In the golden autumn season, the fragrance of osmanthus wafts. The 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services, with the annual theme of "Openness Leading Development, Cooperation and Win Win Future", will be held in Beijing from September 2nd to 6th.In the unprecedented great changes in the world, demonstrate a firm determination to expand opening up; In the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, gather a broad consensus to deepen cooperation; In promoting the process of global economic recovery, unleashing the sustained driving force of innovation... The 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services will attract the world's attention and jointly draw a blueprint for development. Consolidate consensus and depict a new landscape of service trade development in this year's National Conference of the Fair for Trade in Services

China is willing to work with all countries to promote inclusive development through service openness, promote linkage and integration through service cooperation, cultivate development momentum through service innovation, create a better future through service sharing, and work together to push the world economy onto a sustainable recovery track. Producer | Shen Yong Reporter | Shi Wei Peng Hanming Zhao Hua Camera | Li Zheng Shi Cheng Recording | Sun Yang

Service trade is an important component of international trade, and the service industry is an important field of international economic and trade cooperation. Global trade in services and cooperation in the service industry are deepening, and the process of digitization, intelligence, and greening is accelerating. New technologies, formats, and models are emerging one after another, in order to promote economic globalization, restore global economic vitality, and enhance the world

January 2020

In recent years, China's aviation engine industry has made significant progress and has initially explored a new path of independent innovation and development. Comrades on the aviation engine development front have put in a lot of effort for this.I hope you will remember your mission and responsibility, firmly uphold the aspiration of aviation to serve the country, promote the spirit of model workers and craftsmen, strive to conquer more key core technologies, and accelerate the pace of independent development of aviation engines

Speak up!, Buckle the First Button of Life: The First Lesson of School
Speak up!, Buckle the First Button of Life: The First Lesson of School

Young people have aspirations, and the country has hope. It's the beginning of the school season again. In the first lesson of the school year, various schools in different regions will combine their own characteristics to come up with new strategies for students to fasten their first button in life. The Asian Games activities, role models, technological enlightenment, and ecological education have become vivid teaching materials for the first lesson of school, allowing children to learn courage, responsibility, progress, and growth through thinking and moving. Recently, Xinhua News Agency reporters visited campuses across the country to record the special "first lesson of school" for children. The key word is that the Asian Games are approaching in September. In recent days, some primary schools in Hangzhou have launched a unique first lesson, allowing children to experience a strong atmosphere of the Asian Games through various activities. The power of role models is infinite. Youth List

Great power's heavy equipment is on the rise again! The main project of the Datongxia Water Conservancy Hub has been completed
Great power's heavy equipment is on the rise again! The main project of the Datongxia Water Conservancy Hub has been completed

On the morning of September 2nd, the last unit of the Datongxia Water Conservancy Hub, an important backbone project of the national water network, passed the acceptance inspection and was officially put into operation, marking the completion of the main project four months ahead of the national approved construction period. The Datongxia Hydro junction is a landmark project of 172 major water conservancy projects for water conservation and water supply determined by the State Council, and a key control project in the the Pearl River basin integrating flood control, navigation, power generation, water resource allocation, irrigation and other functions. The comprehensive benefits of the project are remarkable. In terms of flood control, the joint operation with the reservoir group in the basin can raise the flood control standard of Wuzhou City from 50 year return period to 100 year return period, ensure the effective prevention of 1915 year flood in Guangzhou, and raise the flood control standard of key flood protection objects in the the Pearl River Delta from 50 year return period to 100 to 200 year return period; In terms of shipping, we will

In recent years, China's aviation engine industry has made significant progress and has initially explored a new path of independent innovation and development. Comrades on the aviation engine development front have put in a lot of effort for this.

Upon seeing the letter, I recalled the scene of communicating with everyone in the workshop ten years ago. In recent years, China's aviation engine industry has made significant progress and has initially explored a new path of independent innovation and development. Comrades on the aviation engine development front have put in a lot of effort for this. Aircraft engines are a vital component of a country, and an important reflection of its technological strength and innovation capabilities. I hope you will bear in mind your mission and responsibility, firmly uphold the aspiration of aviation to serve the country, promote the spirit of model workers and craftsmen, strive to conquer more key core technologies, accelerate the pace of independent development of aviation engines, and enable China's aircraft to use a stronger "China"

First Lesson of School | Willing to Learn, Diligent in Learning, and Good at Learning
First Lesson of School | Willing to Learn, Diligent in Learning, and Good at Learning

There is a story, warmth, and power.He often interacts with students from all over the country, encouraging them to consciously strengthen their learning and continuously enhance their abilities.

Service trade is an important component of international trade, and the service industry is an important field of international economic and trade cooperation. Global trade in services and cooperation in the service industry are deepening, and the process of digitization, intelligence, and greening is accelerating. New technologies, formats, and models are emerging one after another, injecting strong impetus into promoting economic globalization, restoring global economic vitality, and enhancing the resilience of world economic development.

Drawing on "Trust" and Admiring Power in Nankai to Understand the "Three Questions of Patriotism" in the New Era
Drawing on "Trust" and Admiring Power in Nankai to Understand the "Three Questions of Patriotism" in the New Era

In order to comprehensively showcase the vivid practice of students from various universities remembering the earnest instructions of General Secretary, practicing the school motto, setting great goals, clarifying great virtues, achieving great goals, and taking on great responsibilities, the Central Radio and Television Network has specially planned and launched a series of themed reports on "Remembering Instructions, Recognizing School Mottoes, and Practicing Youth", telling you the story of college students in the new era striving to become the pillars of a country worthy of national rejuvenation and daring to create world miracles on the road of building a strong country and national rejuvenation. It's back to the "school start season" in September every year, playing

The first lesson of school is to go to the place where our country needs it the most
The first lesson of school is to go to the place where our country needs it the most

"Dare to carry a pen from the military records and serve the country with no regrets in youth." It is the beginning of the school season, and the hot season is filled with passionate stories of youth. A group of military academy students have successfully embarked on a new journey in their military. Here, there are not only the sound of books, but also the struggles and drumbeats, as well as the dedication to learning, as well as the courage to practice and strive, and the ability to excel in martial arts. They respond to the call, measuring thousands of miles of mountains and rivers with their personal footprints. They cherish their country and integrate their personal ideals into the cause of the motherland. They carry dreams, wear military uniforms, witness dedication with their youth, and write loyalty with their lives! Let's take a look at the life aspirations they wrote together! Copywriting: Xu Peiyao Co produced by Xinhua News Agency: Strategic Support for the Army Infantry Academy of the Naval Service Academy of the Naval Aviation University

Currently, the century long changes are accelerating, and the global economic recovery momentum is insufficient. Global development urgently needs to inject new impetus. The service industry has become an important driving force for global economic growth. China

Daily Study | This reply vividly reflects the friendship between the Chinese and American people that has spanned a century
Daily Study | This reply vividly reflects the friendship between the Chinese and American people that has spanned a century

Learning keeps us energetic. Every day, at No. 63 Jialing New Road, Liziba, Yuzhong District, Chongqing, there is a red gate hidden in the lush vegetation. Here is the only museum in China named after a foreign general - the Stilwell Museum.What is the inexplicable bond between the Stilwell family and China? The story also starts with this general. On August 8, 2023, viewers visited the Stilwell General Life Picture Exhibition. Joseph Stilwell, 18

Micro observation of current affairs | Emotional connection between Sangzi and overseas Chinese as a bridge
Micro observation of current affairs | Emotional connection between Sangzi and overseas Chinese as a bridge

The saying "When a fellow villager sees a fellow villager, tears welled up in their eyes" brings us closer together; The phrase "Welcome everyone to often go home and have a look" has warmed the hearts of countless overseas travelers.On August 31, 2023, the 11th National Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese and their Family Members was held at the Beijing People's Congress

The undulating Helan Mountain protects Minning Town in its own arms. The wide and tidy streets, sweet tasting wine, and thriving fruits and vegetables showcase a thriving and beautiful life to people.This is the ecological migration site that he personally proposed for Fujian and Ningxia to jointly build when he was the Deputy Secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee in 1997.27 years ago, 8000

The symposium commemorating the 78th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti Fascist War was held in Beijing
The symposium commemorating the 78th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti Fascist War was held in Beijing

The symposium commemorating the 78th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti Fascist War was held in Beijing on the 3rd, attended by Li Shulei, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Minister of Propaganda. The Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was the longest lasting, largest scale, and most sacrificial national liberation struggle of the Chinese people against foreign invasion in modern times, and also the first national liberation struggle to achieve complete victory. The great victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression declared a complete victory in the world's anti fascist war, re established China's position as a major power in the world, and earned the respect of the world's peace loving people. At the symposium, leaders of the Central United Front Work Department, the Central Party History and Literature Research Institute, and the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission, as well as representatives of anti Japanese war veterans and young students, delivered speeches and reviewed the Chinese people's anti Japanese war

Located in the revolutionary old area of the Dabie Mountains, Yezhai Middle School has distinctive national defense education characteristics. This year, more than 100 students from the school have applied to military academies, of which 20 have been admitted to 9 military academies.

Xinhua All Media+| A Reply Letter to Five Generations Friendship Stilwell | General | Friendship
Xinhua All Media+| A Reply Letter to Five Generations Friendship Stilwell | General | Friendship

For a long time, the Stilwell family has continued to promote civil exchanges between China and the United States. General Stilwell's cause of friendship between China and the United States has been passed down to the fifth generation of his family.Total production: Sun Zhiping, producer: Mi Ligong, director: Zhang Zhihuan, dubbing: Hu Hanbo, produced by Xinhua News Agency's audio and video department, produced by Xinhua News Agency

Outlook · Chronicles of Governance | Managing the Ocean and Strengthening Ports | Ocean | Towards the Sea | Ocean
Outlook · Chronicles of Governance | Managing the Ocean and Strengthening Ports | Ocean | Towards the Sea | Ocean

To accelerate the construction of world-class marine ports, a sound modern marine industry system, and a green and sustainable marine ecological environment, and contribute to the construction of a maritime power. In recent years, policy documents such as the "14th Five Year Plan for National Marine Economic Development", "14th Five Year Plan for Marine Ecological Environment Protection", and "14th Five Year Plan for Water Transport Development" have pointed out the direction for the construction of a maritime power. ◇ Shandong Province promotes the integrated and integrated development of ports, accelerates the construction of a modern marine industry system, builds a harmonious and beautiful ocean with a sea of people, and focuses on enhancing the independent innovation ability of marine technology, achieving a great success